Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
100:00:01, 000--> 00:00:05, 000Sub-judul yang robek oleh bozxphdSub-judul oleh DramaFever200:00:16, 603--> 00:00:18, 198Hal ini sangat dingin.300:00:18, 198--> 00:00:20, 234Saya basah.400:00:20, 693--> 00:00:22, 580-Apa yang harus dilakukan...-Tekan dan tahan.500:00:22, 580--> 00:00:25, 134Oh, tidak ada. Anda basah.600:00:25, 134--> 00:00:27, 253Aku merasa sangat buruk. Apa yang harus saya lakukan?700:00:28, 592--> 00:00:32, 188Oh, aku seperti mendatang tolol.800:00:36, 798--> 00:00:43, 211Saya pikir... air semua pergi...sekarang?900:01:29, 408--> 00:01:32, 361Oh, aku Maaf!1000:01:32, 789--> 00:01:34, 692Hei, Na Bong Sun.1100:01:34, 692--> 00:01:36, 443Na Bong!1200:01:43, 639--> 00:01:45, 082Na Bong!1300:01:45, 668--> 00:01:47, 412Bukan kesalahan.1400:01:48, 274--> 00:01:50, 415Bukan kesalahan saat ini.1500:01:51, 534--> 00:01:53, 008Yah, aku...1600:01:55, 055--> 00:01:56, 781Saya tahu...1700:01:57, 192--> 00:02:02, 659Aku 'm bertingkah aneh dan saya merasaseperti aku akan sedikit gila.1800:02:04, 760--> 00:02:06, 789Tapi, saya sedang tulus.1900:02:07, 641--> 00:02:08, 927Apa?2000:02:09, 548--> 00:02:11, 721Tidak Anda mendapatkannya?2100:02:11, 721--> 00:02:16, 781Kang Sun Woo... menyukai Anda.2200:02:29, 952--> 00:02:32, 312Aku tidak tahu kapan itu dimulai.2300:02:32, 312--> 00:02:34, 082Apakah itu adalah darisangat awal atau2400:02:34, 082--> 00:02:35, 853Ketika Anda tiba-tiba berubahdan lekat saya.2500:02:35, 853 00:02:38, 728-->Atau itu bisa menjadi hari atau hari...Aku benar-benar tidak tahu.2600:02:39, 358--> 00:02:41, 480Satu hal yang sayatahu pasti adalah...2700:02:43, 302--> 00:02:45, 612Saya tetap ingin melihat Anda.2800:02:46, 995--> 00:02:49, 444Dan aku merasa gugup jikaAnda tidak di samping saya.2900:02:52, 036--> 00:02:55, 723Astaga, aku akan pergi kacang-kacangan. Andaseseorang yang seperti keluarga saya.3000:02:57, 909--> 00:03:02, 346Jadi, mari kita hanya pergi untuk itu.3100:03:03, 026--> 00:03:05, 190They're perasaan saya jadi yang 'smengatakan apa-apa tentang hal itu?3200:03:08, 457--> 00:03:10, 019Yah...3300:03:12, 427--> 00:03:16, 300Yah, mengatakan sesuatu.3400:03:16, 300--> 00:03:17, 860Tidak hanya berdiriada pernapasan.3500:03:17, 860--> 00:03:22, 476Jika seseorang seperti saya mengakui keAnda, seharusnya tidak ada reaksi?3600:03:22, 476--> 00:03:25, 442Ah, ya.3700:03:29, 336--> 00:03:31, 848Terima kasih, koki.3800:03:32, 276--> 00:03:33, 612Apa?3900:03:35, 327--> 00:03:41, 484Tidak, maksud saya... ApaAku berarti...4000:03:41, 484--> 00:03:43, 293Anda katakan Oke, kanan?4100:03:44, 061--> 00:03:48, 673Anda katakan... yangAnda seperti saya terlalu?4200:03:56, 240--> 00:03:57, 715Ya, koki.4300:04:26, 177--> 00:04:30, 682Mengapa Anda merasa begitugelisah, tanpa alasan?4400:04:41, 168--> 00:04:43, 470Dapatkan kepala di lurus, gadis.4500:04:43,470 --> 00:04:46,420You're a ghost, not Na Bong Sun.4600:04:47,752 --> 00:04:50,913Let's get your head on straight.4700:04:50,913 --> 00:04:55,331Head, head, head...4800:04:56,066 --> 00:04:58,036Head...4900:05:07,752 --> 00:05:09,222Hey.5000:05:10,384 --> 00:05:12,436I'll do it.5100:05:12,436 --> 00:05:14,110Don't move an inch and sit down.5200:05:14,110 --> 00:05:15,470Okay.5300:05:15,470 --> 00:05:17,501I'll be done very soon.5400:05:26,242 --> 00:05:27,923That should do it.5500:05:29,348 --> 00:05:31,507Your hair is still wet.5600:05:32,514 --> 00:05:36,307Even though it's summer, youcan still catch a cold.5700:05:38,117 --> 00:05:40,240Here, face me.5800:05:41,064 --> 00:05:42,847- It's working, right?