Once upon a time , there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace . terjemahan - Once upon a time , there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace . Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Once upon a time , there lived a gr

Once upon a time , there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace . However a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destoriyed the homes of all the rats . Many of them were even crushed to death

Then , the king of the rats decided to approach the elephant chief and request him to guide his herd through another route . On hearing the sad story , the elephant chief apologized and agreed to take another route and so the lives of the rats were saved

One day elephant hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephant in huge nets then the elephant king remembered the king of the rats he summoned one of the elephant in his herd which had not been trapped to go seek help from the king of the rats

The elephant went to the rat king and told him about the trapped elephant . The rat king immediately took his entire group of the rat and they cut open the nets which had trapped the elephant herd the elephant herd was totally set free . They denced with joy and thanked the rats
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Once upon a time, hiduplah sekelompok tikus di bawah pohon dalam damai. Namun kelompok gajah melintasi hutan tanpa sadar destoriyed rumah semua tikus. Banyak dari mereka bahkan hancur sampai matiKemudian, raja tikus memutuskan untuk mendekati kepala gajah dan meminta-nya untuk membimbing nya kawanan melalui rute lain. