I have turned around, wipe off the saliva on cheeks, then vis­its her, terjemahan - I have turned around, wipe off the saliva on cheeks, then vis­its her, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I have turned around, wipe off the

I have turned around, wipe off the saliva on cheeks, then vis­its her, lets some­body cool off or calm down said: „I do not kill you, does not rep­re­sent other per­son not to be will­ing to kill you, is best to co­op­er­ate some, oth­er­wise groans!”
This young girl has been star­tled being star­tled, said: „Who are you?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „Snort, he does not know that this is com­mand­ing of our palace guard, south the em­pire town the gen­eral, com­mands gen­eral Li Xiao Yao of 7 W troops!”
The young girls have gawked star­ing: „Does this rash fel­low com­mand un­ex­pect­edly?”
My ear wanted red, the moral na­ture could not bear oblo­quy CNM, the good and evil I was also south the town the gen­eral, in the re­al­ity was also Yang Yanji a super mas­ter, how was the rash fel­low, it seems like that the dark month spirit squadron com­man­der also had the blind time!
Around the Longchi sword a sheath, has opened the rope on this young girl arm, I have re­leased her, who once thinks that she jumps, worked on the dag­ger on nearby table on the thorn to my armpit spot.
I smile, grasp the skill in­ge­nious turn over of sword, to ap­proach the sword blade spot of sword hilt to cover the dag­ger, „clang” falls the dag­ger stan­dard, then the stature ad­vances for­ward, sup­ple vigor „bang” hits but ac­tu­ally this squadron com­man­der falls on the wooden stake, her face is pale: „This good pretty skill”
It seems like the dark month spirit ter­ri­tory also ad­vo­cates the pow­er­house.
I show a faint smile: „Said that you name.”
„I” she have been star­tled being star­tled, said low voice: „I called the flower bud.”
I con­tin­ued: „Our Tian Ling Em­pire does not want with the dark month spirit to be an enemy, the words that there­fore, I asked you should bet­ter con­sider truth­fully, come, what does your queen Fiona ac­tu­ally want, to look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate to ob­tain in Tian Ling Em­pire?”
„Food.” Flower bud said.
„Food?” I in con­ster­na­tion: „Dark month spirit ter­ri­tory should not cal­cu­late that is bar­ren, how to lack food?”
Flower bud said: „We planted with the hunt­ing truly can live the plen­ti­ful life, since Dahlen to train the soul army boils out the plague pot, our lands one turned into the place of cor­ro­sion piece by piece, is un­able again the growth plant, the wild an­i­mal and mi­cro-or­gan­ism are also get­ting fewer and fewer, we lost the source of food, can only to not turn over to the sea the south to put out a hand.”
„So that's how it is.”
I think that said: „This flower bud, I puts you to go back, you see your queen Fiona, trans­mits my wish to her, Tian Ling Em­pire is will­ing to pro­vide cer­tain grain, fixes with the dark month spirit ter­ri­tory, com­mon re­sis­tance dif­fer­ent demon army, how?”
Flower bud winked a two stars pupil: „Sir, what you said is real?”
I nod, said: „Nat­u­rally real, you spit my face saliva I not to kill you, couldn't you have seen my sin­cer­ity?”
Flower bud el­e­gant cheek one red, said: „Sir, re­ally sorry, was I was too a mo­ment ago crude, but also asked the Sir to for­give my error, Sir, are your you will­ing to put me to go back re­ally?”
I turn around im­me­di­ately, said to the South Ko­rean deep pool: „Gives her a boat, mak­ing flower bud go back!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool nods: „Yes, Gen­eral!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I have turned around, wipe off the saliva on cheeks, then vis­its her, lets some­body cool off or calm down said: „I do not kill you, does not rep­re­sent other per­son not to be will­ing to kill you, is best to co­op­er­ate some, oth­er­wise groans!”This young girl has been star­tled being star­tled, said: „Who are you?”The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „Snort, he does not know that this is com­mand­ing of our palace guard, south the em­pire town the gen­eral, com­mands gen­eral Li Xiao Yao of 7 W troops!”The young girls have gawked star­ing: „Does this rash fel­low com­mand un­ex­pect­edly?”My ear wanted red, the moral na­ture could not bear oblo­quy CNM, the good and evil I was also south the town the gen­eral, in the re­al­ity was also Yang Yanji a super mas­ter, how was the rash fel­low, it seems like that the dark month spirit squadron com­man­der also had the blind time!„Clang!”Around the Longchi sword a sheath, has opened the rope on this young girl arm, I have re­leased her, who once thinks that she jumps, worked on the dag­ger on nearby table on the thorn to my armpit spot.I smile, grasp the skill in­ge­nious turn over of sword, to ap­proach the sword blade spot of sword hilt to cover the dag­ger, „clang” falls the dag­ger stan­dard, then the stature ad­vances for­ward, sup­ple vigor „bang” hits but ac­tu­ally this squadron com­man­der falls on the wooden stake, her face is pale: „This good pretty skill”It seems like the dark month spirit ter­ri­tory also ad­vo­cates the pow­er­house.I show a faint smile: „Said that you name.”„I” she have been star­tled being star­tled, said low voice: „I called the flower bud.”I con­tin­ued: „Our Tian Ling Em­pire does not want with the dark month spirit to be an enemy, the words that there­fore, I asked you should bet­ter con­sider truth­fully, come, what does your queen Fiona ac­tu­ally want, to look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate to ob­tain in Tian Ling Em­pire?”„Food.” Flower bud said.„Food?” I in con­ster­na­tion: „Dark month spirit ter­ri­tory should not cal­cu­late that is bar­ren, how to lack food?”Flower bud said: „We planted with the hunt­ing truly can live the plen­ti­ful life, since Dahlen to train the soul army boils out the plague pot, our lands one turned into the place of cor­ro­sion piece by piece, is un­able again the growth plant, the wild an­i­mal and mi­cro-or­gan­ism are also get­ting fewer and fewer, we lost the source of food, can only to not turn over to the sea the south to put out a hand.”„So that's how it is.”I think that said: „This flower bud, I puts you to go back, you see your queen Fiona, trans­mits my wish to her, Tian Ling Em­pire is will­ing to pro­vide cer­tain grain, fixes with the dark month spirit ter­ri­tory, com­mon re­sis­tance dif­fer­ent demon army, how?”Flower bud winked a two stars pupil: „Sir, what you said is real?”
