Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
100:02:42,432 --> 00:02:45,115'We were born, because of the 26/11.'200:02:45,727 --> 00:02:47,516'A sensible man in Delhi...'300:02:47,584 --> 00:02:50,431'...convinced anothersensible and powerful man...'400:02:51,135 --> 00:02:53,469'...that, not every battleis fought at the border.'500:02:54,304 --> 00:02:55,449'He also managed to convince...'600:02:55,551 --> 00:02:57,853'...that, there's no gloryin dying on our own land.'700:02:57,951 --> 00:02:59,806'ln fact, it's in strikingthem hard on their ground.'800:03:00,064 --> 00:03:01,973'After countlessmeetings and debates...'900:03:02,047 --> 00:03:06,869'...and squandering the tax-payer'smoney, it was finally decided...'1000:03:07,295 --> 00:03:10,295'...that, an Elite programwill be tested for 5 years.'1100:03:10,624 --> 00:03:12,533'And depending upon the results..'1200:03:12,767 --> 00:03:15,036'...the future courseof action would be decided.'1300:03:15,103 --> 00:03:17,689'l was made in-chargeof this program.'1400:03:17,759 --> 00:03:20,574'12 People were chosen fromthe Police and Para-Military forces.1500:03:20,639 --> 00:03:23,770'After they agreed,their records are burnt...'1600:03:23,839 --> 00:03:25,017'...and the rules were set.'1700:03:26,719 --> 00:03:28,181'lf they were caught...'1800:03:28,479 --> 00:03:30,268'...then, they governmentwould exercise...'1900:03:30,687 --> 00:03:32,542'...PLAUSlBLE DENlABlLlTY.'2000:03:33,471 --> 00:03:34,813'This meant two things.'2100:03:35,551 --> 00:03:37,918'First of all,their own country, their nation...'2200:03:37,983 --> 00:03:40,023'...would deny anyknowledge of them.'2300:03:40,703 --> 00:03:45,340'And secondly, they were just a bankaccount number for this government.'2400:03:46,271 --> 00:03:48,606'They were then sent abroadto train with the best.'2500:03:49,087 --> 00:03:51,476'Their job was to huntdown danger and threat.'2600:03:51,679 --> 00:03:53,589'Regardless of it beenin any corner of the world.'2700:03:54,080 --> 00:03:56,469'Since this was justa 5 year test run...'2800:03:57,215 --> 00:04:00,924'...we called ourBlack-Op unit ''Baby''.2900:04:01,407 --> 00:04:03,796'ln the next 4 years,''Baby'' built deep assets...'3000:04:03,872 --> 00:04:06,359'...made intercepts,and directly or indirectly...'3100:04:06,431 --> 00:04:10,293'...prevented around24 blasts in the country.'3200:04:11,167 --> 00:04:13,174'We also caught13 Most Wanted...'3300:04:13,472 --> 00:04:15,097'...and did 8 encounters.'3400:04:15,839 --> 00:04:18,741'We were very successful,but we paid a price too.'3500:04:19,935 --> 00:04:21,364'After 4 years, only 4 ...'3600:04:21,791 --> 00:04:24,955'...from my original 12 manteam survived.'3700:04:26,271 --> 00:04:28,475'This story is aboutBaby's last mission.'3800:04:29,023 --> 00:04:33,431'We believed that our trainingand experience were adequate.'3900:04:34,303 --> 00:04:35,350'We were wrong.'4000:04:49,375 --> 00:04:51,830Look at his face he looks so pretty.4100:04:52,191 --> 00:04:54,133C'mon kill him.4200:04:56,480 --> 00:04:58,105C'mon man kill him.4300:04:58,175 --> 00:04:59,768What are you doing?4400:05:09,951 --> 00:05:11,610Jai Hind, sir.