Ba­si­cally the pre­sent rhythm is the whole na­tion joy­fully cel­e­b terjemahan - Ba­si­cally the pre­sent rhythm is the whole na­tion joy­fully cel­e­b Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ba­si­cally the pre­sent rhythm is

Ba­si­cally the pre­sent rhythm is the whole na­tion joy­fully cel­e­brates, the player in only every book city is hav­ing tears stream­ing down the face and is striv­ing for suc­cess as be­fore in­ces­santly . More­over, I am not op­ti­mistic re­gard­ing the sit­u­a­tion in high­est heaven city, al­though the high­est heaven city was cap­tured, so long as demon moun­tain, 7 K et al. the strengths still, mo­men­tar­ily can seize again, Fang Geque planned how many peo­ple keeps to de­fend the im­pe­r­ial high­est heaven city? How many peo­ple does the plan send to come back to de­fend the Chi­nese area west en­trance? Wants the 1000 W gar­ri­son by every book city to block the match to ex­ceed five times of mil­i­tary strength?
In fact, the city that seizes are more, in­stead was more em­bar­rassed.
Gains ground sit­u­a­tion that looks at to see the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, the dif­fer­ent evil spir­its are fiercely at­tack­ing the city, many demon palaces rode have stepped into the city to rush ahead under de­liv­er­ing of stone car­riage, more­over large quan­ti­ties of wire rope checks were hang­ing in the city wall, the count­less demon spirit big sword mas­ter and oth­ers in crazy climb­ing up, air­borne was the world of sword spirit cav­alry sol­dier, the player and NPC who rode Fei­long to wave 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its that lets look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate in­nu­mer­ably just likes falls into the night­mare gen­eral.
Looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, most over 1 hour can­not at­tack and oc­cupy!
In a half hour, the dis­tant place spreads the news, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink and maple­wood to be drunk to lead the main force of In­dian war zone to leave the Lin­hai city, dis­patched troops to at­tack the high­est heaven city of­fi­cially!
The In­di­ans dis­patch troops, im­me­di­ately sit­u­a­tion rac­ing!
Fang Geque can­celled has reen­forced the plan of every book city!
Lin Wan Er also brazenly dis­patches troops, at­tacks the Lin­hai city!
All sorts that the en­tire coun­try fights, com­pletely not in my ex­pec­ta­tion and con­trol, was then good, lived it up re­ally!
Is less than a half hour, sud­denly is a ting re­ver­ber­a­tion above the sky, near 20 min­utes of Cooldown, the Lin Wan Er Mil­i­tary Con­trol fire Yun Cheng 1 mil­lion reg­i­ments, less than one hour sub­due the Lin­hai city, sounds to seem like lis­ten­ing to a mir­a­cle sim­ply
Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Con­grat­u­lates the player 【Cang Tong】( Chi­nese area) de­stroys suc­cess­fully 【Lin­hai city】( In­dian area) throne, and chose has seized the pat­tern, shifted the sov­er­eignty of this first-level host city to the Chi­nese war zone name, this Lin­hai city at­tacked the seiz­ing in­te­gral to be too low, all re­wards trans­formed as the em­pir­i­cal value pro­vide to the cor­re­spond­ing player!
The news comes rapidly, rea­son that can cap­ture the Lin­hai city rapidly, the only rea­son was Lin­hai city Mar­shal NPC, Liu Jun Kaesong has sur­ren­dered, sev­eral mil­lion In­dian play­ers who in the city re­mained be­hind han­dled to guard, the Lin Wan Er de­ci­sive order fire Yun Cheng 5000 great shape cav­alry sol­diers in 10 min­utes rushed ahead the im­pe­r­ial palace di­rectly, Lin Wan Er have con­trolled sil­ver dragon Lit­tle Bai to enter the im­pe­r­ial palace di­rectly, has cap­tured the throne!
At that time, lead­ing the peo­ple to go to bat­tle with the clear pupil of high­est heaven city de­velop black ink def­i­nitely to ir­ri­tate!
