„Re­ally?” Song Han said ex­cit­edly: „Ac­tu­ally I had al­ready thoug terjemahan - „Re­ally?” Song Han said ex­cit­edly: „Ac­tu­ally I had al­ready thoug Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Re­ally?” Song Han said ex­cit­edl

„Re­ally?” Song Han said ex­cit­edly: „Ac­tu­ally I had al­ready thought that but the [Zhan Long] work room only started, feared that this is too ex­trav­a­gant, since that free elder brother said that that was equal to that the de­ci­sion has de­cided that what car­riage do we buy to be quite good?”
Lin Wan Er chuckle: „In­tro­duced one, pop­u­lace CC , 40 W high and low matched lowly, was very prac­ti­cal.”
Song Han shook the head hur­riedly: „Not good ex­pen­sive was un­able to com­pare Boss' car­riage to be bet­ter than ram­ble elder brother's A4, this is our prin­ci­ples, other ve­hi­cle rec­om­men­da­tion?”
Lin Wan Er thinks that said: „Then on Chevron or­chid aceae, hun­dreds of thou­sands car­riages, is very prac­ti­cal, bears to hit solid”
Ran Min smiled: „Good, this per­for­mance I like”
In this time, out­side an­other car­riage is stop­ping sud­denly, is a color Volk­swa­gen, stops in the en­trance of our villa, it seems like comes to us, Ran Min is nar­row­ing the eye: „? Volk­swa­gen, looks like also on 200,000 ap­pear­ances, is who? Will the car­riage that rides be not much is not Har­rai? The pri­vate car is com­mon”
The Dong Cheng month is also nar­row­ing the eye, said with a smile: „Ac­tu­ally that prob­a­bly is fa­ther's car­riage, W12 Huiteng, 4 lengthen the In­di­vid­ual funds, im­ports 220 W, you de­ter­mined the car­riage that re­ally the brother rides was not much?”
Ran Min Shenqu trem­bles, face Qiu Shensi: „Mother egg, Har­rai this gets what one de­serves by the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion of rich of brick he does not know that what is the low key? Must some day the pit fa­ther not be pos­si­ble!”
The Dong Cheng month throws smiles: „All right, my fa­ther is proper mer­chant, does not steal does not snatch, pit.”
The ve­hi­cle door opens, is re­ally the Dong Cheng thun­der, em­braces one bas­ket of veg­eta­bles, the right hand pulls one to nip Hashiqi of tail, the dri­ver on ve­hi­cle is laugh­ing: „Har­rai, you goes, I in a sur­round­ings rev­o­lu­tion of ex­ten­sion, eat to me a tele­phone!”
„Good, Uncle Li!”
Dong Cheng thun­der land­ing in high spir­its: „Free elder brother, you in”
My dumb­founded vis­its him, was al­most killed by the sec­ond: „Har­rai, this bas­ket of veg­eta­bles what's the mat­ter?”
„Under, brings the hot pot!”
„On this spinach also has the fresh soil, pulls out from oth­ers road­side? Your this two ha what's the mat­ter?”
„On road that came a mo­ment ago saw that uri­nates in the road­side, there­fore pulls, has a look month to eat the dog meat hot pot, ha-ha, the free elder brother, am I very in­tel­li­gent?”
My tears are about to fall, deep by the Dong Cheng el­dest son is moved quick-wit­tedly: „Har­rai, should take a drug”
This sev­eral months of big Hashiqi swings the tail slightly to run over, gath­ers round Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month two big beau­ti­ful women to rove, Lin Wan Er can­not bear say with a smile: „Good adorable two”
Puts out a hand to trace, these two im­me­di­ately happy the blad­der urine in the villa court­yard, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the dis­tant place has broad­cast a voice of woman: „Son, the trea­sure, which you ran up to went, do not let mother be wor­ried, came out quickly”
I am star­ing the Dong Cheng thun­der, im­me­di­ately pulls two to over­run, has de­liv­ered it, is re­ally the pet of that mid­dle-aged woman, when I re­turn to the dwelling time, oth­ers sev­eral peo­ple started to boil the hot pot, re­sem­bles any­thing not to occur has been same, Har­rai this fel­low, for the beloved younger sis­ter, as if any pif­fle can do, but the Dong Cheng month has such elder brother, pours also makes Lin Wan Er, wipe tea one to envy the envy to hate.
