jodha is going to met maham, ruks stops her and ask where are you goin terjemahan - jodha is going to met maham, ruks stops her and ask where are you goin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

jodha is going to met maham, ruks s

jodha is going to met maham, ruks stops her and ask where are you going, jodha says I am going to meet maham, I will return soon, ruks says never, she holds jodha’s hand to stop her. ruks says that you don’t care about your children but don’t forget that my child is with you too, jodha says I know and I have given you my child with my wish but that doesn’t mean you will order me, let me go, she jerks off ruks hand, ruks says this is not right, jodha says its right and I will go to meet her, ruks holds her hand again and says I know you are stubborn but jalal has given me your responsibility so you have to take his permission first, jodha ask her to leave her hand, ruks leaves it, jodha leaves from there, ruks thinks how can jalal allow her to meet maham.
sharif is spending time with his baby, all wives sees him and thinks that they threw shoes on him, don’t know what will he do, sharif angrily looks at them but bears his anger, sharif says why are all you worried, you didn’t do anything wrong, you did what jalal said but mistake was mine, I was wrong to be bad with bakshi but I am regretting and I have no grudges against you all, he leaves, all wives gossip that he is changed for good, jalal’s spy is following sharif and thinks that wives may be right, sharif has changed.

Scene 2
jodha comes to meet maham, maham looks at her and ask why you came here again, jodha says please forgive me, maham says you know what my mother used to say, only that person ask forgiveness who doesn’t think from mind but from heart, you are not that clever to fool maham anga, you did a very cheap and low class thing to take revenge on me, jodha says I didn’t do it for revenge, I just wanted to see you healthy and I still want to do something for you, maham tries to get up, jodha helps her, maham sits on bed, jodha sits too, maham says if you want to do something for me then bring my adham back, I have two sons, one blood realted, one whome I loved more than my blood, I tried to love voth but I gave jalal more love, both were my strength, when I used to look at them, I used to think that I can win whole world with them, I made one son jalal a king but adham wanted to be a king too, adham’s thought were against jalal, he wanted throne so I helped him, what did I do wrong? it maybe wrong for you but for a mother it wasn’t wrong, I helped my son but jalal didn’t understand it either, you want to help me.. I had two sons but I have no one now at time of death, your husband jalal.. I know him from the time when used to walk holding my hand, I taught him how to walk, he doesn’t used to says anything but only elder mother to me and I used to feel content when he used to call me mother, I used to get to know what jalal wants just by seeing his face, he used to call bari ammi bari ammi whoke day but when jalal said that I am not his bari ammi(elder mother) anymore, it was the worst day of my life, you want to do something for me? can you bring my son jalal, remember I said son jalal not king jalal, they both are different, my son is very innocent, your husband jalal who is king is not my son, if you really want to do something then bring my son jalal here, you are a great rajvanshi, I have listened a lot about rajvanshies that once they do a promise, they stand by it till end of their life, I have nothing to do with your life now, if you really want to do something then please bring my jalal here, tell him that before sending me away from here, can he call me bari ammi, ask him to call me bari ammi, I know no one can bring jalal here or adham here, I know, jodha thinks and is tensed seeing maham’s condition, maham lies on her bed and is weeping for jalal.

Scene 3
jodha sees some things going out of palace, it is preparation for maham’s to send her to delhi, jodha thinks that what to do, maham has asked me something for 1st time and I cant fulfill her wish as jalal has promised to not see maham’s face ever, he wont listen to me, she recalls how jalal said that his bari ammi loves him a lot, his bari ammi has his toys too from which he used to paly, jodha said that mother’s heart is like this only that they not only protect her child but his things too. fb ends, jodha gets some idea.

