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United Parcel Service (UPS) started out in 1907 in acloset-sized basement office. Jim Casey and ClaudeRyan—two teenagers from Seattle with two bicyclesand one phone—promised the “best service andlowest rates.” UPS has used this formula successfullyfor more than 100 years to become the world’s largestground and air package delivery company. It’s aglobal enterprise with over 408,000 employees,96,000 vehicles, and the world’s ninth largest airline.Today, UPS delivers more than 15 million packagesand documents each day in the United Statesand more than 200 other countries and territories.The firm has been able to maintain leadership insmall-package delivery services despite stiff competitionfrom FedEx and Airborne Express by investingheavily in advanced information technology. UPSspends more than $1 billion each year to maintain ahigh level of customer service while keeping costslow and streamlining its overall operations.It all starts with the scannable bar-coded labelattached to a package, which contains detailed informationabout the sender, the destination, and whenthe package should arrive. Customers can downloadand print their own labels using special softwareprovided by UPS or by accessing the UPS Web site.Before the package is even picked up, informationfrom the “smart” label is transmitted to one of UPS’scomputer centers in Mahwah, New Jersey, orAlpharetta, Georgia, and sent to the distributioncenter nearest its final destination. Dispatchers atthis center download the label data and use specialsoftware to create the most efficient delivery routefor each driver that considers traffic, weatherconditions, and the location of each stop. UPSestimates its delivery trucks save 28 million milesand burn 3 million fewer gallons of fuel each year asa result of using this technology. To further increasecost savings and safety, drivers are trained to use“340 Methods” developed by industrial engineers tooptimize the performance of every task from liftingand loading boxes to selecting a package from a shelfin the truck.The first thing a UPS driver picks up each day is ahandheld computer called a Delivery InformationAcquisition Device (DIAD), which can access one ofthe wireless networks cell phones rely on. As soon asthe driver logs on, his or her day’s route is downloadedonto the handheld. The DIAD also automati-UPS COMPETES GLOBALLY WITH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYcally captures customers’ signatures along withpickup and delivery information. Package trackinginformation is then transmitted to UPS’s computernetwork for storage and processing. From there, theinformation can be accessed worldwide to provideproof of delivery to customers or to respond tocustomer queries. It usually takes less than 60seconds from the time a driver presses “complete” ona DIAD for the new information to be available onthe Web.Through its automated package tracking system,UPS can monitor and even re-route packagesthroughout the delivery process. At various pointsalong the route from sender to receiver, bar codedevices scan shipping information on the packagelabel and feed data about the progress of the packageinto the central computer. Customer servicerepresentatives are able to check the status of anypackage from desktop computers linked to thecentral computers and respond immediately toinquiries from customers. UPS customers can alsoaccess this information from the company’s Web siteusing their own computers or mobile phones.Anyone with a package to ship can access the UPSWeb site to check delivery routes, calculate shippingrates, determine time in transit, print labels, schedulea pickup, and track packages. The data collectedat the UPS Web site are transmitted to the UPS centralcomputer and then back to the customer afterprocessing. UPS also provides tools that enable customers,such Cisco Systems, to embed UPS functions,such as tracking and cost calculations, into their ownWeb sites so that they can track shipments withoutvisiting the UPS site.In June 2009, UPS launched a new Web-basedPost-Sales Order Management System (OMS) thatmanages global service orders and inventory forcritical parts fulfillment. The system enables hightechelectronics, aerospace, medical equipment, andother companies anywhere in the world that shipcritical parts to quickly assess their critical partsinventory, determine the most optimal routingstrategy to meet customer needs, place orders online,and track parts from the warehouse to the end user.An automated e-mail or fax feature keeps customersinformed of each shipping milestone and can providenotification of any changes to flight schedules forcommercial airlines carrying their parts. Once ordersChapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today 23CASE STUDY QUESTIONS1. What are the inputs, processing, and outputs ofUPS’s package tracking system?2. What technologies are used by UPS? How arethese technologies related to UPS’s businessstrategy?3. What strategic business objectives do UPS’sinformation systems address?4. What would happen if UPS’s information systemswere not available?are complete, companies can print documents suchas labels and bills of lading in multiple languages.UPS is now leveraging its decades of expertisemanaging its own global delivery network to managelogistics and supply chain activities for other companies.It created a UPS Supply Chain Solutionsdivision that provides a complete bundle of standardizedservices to subscribing companies at a fractionof what it would cost to build their own systems andinfrastructure. These services include supply chaindesign and management, freight forwarding, customsbrokerage, mail services, multimodal transportation,and financial services, in addition to logisticsservices.Servalite, an East Moline, Illinois, manufacturer offasteners, sells 40,000 different products to hardwarestores and larger home improvement stores.The company had used multiple warehouses toprovide two-day delivery nationwide. UPS created anew logistics plan for the company that helped itreduce freight time in transit and consolidate inventory.Thanks to these improvements, Servalite hasbeen able to keep its two-day delivery guaranteewhile lowering warehousing and inventory costs.Sources: Jennifer Levitz, “UPS Thinks Out of the Box on DriverTraining,” The Wall Street Journal, April 6, 2010; United ParcelService, “In a Tighter Economy, a Manufacturer Fastens Down ItsLogistics,” UPS Compass, accessed May 5, 2010; Agam Shah, “UPSInvests $1 Billion in Technology to Cut Costs,” BloombergBusinessweek, March 25, 2010; UPS, “UPS Delivers New App forGoogle’s Android,” April 12, 2010; Chris Murphy, “In for the LongHaul,” Information Week, January 19, 2009; United Parcel Service, “UPS Unveils Global Technology for Critical Parts Fulfillment,” June16, 2009; and www.ups.com, accessed May 5, 2010.Explore the UPS Web site (www.ups.com) andanswer the following questions:1. What kind of information and services does theWeb site provide for individuals, small businesses,and large businesses? List these services.2. Go to the Business Solutions portion of the UPSWeb site. Browse the UPS Business Solutions by
category (such as shipment delivery, returns, or
international trade) and write a description of all
the services UPS provides for one of these
categories. Explain how a business would benefit
from these services.
3. Explain how the Web site helps UPS achieve some
or all of the strategic business objectives we
described earlier in this chapter. What would be
the impact on UPS’s business if this Web site were
not available?
The system must also provide information to satisfy the needs of
managers and workers. UPS drivers need to be trained in both package
pickup and delivery procedures and in how to use the package tracking
system so that they can work efficiently and effectively. UPS customers may
need some training to use UPS in-house package tracking software or the UPS
Web site.
UPS’s management is responsible for monitoring service levels and costs and
for promoting the company’s strategy of combining low cost and superior
service. Management decided to use computer systems to increase the ease of
sending a package using UPS and of checking its delivery status, thereby
reducing delivery costs and increasing sales revenues.
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