János Hugo Bruno " Hans " Selye , CC ( /
ˈ hæn z ˈ s ɛl j eɪ/ ; Hungarian : Selye János ;
January 26, 1907 – October 16, 1982), was a
pioneering Austrian-Canadian endocrinologist
of Hungarian origin. He conducted much
important scientific work on the hypothetical
non-specific response of an organism to
stressors . While he did not recognize all of
the many aspects of glucocorticoids , Selye
was aware of their role in the stress response.
Some commentators [ who? ] [1] consider him
the first to demonstrate the existence of
biological stress.
Selye was born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary on
26 January 1907. [2] He grew up in Komárom ,
Hungary and the Hungarian language
university in that town bears his name. He
became a Doctor of Medicine and Chemistry
in Prague in 1929, went to Johns Hopkins
University on a Rockefeller Foundation
Scholarship in 1931 and then went to McGill
University in Montreal where he started
researching the issue of stress in 1936. In
1945 he joined the Université de Montréal
where he had 40 assistants and worked with
15,000 lab animals. Kantha (1992), in a survey
of an elite group of scientists who have
authored over 1,000 research publications,
identified Selye as one who had published
1,700 research papers, 15 monographs and 7
popular books. He died on October 16, 1982
in Montreal , Canada . He was a nominee to the
Nobel prize for the first time in 1949. [3]
Selye was of Austro-Hungarian origin and
Hungarian [4] ethnicity .
Work on stress
2nd World Conference on Stress.
Stamp of Hungary, 2007.
His last inspiration for general adaptation
syndrome (GAS, a theory of stress) came from
an endocrinological experiment in which he
injected mice with extracts of various organs.
He at first believed he had discovered a new
hormone, but was proved wrong when every
irritating substance he injected produced the
same symptoms (swelling of the adrenal
cortex, atrophy of the thymus , gastric and
duodenal ulcers). This, paired with his
observation that people with different diseases
exhibit similar symptoms, led to his
description of the effects of "noxious agents"
as he at first called it. He later coined the
term " stress", which has been accepted into
the lexicon of most other languages. Selye
later remarked that he actually meant "strain"
but that his knowledge of English at the time
was not precise enough.
Selye has acknowledged the influence of
Claude Bernard (who developed the idea of
milieu intérieur ) and Walter Cannon 's
" homeostasis". Selye conceptualized the
physiology of stress as having two
components: a set of responses which he
called the "general adaptation syndrome ",
and the development of a pathological state
from ongoing, unrelieved stress.
Selye discovered and documented that stress
differs from other physical responses in that
stress is stressful whether one receives good
or bad news, whether the impulse is positive
or negative. He called negative stress
" distress " and positive stress " eustress". The
system whereby the body copes with stress,
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA
axis) system, was also first described by
Selye. He also pointed to an "alarm state", a
"resistance state", and an "exhaustion state",
largely referring to glandular states. Later he
developed the idea of two "reservoirs" of
stress resistance, or alternatively stress
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Hugo János Bruno "Hans" Selye, CC (/ˈ hæn z ˈ s ɛl j eɪ /; Bahasa Hongaria: Selye János;26 Januari 1907-16 Oktober 1982), adalahperintis endokrinologi Austria-Kanadaasal Hongaria. Ia melakukan banyakkarya ilmiah yang penting pada hipotetisnon-spesifik respon dari organisme untukstres. Sementara dia tidak mengenali semuabanyak aspek glukokortikoid, Selyeadalah menyadari peran mereka dalam respons stres.Beberapa komentator [siapa?] [1] menganggap diayang pertama untuk menunjukkan keberadaanBiologi stres.BiografiSelye dilahirkan di Wina pada26 Januari 1907. [2] ia dibesarkan di Komárom,Hongaria dan bahasa HungariaUniversitas di kota yang menyandang namanya. Diamenjadi seorang dokter pengobatan dan kimiadi Praha pada tahun 1929, pergi ke Johns HopkinsUniversitas pada Yayasan RockefellerBeasiswa tahun 1931 dan kemudian pergi ke McGillUniversitas di mana ia memulai Montrealmeneliti masalah stres pada tahun 1936. Dalam1945 ia bergabung Université de Montréalmana ia 40 asisten dan bekerja denganhewan laboratorium 15.000. Kantha (1992), dalam sebuah surveidari sekelompok ilmuwan yang telahmenulis lebih dari 1.000 publikasi penelitian,Selye diidentifikasi sebagai salah satu yang telah menerbitkan1.700 makalah penelitian, monograf 15 dan 7buku-buku populer. Ia meninggal pada 16 Oktober 1982di Montreal, Kanada. Dia dinominasikan untukHadiah Nobel untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1949. [3]Selye adalah asal Austria-Hongaria danHungarian [4] ethnicity .Work on stress2nd World Conference on Stress.Stamp of Hungary, 2007.His last inspiration for general adaptationsyndrome (GAS, a theory of stress) came froman endocrinological experiment in which heinjected mice with extracts of various organs.He at first believed he had discovered a newhormone, but was proved wrong when everyirritating substance he injected produced thesame symptoms (swelling of the adrenalcortex, atrophy of the thymus , gastric andduodenal ulcers). This, paired with hisobservation that people with different diseasesexhibit similar symptoms, led to hisdescription of the effects of "noxious agents"as he at first called it. He later coined theterm " stress", which has been accepted intothe lexicon of most other languages. Selyelater remarked that he actually meant "strain"but that his knowledge of English at the timewas not precise enough.Selye has acknowledged the influence ofClaude Bernard (who developed the idea ofmilieu intérieur ) and Walter Cannon 's" homeostasis". Selye conceptualized thephysiology of stress as having twocomponents: a set of responses which hecalled the "general adaptation syndrome ",and the development of a pathological statefrom ongoing, unrelieved stress.Selye discovered and documented that stressdiffers from other physical responses in thatstress is stressful whether one receives goodor bad news, whether the impulse is positiveor negative. He called negative stress" distress " and positive stress " eustress". Thesystem whereby the body copes with stress,the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAaxis) system, was also first described bySelye. He also pointed to an "alarm state", a"resistance state", and an "exhaustion state",largely referring to glandular states. Later hedeveloped the idea of two "reservoirs" ofstress resistance, or alternatively stressenergy.