jodha comes to maham’s room with dasies and ask them to clean the room and throw away old things, jalal comes there and ask why you called me here, why are you cleaning this room, jodha says maham is not going to be here in agra so I thoug to clean her room, jalal is stunned, jodha says she was pleading to bring you to her in her last time, jalal says I don’t wanna see her face, jodha says exactly, she cursed your kids so how can you see her face, she has very old things and clothes in her room, she shows him some clothes and says its your childhood clothes, she has protected these things like it is gold, jalal ask is she really taking her last breaths? jodha says ofcourse, leave it, you don’t care, she should leave world soon, she calls herself your mother, how can a mother curse her grandchild, she says that she did a lot for you, it was her duty and what she against you isn’t less either, you don’t worry as two or three days are remaining then dark beast will go from our lives forever, maham was saying that she wants to die by seeing your face, why? she did a lot against you and now wanna see your face, she is a mad women, jalal feels the words against maham and controls his emotions, jodha ask jalal what happened to him, did any dust particle went to your eyes? she ask him to let her see his eyes, jodha says these are tears but why? they come out when you have some relation from heart, jodha says these are not tears but your emotions that are coming out from your heart but for whom? the one who tried to kill you, the one who thought bad for you, the one who cursed your heirs, she ask jalal to wipe his tears before anyone sees it, you are not infant jalal who crave for maham, jodha says are you feeling bad for bad things about your mother? you know why are you feeling all this because she is your mother not any dasi, take off this anger mask, you are still craving for maham then why this fake anger? let the emotions of a son come out, I accept that maham did wrong by cursing your heirs but she was not mentally stable that time, she cant curse her son jalal, a king should not thing about betrayer btu a sone can cry for his mother, if you think that you ever thought her as mother then go and meet her, not as king jalal but as son jalal who loves his mother a lot, who should be with his mother in last breaths but if you don’t think so then don’t cry too, she ask moti to throw maham things away from this room, jalal leaves sadly. jodha cries.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jodha akan bertemu maham, ruks berhenti padanya dan meminta mana Anda akan, jodha mengatakan aku akan bertemu maham, aku akan kembali segera, ruks mengatakan tidak, dia memegang jodha di tangan untuk menghentikannya. ruks mengatakan bahwa Anda tidak peduli tentang anak-anak Anda tapi jangan lupa bahwa anak saya adalah dengan Anda juga, jodha mengatakan aku tahu dan aku telah memberikan Anda anak saya dengan keinginan saya, tetapi itu tidak berarti Anda akan memesan saya, biarkan aku pergi, ia tersentak off ruks tangan ruks mengatakan itu tidak benar, jodha mengatakan haknya dan aku akan pergi untuk bertemu dengannya, ruks memegang tangannya lagi dan mengatakan aku tahu Anda keras kepala tapi jalal telah memberiku tanggung jawab Anda sehingga Anda harus mengambil nya izin jodha pertama, meminta dia untuk meninggalkan tangannya, daun ruks, daun jodha dari sana, ruks berpikir bagaimana dapat jalal memungkinkan dia untuk memenuhi maham.Sharif menghabiskan waktu dengan bayinya, Semua istri melihat dia dan berpikir bahwa mereka melemparkan sepatu pada dia, tidak tahu apa yang akan dia lakukan, sharif marah memandang mereka tetapi beruang kemarahannya, sharif mengatakan mengapa semua Anda khawatir, Anda tidak melakukan sesuatu yang salah, Anda melakukan apa jalal mengatakan tapi kesalahan milikku, aku sudah salah menjadi buruk dengan bakshi tapi aku 'm menyesali dan sudah ada dendam terhadap Anda semua, ia meninggalkan, Semua istri gosip bahwa ia berubah untuk kebaikan, mata-mata darisamuel di mengikuti sharif dan berpikir bahwa istri mungkin benar, sharif telah berubah.Adegan 2jodha comes to meet maham, maham looks at her and ask why you came here again, jodha says please forgive me, maham says you know what my mother used to say, only that person ask forgiveness who doesn’t think from mind but from heart, you are not that clever to fool maham anga, you did a very cheap and low class thing to take revenge on me, jodha says I didn’t do it for revenge, I just wanted to see you healthy and I still want to do something for you, maham tries to get up, jodha helps her, maham sits on bed, jodha sits too, maham says if you want to do something for me then bring my adham back, I have two sons, one blood realted, one whome I loved more than my blood, I tried to love voth but I gave jalal more love, both were my