- Jai Hind.4500:05:16,159 --> 00:05:17,436Sir, we've traced Rakesh.4600:05:17,535 --> 00:05:19,608They're constantly changing hisprofile photos using his own phone.4700:05:19,679 --> 00:05:20,824God damn it!4800:05:21,023 --> 00:05:22,649Someone from hisfamily might see this.4900:05:22,719 --> 00:05:23,929Block it immediately.- Sure, sir.5000:05:26,975 --> 00:05:28,350Kill him.5100:05:30,271 --> 00:05:32,857One more time, just finish him fast.- Yeah.5200:05:33,119 --> 00:05:34,264Losing now.5300:05:36,255 --> 00:05:37,400Jamal turned on us.5400:05:37,471 --> 00:05:38,813He got Rakesh captured.5500:05:38,911 --> 00:05:40,318They're planning serial blasts, sir.5600:05:40,384 --> 00:05:42,140Where?- Somewhere in Delhi.5700:05:42,335 --> 00:05:43,383He's the handler for Lashkar...5800:05:43,455 --> 00:05:44,568When?- Today!5900:05:44,863 --> 00:05:45,812We don't know anything else.6000:05:45,888 --> 00:05:46,684No specifics.6100:05:46,783 --> 00:05:48,190Where's Ajay?- ln the van.6200:05:59,359 --> 00:06:02,010Foreign language.6300:06:02,079 --> 00:06:04,086Foreign language.6400:06:05,952 --> 00:06:07,381Can l?- Yes.6500:06:09,951 --> 00:06:10,899Yes, sir.6600:06:11,071 --> 00:06:12,958What's going on?- They're discussing.6700:06:13,376 --> 00:06:15,383One wants to help,and the other one is stopping him.6800:06:15,455 --> 00:06:17,048Someone's using Rakesh's phone.6900:06:17,535 --> 00:06:19,160Sameer's sending you the coordinates.7000:06:19,423 --> 00:06:20,732Leave now!- Yes.7100:06:20,831 --> 00:06:23,581lf the permission had come , why do westill keep him? let us leave him.7200:06:23,647 --> 00:06:24,574We are waiting for the intelabout him, we will act accordingly.7300:06:24,671 --> 00:06:25,980Excuse me.7400:06:29,055 --> 00:06:31,990Hello take him to a restaurant...7500:06:32,095 --> 00:06:34,299...but be careful,he should not escape ,okay.7600:06:36,927 --> 00:06:37,788Thank you.7700:08:27,775 --> 00:08:28,855C'mon.7800:08:31,711 --> 00:08:33,751C'mon fast.7900:08:35,487 --> 00:08:37,309Harder...Harder...8000:09:06,495 --> 00:09:08,218Keep going, don't stop.8100:09:10,111 --> 00:09:11,518Look at his face man.8200:09:11,583 --> 00:09:12,565That was good.8300:09:56,447 --> 00:09:58,836He seems to be loving it.- Yeah.8400:09:59,199 --> 00:10:00,344Do you want one more?8500:10:00,607 --> 00:10:02,101Yeah, of course.8600:10:03,999 --> 00:10:06,235Give it to him, right in the face.8700:10:11,391 --> 00:10:14,260Don't stop. Keep going, keep going.8800:10:46,399 --> 00:10:47,544Oh no!8900:10:51,551 --> 00:10:53,438Yes, sir.- Status?9000:10:53,502 --> 00:10:54,550Sir, Jamal escaped.9100:10:54,911 --> 00:10:55,893And Rakesh?9200:10:56,351 --> 00:10:57,627He's not looking good, sir.9300:11:01,055 --> 00:11:02,037Take the call.9400:11:02,687 --> 00:11:03,483Okay.9500:11:09,599 --> 00:11:12,861Rakesh! Rakesh!9600:11:45,950 --> 00:11:48,601Move...move...9700:12:05,535 --> 00:12:06,396Hey.9800:12:45,214 --> 00:12:46,294Hey.9900:14:20,703 --> 00:14:22,012Foreign language.10000:14:22,207 --> 00:14:24,443Foreign language.10100:14:24,543 --> 00:14:26,201Foreign