To the hot pot soon boils thor­oughly, fi­nally Tang Qi wind gen­eral came back from out­side, holds two box of beer sur- box of white liquors, on the neck is also en­tan­gling a bag, in the bag is think­ing of sev­eral jin (0.5 kg) duck neck, Un­tidy-look­ing's his neck is red, just had hung likely one­
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Re­ally?” Song Han said ex­cit­edly: „Ac­tu­ally I had al­ready thought that but the [Zhan Long] work room only started, feared that this is too ex­trav­a­gant, since that free elder brother said that that was equal to that the de­ci­sion has de­cided that what car­riage do we buy to be quite good?”Lin Wan Er chuckle: „In­tro­duced one, pop­u­lace CC , 40 W high and low matched lowly, was very prac­ti­cal.”Song Han shook the head hur­riedly: „Not good ex­pen­sive was un­able to com­pare Boss' car­riage to be bet­ter than ram­ble elder brother's A4, this is our prin­ci­ples, other ve­hi­cle rec­om­men­da­tion?”Lin Wan Er thinks that said: „Then on Chevron or­chid aceae, hun­dreds of thou­sands car­riages, is very prac­ti­cal, bears to hit solid”Ran Min smiled: „Good, this per­for­mance I like”In this time, out­side an­other car­riage is stop­ping sud­denly, is a color Volk­swa­gen, stops in the en­trance of our villa, it seems like comes to us, Ran Min is nar­row­ing the eye: „? Volk­swa­gen, looks like also on 200,000 ap­pear­ances, is who? Will the car­riage that rides be not much is not Har­rai? The pri­vate car is com­mon”The Dong Cheng month is also nar­row­ing the eye, said with a smile: „Ac­tu­ally that prob­a­bly is fa­ther's car­riage, W12 Huiteng, 4 lengthen the In­di­vid­ual funds, im­ports 220 W, you de­ter­mined the car­riage that re­ally the brother rides was not much?”Ran Min Shenqu trem­bles, face Qiu Shensi: „Mother egg, Har­rai this gets what one de­serves by the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion of rich of brick he does not know that what is the low key? Must some day the pit fa­ther not be pos­si­ble!”The Dong Cheng month throws smiles: „All right, my fa­ther is proper mer­chant, does not steal does not snatch, pit.”The ve­hi­cle door opens, is re­ally the Dong Cheng thun­der, em­braces one bas­ket of veg­eta­bles, the right hand pulls one to nip Hashiqi of tail, the dri­ver on ve­hi­cle is laugh­ing: „Har­rai, you goes, I in a sur­round­ings rev­o­lu­tion of ex­ten­sion, eat to me a tele­phone!”„Good, Uncle Li!”Dong Cheng thun­der land­ing in high spir­its: „Free elder brother, you in”My dumb­founded vis­its him, was al­most killed by the sec­ond: „Har­rai, this bas­ket of veg­eta­bles what's the mat­ter?”„Under, brings the hot pot!”„On this spinach also has the fresh soil, pulls out from oth­ers road­side? Your this two ha what's the mat­ter?”„On road that came a mo­ment ago saw that uri­nates in the road­side, there­fore pulls, has a look month to eat the dog meat hot pot, ha-ha, the free elder brother, am I very in­tel­li­gent?”My tears are about to fall, deep by the Dong Cheng el­dest son is moved quick-wit­tedly: „Har­rai, should take a drug”This sev­eral months of big Hashiqi swings the tail slightly to run over, gath­ers round Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month two big beau­ti­ful women to rove, Lin Wan Er can­not bear say with a smile: „Good adorable two”Puts out a hand to trace, these two im­me­di­ately happy the blad­der urine in the villa court­yard, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the dis­tant place has broad­cast a voice of woman: „Son, the trea­sure, which you ran up to went, do not let mother be wor­ried, came out quickly”
I am star­ing the Dong Cheng thun­der, im­me­di­ately pulls two to over­run, has de­liv­ered it, is re­ally the pet of that mid­dle-aged woman, when I re­turn to the dwelling time, oth­ers sev­eral peo­ple started to boil the hot pot, re­sem­bles any­thing not to occur has been same, Har­rai this fel­low, for the beloved younger sis­ter, as if any pif­fle can do, but the Dong Cheng month has such elder brother, pours also makes Lin Wan Er, wipe tea one to envy the envy to hate.
To the hot pot soon boils thor­oughly, fi­nally Tang Qi wind gen­eral came back from out­side, holds two box of beer sur- box of white liquors, on the neck is also en­tan­gling a bag, in the bag is think­ing of sev­eral jin (0.5 kg) duck neck, Un­tidy-look­ing's his neck is red, just had hung likely one­
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"? Benar-benar" kata Song Han penuh semangat: "Sebenarnya saya sudah berpikir bahwa namun [Zhan Panjang] ruang kerja baru mulai, takut bahwa ini terlalu boros, karena itu kakak bebas mengatakan bahwa itu sama dengan keputusan telah memutuskan bahwa apa kereta yang kita beli untuk menjadi cukup baik "?
