„Archer pre­pares, the Big Dip­per arrow, puts!”The jun­gle front, the terjemahan - „Archer pre­pares, the Big Dip­per arrow, puts!”The jun­gle front, the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Archer pre­pares, the Big Dip­per

„Archer pre­pares, the Big Dip­per arrow, puts!”
The jun­gle front, the group teams leader of cre­cent moon trade union have raised the long sword high, the loud order said: „Do not make them break through block­ade line! Faints they, mak­ing them from tram­ple, the ma­gian pre­pares, sen­tences the lethar­gic sleep with the sleep tech­nique in ad­vance, the knight grasps is steady you shield, do not make our matches break through our de­fense lines with ease!”
The arrow arrow to the string above un­ceas­ingly, the dense and nu­mer­ous Big Dip­per arrow ray pen­e­trated the night­time sky, flows swiftly in the crowd that di­rectly falls on [Zhan Long] at­tack, Li Mengyao, month mon­ster face two MM al­most clash shoul­der to shoul­der in the front line, the square for­ma­tion that one crowd of PLMM com­pose is quite con­spic­u­ous, the mo­men­tum that the iron blade edge at least 1000 + month spirit race rides is how enor­mous and pow­er­ful!
„Puff puff”
Some peo­ple were oc­cu­pied by to the dizzi­ness by the Big Dip­per arrow un­ceas­ingly, the back row cav­alry sol­dier bang bang bang hits in to­gether, but this has not stopped the [Zhan Long] of­fen­sive, Li Mengyao, the month mon­ster face led knight MM to break through the de­fense line of match rapidly, but the sleep tech­nique of Japan­ese war zone player mostly failed, the sleep tech­nique needs to sen­tence in ad­vance, but the iron blade edge rode the ram speed is re­ally too quick, ba­si­cally is un­able to lock to ob­tain.
On the beau­ti­ful cheek of month mon­ster face is brim­ming with the ex­cited looks, raises the long sword is one time shakes spa­tially punc­tures the bang to kill sud­denly in the crowd, said with a smile: „Kills thor­oughly their shield!”
Month spirit knight MM lift the shield in the front, „bang bang bang” the in­tense hit in shield of op­po­site party, is re­ly­ing on the for­mi­da­ble im­pulse the repet­i­tive back­lash that play­ers of one crowd of cre­cent moon trade unions hit!
„This we!”
As soon as I in­spire in the hand town Yue Dao, said with a smile: „Kills, do not let our front the younger sis­ter pa­pers hang 1 level in vain!”
A round charge that month spirit iron blade edge rides, nat­u­rally many peo­ple died in bat­tle in the fire­power net­work have got­ten down, at least hun­dred peo­ple, the price that but the op­po­site party must pay ac­tu­ally at least is ten times of ideas, I and Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min, god of death elegy and other at­tacks are the player fol­low, ma­jor­ity is the swords­men, if the month spirit iron blade edge rides is our shield, that this crowd of iron edges ride the swords­man are our swords, rips open the sword of mur­der the match de­fends suf­fi­ciently!
Raises town Yue Dao high, Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan­luo in shield of op­po­site party, I or­ders to say loudly loudly: „Do not stay, kills thor­oughly them di­rectly, day­break makes the high­est sur­face in­jury with the im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce co­or­di­na­tion sword air/Qi, do not have the op­por­tu­nity that any­thing replies to them!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Archer pre­pares, the Big Dip­per arrow, puts!”The jun­gle front, the group teams leader of cre­cent moon trade union have raised the long sword high, the loud order said: „Do not make them break through block­ade line! Faints they, mak­ing them from tram­ple, the ma­gian pre­pares, sen­tences the lethar­gic sleep with the sleep tech­nique in ad­vance, the knight grasps is steady you shield, do not make our matches break through our de­fense lines with ease!”„Brushes”The arrow arrow to the string above un­ceas­ingly, the dense and nu­mer­ous Big Dip­per arrow ray pen­e­trated the night­time sky, flows swiftly in the crowd that di­rectly falls on [Zhan Long] at­tack, Li Mengyao, month mon­ster face two MM al­most clash shoul­der to shoul­der in the front line, the square for­ma­tion that one crowd of PLMM com­pose is quite con­spic­u­ous, the mo­men­tum that the iron blade edge at least 1000 + month spirit race rides is how enor­mous and pow­er­ful!„Puff puff”Some peo­ple were oc­cu­pied by to the dizzi­ness by the Big Dip­per arrow un­ceas­ingly, the back row cav­alry sol­dier bang bang bang hits in to­gether, but this has not stopped the [Zhan Long] of­fen­sive, Li Mengyao, the month mon­ster face led knight MM to break through the de­fense line of match rapidly, but the sleep tech­nique of Japan­ese war zone player mostly failed, the sleep tech­nique needs to sen­tence in ad­vance, but the iron blade edge rode the ram speed is re­ally too quick, ba­si­cally is un­able to lock to ob­tain.On the beau­ti­ful cheek of month mon­ster face is brim­ming with the ex­cited looks, raises the long sword is one time shakes spa­tially punc­tures the bang to kill sud­denly in the crowd, said with a smile: „Kills thor­oughly their shield!”Month spirit knight MM lift the shield in the front, „bang bang bang” the in­tense hit in shield of op­po­site party, is re­ly­ing on the for­mi­da­ble im­pulse the repet­i­tive back­lash that play­ers of one crowd of cre­cent moon trade unions hit!