language.10200:14:26,303 --> 00:14:28,791Foreign language.10300:14:28,894 --> 00:14:31,829Foreign language.10400:14:31,934 --> 00:14:33,593Excuse me. May l?10500:14:36,926 --> 00:14:37,973Okay.10600:14:38,879 --> 00:14:39,861Thank you.10700:14:52,127 --> 00:14:53,785You broke my trust, Jamal.10800:15:00,734 --> 00:15:01,879Jamal, where's the location?10900:15:02,910 --> 00:15:04,252Jamal, what's the location?11000:15:05,182 --> 00:15:06,775Where in Delhi, Jamal?11100:15:07,327 --> 00:15:09,661DLF Promenade Mall...11200:15:32,158 --> 00:15:33,435The mall is nicely crowded,where are you?11300:15:44,479 --> 00:15:45,461DLF Promenade.11400:15:45,854 --> 00:15:46,869Copy, sir!11500:15:56,158 --> 00:15:57,271What time?11600:15:57,791 --> 00:16:00,027How many guys?- What's the time?11700:16:01,566 --> 00:16:02,614What did you say?11800:16:03,007 --> 00:16:04,087What's the time?11900:16:14,943 --> 00:16:15,837Yes tell me.12000:16:16,287 --> 00:16:17,148Bismillah.12100:16:23,007 --> 00:16:24,468How do you feel now?12200:16:38,046 --> 00:16:41,527Get Jamal's entirefamily to DLF Promenade Mall...now!12300:16:41,886 --> 00:16:42,966All of them.12400:16:47,486 --> 00:16:49,690Your family's beenon stand-by since morning.12500:16:51,038 --> 00:16:54,334Mom-Dad, wife Zoya, sister Noorie.12600:16:54,943 --> 00:16:56,633Even your 6 month old kid.12700:17:00,767 --> 00:17:03,036l want to see youlaughing over their deaths.12800:17:03,422 --> 00:17:05,462You can't do this.- Why?12900:17:06,142 --> 00:17:07,157Don't you remember?13000:17:07,679 --> 00:17:08,889l can do anything.13100:17:13,374 --> 00:17:14,651Greetings.- Greetings.13200:17:16,991 --> 00:17:18,103Greetings.13300:17:24,959 --> 00:17:26,420What's the name of your kid, Jamal?13400:17:28,318 --> 00:17:29,976How did l forget?13500:17:31,102 --> 00:17:32,247Mohsin right?13600:17:34,846 --> 00:17:35,894Congratulations!13700:17:36,158 --> 00:17:37,914Young Mohsin's going to be a martyr.13800:17:39,519 --> 00:17:43,413lt's just that he doesn't know whata big a****e his father is.13900:17:44,094 --> 00:17:45,272And, if you wantedto see him die so soon...14000:17:45,342 --> 00:17:46,902...why did bring him into this worldin the first place?14100:17:52,447 --> 00:17:53,374Yes!14200:17:55,135 --> 00:17:57,950Makes Jamal's family stand rightin the middle of the Mall. - No.14300:17:58,303 --> 00:18:00,724Why is Mohsin crying?14400:18:03,103 --> 00:18:05,852Tell him...soon hishunger will be satiated.14500:18:09,279 --> 00:18:10,489How about a live-telecast?14600:18:12,063 --> 00:18:13,405You want to see the live telecast?14700:18:13,502 --> 00:18:16,285Basement 3...Grey van.14800:18:16,926 --> 00:18:18,2035265.14900:18:18,463 --> 00:18:20,251What cell?- Minar cell.15000:18:21,214 --> 00:18:22,741Fazal and Salim.15100:18:22,942 --> 00:18:24,404Take them out, and call me back.15200:18:54,174 --> 00:18:55,222Go!15300:19:48,926 --> 00:19:50,333l'll see you later.15400:19:50,878 --> 00:19:51,991Thank you.15500:20:01,695 --> 00:20:02,588Where's lqbal, where is he?15600:20:18,686 --> 00:20:19,514Yeah, Jai.157
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