3.3 The impact of creditor and employee rights on financing policyBase terjemahan - 3.3 The impact of creditor and employee rights on financing policyBase Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

3.3 The impact of creditor and empl

3.3 The impact of creditor and employee rights on financing policy
Based on the conceptual framework and hypotheses developed in Section I, I turn to explore the relationship between creditor and employee rights and corporations financing policy across countries. The analysis is implemented by running the pooled sample ordinary least square (OLS) regression with year and industry fixed effects.

Robust clustering standard errors are estimated to control for interdependence across firms. Based on Campbell (1996) and LLSV (2000), I introduce seven industry group dummies in cross‐national regression to control for the industry effects[3]. The reference group is the agriculture industry group.

The H1 in Section I predicts the positive sign for LR and the negative sign for CR. Table VI presents the regression results.

The pooled sample fixed effects regression generates positive LR coefficients, statistically significant at 1 percent level, and negative CR coefficients at 1 percent significant level. Model (1) tests the impacts of CR and LR on debt ratio only whereas model (2) adds SR as an additional independent variable. The results are significant after controlling for firm‐level factors, firm clustering effects, and the compounded impacts of SR, CR, and employee rights[4].

To address the possible presence of heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation, I also estimate the regression model with the Newey‐West standard error. The results stay statistically significant.

To address the multicollinearity issue in OLS regression, I use variance inflation factor (VIF) and tolerance to diagnose multicollinearity problem. Wooldridge (2002) defines the VIFs and tolerance as the following: Equation 3Equation 4 where βi is the coefficients of model and Ri2 is the unadjusted R2.

It is readily seen that the higher VIF or the lower the tolerance index, the higher the variance of βi and the greater the chance of finding βi insignificant, which means that severe multicollinearity effects are present. Thus, these measures can be useful in identifying multicollinearity. Table VII presents the test result and VIF does not show serious multicollinearity problem.

The regression results reveal a positive relationship between LR and financial leverage level and a negative relationship between CR and the usage of debt financing. As discussed in Section I, when employees get strong protection from high LR, they more easily obtain benefits from corporations through union negotiation or government intervention. Such employees' benefit gain is at expense of shareholders. Since protections for employees are exogenous, shareholders will seek a way within the corporation to protect them from exploiting by employees. Using higher financial leverage to remove the free cash flow is one option shareholders can choose to achieve this goal. When I add SR index as an additional control variable, the coefficients of LR stay positively and increase substantially. They increased from 0.0185 to 0.043, and from 0.0193 to 0.0506 in two estimations, respectively. The increased positive coefficients of LR in model (2) imply that in a country where SR are higher, it is more likely that shareholders will use high financial leverage to mitigate agency costs of employees if such agency costs are caused by government law and regulatory regimes.

The negative coefficient of CR suggests that CR affect corporations' financing decisions differently than LR. Unlike employees, creditors involve in debt contracting directly. In a country where CR are strong, creditors have more power to negotiate with shareholders and corporations to obtain better terms in debt contract or can easily apply restrictions to corporations. Such restrictions might include the one that limits corporation to use excess debt. On the other side, corporations and shareholders will choose to use less debt since it is harder to get a favorable debt contract if CR are strong. This result also supports the H2, which says the stronger the CR, the less debt the firm will use.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
3.3 The impact of creditor and employee rights on financing policyBased on the conceptual framework and hypotheses developed in Section I, I turn to explore the relationship between creditor and employee rights and corporations financing policy across countries. The analysis is implemented by running the pooled sample ordinary least square (OLS) regression with year and industry fixed effects.Robust clustering standard errors are estimated to control for interdependence across firms. Based on Campbell (1996) and LLSV (2000), I introduce seven industry group dummies in cross‐national regression to control for the industry effects[3]. The reference group is the agriculture industry group.The H1 in Section I predicts the positive sign for LR and the negative sign for CR. Table VI presents the regression results.The pooled sample fixed effects regression generates positive LR coefficients, statistically significant at 1 percent level, and negative CR coefficients at 1 percent significant level. Model (1) tests the impacts of CR and LR on debt ratio only whereas model (2) adds SR as an additional independent variable. The results are significant after controlling for firm‐level factors, firm clustering effects, and the compounded impacts of SR, CR, and employee rights[4].To address the possible presence of heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation, I also estimate the regression model with the Newey‐West standard error. The results stay statistically significant.To address the multicollinearity issue in OLS regression, I use variance inflation factor (VIF) and tolerance to diagnose multicollinearity problem. Wooldridge (2002) defines the VIFs and tolerance as the following: Equation 3Equation 4 where βi is the coefficients of model and Ri2 is the unadjusted R2.It is readily seen that the higher VIF or the lower the tolerance index, the higher the variance of βi and the greater the chance of finding βi insignificant, which means that severe multicollinearity effects are present. Thus, these measures can be useful in identifying multicollinearity. Table VII presents the test result and VIF does not show serious multicollinearity problem.The regression results reveal a positive relationship between LR and financial leverage level and a negative relationship between CR and the usage of debt financing. As discussed in Section I, when employees get strong protection from high LR, they more easily obtain benefits from corporations through union negotiation or government intervention. Such employees' benefit gain is at expense of shareholders. Since protections for employees are exogenous, shareholders will seek a way within the corporation to protect them from exploiting by employees. Using higher financial leverage to remove the free cash flow is one option shareholders can choose to achieve this goal. When I add SR index as an additional control variable, the coefficients of LR stay positively and increase substantially. They increased from 0.0185 to 0.043, and from 0.0193 to 0.0506 in two estimations, respectively. The increased positive coefficients of LR in model (2) imply that in a country where SR are higher, it is more likely that shareholders will use high financial leverage to mitigate agency costs of employees if such agency costs are caused by government law and regulatory regimes.
The negative coefficient of CR suggests that CR affect corporations' financing decisions differently than LR. Unlike employees, creditors involve in debt contracting directly. In a country where CR are strong, creditors have more power to negotiate with shareholders and corporations to obtain better terms in debt contract or can easily apply restrictions to corporations. Such restrictions might include the one that limits corporation to use excess debt. On the other side, corporations and shareholders will choose to use less debt since it is harder to get a favorable debt contract if CR are strong. This result also supports the H2, which says the stronger the CR, the less debt the firm will use.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
3.3 Dampak dari kreditur dan karyawan hak kebijakan pembiayaan
Berdasarkan kerangka konseptual dan hipotesis yang dikembangkan dalam Bagian I, saya berpaling untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara kreditur dan hak karyawan dan perusahaan pembiayaan kebijakan di negara-negara. Analisis ini dilaksanakan dengan menjalankan sampel dikumpulkan biasa least square (OLS) regression dengan tahun dan efek industri tetap.