- Yes.5900:05:50,757 --> 00:05:55,396I must be trulybewitched by you.6000:06:03,646 --> 00:06:05,307You're like a little chestnut.6100:06:07,215 --> 00:06:09,245You look like a puppy.6200:06:12,514 --> 00:06:14,129Look how happy you are.6300:06:18,888 --> 00:06:20,391I am happy.6400:06:24,526 --> 00:06:28,537[OH MY GHOSTESS EPISODE 9]6500:06:34,548 --> 00:06:36,360I wonder why he's calling?6600:06:37,644 --> 00:06:39,191Yes, Officer Yang.6700:06:42,679 --> 00:06:44,322Officer Han?6800:06:46,971 --> 00:06:50,537Yes. Okay, I'll right there.6900:06:50,537 --> 00:06:51,795Okay.7000:06:51,795 --> 00:06:53,788What's that about Officer Han?7100:06:53,788 --> 00:06:57,295He was in an accident of some sort.He's in the hospital.7200:06:57,295 --> 00:06:59,182- I'll be right back.- Okay.7300:06:59,184 --> 00:07:01,201- Where are the car keys?- Over there.7400:07:01,396 --> 00:07:02,814Oh my.7500:07:02,814 --> 00:07:08,370Wasn't Officer Han the lead onEun Hee's case? Your partner?7600:07:08,370 --> 00:07:11,050Yes. I'll be back,Mother-in-law.7700:07:11,050 --> 00:07:13,050- Go to bed first.- Okay.7800:07:13,562 --> 00:07:16,389Oh my. What could it be?7900:07:16,391 --> 00:07:17,787A car accident?8000:07:17,787 --> 00:07:19,317I'm not sure.8100:07:19,317 --> 00:07:22,900I feel out of breath andmy heart's beating fast.8200:07:22,900 --> 00:07:25,802It must be bringingback past memories.8300:07:25,802 --> 00:07:27,841Are you all right? I'llbring you some cold water.8400:07:27,841 --> 00:07:29,533No, I'm fine.8500:07:29,533 --> 00:07:33,040It's just that I saw Officer Hanbriefly yesterday after work.8600:07:33,040 --> 00:07:35,932I hope it's nothing serious.8700:07:35,932 --> 00:07:37,523Officer Yang!8800:07:38,002 --> 00:07:40,312What's going on?Where's Officer Han?8900:07:40,312 --> 00:07:42,348He finished surgery and they'veput him in intensive care.9000:07:42,350 --> 00:07:44,050He's not conscious yet.9100:07:44,050 --> 00:07:45,203Is he seriously injured?9200:07:45,203 --> 00:07:47,083I don't know. Thesurgery went well.9300:07:47,083 --> 00:07:50,206But, he lost a lot of blood. Theyneed to watch him for a couple days.9400:07:51,292 --> 00:07:52,831What...9500:07:53,240 --> 00:07:55,237Just what was this about?9600:07:55,559 --> 00:07:57,069I just don't know.9700:07:57,069 --> 00:08:00,703Someone found him passed out bleedingin a parking lot and called it in.9800:08:00,704 --> 00:08:04,131It looked like a mugging becausehis phone and wallet were missing.9900:08:04,131 --> 00:08:07,756This guy was really prepared.All the CCTV was gone too.10000:08:09,241 --> 00:08:10,829You're very startled,aren't you?10100:08:11,536 --> 00:08:14,435My heart is still thumping too.10200:08:14,934 --> 00:08:16,794Have you called his mother?10300:08:16,794 --> 00:08:19,454No, I didn't want to worry her,so I called his older sister.10400:08:19,454 --> 00:08:21,016She should be here soon.10500:08:22,157 --> 00:08:24,405You did good. You did good.10600:08:41,631 --> 00:08:43,479Na Bong Sun, are you sleeping?10700:08:43,859 --> 00:08:46,574No, I'm not.10800:08:48,178 --> 00:08:49,760Sleep well.10900:08:49,760 --> 00:08:52,325Okay, you sleep well too, Chef.11000:08:52,325 --> 00:08:54,673Honestly, I don't know
if I'll be able to.
