Scratch­ing” fe­male war-god small mon­ster al­most must scold the bad terjemahan - Scratch­ing” fe­male war-god small mon­ster al­most must scold the bad Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Scratch­ing” fe­male war-god small

Scratch­ing” fe­male war-god small mon­ster al­most must scold the bad lan­guage, sticks out one's tongue say­ing: „El­dest child, its this is any­thing de­fends, real BT!”
I pay at­ten­tion to Slime of this de­fense steel, under the de­fense at­ti­tude it will not be at­tack­ing, and in the top of the head has a skill to con­tinue to read the strip, is very good, after he de­fended the steel to fin­ish, I rapidly was a dou­ble hit at­tack, the in­jury has sur­passed each time 14 W, this was the nor­mal in­jury!
The Lin Wan Er sil­ver dragon falls slowly, Fang Geque, Lin Xi­aowu, swam baby et al. to step well of one god demon in abun­dance, Wan Er looked to me, said: „Pig you con­tinue to clear, I meet the human”
I nod: „Wan Er was la­bo­ri­ous!”
Just said that the ball ball was not silly rides the fly­ing chicken to fall to the ground, just fell to the ground is spurted a blood red mu­cilage of face by a Slime, got angry: „Fa­ther foun­da­tion de­fends 4 W, will fear that you do spit the saliva? My my grass, vir­u­lent”
Say­ing, his knees one soft knelt in Yanzhao un­par­al­leled front, harmed the uncle face whiten: „Ball ball your line of that big rit­u­als I”
The ball ball is not silly falls down, the eye quickly hung to the nose on, said un­clearly: „You, when I think that my whole body was numb”
Fang Geque grasped is flow­ing Yun Shan to go for­ward is a magic arts dou­ble hit bang has drawn back that Slime, said as­suredly: „This is Slime's venom ef­fect , to con­tinue for 2 min­utes, does that prac­tic­ing med­i­cine beau­ti­ful woman give him to pu­rify to try?”
Swims the baby law stick to wield, pu­ri­fies the after ef­fect, the ball ball was not silly fi­nally re­stored build orig­i­nally, stands up from fail­ure Slime who jumped from the ground rushes ahead that rem­nant blood to go, some­times for ever and ever com­pletely, this hated not to have time cer­tainly con­tin­u­ously.
Is less than ten min­utes, 100 peo­ple were all shipped well of one god demon, every­body for­mally started to kill to blame, was di­vided into 10 squads to prompt for­ward to­gether, as­sign­ments of such Class also clear, was in­suf­fi­cient to have any mis­take.
Each team has 2 treat­ments, this did not need to be wor­ried about Slime's venom, but we dis­cov­ered quickly that the venom was pu­ri­fied has the prob­a­bil­ity, 50% prob­a­bil­i­ties can pu­rify, more­over half prob­a­bil­ity pu­rifi­ca­tion de­feat, that many peo­ple can only lie down on the ground to next CD Cooldown of pu­rifi­ca­tion tech­nique numb.
Is good be­cause, this venom ef­fect was in­valid to me, is the MISS range of heroic heart spe­cial ef­fect, in my this 10 peo­ple of squads was the [Zhan Long] sharp player, Wan Er and small dance, wipes the tea, dream Yao and Li Mu, Wang Jian et al., killed the strange speed cer­tainly, ad­vances quickly, cap­tures the em­pir­i­cal value and equip­ment to be in­nu­mer­able.
A well of area god demon is too big, we killed for nearly 3 hours com­pletely to clean up all Slime cleanly, after we cleaned up Slime com­pletely, the side song left a ques­tion or mat­ter open for fur­ther dis­cus­sion asks: „Why doesn't see BOSS?”
I shake the head: „Does not know.”
Jian Feng Han said: „Can hide in chart Chi­nese Li­brary?”
Yue Qing Qian shakes the head: „, I will not have paid at­ten­tion all the way care­fully, has not at­tempted Chi­nese Li­brary.”
In a Yanzhao un­par­al­leled fig­ure of ground a lump of Slime's corpse, said: „Looked quickly that Slime's corpse moved, has the sit­u­a­tion, def­i­nitely had the sit­u­a­tion!”
I lift the hand to draw out to do sword, said: „At­ten­tion alerts, be not sneak at­tacked by mon­ster!”
Fi­nally, in the well of un­der­ground map en­tire god demon the in­nu­mer­able Slime's corpses are wrig­gling, changed into the green ray to fly to the map cen­ter, con­densed in to­gether, this also means that BOSS truly must ap­pear.