I nod, said: „Nat­u­rally real, you spit my face saliva I not to kill you, couldn't you have seen my sin­cer­ity?”
Flower bud el­e­gant cheek one red, said: „Sir, re­ally sorry, was I was too a mo­ment ago crude, but also asked the Sir to for­give my error, Sir, are your you will­ing to put me to go back re­ally?”
I turn around im­me­di­ately, said to the South Ko­rean deep pool: „Gives her a boat, mak­ing flower bud go back!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool nods: „Yes, Gen­eral!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya telah berbalik, menyeka air liur di pipi, kemudian mengunjungi nya, memungkinkan seseorang dingin atau tenang mengatakan: "Saya tidak membunuh Anda, tidak mewakili orang lain tidak bersedia untuk membunuh Anda, yang terbaik adalah untuk bekerja sama beberapa !, jika erangan "
gadis muda ini telah kaget yang kaget, mengatakan:" Siapa kau? "
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan mengatakan:" Snort, dia tidak tahu bahwa ini adalah komandan pengawal istana kami, selatan kekaisaran kota umum, perintah umum Li Xiao Yao dari 7 W pasukan "!
gadis-gadis muda telah ternganga menatap:"? Apakah ruam sesama perintah ini tiba-tiba "
telinga saya ingin merah, sifat moral yang tidak tahan penghinaan CNM, yang baik dan yang jahat saya juga selatan kota umum, ternyata juga yang Yanji master super, bagaimana sesama ruam, tampaknya seperti itu komandan skuadron semangat bulan gelap juga memiliki waktu buta!
Sekitar pedang Longchi selubung, telah membuka tali di lengan gadis muda ini, saya telah melepaskannya, yang pernah berpikir bahwa dia melompat, bekerja pada belati itu di atas meja di dekatnya duri untuk tempat ketiak saya.
saya tersenyum, memahami keterampilan gilirannya cerdik lebih dari pedang, untuk mendekati pedang pisau tempat pedang gagang untuk menutup belati, "dentang" jatuh standar belati, maka perawakannya kemajuan ke depan, kenyal semangat "bang" hit tetapi sebenarnya komandan skuadron ini jatuh pada sebatang kayu, wajahnya pucat: " ini cukup keterampilan yang baik "
. sepertinya wilayah spirit bulan gelap juga pendukung pembangkit tenaga listrik yang
saya menunjukkan senyum samar:". kata yang Anda nama "
" I "dia telah terkejut sedang kaget, kata suara rendah:" aku menelepon bunga . bud "
saya melanjutkan:" kami Tian Ling Empire tidak ingin dengan semangat bulan gelap menjadi musuh, kata-kata yang oleh karena itu, saya meminta Anda harus lebih baik pertimbangkan jujur, datang, apa queen Anda Fiona benar-benar ingin, untuk melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran luar pintu gerbang kota utama untuk mendapatkan di Tian Ling Empire "?
" Food. "kata Bunga kuncup.
" Food? "saya dalam ketakutan:" wilayah spirit bulan gelap tidak harus menghitung yang tandus, bagaimana kekurangan ? makanan "
Bunga kuncup mengatakan:" kami menanam dengan berburu benar-benar dapat menjalani kehidupan berlimpah, karena Dahlen untuk melatih tentara jiwa mendidih keluar panci wabah, tanah kami satu berubah menjadi tempat sepotong korosi demi sepotong, tidak mampu lagi tanaman pertumbuhan, hewan liar dan mikro-organisme juga semakin sedikit dan lebih sedikit, kita kehilangan sumber makanan, bisa hanya untuk tidak menyerahkan ke laut selatan untuk mengulurkan tangan. "
" Jadi itulah bagaimana itu. "
saya pikir yang mengatakan: "kuncup bunga ini, saya menempatkan Anda kembali, Anda melihat ratu Anda Fiona, mentransmisikan keinginan saya untuk dia, Tian Ling Empire bersedia untuk memberikan biji-bijian tertentu, perbaikan dengan wilayah semangat bulan gelap, hambatan umum yang berbeda ? tentara setan, bagaimana "
Bunga kuncup mengedip dua bintang murid:" Sir, apa yang Anda katakan adalah nyata "?
aku mengangguk, mengatakan:" Tentu nyata, Anda meludahi saya air liur wajah saya tidak membunuhmu, bisa tidak Anda telah melihat ? ketulusan saya "
Bunga kuncup elegan pipi merah, mengatakan:" Sir, benar-benar menyesal, itu aku terlalu momen lalu mentah, tapi juga meminta Sir memaafkan kesalahan saya, Sir, adalah Anda Anda bersedia untuk menempatkan saya untuk kembali ? benar-benar "
"! Nyata "
aku berbalik segera, dikatakan dalam kolam Korea Selatan:" Memberikan nya perahu, membuat kuncup bunga kembali! "
kolam renang yang mendalam mengangguk Korea Selatan:" Ya, General! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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