With one mis­er­able howl­ing, is a bar­baric wolf rides to hang under terjemahan - With one mis­er­able howl­ing, is a bar­baric wolf rides to hang under Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

With one mis­er­able howl­ing, is a

With one mis­er­able howl­ing, is a bar­baric wolf rides to hang under my sword, in death blew out a fine hard hel­met in­stan­ta­neously, mean­while has blood red hang­ing to fall to­gether.
I look at some sur­prise, fishes the hard hel­met, is spirit Yu Qi, the stall goods, throw into the pack­age to wait for the de­com­po­si­tion, when I grip that red hangs to fall can­not bear in the heart move, this hangs the ap­pear­ance that falls as if some­what uses
【Heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side】: The spe­cial goods, are con­tain­ing the ex­tremely pro­found strength, after magic trig­ger­ing can max­i­mum limit stim­u­late the fond­ness of coun­try­side and strength of bar­bar­ian heart of hearts, the player is un­able to use.
Throws into the pack­age, one group of bar­bar­ian sol­diers who has a look at be­hind the palace guard fight with all might, um, since heart of pro­tec­tive charm this fond­ness of coun­try­side can pro­mote the strength of bar­bar­ian, palace guard the in­fantry com­po­si­tion of ma­jor­ity is a bar­bar­ian, should not have the issue? There­fore, raises the long sword to con­tinue to the frontal line, I said in guild chan­nel: „Blows out the heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side per­son do not dis­card, con­cen­trates com­pletely the heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side, later I will pur­chase, a 10 G non- counter-of­fer.”
The Dong Cheng month throws smiles: „10 G one, ram­ble elder brother are you are re­ceiv­ing the stall goods?”
I laugh in spite of try­ing not to: „But this gad­get is un­able to sell, the player is un­able to use, com­pletely is the waste, did I leave 10 G to give the full face? Also I was not used for my­self to use, but found the way to en­hance the com­bat ca­pa­bil­ity of palace guard in­fantry, was fa­vor­able for en­tire [Zhan Long].”
„Good, every­body re­fu­els to hit!”
The knock rat­ing of heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side is not high, ap­prox­i­mately also only then about 10%, my charm value 1000 + points, too were high, al­most I kill 2 bar­baric wolves to ride every time can blow out heart of pro­tec­tive charm Ichi­maino, the knock rat­ing is about about 50%, 1000 charm val­ues have pro­moted 5 times of knock rat­ing, no won­der the play­ers go after like ducks to charm value type of thing.
Li Mu, Wang Jian, Dong Cheng month, Yue Qing Qian et al. con­tinue to be silent quickly, every­body is killing to blame and gain the in­te­gral, this mer­i­to­ri­ous value re­ward was re­ally too fat, more­over later can also ex­change mil­i­tary ap­point­ment and em­pir­i­cal value, gold coin, equip­ment and other re­wards, who won't care?
The pre­sent stage, high-or­der BOSS was get­ting more and more rare on the big map, ba­si­cally ul­ti­mate BOSS of major maps are only the ghost nian steps, most also blows out ghost nian, more­over ghost nian al­to­gether also be only 9999, the knock rat­ing was far from be­fore­hand being so high, there­fore the ori­gin of player top equip­ment was this type of edi­tion has moved, an­other was the demon palace rides Nie Yu, the de­mo­ni­a­cal Red­ding and ad­vance Luo Ding this in­fe­rior god and god level BOSS, but god level BOSS was not only rare, was more dif­fi­cult to kill, the high-end player also can only look that the peak level player com­peted for this. Planted the most pre­cious ob­ject, there­fore, break­neck­ing killed the strange pro­mo­tion mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice value rank, this was the high-end player can ob­tain the top equip­ment way only.