Kesalahan standar pengelompokan Kuat diperkirakan untuk mengendalikan saling ketergantungan antar perusahaan. Berdasarkan Campbell (1996) dan LLSV (2000), saya memperkenalkan tujuh dummies kelompok industri dalam regresi cross-nasional untuk mengendalikan efek industri [3]. Kelompok referensi adalah kelompok industri pertanian.

H1 dalam Bagian I memprediksi tanda positif bagi LR dan tanda negatif untuk CR. Tabel VI menyajikan hasil regresi.

Menggenang sampel tetap efek regresi ini menghasilkan koefisien positif LR, statistik signifikan pada tingkat 1 persen, dan koefisien CR negatif pada 1 persen tingkat signifikan. Model (1) menguji dampak dari CR dan LR rasio utang hanya sedangkan Model (2) menambahkan SR sebagai variabel independen tambahan. Hasil yang signifikan setelah mengendalikan faktor tingkat perusahaan, efek pengelompokan perusahaan, dan dampak gabungan dari SR, CR, dan hak-hak karyawan [4].

Untuk mengatasi kemungkinan adanya heteroskedastisitas dan autokorelasi, saya juga memperkirakan model regresi dengan standard error Newey-West. Hasil tinggal signifikan secara statistik.

Untuk mengatasi masalah multikolinearitas dalam regresi OLS, saya menggunakan faktor varians inflasi (VIF) dan toleransi untuk mendiagnosis masalah multikolinearitas. Wooldridge (2002) mendefinisikan VIFs dan toleransi sebagai berikut:. Persamaan 3Equation 4 di mana βi adalah koefisien model dan Ri2 adalah disesuaikan R2

Hal ini mudah dilihat bahwa semakin tinggi VIF atau lebih rendah indeks toleransi, semakin tinggi varians dari βi dan semakin besar peluang untuk menemukan βi tidak signifikan, yang berarti bahwa efek multikolinieritas parah yang hadir. Dengan demikian, langkah-langkah ini dapat berguna dalam mengidentifikasi multikolinearitas. Tabel VII menyajikan hasil tes dan VIF tidak menunjukkan masalah multikolinearitas yang serius.

Hasil regresi menunjukkan hubungan positif antara LR dan tingkat leverage keuangan dan hubungan negatif antara CR dan penggunaan pembiayaan utang. Seperti yang dibahas dalam Bagian I, ketika karyawan mendapatkan perlindungan yang kuat dari LR yang tinggi, mereka lebih mudah memperoleh manfaat dari perusahaan melalui negosiasi serikat pekerja atau intervensi pemerintah. Gain manfaat karyawan tersebut 'adalah pada biaya pemegang saham. Sejak perlindungan bagi karyawan eksogen, pemegang saham akan mencari jalan dalam perusahaan untuk melindungi mereka dari eksploitasi oleh karyawan. Menggunakan leverage keuangan yang lebih tinggi untuk menghilangkan arus kas bebas merupakan salah satu pemegang saham pilihan dapat memilih untuk mencapai tujuan ini. Ketika saya menambahkan indeks SR sebagai variabel kontrol tambahan, koefisien LR tetap positif dan meningkat secara substansial. Mereka meningkat 0,0185-0,043, dan 0,0193-0,0506 dalam dua estimasi, masing-masing. Peningkatan koefisien yang positif dari LR pada model (2) menyiratkan bahwa di negara di mana SR yang lebih tinggi, itu lebih mungkin bahwa para pemegang saham akan menggunakan leverage keuangan yang tinggi untuk mengurangi biaya agensi karyawan jika biaya agensi tersebut disebabkan oleh hukum pemerintah dan rezim peraturan .

koefisien negatif CR menunjukkan bahwa CR mempengaruhi keputusan pendanaan perusahaan 'berbeda dari LR. Tidak seperti karyawan, kreditor terlibat dalam kontrak utang langsung. Di negara di mana CR kuat, kreditur memiliki kekuatan lebih untuk bernegosiasi dengan pemegang saham dan perusahaan untuk mendapatkan hal yang lebih baik dalam kontrak utang atau dapat dengan mudah menerapkan pembatasan untuk perusahaan. Pembatasan tersebut mungkin termasuk salah satu yang membatasi perusahaan untuk menggunakan kelebihan utang. Di sisi lain, perusahaan dan pemegang saham akan memilih untuk menggunakan lebih sedikit utang karena lebih sulit untuk mendapatkan kontrak utang menguntungkan jika CR kuat. Hasil ini juga mendukung H2, yang mengatakan semakin kuat CR, kurang utang perusahaan akan menggunakan.
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