Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
In this rather dark and cold hall (duh), step into the door to theimmediate left of Chris.Power Save Room---------------Feel free to save your game here. Access the item box and bring the COMBATKNIFE. Deposit the DURALUMIN CASE and withdraw the EMPTY EXTINGUISHER; youwill need it soon. Now inspect the machinery in the room. You'll see a holeyou need to use the OCTAGON VALVE HANDLE in. Use it and then get turn theswitch on the other machine nearby. Power will be restored to the lowerpart of the base. Leave the room.Cold Hall---------With caution, proceed down the hall; when you turn a corner, you'll bebum-rushed by a swarm of zombies, so the SHOTGUN comes in handy here.After you kill all the zombies, head down the hall, grab the herbs yousee, and then head into the door on the left wall in the final leg ofthe hallway.Tiger Statue Room-----------------Feel like you were warped to the original Resident Evil? The room highlyresembles a room from the Spencer Mansion. If you want to get the map,push the statue in the center of the room into a cracked tile at the edgeof the room so you can grab the map.Anyway, go down the red hall, past the door until you reach the tigerstatue (does THAT remind you of anything?). Inspect it and pull the BLUEJEWEL out of one eye. The tiger will rotate, revealing a SQUARE VALVEHANDLE SOCKET. Combine that with the OCTAGON VALVE HANDLE so the VALVEHANDLE has a square again. Now put the BLUE JEWEL back into the eye ofthe tiger. The statue will rotate back to its normal position. This time,grab the RED JEWEL to rotate the tiger statue in the other direction,revealing MAGNUM ROUNDS. Grab those and put the RED JEWEL back into theeye of the tiger.Afterwards, head back down the red hall and enter the door you passedby earlier. It's another lift.Ant Hill Room-------------In this room, walk out of the small hall into the bigger area, whereyou'll see a WING OBJECT and A LOT of ants. Grab the WING OBJECT, andjust step on the ants as you run around. They're almost harmless, andaren't worth the ammo. From the hall you emerged from, head right (thatwould be heading to the left from where you grabbed the WING OBJECT)and make a right turn. You'll see a wall with blood on it and a nearbyGREEN HERB. Head through the double doors up ahead.Storage Room------------In the Storage Room, run forward and go up the flight of steps towardsthe back area, and inspect the computer to the right of the storagecapsule. Examine it and you will have to press a code code in order.Press the AA, then the CROWN, then the HEART and finally the SPADE.A little compartment will open, allowing you to put the PAPERWEIGHTin there.The capsule will then rise and open, and Alfred Ashford's dead bodywill fall out onto the floor. Inspect his hand and you will get ALFRED'SRING. Examine it in the item screen and it will turn into ALFRED'S JEWEL.Leave the room afterwards.Anthill Room------------You can check out the room located on the opposite end of the room forsome files and items, but other than that, take the elevator up backto the Tiger Statue Room.Tiger Statue Room-----------------Head back to the Cold Hall.Cold Hall---------Stop by the save room if you need to, but otherwise, return to theCarousel Room.
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