Lin Wan Er raises head the BOSS corpse that looks at air­borne gath
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Scratch­ing” fe­male war-god small mon­ster al­most must scold the bad lan­guage, sticks out one's tongue say­ing: „El­dest child, its this is any­thing de­fends, real BT!”„Um.”I pay at­ten­tion to Slime of this de­fense steel, under the de­fense at­ti­tude it will not be at­tack­ing, and in the top of the head has a skill to con­tinue to read the strip, is very good, after he de­fended the steel to fin­ish, I rapidly was a dou­ble hit at­tack, the in­jury has sur­passed each time 14 W, this was the nor­mal in­jury!The Lin Wan Er sil­ver dragon falls slowly, Fang Geque, Lin Xi­aowu, swam baby et al. to step well of one god demon in abun­dance, Wan Er looked to me, said: „Pig you con­tinue to clear, I meet the human”I nod: „Wan Er was la­bo­ri­ous!”Just said that the ball ball was not silly rides the fly­ing chicken to fall to the ground, just fell to the ground is spurted a blood red mu­cilage of face by a Slime, got angry: „Fa­ther foun­da­tion de­fends 4 W, will fear that you do spit the saliva? My my grass, vir­u­lent”Say­ing, his knees one soft knelt in Yanzhao un­par­al­leled front, harmed the uncle face whiten: „Ball ball your line of that big rit­u­als I”The ball ball is not silly falls down, the eye quickly hung to the nose on, said un­clearly: „You, when I think that my whole body was numb”Fang Geque grasped is flow­ing Yun Shan to go for­ward is a magic arts dou­ble hit bang has drawn back that Slime, said as­suredly: „This is Slime's venom ef­fect , to con­tinue for 2 min­utes, does that prac­tic­ing med­i­cine beau­ti­ful woman give him to pu­rify to try?”Swims the baby law stick to wield, pu­ri­fies the after ef­fect, the ball ball was not silly fi­nally re­stored build orig­i­nally, stands up from fail­ure Slime who jumped from the ground rushes ahead that rem­nant blood to go, some­times for ever and ever com­pletely, this hated not to have time cer­tainly con­tin­u­ously.
Is less than ten min­utes, 100 peo­ple were all shipped well of one god demon, every­body for­mally started to kill to blame, was di­vided into 10 squads to prompt for­ward to­gether, as­sign­ments of such Class also clear, was in­suf­fi­cient to have any mis­take.
Each team has 2 treat­ments, this did not need to be wor­ried about Slime's venom, but we dis­cov­ered quickly that the venom was pu­ri­fied has the prob­a­bil­ity, 50% prob­a­bil­i­ties can pu­rify, more­over half prob­a­bil­ity pu­rifi­ca­tion de­feat, that many peo­ple can only lie down on the ground to next CD Cooldown of pu­rifi­ca­tion tech­nique numb.
Is good be­cause, this venom ef­fect was in­valid to me, is the MISS range of heroic heart spe­cial ef­fect, in my this 10 peo­ple of squads was the [Zhan Long] sharp player, Wan Er and small dance, wipes the tea, dream Yao and Li Mu, Wang Jian et al., killed the strange speed cer­tainly, ad­vances quickly, cap­tures the em­pir­i­cal value and equip­ment to be in­nu­mer­able.
A well of area god demon is too big, we killed for nearly 3 hours com­pletely to clean up all Slime cleanly, after we cleaned up Slime com­pletely, the side song left a ques­tion or mat­ter open for fur­ther dis­cus­sion asks: „Why doesn't see BOSS?”
I shake the head: „Does not know.”
Jian Feng Han said: „Can hide in chart Chi­nese Li­brary?”
Yue Qing Qian shakes the head: „, I will not have paid at­ten­tion all the way care­fully, has not at­tempted Chi­nese Li­brary.”
In a Yanzhao un­par­al­leled fig­ure of ground a lump of Slime's corpse, said: „Looked quickly that Slime's corpse moved, has the sit­u­a­tion, def­i­nitely had the sit­u­a­tion!”
I lift the hand to draw out to do sword, said: „At­ten­tion alerts, be not sneak at­tacked by mon­ster!”
Fi­nally, in the well of un­der­ground map en­tire god demon the in­nu­mer­able Slime's corpses are wrig­gling, changed into the green ray to fly to the map cen­ter, con­densed in to­gether, this also means that BOSS truly must ap­pear.
Lin Wan Er raises head the BOSS corpse that looks at air­borne gath
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menggaruk "perempuan perang-dewa rakasa kecil hampir harus memarahi bahasa yang buruk, menjulurkan lidah seseorang mengatakan:"! Anak Sulung, yang ini apa pun membela, real BT "
" Um. "
Saya memperhatikan Slime baja pertahanan ini, di bawah sikap pertahanan itu tidak akan menyerang, dan di atas kepala memiliki keterampilan untuk terus membaca strip, sangat baik, setelah ia membela baja untuk menyelesaikan, saya cepat adalah serangan hit ganda, cedera telah melampaui setiap kali 14 W, ini adalah cedera normal!
