Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Tapi Meng Hao telah tidak menyerah sedikit. Perang, tubuh benar katanya seperti sebelumnya, menelan Mountain seni, sembilan ambruk lagi, tujuh langkah tapak, hukumnya teknik buatan sendiri, kekuatan magis yang memperoleh dari warisan Shui Dongliu, diluncurkan oleh dia benar-benar, memiliki perang aturan, dengan ini tiga orang, dalam pertempuran yang menentukan langit berbintang ini.Pertarungan ini, terletak di seluruh langit berbintang, belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya.Tingkat dingin, sama tersebut gelisah, cedera Meng Hao sangat serius, tetapi dia adalah tubuh transendensi, mengembalikan dengan cepat, secara bersamaan yang tiga sama begitu.Kemudian, hanya dapat lebih dan lebih dingin.Terutama bahwa Allah, tindakan tajam, di bawah untuk akhirnya, tangan kanannya telah mengangkat hanya wields, seluruh langit berbintang adalah hitam legam, tempat jauh memiliki matahari muncul mengesankan, tampak sisa malam gelap, disembelih secara langsung.Tidak selesai, bahwa Allah adalah di dahi sub bergulir, meskipun ia tidak memiliki naungan Allah, tetapi nya diri, Ghost di bawah tiba-tiba, inflasi, menjadi Tuhan, di bawah kepalan tangan, langit berbintang runtuh.Kesulitan yang ini perkelahian, Meng Hao kehidupan ini adalah belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, jika kitab telah berubah lain orang, saat ini dalam hal ini putus asa, dalam hal ini tidak memiliki dalam pemberontakan sedikit, sudah runtuh, tapi tidak bisa Meng Hao.He must insist, because he already saw that this eighth changes, does not have the terminus, regarding the consumption of Heaven's Crown, same is huge, Heaven's Crown must compel itself to display Heaven Sealing Hex, but Meng Hao, same must eighth change with the aid of this, lets this on weak Heaven's Crown, was consumed again.Thunders, Meng Hao does not know many times, simultaneously faces three people of collaborations, on him occupied was already broken, many places direct broken were started to fly, Battle Weapon in his hand was incomplete many.But he was insisting as before still that at this moment whooshes the monster shade to transform, although immediately suppresses by the ghost and demon, was been broken by the fist bang of that god, but Meng Hao has actually avoided another murderous intention, when retreats, Meng Hao has smiled, is bringing the blood, the body suddenly retreats, sees at present these three forms, he not only not desperate, is the laughter is on the contrary getting more and more loud and clear.„I for a long time very long such have not battled with the human very much, several thousand years” Meng Hao has torn off the disruption war Armor, his hair flies upwards, in the hand is taking Battle Weapon, in the item Fighting Intent more abundant.At this moment, when the ghost middle-aged man, breathes deeply, the right hand suddenly lifts, his body unexpectedly fast transparent, suddenly, the ghost is mad dreadfully.„Ghost said that left!” When his in a soft voice to open mouth, the body flickers to vanish, became together the quiet shade, directly soars Meng Hao to kill to come certainly, the imposing manner erupts, is this fights peak.But Meng Hao looks that actually clearly realizes, this middle-aged man Dao Law at this moment, seemed to be incomplete, had the flaw, this was not the meaning of opposite party, this obviously was because Heaven's Crown is unable to trace completely, at this moment displayed forcefully!When is the demon black clothed youth, both eyes closed, fierce opening, his whole body mark, to peak, his blow-off one breath gently, had the cloudy deep meaning complex impressively, erupts from his body, unexpectedly changed to special seize the body, covers Meng Hao.„seize the body!”Same is that type incomplete is incomplete!But the final god, his indifferent, big sleeve flings, light to open mouth.„Shintoism and soldier cultivation row of positions! Monster technique and The flames of war unify day! The demon moves, the life and death counter disaster!”Similarly is incomplete, similarly is incomplete!Along with the reverberation of his words, shakes the heavens moves the place the imposing manner, from their three, the starry sky as if vanished loudly at this moment, all, only remaining these three, incomplete trump card!( To be continued.)
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