Lin Wan Er tertawa:" Diperkenalkan satu, rakyat CC, 40 W tinggi dan rendah cocok rendah, sangat praktis ".
Lagu Han menggeleng cepat-cepat:" Tidak baik mahal tidak mampu ? untuk membandingkan kereta Boss 'untuk menjadi lebih baik daripada mengoceh kakak A4, ini adalah prinsip-prinsip kami, rekomendasi kendaraan lain "
Lin Wan Er berpikir yang mengatakan:" Kemudian pada Chevron anggrek aceae, ratusan ribu kereta, sangat praktis, beruang untuk memukul padat "
Ran Min tersenyum:" Baik, kinerja ini saya suka "
saat ini, di luar kereta lain berhenti tiba-tiba, adalah warna Volkswagen, berhenti di pintu masuk villa kami, sepertinya datang kepada kita, Ran Min mempersempit mata: "? Volkswagen, seperti juga pada 200.000 penampilan, adalah siapa? Akan kereta yang naik menjadi tidak banyak tidak Harrai? Mobil pribadi adalah umum "
The Dong Cheng bulan juga mempersempit mata, berkata sambil tersenyum:" Sebenarnya yang mungkin adalah kereta ayah, W12 Huiteng, 4 memanjang dana Individu, impor 220 W, Anda ditentukan kereta yang benar-benar saudara naik tidak banyak "?
Ran Min Shenqu gemetar, wajah Qiu Shensi:" telur Ibu, Harrai ini mendapat apa yang layak oleh generasi kedua yang kaya dari batu bata dia tidak tahu bahwa apa adalah kunci rendah? ! Harus beberapa hari ayah pit tidak mungkin "
The Dong Cheng bulan melempar senyum:". Baiklah, ayah saya adalah merchant yang tepat, tidak mencuri tidak merebut, pit "
Pintu kendaraan terbuka, benar-benar guntur Dong Cheng, mencakup satu keranjang sayuran, tangan kanan menarik satu nip Hashiqi ekor, pengemudi pada kendaraan adalah tertawa: "! Harrai, Anda pergi, saya dalam sebuah revolusi sekitar ekstensi, makan dengan saya telepon"
"Baik, Paman Li ! "
Dong Cheng guntur mendarat dalam semangat yang tinggi:" kakak gratis, Anda di "
kunjungan tercengang saya dia, hampir dibunuh oleh kedua:"? Harrai, keranjang ini sayuran ada apa "
" di bawah, membawa panci panas! "
" pada bayam ini juga memiliki tanah segar, menarik keluar dari pinggir lain? Anda ini dua ha ada apa? "
" Di jalan yang datang beberapa saat lalu melihat bahwa kencing di pinggir jalan, karena itu menarik, telah melihat bulan untuk makan daging anjing panci panas, ha-ha, kakak gratis, aku sangat cerdas? "
air mata saya akan jatuh, jauh oleh Dong Cheng putra sulung dipindahkan cepat-wittedly:" Harrai, harus mengambil obat "
ini beberapa bulan Hashiqi besar ayunan ekor sedikit untuk menjalankan lebih, mengumpulkan putaran Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan dua wanita cantik besar untuk rove, Lin Wan Er tidak tahan mengatakan dengan tersenyum: "Baik menggemaskan dua"
Menempatkan tangan untuk melacak, kedua segera senang urin kandung kemih di villa halaman, bersamaan tempat yang jauh telah menyiarkan suara wanita: "Anak, harta, yang Anda berlari ke pergi, jangan biarkan ibu khawatir, keluar dengan cepat"
saya menatap guntur Dong Cheng, segera menarik dua sampai dibanjiri, telah disampaikan itu, benar-benar hewan peliharaan dari seorang wanita paruh baya, ketika aku kembali ke waktu tinggal, yang lain beberapa orang mulai merebus panci panas, menyerupai apa pun tidak terjadi telah sama, Harrai orang ini, untuk adik tercinta, seperti jika ada omong kosong bisa lakukan, tapi Dong Cheng bulan memiliki kakak seperti, menuangkan juga membuat Lin Wan Er, bersihkan teh yang iri iri membenci.
untuk panci panas segera bisul secara menyeluruh, akhirnya Tang Qi umum angin kembali dari luar, memegang dua kotak kotak bir sur- minuman keras putih, di leher juga melibatkan tas, di kantong berpikir beberapa jin (0,5 kg) leher bebek, Untidy tampak ini lehernya berwarna merah, hanya menggantungkan kemungkinan satu
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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