„This we!”As soon as I in­spire in the hand town Yue Dao, said with a smile: „Kills, do not let our front the younger sis­ter pa­pers hang 1 level in vain!”A round charge that month spirit iron blade edge rides, nat­u­rally many peo­ple died in bat­tle in the fire­power net­work have got­ten down, at least hun­dred peo­ple, the price that but the op­po­site party must pay ac­tu­ally at least is ten times of ideas, I and Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min, god of death elegy and other at­tacks are the player fol­low, ma­jor­ity is the swords­men, if the month spirit iron blade edge rides is our shield, that this crowd of iron edges ride the swords­man are our swords, rips open the sword of mur­der the match de­fends suf­fi­ciently!Raises town Yue Dao high, Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan­luo in shield of op­po­site party, I or­ders to say loudly loudly: „Do not stay, kills thor­oughly them di­rectly, day­break makes the high­est sur­face in­jury with the im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce co­or­di­na­tion sword air/Qi, do not have the op­por­tu­nity that any­thing replies to them!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"! Archer mempersiapkan, Big Dipper panah, menempatkan"
The hutan depan, pemimpin tim kelompok crecent serikat pekerja bulan telah mengangkat pedang panjang yang tinggi, urutan keras mengatakan: "Jangan membuat mereka menerobos garis blokade! Pingsan mereka, membuat mereka dari menginjak-injak, Majusi mempersiapkan, kalimat tidur lesu dengan teknik tidur di muka, ksatria menangkap stabil Anda melindungi, tidak membuat pertandingan kami menerobos garis pertahanan kami dengan mudah! "
" Brushes "
Panah panah untuk string di atas tak henti-hentinya, padat dan banyak Big Dipper panah ray menembus langit malam, mengalir cepat di kerumunan yang langsung jatuh pada [Zhan panjang] serangan, Li Mengyao, bulan rakasa wajah dua MM hampir bentrok bahu-membahu dalam garis depan, pembentukan persegi yang salah satu kerumunan PLMM compose cukup mencolok, momentum bahwa pisau besi tepi minimal 1000 + semangat bulan ras naik adalah bagaimana besar dan kuat!
"Puff engah"
Beberapa orang diduduki oleh pusing dengan Big Dipper panah tanpa henti, barisan belakang tentara kavaleri Bang bang bang memukul bersama-sama, tapi ini tidak menghentikan [Zhan panjang] ofensif, Li Mengyao, bulan rakasa wajah menyebabkan ksatria MM untuk menerobos garis pertahanan pertandingan dengan cepat, tapi teknik tidur dari pemain zona perang Jepang sebagian besar gagal, teknik tidur perlu kalimat di muka, tapi ujung pisau besi naik kecepatan ram benar-benar terlalu cepat, pada dasarnya tidak dapat mengunci untuk mendapatkan.
di pipi indah bulan rakasa wajah yang penuh dengan penampilan bersemangat, menimbulkan pedang panjang adalah salah satu waktu getar spasial tusukan bang untuk membunuh tiba-tiba di kerumunan, berkata sambil tersenyum: "membunuh menyeluruh perisai mereka!"
semangat Bulan knight MM mengangkat perisai di depan, "bang bang bang" hit intens dalam perisai dari pihak lawan, mengandalkan dorongan tangguh tendangan berulang bahwa pemain dari satu kerumunan serikat pekerja crecent bulan hit!
"kita ini!"
begitu saya menginspirasi di kota tangan Yue Dao, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Kills, jangan biarkan depan kami adik makalah muda menggantung 1 level sia-sia!"
sebuah biaya bulat yang tepi semangat bulan besi blade naik, tentu banyak orang tewas dalam pertempuran di jaringan senjata mendapatkan bawah , setidaknya seratus orang, harga itu tapi pihak lawan harus membayar sebenarnya setidaknya sepuluh kali ide, saya dan Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min, dewa kematian elegi dan serangan lainnya adalah pemain ikuti, mayoritas adalah pedang, jika semangat bulan besi tepi pisau wahana adalah perisai kami, bahwa orang ini tepi besi naik pendekar pedang adalah pedang kami, robekan terbuka pedang pembunuhan pertandingan membela cukup!
Meningkatkan kota Yue Dao tinggi, Big Dipper rusak Yue Zhanluo di perisai dari pihak lawan, saya perintah untuk mengatakan keras keras: "tidak tinggal, membunuh secara menyeluruh langsung, fajar membuat cedera permukaan tertinggi dengan carte kekaisaran dan Tierce pedang koordinasi udara / Qi, tidak memiliki kesempatan bahwa apa pun balasan kepada mereka ! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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