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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
PersyaratanUntuk sangat berbakat calon mahasiswa dari negara bebas-Uni Eropa, lihat persyaratan lainnya di bawah ini.InformasiNilai dan tujuan hibah:Max. biaya kuliah + biaya hidup 10.000 euro per tahun.Tanggal penutupan:Hal ini tidak mungkin untuk mengajukan permohonan untuk beasiswa ini, tapi panitia seleksi memeriksa file aplikasi untuk possiblenominees.Mahasiswa calon Bachelor di bidang ekonomi dan bisnis ekonomi yang ingin dipertimbangkan untuk thescholarship harus mengajukan permohonan untuk masuk sebelum 1 April. Master calon mahasiswa yang ingin dipertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa harus mengajukan permohonan untuk masuk sebelum tanggal 1 Desember.UES menawarkan numer sangat berbakat calon siswa kesempatan untuk mengejar gelar selectednumber bidang di Universitas Utrecht: Sarjana internasional program: •Economics dan bisnis ekonomi;•Liberal seni dan ilmu pengetahuan di Universitas Utrecht;Program Master Internasional ditawarkan di sekolah pascasarjana berikut: |•Graduate sekolah Geosciences;•Graduate Fakultas humaniora; Linkt nu pintu untuk: http://www.uu.nl/faculty/humanities/EN/organisation/schools/graduateschoolofhumanities/Pages/Utrecht-Excellence-Scholarships.aspx Wellicht aanpassen?•Graduate sekolah hukum, ekonomi dan pemerintahan;•Graudate sekolah ilmu kehidupan;•Graduate sekolah ilmu pengetahuan alam;•Graduate sekolah ilmu sosial dan perilaku.Other requirements for candidates:•Not have the Dutch or EU/EER nationality;•Hold a non-Dutch secondary school diploma;•Have been admitted to an International Master's programme within one of the Graduate Schools mentioned above, the Bachelor's programme in Economics and Business Economics or to University College Utrecht;•Hold a relevant Bachelor's degree (for a Master's programme) or secondary school diploma (for a Bachelor's programme) or an equivalent thereof;•Be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a Dutch visa.Read more about the budget the University advises. Linkt dat door naar http://www.uu.nl/university/international-students/en/financialmatters/costofstudyingandliving/Pages/default.aspx? Grant provider:The funds for the scholarships come from the Utrecht Excellence Scholarship Fund, established by Utrecht University and from contributions by Utrecht University alumni. Selection criteriaEligible candidates are selected for a scholarship on the basis of the following criteria:Their academic excellence and promise in the proposed field of study;The academic quality and results of the preceding education, as evidenced, for example, by grades, test scores, publications, letters of recommendation;The quality and relevance of the motivation letter (academic content, intercultural and communication skills, personal motivation);The quality and feasibility of the financial plan in the application;The quality of the application itself (completeness, accuracy, consistency). Application procedure:It is not possible to apply for the Utrecht Excellence Scholarship. The Selection Committee of the programme will select eligible candidates on the basis of the selection criteria mentioned above. De selectiecriteria staan nergens. Ik heb ze nu toegevoegd.
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