Aside from the technical difficulties involved in implementing merit p terjemahan - Aside from the technical difficulties involved in implementing merit p Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Aside from the technical difficulti

Aside from the technical difficulties involved in implementing merit pay, there are questions about the soundness of the psychological assumptions on what it is based. Some researchers (Deci, 1972) have found that activities that are intrinsically motivating_that is, those that are performed only for the pleasure of performing them—lose some of their intrinsic motivation if a reward is oflored for performing them Moreover, the research has shown that individuals who are given tangible rewards for engagflg in activities that are intrinsically motivating engage in the activities less often after they are rewarded. Some educators interpret these findings to mean that teachers who derive pleasure from teaching may experience less satisfaction from it when merit pay is implemented and hence may lose interest in teaching well.
One other potential problem with merit pay was cited by Bishop (1986). He noted that monetary rewards and promotions increase an employee’s visibility and make the person more attactive to other employers, thus raising the possibility of increased turnover among more productive workers. He proposed using less visible incentives, induding praise, desirable job assignments, increased autonomy, participation in selecting coworkers, and opportunities for travel, in place of financial rewards.
Nonsalary rewards may have teater motivational potential for teachers than salary bonuses, according to a study of teachers’ preferences of performance rewards (Kasten, 1984). That studs’ involved 26 teachers, 15 of whom reported no interest in merit pay. “Strong interest” intuition grants was reported by 20 of the teachers, and 21 were strongly interested in the opportunity to have time off to attend conferences. The opportunity to work with student teachers was also of strong interest to 20 of the teachers, and 21 reported a strong interest in receiving money to be spent on classroom enrichment.
One of the problems with merit pay is that many more employees believe they should receive awards than qualify for them. A study of teachers’ ratings of thems elves and their colleagues (Hoogeveen & Gutkin, 1986) found that teachers rated themselves higher than they rated their peers and that their self-ratings were higher even than the average ratings given all teachers by the principal.
A question investigated by Hoogeveen and Gutkin (1986) had do with whether teachers agree on the identity of Super or performers. In all three of the small elementary schools involved in the study, one teacher was nominated by more than one-half of his or her colleagues as deserving merit pay. This finding suggests that there is a reasonably high degree of consensus in some faculties. Whether similar results would be obtained in larger elementary schools or in high schools, however, is not known.
Career ladders ar meant to provide opportunities for teachers to move through a series of positions of expanding responsibility, greater task variety, and increasingly attractive monetary rewards. They are designed for the purpose of attracting and retaining able teachers. However, career ladders, like merit pay, are more expensive to operate than single salary schedules and, if not adequately funded, can result in greater competition and less cooperation among teachers. Moreover, if advancement on a career ladder is based OIL the results of performance evaluation, teachers are likely to experience the same concerns that they report for merit pay Timar, 1992).
Incentive pay has the advantage of being effective in attracting better quality applicants for positions that are normally difficult to fill. Incentive pay has no effect on teacher performance, except indirectly, and it is more costly than the single salary schedule (although potentially less expensive than merit pay or career ladders).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Aside from the technical difficulties involved in implementing merit pay, there are questions about the soundness of the psychological assumptions on what it is based. Some researchers (Deci, 1972) have found that activities that are intrinsically motivating_that is, those that are performed only for the pleasure of performing them—lose some of their intrinsic motivation if a reward is oflored for performing them Moreover, the research has shown that individuals who are given tangible rewards for engagflg in activities that are intrinsically motivating engage in the activities less often after they are rewarded. Some educators interpret these findings to mean that teachers who derive pleasure from teaching may experience less satisfaction from it when merit pay is implemented and hence may lose interest in teaching well.
One other potential problem with merit pay was cited by Bishop (1986). He noted that monetary rewards and promotions increase an employee’s visibility and make the person more attactive to other employers, thus raising the possibility of increased turnover among more productive workers. He proposed using less visible incentives, induding praise, desirable job assignments, increased autonomy, participation in selecting coworkers, and opportunities for travel, in place of financial rewards.
Nonsalary rewards may have teater motivational potential for teachers than salary bonuses, according to a study of teachers’ preferences of performance rewards (Kasten, 1984). That studs’ involved 26 teachers, 15 of whom reported no interest in merit pay. “Strong interest” intuition grants was reported by 20 of the teachers, and 21 were strongly interested in the opportunity to have time off to attend conferences. The opportunity to work with student teachers was also of strong interest to 20 of the teachers, and 21 reported a strong interest in receiving money to be spent on classroom enrichment.
One of the problems with merit pay is that many more employees believe they should receive awards than qualify for them. A study of teachers’ ratings of thems elves and their colleagues (Hoogeveen & Gutkin, 1986) found that teachers rated themselves higher than they rated their peers and that their self-ratings were higher even than the average ratings given all teachers by the principal.
A question investigated by Hoogeveen and Gutkin (1986) had do with whether teachers agree on the identity of Super or performers. In all three of the small elementary schools involved in the study, one teacher was nominated by more than one-half of his or her colleagues as deserving merit pay. This finding suggests that there is a reasonably high degree of consensus in some faculties. Whether similar results would be obtained in larger elementary schools or in high schools, however, is not known.
