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I sure miss youlips,"I definitely missed you baby.""That's what two years do to you,"Yoona replied huskily, still trying tocatch her breath from the multipleYuri orgasms rocked her body hadwith.Yuri slowed the pace down, allowingYoona to take control.Slowly, Yoona trailed her lips downthe column of her throat the us Yuri'shands reached for her earlier.nowdiscarded tie. In a quick movement,She bound Yuri's wrists together,tying it to the front door. Yuri's eyespopped open the us she beganstruggling."Stop," Yoona murmured, "I want youentirely under my control. No.resistance. "Yuri stopped moving, her heart racingin anticipation of what was to come.Yoona took both breasts perky in herhands, rubbing circles into thestraining nipples, occasionallyflicking them the u.s. she kiss the valleybetween. Teasing, she featheredKisses over the nipples, switchingfrom one to the other satisfying"neither. Yuri groaned, arching herback into Yoona."Please ..." Yuri panted, "Just take mealready. "The words were music to Yoona'sears. Swiftly, she stripped of her Yuriclothes and taking no time forniceties she began to nip on Yuri'ssensitive skin.Yoona used her knee to Yuri's partlegs, holding them apart the us shekisses the moist inner thighs. Lickingthe nectar that had already flowedout. She inserted her index finger,adding a second us she felt the innerWall stretch to accommodate her,then she began pumping her fingersin and out of Yuri's wet pussy,curling her fingers to give maximumpleasure. She felt her favourite spotin Yuri, slightly rougher than the rest.She pressed on it causing nectar toGush out.Yuri lurched upwards, her bodyquivering from the force buildinginside of her. She desperately wantedto touch Yoona but the bounds onher hand restrained her."Touch me please," Yuri begged. Herthe body had been a desert for two yearsand Yoona was a cool oasis.Yoona smirked, happy that Yuriwanted her. She leaned down, takingthe aching clit into her mouth andgiving it a quick hard suck. Shelicked between the parted foldsbefore using her tongue to pump inand out, savouring the special tasteof Yuri.Yuri us lasciviously moaned she camehard, cresting over the waves ofpleasure, her body had so desperatelycraved. Yoona sucked her dry thenmoved over her to untie her wrists.They lay spent, naked on the floor,legs intertwined, as they held on toeach other. Exchanging soft kissesand whispered words."Don't ever leave me for two years"Yoona again, whispered, kissing thesensitive spot behind Yuri's ear, "IMiss you too much. ""I miss you too. It feels good to behome, "she replied, planting a softkiss on the lips plump Yoona's, "I'm notleaving you anywhere again. "
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