The dis­tant place, in the main bat­tle­field, war­ship dense and nu­mer­ous ap­proach shoring, the fire rum­ble, the Long Jing ar­tillery of palace guard is cheer­ing for Rong Di Jun, but Red­ding also dis­patched to at­tack the Tian Ling Em­pire core bat­tle­field with large army, a troop bar­baric wolf rode does not wait for the war­ship to ap­proach shore jumps to leap for­ward in the water to swim to flush asho
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
With one mis­er­able howl­ing, is a bar­baric wolf rides to hang under my sword, in death blew out a fine hard hel­met in­stan­ta­neously, mean­while has blood red hang­ing to fall to­gether.I look at some sur­prise, fishes the hard hel­met, is spirit Yu Qi, the stall goods, throw into the pack­age to wait for the de­com­po­si­tion, when I grip that red hangs to fall can­not bear in the heart move, this hangs the ap­pear­ance that falls as if some­what uses【Heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side】: The spe­cial goods, are con­tain­ing the ex­tremely pro­found strength, after magic trig­ger­ing can max­i­mum limit stim­u­late the fond­ness of coun­try­side and strength of bar­bar­ian heart of hearts, the player is un­able to use.Throws into the pack­age, one group of bar­bar­ian sol­diers who has a look at be­hind the palace guard fight with all might, um, since heart of pro­tec­tive charm this fond­ness of coun­try­side can pro­mote the strength of bar­bar­ian, palace guard the in­fantry com­po­si­tion of ma­jor­ity is a bar­bar­ian, should not have the issue? There­fore, raises the long sword to con­tinue to the frontal line, I said in guild chan­nel: „Blows out the heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side per­son do not dis­card, con­cen­trates com­pletely the heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side, later I will pur­chase, a 10 G non- counter-of­fer.”The Dong Cheng month throws smiles: „10 G one, ram­ble elder brother are you are re­ceiv­ing the stall goods?”I laugh in spite of try­ing not to: „But this gad­get is un­able to sell, the player is un­able to use, com­pletely is the waste, did I leave 10 G to give the full face? Also I was not used for my­self to use, but found the way to en­hance the com­bat ca­pa­bil­ity of palace guard in­fantry, was fa­vor­able for en­tire [Zhan Long].”„Good, every­body re­fu­els to hit!”The knock rat­ing of heart of pro­tec­tive charm fond­ness of coun­try­side is not high, ap­prox­i­mately also only then about 10%, my charm value 1000 + points, too were high, al­most I kill 2 bar­baric wolves to ride every time can blow out heart of pro­tec­tive charm Ichi­maino, the knock rat­ing is about about 50%, 1000 charm val­ues have pro­moted 5 times of knock rat­ing, no won­der the play­ers go after like ducks to charm value type of thing.Li Mu, Wang Jian, Dong Cheng month, Yue Qing Qian et al. con­tinue to be silent quickly, every­body is killing to blame and gain the in­te­gral, this mer­i­to­ri­ous value re­ward was re­ally too fat, more­over later can also ex­change mil­i­tary ap­point­ment and em­pir­i­cal value, gold coin, equip­ment and other re­wards, who won't care?The pre­sent stage, high-or­der BOSS was get­ting more and more rare on the big map, ba­si­cally ul­ti­mate BOSS of major maps are only the ghost nian steps, most also blows out ghost nian, more­over ghost nian al­to­gether also be only 9999, the knock rat­ing was far from be­fore­hand being so high, there­fore the ori­gin of player top equip­ment was this type of edi­tion has moved, an­other was the demon palace rides Nie Yu, the de­mo­ni­a­cal Red­ding and ad­vance Luo Ding this in­fe­rior god and god level BOSS, but god level BOSS was not only rare, was more dif­fi­cult to kill, the high-end player also can only look that the peak level player com­peted for this. Planted the most pre­cious ob­ject, there­fore, break­neck­ing killed the strange pro­mo­tion mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice value rank, this was the high-end player can ob­tain the top equip­ment way only.The dis­tant place, in the main bat­tle­field, war­ship dense and nu­mer­ous ap­proach shoring, the fire rum­ble, the Long Jing ar­tillery of palace guard is cheer­ing for Rong Di Jun, but Red­ding also dis­patched to at­tack the Tian Ling Em­pire core bat­tle­field with large army, a troop bar­baric wolf rode does not wait for the war­ship to ap­proach shore jumps to leap for­ward in the water to swim to flush asho
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dengan satu lolongan sengsara, adalah serigala barbar naik untuk menggantung di bawah pedangku, kematian meniup helm keras baik seketika, sementara itu memiliki darah gantung merah jatuh bersama-sama.