strength, when I used to look at them, I used to think that I can win whole world with them, I made one son jalal a king but adham wanted to be a king too, adham’s thought were against jalal, he wanted throne so I helped him, what did I do wrong? it maybe wrong for you but for a mother it wasn’t wrong, I helped my son but jalal didn’t understand it either, you want to help me.. I had two sons but I have no one now at time of death, your husband jalal.. I know him from the time when used to walk holding my hand, I taught him how to walk, he doesn’t used to says anything but only elder mother to me and I used to feel content when he used to call me mother, I used to get to know what jalal wants just by seeing his face, he used to call bari ammi bari ammi whoke day but when jalal said that I am not his bari ammi(elder mother) anymore, it was the worst day of my life, you want to do something for me? can you bring my son jalal, remember I said son jalal not king jalal, they both are different, my son is very innocent, your husband jalal who is king is not my son, if you really want to do something then bring my son jalal here, you are a great rajvanshi, I have listened a lot about rajvanshies that once they do a promise, they stand by it till end of their life, I have nothing to do with your life now, if you really want to do something then please bring my jalal here, tell him that before sending me away from here, can he call me bari ammi, ask him to call me bari ammi, I know no one can bring jalal here or adham here, I know, jodha thinks and is tensed seeing maham’s condition, maham lies on her bed and is weeping for jalal.Adegan 3Jodha melihat beberapa hal yang akan keluar dari istana, itu adalah persiapan untuk maham mengirimkannya ke delhi, jodha berpikir bahwa apa yang harus dilakukan, maham telah bertanya padaku sesuatu untuk pertama kalinya dan aku tidak bisa memenuhi keinginannya sebagai jalal telah berjanji untuk tidak pernah melihat wajah maham's, dia tidak mendengarkan aku, dia ingat bagaimana jalal mengatakan bahwa ammi bari nya mencintainya banyak, Ami bari nya memiliki mainannya terlalu dari mana ia digunakan untuk dimainkan, jodha mengatakan bahwa hati ibu adalah seperti ini hanya bahwa mereka tidak hanya melindungi anaknya tetapi hal-hal nya terlalu. FB berakhir, jodha mendapat beberapa ide.jodha comes to maham’s room with dasies and ask them to clean the room and throw away old things, jalal comes there and ask why you called me here, why are you cleaning this room, jodha says maham is not going to be here in agra so I thoug to clean her room, jalal is stunned, jodha says she was pleading to bring you to her in her last time, jalal says I don’t wanna see her face, jodha says exactly, she cursed your kids so how can you see her face, she has very old things and clothes in her room, she shows him some clothes and says its your childhood clothes, she has protected these things like it is gold, jalal ask is she really taking her last breaths? jodha says ofcourse, leave it, you don’t care, she should leave world soon, she calls herself your mother, how can a mother curse her grandchild, she says that she did a lot for you, it was her duty and what she against you isn’t less either, you don’t worry as two or three days are remaining then dark beast will go from our lives forever, maham was saying that she wants to die by seeing your face, why? she did a lot against you and now wanna see your face, she is a mad women, jalal feels the words against maham and controls his emotions, jodha ask jalal what happened to him, did any dust particle went to your eyes? she ask him to let her see his eyes, jodha says these are tears but why? they come out when you have some relation from heart, jodha says these are not tears but your emotions that are coming out from your heart but for whom? the one who tried to kill you, the one who thought bad for you, the one who cursed your heirs, she ask jalal to wipe his tears before anyone sees it, you are not infant jalal who crave for maham, jodha says are you feeling bad for bad things about your mother? you know why are you feeling all this because she is your mother not any dasi, take off this anger mask, you are still craving for maham then why this fake anger? let the emotions of a son come out, I accept that maham did wrong by cursing your heirs but she was not mentally stable that time, she cant curse her son jalal, a king should not thing about betrayer btu a sone can cry for his mother, if you think that you ever thought her as mother then go and meet her, not as king jalal but as son jalal who loves his mother a lot, who should be with his mother in last breaths but if you don’t think so then don’t cry too, she ask moti to throw maham things away from this room, jalal leaves sadly. jodha cries.
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