The Lin Wan Er perak naga jatuh perlahan, Fang Geque, Lin Xiaowu, berenang bayi et al. untuk melangkah dengan baik dari satu dewa iblis dalam kelimpahan, Wan Er tampak bagi saya, mengatakan: "Pig Anda terus membersihkan, saya bertemu manusia"
Saya mengangguk: "! Wan Er adalah melelahkan"
Hanya mengatakan bahwa bola bola tidak konyol wahana ayam terbang jatuh ke tanah, hanya jatuh ke tanah adalah muncrat darah lendir merah wajah oleh Slime, marah: "Bapa dasar membela 4 W, akan takut bahwa Anda meludah air liur? Saya rumput saya, mematikan "
Mengatakan, berlutut satu Berlutut lembut di Yanzhao tertandingi depan, dirugikan paman wajah memutihkan:" Bola bola baris Anda bahwa ritual besar saya "
Bola bola tidak konyol jatuh, mata cepat tergantung kepada hidung pada, mengatakan tidak jelas: "Kamu, ketika saya berpikir bahwa seluruh tubuh saya mati rasa"
Fang Geque digenggam mengalir Yun Shan untuk maju adalah seni sihir ganda hit Bang telah menarik kembali bahwa Slime, mengatakan pasti: "ini adalah racun Slime ini efek, untuk terus selama 2 menit, apakah itu praktek pengobatan wanita cantik memberinya untuk memurnikan untuk mencoba? "
Berenang tongkat hukum bayi untuk memegang, memurnikan setelah efek, bola bola tidak konyol membangun akhirnya dipulihkan awalnya, berdiri dari kegagalan lendir yang melompat dari tanah bergegas ke depan bahwa darah sisa untuk pergi, kadang-kadang selama-lamanya benar, ini membenci untuk tidak memiliki waktu pasti terus.
Apakah kurang dari sepuluh menit, 100 orang semua dikirimkan baik dari satu tuhan setan, semua orang secara resmi mulai membunuh menyalahkan, dibagi menjadi 10 regu untuk mendorong maju bersama-sama, tugas dari seperti Class juga jelas, tidak cukup untuk memiliki kesalahan apapun.
setiap tim memiliki 2 perawatan, ini tidak perlu khawatir tentang racun Slime, tapi kami menemukan dengan cepat bahwa racun dimurnikan memiliki probabilitas, 50% probabilitas dapat memurnikan, apalagi kekalahan pemurnian setengah probabilitas, bahwa banyak orang hanya bisa berbaring di tanah untuk selanjutnya CD Cooldown teknik pemurnian mati rasa.
Apakah baik karena, efek racun ini tidak valid untuk saya, adalah rentang LEWATKAN dari efek khusus jantung heroik, di saya ini 10 orang dari regu adalah [Zhan panjang] pemain tajam, Wan Er dan tari kecil, tisu teh, mimpi Yao dan Li Mu, Wang Jian et al., membunuh kecepatan aneh pasti, kemajuan cepat, menangkap nilai empiris dan peralatan menjadi tak terhitung.
Sebuah baik dari daerah dewa iblis terlalu besar, kami membunuh selama hampir 3 jam sekali untuk membersihkan semua Slime bersih, setelah kami membersihkan Slime sepenuhnya, lagu sisi kiri pertanyaan atau masalah terbuka untuk diskusi lebih lanjut bertanya: "Mengapa tidak melihat BOSS?"
aku menggelengkan kepala: "tidak tahu."
Jian Feng Han mengatakan: "? Dapatkah bersembunyi di grafik Cina Library"
Yue Qing Qian getar kepala: ", saya tidak akan membayar perhatian semua jalan hati-hati, tidak berusaha Perpustakaan Cina."
dalam sosok Yanzhao tertandingi tanah benjolan mayat Slime, mengatakan: "Tampak cepat bahwa mayat Slime pindah, memiliki ! situasi, pasti memiliki situasi "
saya angkat tangan untuk menarik keluar untuk melakukan pedang, mengatakan:" alert Perhatian, akan tidak menyelinap diserang oleh rakasa "!
Akhirnya, di dalam sumur bawah tanah peta seluruh dewa setan mayat yang tak terhitung Slime ini sedang menggeliat , berubah menjadi sinar hijau untuk terbang ke pusat peta, kental bersama-sama, ini juga berarti bahwa BOSS benar-benar harus muncul.
Lin Wan Er mengangkat kepala mayat BOSS yang terlihat di gath udara
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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