Career ladders ar meant to provide opportunities for teachers to move through a series of positions of expanding responsibility, greater task variety, and increasingly attractive monetary rewards. They are designed for the purpose of attracting and retaining able teachers. However, career ladders, like merit pay, are more expensive to operate than single salary schedules and, if not adequately funded, can result in greater competition and less cooperation among teachers. Moreover, if advancement on a career ladder is based OIL the results of performance evaluation, teachers are likely to experience the same concerns that they report for merit pay Timar, 1992).
Incentive pay has the advantage of being effective in attracting better quality applicants for positions that are normally difficult to fill. Incentive pay has no effect on teacher performance, except indirectly, and it is more costly than the single salary schedule (although potentially less expensive than merit pay or career ladders).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Selain dari kesulitan teknis yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan jasa membayar, ada pertanyaan tentang kesehatan dari asumsi psikologis pada apa itu didasarkan. Beberapa peneliti (Deci, 1972) telah menemukan bahwa kegiatan yang secara intrinsik motivating_that adalah, mereka yang dilakukan hanya untuk kesenangan melakukan mereka-kehilangan beberapa motivasi intrinsik mereka jika hadiah yang oflored untuk melakukan mereka Selain itu, penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa individu yang diberi imbalan nyata bagi engagflg dalam kegiatan yang secara intrinsik memotivasi terlibat dalam kegiatan yang kurang sering setelah mereka dihargai. Beberapa pendidik menafsirkan temuan ini berarti bahwa guru yang mendapatkan kesenangan dari ajaran mungkin mengalami sedikit kepuasan dari itu ketika membayar jasa dilaksanakan dan karenanya mungkin kehilangan minat dalam mengajar dengan baik.
Salah satu potensi masalah lain dengan membayar jasa dikutip oleh Uskup (1986). Dia mencatat bahwa hadiah uang dan promosi meningkatkan visibilitas karyawan dan membuat orang lebih attactive ke majikan lain, sehingga meningkatkan kemungkinan peningkatan omset antara pekerja lebih produktif. Ia mengusulkan menggunakan insentif kurang terlihat, induding pujian, tugas pekerjaan yang diinginkan, peningkatan otonomi, partisipasi dalam memilih rekan kerja, dan kesempatan untuk perjalanan, di tempat imbalan keuangan.
imbalan Nonsalary mungkin memiliki potensi motivasi teater untuk guru dari bonus gaji, menurut sebuah penelitian preferensi guru penghargaan kinerja (Kasten, 1984). Kancing itu melibatkan 26 guru, 15 di antaranya dilaporkan tidak tertarik membayar jasa. "Minat yang kuat" hibah intuisi dilaporkan oleh 20 guru, dan 21 yang sangat tertarik pada kesempatan untuk memiliki waktu untuk menghadiri konferensi. Kesempatan untuk bekerja dengan guru siswa juga menarik kuat untuk 20 guru, dan 21 melaporkan minat yang kuat dalam menerima uang yang akan dihabiskan untuk pengayaan kelas.
Salah satu masalah dengan membayar jasa adalah bahwa lebih banyak karyawan percaya bahwa mereka harus menerima penghargaan dari memenuhi syarat untuk mereka. Sebuah studi dari penilaian guru dari thems elf dan rekan-rekan mereka (Hoogeveen & Gutkin, 1986) menemukan bahwa guru dinilai sendiri lebih tinggi daripada mereka dinilai rekan-rekan mereka dan bahwa diri peringkat mereka lebih tinggi bahkan dari peringkat rata-rata yang diberikan semua guru oleh kepala sekolah.
Sebuah pertanyaan diselidiki oleh Hoogeveen dan Gutkin (1986) telah melakukan dengan baik guru menyepakati identitas Super atau pemain. Dalam semua tiga dari sekolah dasar kecil yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini, satu guru dinominasikan oleh lebih dari satu-setengah dari rekan-nya sebagai layak membayar jasa. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa ada tingkat yang cukup tinggi dari konsensus di beberapa fakultas. Apakah hasil yang sama akan diperoleh di sekolah dasar yang lebih besar atau di sekolah tinggi, namun, tidak diketahui.
tangga Karir ar dimaksudkan untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi para guru untuk bergerak melalui serangkaian posisi tanggung jawab berkembang, berbagai tugas yang lebih besar, dan imbalan moneter semakin menarik . Mereka dirancang untuk tujuan menarik dan mempertahankan mampu guru. Namun, tangga karir, seperti membayar jasa, lebih mahal untuk beroperasi dari jadwal gaji tunggal dan, jika tidak dana yang memadai, dapat mengakibatkan persaingan yang lebih besar dan kerjasama antara guru kurang. Selain itu, jika kemajuan pada jenjang karir didasarkan OIL hasil evaluasi kinerja, guru cenderung mengalami kekhawatiran yang sama bahwa mereka melaporkan untuk membayar jasa Timar, 1992).
Insentif membayar memiliki keunggulan yang efektif dalam menarik pelamar kualitas yang lebih baik untuk posisi yang biasanya sulit untuk mengisi. Upah insentif tidak berpengaruh pada kinerja guru, kecuali secara tidak langsung, dan itu lebih mahal daripada jadwal gaji tunggal (meskipun berpotensi lebih murah daripada membayar jasa atau tangga karir).
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