00:08:56,079 --> 00:08:59,140
Make sure to get a good night's rest
so that you're not tired tomorrow.
00:08:59,140 --> 00:09:00,344
00:09:02,123 --> 00:09:04,709
Make sure to pull that
blanket over you properly.
00:09:04,709 --> 00:09:07,177
If you don't cover your stomach,
you'll get a stomach ache.
00:09:07,692 --> 00:09:09,232
00:09:09,679 --> 00:09:11,226
Dream of me in your sleep.
00:09:11,226 --> 00:09:13,665
That's not an order.
It's a suggestion.
00:09:14,341 --> 00:09:16,287
I will, Chef.
00:09:39,145 --> 00:09:40,330
- What are you doing?
- Oh my!
00:09:40,330 --> 00:09:43,275
Oh, nothing. Just...
00:09:44,298 --> 00:09:47,577
You're wondering what Chef's up to
after confessing his feelings to you?
00:09:48,848 --> 00:09:50,686
You saw the whole thing?
00:09:50,687 --> 00:09:52,418
Of course I did.
00:09:52,418 --> 00:09:55,214
It was me who made that happen
by laying the groundwork.
00:09:55,214 --> 00:09:58,532
He just suddenly came at you.
I got annoyed and came out.
00:09:58,532 --> 00:10:00,344
00:10:01,020 --> 00:10:02,516
What's it like?
00:10:02,516 --> 00:10:05,702
Getting a confession from the guy
you've been in a one-sided love with?
00:10:05,702 --> 00:10:08,039
- Huh?
- It's nice, isn't it?
00:10:08,579 --> 00:10:09,890
00:10:11,151 --> 00:10:13,536
But, I just can't believe it.
00:10:14,156 --> 00:10:16,591
I keep wondering
if it's a dream.
00:10:16,591 --> 00:10:19,641
And I worry that it's
not a dream too.
00:10:19,641 --> 00:10:23,694
At least if it's a dream, I can
wake up and won't get hurt.
00:10:23,694 --> 00:10:26,835
Gosh, why do you overthink
things so much?
00:10:26,835 --> 00:10:29,211
The obstacle is right in
front of you, Na Bong Sun.
00:10:29,211 --> 00:10:30,678
Now is the time to overcome it.
00:10:30,678 --> 00:10:32,852
I will resolve my grudge and you make Mr.
Kang your man.
00:10:32,852 --> 00:10:34,375
00:10:34,734 --> 00:10:36,181
- Win-win...
- Yeah.
00:10:36,181 --> 00:10:40,265
We each need to advance
toward our own goals, okay?
00:10:41,438 --> 00:10:42,543
00:10:42,543 --> 00:10:45,642
Trust me and follow me.
We can do it.
00:11:02,776 --> 00:11:05,769
What an awesome morning it is.
00:11:06,515 --> 00:11:09,490
Chef's heart is already mine.
00:11:09,490 --> 00:11:12,598
The real game will start today.
00:11:12,598 --> 00:11:16,418
Should I start planning
for the big event?
00:11:19,826 --> 00:11:21,974
Oh, you're awake.
00:11:21,974 --> 00:11:24,615
Yes, Chef. Did you sleep well?
00:11:24,615 --> 00:11:26,254
Well, I...
00:11:27,459 --> 00:11:29,473
Yeah, I slept very well.
00:11:29,473 --> 00:11:33,593
Did you think I'd be all excited
and not be able to fall asleep?
00:11:33,593 --> 00:11:35,725
You think I've
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