Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Kamar redup tiba-tiba pergi hitam sebagai beludru menutupi matanya, lembut dan dingin selama lengkungan pipi. Rambutnya menarik seperti dia diikat syal belakang kepalanya. Hatinya ratcheted up seperti dia hanya bisa mengantisipasi apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya. Dia akan terus-menerus, mendorong dia ke jurang dan menggodanya tidak sampai ia memohon kepadanya untuk menyelesaikan nya? Atau ia akan kejam dan egois, membuat fantasi semakin nyata?"Mari kita lihat berapa kali saya dapat membuat Anda datang sebelum kembali kekasih Anda," Dia berkata sambil menggeram, mengubah dirinya dengan cepat. Pergantian cepat bingung padanya. Dinding ditekan ke punggungnya dan bibirnya hangat jatuh ke atas miliknya. Mengambil keuntungan dari terkesiap dia terkejut, lidahnya dilanggar bibirnya tegas, mengambil darinya rakus. Evelyn mengerang dan mencapai untuk bahunya yang lebar, tetapi mantelnya yang berada masih di jalan.Bibirnya merobek dari miliknya sebagai dingin membelai nya depan, sentuhan-nya tiba-tiba absen. "Jangan bergerak." Dalam suaranya serak dalam cara yang ia terdengar hanya ketika sangat terangsang. Itu merangkak melalui indera seperti sentuhan fisik dan dia menggigil.Bernapas dalam-dalam, dia menekan kembali ke dinding, jari-jari gugup pembukaan dan penutupan ke dalam tinju. Mana pun ia akan ia berharap ia akan cepat. Matanya menyesuaikan dengan kegelapan sebagai indera yang lain dipertajam. Dia sangat bisa mendengar jejak teredam atas karpet. Mereka dibungkam ketika ia berhenti dan kemudian menampar sepanjang gelap lantai marmer kamar tidur mereka. Dia adalah bertelanjang kaki.Dia hampir tidak pernah melihat dia sebelum ia ditutup matanya padanya, penangkapan hanya flash sebelum ia nya, merampas dia dari pandangan. Dia membayangkan dirinya dalam gelap pakaian celana panjang dia telah memilih pagi itu, baju sekarang berkerut dan digulung di borgol, kerah dibatalkan dan tanpa dasi. Berpakaian, kancing, telanjang, atau paket, Lucian selalu tampak menakjubkan.Kaya aroma kopi berlama-lama dari sarapan. Kondominium adalah lebih dingin daripada biasa. Apakah ia menurunkan termostat untuk meningkatkan kecemasan nya, membuat fantasi lebih asli seolah-olah dia benar-benar berjalan ke suite ditinggalkan dengan orang asing berjongkok di menunggu dalam bayang-bayang? Setelah dia dianggap dingin dingin memegang nya. Bahunya gemetar sebagai putingnya diperketat di bawah pakaian.Suara teredam dari jejak menarik dekat dan dia menjilat bibir, mencicipi rasa nya unik berlama-lama tidak. Antisipasi menggigil tulang belakang Nya sebagai nya detak jantung liar di dadanya. Dia ingin menjadi ditiduri. Bagaimana dia akan membawanya? Ada tidak diragukan lagi dia akan memiliki dia trussed atas dan pada rahmat-Nya dalam beberapa menit. Ini adalah Lucian Patras. Ketika ia melihat sesuatu yang ia inginkan, ia membawanya. Meminta adalah permainan anak-anak untuk dia, sesuatu yang mengambil beberapa membiasakan diri untuknya, namun seiring waktu dia pelajari hanya menyerah mana keintiman yang bersangkutan dan dia telah pernah telah kecewa. Bahkan ketika mengambil Lucian, dia memberi.Dia akan baik atau tanpa henti? Murah hati atau menuntut? Dia adalah pelanggar. Kegembiraan diperbolehkan dengan mudah jatuh ke dalam fantasi bermain. Dia berfokus pada suara Nya pernapasan, antisipasi dia mendekati. Nya napas yang dipercepat sebagai panas tubuhnya bercampur dengan miliknya."Apa yang Anda akan lakukan?" dia whimpered. Bukan suatu tindakan. Dia punya begitu gembira bahwa suaranya bergetar sendiri.Tangan besar mencengkeram dia rahang, menekan ke dalam daging lembut pipi nya, dan memiringkan kepalanya ke sudut sangat rentan. "Aku telah berfirman: ada bicara. Aku punya cara untuk membungkam Anda jika Anda tidak mengikuti petunjuk. Apakah saya perlu untuk menemukan sesuatu untuk menduduki itu mulut manis Anda?"Sebelum dia bisa menjawab, lidahnya menjilat atas kurva montok bibir. Dia tidak bisa menahan erangan yang diikuti. Dia adalah sangat terangsang.Ada keamanan terucapkan di bermain dengan Lucian yang memberinya keberanian untuk menyerah, memungkinkan dia untuk melepaskan, memberikan atas kepadanya seolah-olah ia benar-benar mengambil darinya tanpa mempedulikan kenyamanan atau kebutuhan.Memang menyenangkan untuk berpura-pura dengan dia, karena dia percaya padanya ditulis oleh pelanggan kami setelah masa inap mereka di kontrol sehingga memberinya anugerah kehilangan dirinya dalam permainan. Selama kecilnya dia jarang bermain, jadi sekarang, bermain dengan dia, adalah terburu-buru endorfin yang dia tidak pernah dikenal sebelum. Dia menyukainya.She wanted him to take. She wanted him aggressive. Her thighs pressed together tightly and she trembled with the sudden desire for him to rip her clothing away. She felt no shame. If things got out of hand, well, that’s why she had a safe word. All she had to do was call checkmate and Lucian would stop everything.Like a child with a stick, she poked the impressive beast, anxious to see what he would do. “My lover will be here soon, any minute! And you won’t touch me. He’s very protective of me and when he sees what you planned to do, he’ll make you regret ever