Other does not know that I open the server forum of In­dian area, these Hindi can­not un­der­stand, no­body gives me to trans­late, but ac­tu­ally saw that the clear pupil de­vel­oped the black ink head pic­ture the name to post a post, be­fore the post that sev­eral sec­onds posted, went against to over ten thou­sand build­ings, the con­tent of post was Eng
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ba­si­cally the pre­sent rhythm is the whole na­tion joy­fully cel­e­brates, the player in only every book city is hav­ing tears stream­ing down the face and is striv­ing for suc­cess as be­fore in­ces­santly . More­over, I am not op­ti­mistic re­gard­ing the sit­u­a­tion in high­est heaven city, al­though the high­est heaven city was cap­tured, so long as demon moun­tain, 7 K et al. the strengths still, mo­men­tar­ily can seize again, Fang Geque planned how many peo­ple keeps to de­fend the im­pe­r­ial high­est heaven city? How many peo­ple does the plan send to come back to de­fend the Chi­nese area west en­trance? Wants the 1000 W gar­ri­son by every book city to block the match to ex­ceed five times of mil­i­tary strength?In fact, the city that seizes are more, in­stead was more em­bar­rassed.Gains ground sit­u­a­tion that looks at to see the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, the dif­fer­ent evil spir­its are fiercely at­tack­ing the city, many demon palaces rode have stepped into the city to rush ahead under de­liv­er­ing of stone car­riage, more­over large quan­ti­ties of wire rope checks were hang­ing in the city wall, the count­less demon spirit big sword mas­ter and oth­ers in crazy climb­ing up, air­borne was the world of sword spirit cav­alry sol­dier, the player and NPC who rode Fei­long to wave 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its that lets look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate in­nu­mer­ably just likes falls into the night­mare gen­eral.Looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, most over 1 hour can­not at­tack and oc­cupy!In a half hour, the dis­tant place spreads the news, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink and maple­wood to be drunk to lead the main force of In­dian war zone to leave the Lin­hai city, dis­patched troops to at­tack the high­est heaven city of­fi­cially!The In­di­ans dis­patch troops, im­me­di­ately sit­u­a­tion rac­ing!Fang Geque can­celled has reen­forced the plan of every book city!Lin Wan Er also brazenly dis­patches troops, at­tacks the Lin­hai city!All sorts that the en­tire coun­try fights, com­pletely not in my ex­pec­ta­tion and con­trol, was then good, lived it up re­ally!Is less than a half hour, sud­denly is a ting re­ver­ber­a­tion above the sky, near 20 min­utes of Cooldown, the Lin Wan Er Mil­i­tary Con­trol fire Yun Cheng 1 mil­lion reg­i­ments, less than one hour sub­due the Lin­hai city, sounds to seem like lis­ten­ing to a mir­a­cle sim­ply
Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Con­grat­u­lates the player 【Cang Tong】( Chi­nese area) de­stroys suc­cess­fully 【Lin­hai city】( In­dian area) throne, and chose has seized the pat­tern, shifted the sov­er­eignty of this first-level host city to the Chi­nese war zone name, this Lin­hai city at­tacked the seiz­ing in­te­gral to be too low, all re­wards trans­formed as the em­pir­i­cal value pro­vide to the cor­re­spond­ing player!
The news comes rapidly, rea­son that can cap­ture the Lin­hai city rapidly, the only rea­son was Lin­hai city Mar­shal NPC, Liu Jun Kaesong has sur­ren­dered, sev­eral mil­lion In­dian play­ers who in the city re­mained be­hind han­dled to guard, the Lin Wan Er de­ci­sive order fire Yun Cheng 5000 great shape cav­alry sol­diers in 10 min­utes rushed ahead the im­pe­r­ial palace di­rectly, Lin Wan Er have con­trolled sil­ver dragon Lit­tle Bai to enter the im­pe­r­ial palace di­rectly, has cap­tured the throne!
At that time, lead­ing the peo­ple to go to bat­tle with the clear pupil of high­est heaven city de­velop black ink def­i­nitely to ir­ri­tate!