Aku melihat beberapa kejutan, ikan helm keras, adalah roh Yu Qi , barang kios, melemparkan ke dalam paket untuk menunggu dekomposisi, ketika saya grip yang hang merah jatuh tidak tahan dalam pergerakan jantung, ini tergantung penampilan yang jatuh seakan agak menggunakan
【jantung pesona kesukaan pelindung dari pedesaan】: barang khusus, yang mengandung kekuatan yang sangat mendalam, setelah sihir memicu batas kaleng maksimal merangsang kesukaan pedesaan dan kekuatan jantung barbar hati, pemain tidak dapat menggunakan.
melempar ke dalam paket, satu kelompok tentara barbar yang memiliki melihat di balik istana penjaga bertarung dengan semua mungkin, um, karena jantung pesona pelindung kesukaan ini pedesaan dapat mempromosikan kekuatan barbar, istana menjaga komposisi infanteri mayoritas adalah barbar, tidak harus memiliki masalah? Oleh karena itu, menimbulkan pedang panjang untuk terus garis frontal, saya berkata dalam saluran serikat: "Pukulan keluar jantung pesona kesukaan pelindung dari pedesaan orang tidak membuang, konsentrat sepenuhnya jantung pesona kesukaan pelindung dari pedesaan, kemudian saya akan membeli ., 10 G non penawaran balik "
The Dong Cheng bulan melempar senyum:" 10 G satu, mengoceh kakak yang Anda menerima barang kios "?
saya tertawa meskipun berusaha untuk tidak:" Tapi gadget ini tidak mampu untuk menjual, pemain tidak dapat digunakan, sepenuhnya adalah sampah, aku meninggalkan 10 G untuk memberikan wajah penuh? Juga saya tidak digunakan untuk diriku sendiri untuk digunakan, tetapi menemukan cara untuk meningkatkan kemampuan tempur dari pengawal istana infanteri, itu menguntungkan untuk seluruh [Zhan panjang]. "
" Baik, semua orang refuels untuk memukul! "
Ketukan wisatawan dari jantung pelindung pesona kesukaan pedesaan tidak tinggi, sekitar juga hanya kemudian sekitar 10%, nilai pesona saya 1000 + poin, juga yang tinggi, hampir saya membunuh 2 serigala barbar untuk naik setiap kali dapat meniup jantung pesona pelindung Ichimaino, rating ketukan adalah sekitar 50%, 1000 nilai pesona telah dipromosikan 5 kali dari ketukan, tak heran para pemain pergi setelah bebek seperti jenis nilai pesona hal.
Li Mu, Wang Jian, Dong Cheng bulan, Yue Qing Qian et al. terus diam cepat, semua orang membunuh menyalahkan dan mendapatkan terpisahkan, ini berjasa nilai pahala benar-benar terlalu gemuk, apalagi kemudian juga dapat bertukar janji militer dan nilai empiris, koin emas, peralatan dan imbalan lainnya, yang tidak akan peduli?
tahap sekarang, high-order BOSS itu semakin langka di peta besar, BOSS dasarnya akhir dari peta utama hanya langkah-langkah hantu nian, sebagian besar juga meniup nian hantu, apalagi hantu nian sama sekali juga hanya 9999, ketukan Peringkat itu jauh dari sebelumnya yang begitu tinggi, oleh karena itu asal peralatan atas pemain adalah jenis edisi telah pindah, lain adalah setan istana naik Nie Yu, Redding kejam dan muka Luo Ding ini lebih rendah dewa dan tingkat dewa BOSS, tapi tuhan tingkat BOSS tidak hanya langka, lebih sulit untuk membunuh, pemain high-end juga hanya dapat melihat bahwa pemain tingkat puncak berkompetisi untuk ini. Ditanam objek paling berharga, oleh karena itu, breaknecking tewas promosi aneh berjasa nilai layanan peringkat, ini adalah pemain high-end dapat memperoleh cara peralatan atas saja.
The jauh tempat, di medan perang utama, kapal perang padat dan banyak pendekatan menopang, yang api gemuruh, Long Jing artileri dari pengawal istana yang bersorak untuk Rong Di Juni, tetapi Redding juga dikirim untuk menyerang medan perang inti Tian Ling Empire dengan pasukan besar, pasukan barbar serigala berkuda tidak menunggu kapal perang untuk mendekati pantai melompat untuk melompat maju di dalam air untuk berenang untuk flush ASho
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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