contemplating putting your hands on me.”Harsh laughter filled the quiet space between them. The puff of his warm breath against her cheek told her how close he was, yet he was no longer touching her. She wanted to lean forward and press into him, but held herself still, rigid and proud.His laugh abruptly stopped and the sudden silence had her catching her breath. All calm slowly tingled away, replaced with the slight tickling of unease at the nape of her neck. Perhaps it was her blindness, but more than likely it was the absence of his touch.Something shifted and reality wavered. How did he do that, shift the energy of an entire room? Her breath quickened as anxiety pressed into her thoughts. Rationalization of her situation became a blurry mirage in her mind slipping through her grip.“Lucian?”“He’s not here. Just me. Me and you.”She stiffened as his cool finger trailed over the crest of her cheek, past her ear, and down her neck. He had somehow transformed his touch, disguised it. Adrenaline coursed through her veins. It was him, yet it wasn’t. How had he suddenly made her apprehension so real? She knew if she wanted to stop they would. All she had to do was say her safe word, but she didn’t even want to think it in that electrified moment where she stood poised on the cusp of dark need.Like the slight static of a balloon lifting the soft hairs on an arm, she felt him ease closer. Her lungs held as his breath echoed in the shell of her ear. In. Out. In. Out. She was glad one of them was breathing.Like a top tightened on a string, he suddenly said the one word that threw everything into motion. His lips pressed over the soft curve of her ear and he whispered, “Run!”Evelyn didn’t think. She only reacted, knowing she might seriously hurt herself being unable to see, she shrugged her coat back over her shoulders, held her hands out in front of her and bolted. It didn’t matter anyway. He caught her before she barely had a chance to move.She struggled against him and he subdued her every attempt to break free of his hold. The great thing about Lucian being so unbreakable was he never had a problem with playing rough. She made the trek to the bedroom as difficult as possible for him, catching her flailing feet on furniture and biting him through his dress shirt. She’d earned a few swats on her ass along the way, but it was worth it. She loved the adrenaline rush of rough housing with her lover.Her body landed on the cool, plush bedding and bounced with the impact. Hurried fingers attacked the snap of her jeans, and as they were yanked below her knees she twisted to her stomach and hastily crawled away. Like a manacle, fingers wrapped around her ankle and yanked her back to him.Her heart raced as he laughed at her pathetic attempt. “That’s it. Fight me. There’s no escaping what I plan to do to you.”They tussled, but he kept a constant hold on her limbs. She loved that she could play rough with him. Adrenaline pounded through her veins as she wriggled under the strong body pinning her. She panted and pushed against him. Every time he reinforced his hold on her, her arousal doubled.Once her legs were bare, her coat was roughly stripped away. Her hair had come undone from its clip and strands clung to her lips as she panted. His weight settled over her hips as he pressed her wrists into the pillows above her head. Warm breath coasted against the skewed collar of her blouse. The warmth of his tongue suddenly scorched the tender flesh of her throat as he licked a hot trail to her rapidly throbbing pulse.“Are you planning on fighting me the entire way?” he whispered, pressing his lips to the corner of her mouth. She loved when he spoke to her like that, dragging his mouth over her flesh, as though drawing away for a few words was simply too much to bear.
Heat pulled low in her belly, tightening her loins as a wave of euphoric need settled over her, clouding her judgment, banishing all common sense. She pressed into his hold, trying to break free and growing intensely aroused at the fact that, no matter how she tried, he had her outmaneuvered.
“I won’t let you have me,” she hissed, pursing her lips to disguise her smile.
His weight lifted off her abdomen for a split second as he transferred her wrists into one hand. As he settled back over her, cool satin banded her hands, leaving her palms kissing and her fingers with their long, manicured nails useless. The air of the bedroom cut away, replaced with the heady sent of him leaning over her. The soft, sensual fabric became a new experience in her darkened state.
The awkward bondage left her to discover how sweaty her palms had grown. Once she was sufficiently restrained she felt him ease back. She imagined his arrogant expression as he evaluated his work. She tugged, but the satin was clearly tied to something else, leaving her stretched helplessly beneath him.
The sudden shredding sound of fabric rent the air. Buttons popped and pinged around the room. Her nipples tightened beneath the lace cups of her bra. Her blouse, now a useless rag, was yanked open. Exposed and vulnerable, she squirmed. He had her pinned, plucked, and poised for his pleasure.
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