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János Hugo Bruno "Hans" Selye, CC (/
Haen z s ɛl j eɪ /; Hungaria: Selye János;
26 Januari 1907 - 16 Oktober 1982), adalah seorang
ahli endokrinologi Austria-Kanada perintis
asal Hungaria. Dia melakukan banyak
karya ilmiah yang penting pada hipotetis
respon non-spesifik dari suatu organisme ke
stres. Sementara ia tidak mengenali semua
banyak aspek glukokortikoid, Selye
menyadari peran mereka dalam respon stres.
Beberapa komentator [siapa? ] [1] menganggap dia
orang pertama yang menunjukkan adanya
stres biologis.
Selye lahir di Wina, Austria-Hongaria pada
26 Januari 1907. [2] Ia dibesarkan di Komárom,
Hungaria dan bahasa Hungaria
universitas di bahwa beruang kota namanya. Ia
menjadi seorang Dokter Pengobatan dan Kimia
di Praha pada tahun 1929, pergi ke Johns Hopkins
University pada sebuah Rockefeller Foundation
Beasiswa tahun 1931 dan kemudian pergi ke McGill
University di Montreal di mana ia mulai
meneliti masalah stres pada tahun 1936. Pada
1945 ia bergabung dengan Université de Montréal
di mana ia memiliki 40 asisten dan bekerja dengan
15.000 hewan laboratorium. Kantha (1992), dalam survei
dari kelompok elit ilmuwan yang telah
menulis lebih dari 1.000 publikasi penelitian,
diidentifikasi Selye sebagai salah satu yang telah diterbitkan
1.700 makalah penelitian, 15 monograf dan 7
buku-buku populer. Dia meninggal pada 16 Oktober 1982
di Montreal, Kanada. Dia adalah seorang calon untuk
hadiah Nobel untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1949. [3]
Selye adalah asal Austria-Hongaria dan
Hungaria [4] etnisitas.
Bekerja pada stres
Konferensi Dunia ke-2 pada Stres.
Stamp Hongaria 2007.
inspirasi terakhirnya untuk adaptasi umum
sindrom (GAS, teori stres) berasal dari
sebuah percobaan endokrinologis di mana ia
menyuntik tikus dengan ekstrak berbagai organ.
Dia pada awalnya percaya bahwa ia telah menemukan baru
hormon, tapi terbukti salah ketika setiap
zat menjengkelkan ia disuntikkan diproduksi yang
gejala yang sama (pembengkakan adrenal
korteks, atrofi timus, lambung dan
ulkus duodenum). Ini, dipasangkan dengan nya
pengamatan bahwa orang-orang dengan penyakit yang berbeda
menunjukkan gejala yang sama, menyebabkan ia
deskripsi efek dari "agen berbahaya"
karena ia pada awalnya menyebutnya. Dia kemudian menciptakan
istilah "stres", yang telah diterima ke dalam
leksikon kebanyakan bahasa lain. Selye
kemudian mengatakan bahwa dia benar-benar berarti "ketegangan"
tetapi pengetahuan tentang bahasa Inggris pada saat itu
tidak cukup tepat.
Selye telah mengakui pengaruh
Claude Bernard (yang mengembangkan gagasan
lingkungan intérieur) dan Walter Cannon 's
"homeostasis". Selye mengkonsep
fisiologi stres sebagai memiliki dua
komponen: satu set tanggapan yang ia
disebut "sindrom adaptasi umum",
dan pengembangan keadaan patologis
. dari yang sedang berlangsung, stres tak henti-hentinya
Selye menemukan dan mendokumentasikan bahwa stres
berbeda dari tanggapan fisik lainnya di bahwa
stres adalah stres apakah seseorang menerima baik
berita atau buruk, apakah dorongan positif
atau negatif. Dia menyebut stres negatif
"distress" dan positif stres "eustress". The
sistem dimana tubuh berupaya dengan stres,
hipotalamus-hipofisis-adrenal axis (HPA
axis) sistem, juga pertama kali dijelaskan oleh
Selye. Dia juga menunjuk ke sebuah "negara alarm", sebuah
"negara perlawanan", dan "negara kelelahan",
sebagian besar mengacu pada negara-negara kelenjar. Kemudian ia
mengembangkan gagasan dua "reservoir" dari
perlawanan stres, atau alternatif stres
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