may vary with respect to race, gender, sexual orientation, aging, or d terjemahan - may vary with respect to race, gender, sexual orientation, aging, or d Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

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may vary with respect to race, gender, sexual orientation, aging, or disability dimensions (Rooney et al., 1998).

Reynolds (1995) recommends training counseling faculty in cultural diversity content regarding specific cultural groups, how oppression works, group work, how multicultural issues affect counseling, and so on. There are good reasons for more White faculty to become multicultural trainers (Kiselica, 1998). White faculty who have developed multicultural expertise can be role models for White counselors who are grappling with their own cultural identity development. Lark and Paul (1988) assert that some ethnic or cultural similarity to the trainer is important for both credibility and modeling.

Multiculturalism Within the Counseling Profession
Current Status
Although people of color make up more than one-third of the U.S. workforce and more than one-fourth of college students, they represent only 18% of all bachelor’s degree recipients and 14% of all doctoral recipients (Abraham & Jacobs, 1999; American Council on Education, 2006). In psychology, ethnic minority students represent 20% of undergraduate psychology majors, 18% of entering graduate students, and 9% of those with doctorates, eventually resulting in only 5.5% of the nation’s psychologists from ethnic minority backgrounds (APA Presidential Task Force on Enhancing Diversity, 2005; Pate, 2001; Youngstrom, 1992). In counselor education programs, Black and Hispanic students have long been underrepresented (Atkinson, 1983). Even when ethnic minority students are enrolled in counselor education programs, they are less likely to be fulltime students or in doctoral-level programs (Atkinson, 1983).

Underrepresentation of ethnic minority people among psychology and counseling faculty is also evident. Nationally, 5% of all higher education faculty are Black, 4% Asian, 3% Hispanic, and 0.4% American Indian/Alaskan Native (Murray, 1998). Ethnic minority faculty made up only 11% of psychology doctoral faculty nationwide (Pate, 2001). Ethnic minority representation is consistently higher among part-time faculty and ethnic minority representation is also greater in master’slevel departments as compared to doctoral-level psychology departments

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
may vary with respect to race, gender, sexual orientation, aging, or disability dimensions (Rooney et al., 1998).Reynolds (1995) recommends training counseling faculty in cultural diversity content regarding specific cultural groups, how oppression works, group work, how multicultural issues affect counseling, and so on. There are good reasons for more White faculty to become multicultural trainers (Kiselica, 1998). White faculty who have developed multicultural expertise can be role models for White counselors who are grappling with their own cultural identity development. Lark and Paul (1988) assert that some ethnic or cultural similarity to the trainer is important for both credibility and modeling. Multiculturalism Within the Counseling ProfessionCurrent StatusAlthough people of color make up more than one-third of the U.S. workforce and more than one-fourth of college students, they represent only 18% of all bachelor’s degree recipients and 14% of all doctoral recipients (Abraham & Jacobs, 1999; American Council on Education, 2006). In psychology, ethnic minority students represent 20% of undergraduate psychology majors, 18% of entering graduate students, and 9% of those with doctorates, eventually resulting in only 5.5% of the nation’s psychologists from ethnic minority backgrounds (APA Presidential Task Force on Enhancing Diversity, 2005; Pate, 2001; Youngstrom, 1992). In counselor education programs, Black and Hispanic students have long been underrepresented (Atkinson, 1983). Even when ethnic minority students are enrolled in counselor education programs, they are less likely to be fulltime students or in doctoral-level programs (Atkinson, 1983). Underrepresentation of ethnic minority people among psychology and counseling faculty is also evident. Nationally, 5% of all higher education faculty are Black, 4% Asian, 3% Hispanic, and 0.4% American Indian/Alaskan Native (Murray, 1998). Ethnic minority faculty made up only 11% of psychology doctoral faculty nationwide (Pate, 2001). Ethnic minority representation is consistently higher among part-time faculty and ethnic minority representation is also greater in master’slevel departments as compared to doctoral-level psychology departments
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
dapat bervariasi sehubungan dengan ras, jenis kelamin, orientasi seksual, usia, atau cacat dimensi (Rooney et al., 1998). Reynolds (1995) merekomendasikan fakultas konseling pelatihan konten keragaman budaya tentang kelompok budaya tertentu, bagaimana penindasan bekerja, kerja kelompok, bagaimana multikultural isu mempengaruhi konseling, dan sebagainya. Ada alasan baik untuk fakultas lebih Putih untuk menjadi pelatih multikultural (Kiselica, 1998). Fakultas putih yang telah mengembangkan keahlian multikultural dapat menjadi panutan bagi konselor Putih yang bergulat dengan pengembangan identitas budaya mereka sendiri. Lark dan Paul (1988) menyatakan bahwa beberapa kesamaan etnis atau budaya untuk pelatih adalah penting bagi kredibilitas dan pemodelan. Multikulturalisme Dalam Konseling Profesi Status Saat Ini Meskipun orang kulit berwarna membuat lebih dari sepertiga dari tenaga kerja AS dan lebih dari satu -fourth mahasiswa, mereka hanya mewakili 18% dari penerima gelar ke-sarjana dan 14% dari semua penerima doktor (Abraham & Jacobs, 1999; American Council on Education, 2006). Dalam psikologi, mahasiswa etnis minoritas mewakili 20% dari jurusan sarjana psikologi, 18% masuk mahasiswa pascasarjana, dan 9% dari mereka dengan gelar doktor, akhirnya menghasilkan hanya 5,5% dari psikolog bangsa dari berbagai latar belakang etnis minoritas (APA Presiden Task Force on Enhancing Keanekaragaman, 2005; Pate, 2001; Youngstrom, 1992). Dalam program pendidikan konselor, Hitam dan Hispanik siswa telah lama terwakili (Atkinson, 1983). Bahkan ketika siswa etnis minoritas yang terdaftar dalam program pendidikan konselor, mereka cenderung menjadi mahasiswa fulltime atau program doktor-tingkat (Atkinson, 1983). underrepresentation orang etnis minoritas di antara psikologi dan fakultas konseling juga tampak jelas. Secara nasional, 5% dari semua fakultas pendidikan tinggi hitam, 4% Asia, 3% Hispanik, dan 0,4% American Indian / Alaska Native (Murray, 1998). Fakultas etnis minoritas terdiri hanya 11% dari psikologi fakultas doktor nasional (Pate, 2001). Representasi etnis minoritas secara konsisten lebih tinggi di antara fakultas paruh waktu dan perwakilan etnis minoritas juga lebih besar di departemen master'slevel dibandingkan dengan departemen psikologi tingkat doktor

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