Other does not know that I open the server forum of In­dian area, these Hindi can­not un­der­stand, no­body gives me to trans­late, but ac­tu­ally saw that the clear pupil de­vel­oped the black ink head pic­ture the name to post a post, be­fore the post that sev­eral sec­onds posted, went against to over ten thou­sand build­ings, the con­tent of post was Eng
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada dasarnya ritme ini adalah seluruh bangsa gembira merayakan, pemain hanya setiap kota buku adalah memiliki air mata mengalir di wajah dan berjuang untuk sukses seperti sebelumnya tanpa henti. Selain itu, saya tidak optimis tentang situasi di kota surga tertinggi, meskipun kota surga tertinggi ditangkap, asalkan setan gunung, 7 K et al. kekuatan masih, sejenak bisa merebut lagi, Fang Geque direncanakan berapa banyak orang terus untuk mempertahankan kota surga tertinggi kekaisaran? Berapa banyak orang yang rencana mengirim kembali untuk membela daerah barat pintu masuk Cina? Mau 1000 W garnisun oleh setiap kota buku untuk memblokir pertandingan melebihi lima kali kekuatan militer?
Bahkan, kota yang merebut lebih, bukannya lebih malu.
Keuntungan situasi tanah yang terlihat di untuk melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama, roh-roh jahat yang berbeda sengit menyerang kota, banyak istana setan berkuda telah melangkah ke kota untuk terburu-buru ke depan di bawah memberikan pengangkutan batu, jumlah apalagi besar tali cek kawat yang tergantung di dinding kota, yang tak terhitung jumlahnya roh setan pedang besar guru dan lain-lain dalam pendakian gila up, udara adalah dunia roh pedang kavaleri tentara, pemain dan NPC yang naik Feilong gelombang 7 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda yang memungkinkan melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran luar utama gerbang kota innumerably hanya suka jatuh ke dalam mimpi buruk umum.
Tampak di dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama, paling lebih dari 1 jam tidak dapat menyerang dan menduduki!
dalam setengah jam, tempat jauh menyebar berita, murid jelas dikembangkan tinta hitam dan maplewood untuk diminum untuk memimpin kekuatan utama dari zona perang India untuk meninggalkan kota Linhai, mengirim pasukan untuk menyerang kota surga tertinggi resmi!
The Indian mengirim pasukan, segera racing situasi!
Fang Geque dibatalkan telah mempererat rencana setiap kota book!
Lin Wan Er juga berani mengirimkan pasukan, menyerang kota Linhai!
Segala macam bahwa perkelahian negara seluruh, benar-benar tidak dalam harapan dan kendali saya, kemudian baik, tinggal itu benar-benar!
Apakah kurang dari setengah jam, tiba-tiba adalah sebuah gema ting di atas langit, di dekat 20 menit dari Cooldown, api Lin Wan Kontrol Er Militer Yun Cheng 1 juta resimen, kurang dari satu jam menundukkan kota Linhai, terdengar tampak seperti mendengarkan keajaiban hanya
Sistem pengumuman : mengucapkan selamat pemain 【Cang Tong】 (area Cina) menghancurkan berhasil 【Linhai kota】 (area India) tahta, dan memilih telah menyita pola, menggeser kedaulatan kota tuan rumah tingkat pertama ini ke Cina nama zona perang, Linhai ini kota menyerang merebut terpisahkan menjadi terlalu rendah, semua imbalan berubah sebagai nilai empiris memberikan kepada pemain sesuai!
berita ini muncul dengan cepat, alasan yang dapat menangkap kota Linhai cepat, satu-satunya alasan adalah Linhai kota Marshal NPC, Liu Jun Kaesong memiliki menyerah, beberapa juta pemain India yang di kota tetap di belakang ditangani untuk menjaga, Lin Wan Er menentukan agar api Yun Cheng 5000 besar tentara bentuk kavaleri di 10 menit bergegas ke depan istana kekaisaran langsung, Lin Wan Er telah dikendalikan perak naga kecil Bai ke memasuki istana kekaisaran langsung, telah menangkap takhta!
pada saat itu, memimpin orang-orang untuk pergi ke pertempuran dengan murid jelas kota surga tertinggi mengembangkan tinta hitam pasti mengganggu!
lain tidak tahu bahwa saya membuka forum server wilayah India , Hindi ini tidak bisa mengerti, tak seorang pun memberi saya untuk menerjemahkan, tapi benar-benar melihat bahwa murid yang jelas dikembangkan gambar kepala tinta hitam nama untuk mengirim posting, sebelum posting bahwa beberapa detik diposting, bertentangan dengan lebih dari sepuluh ribu bangunan, isi pos itu Eng
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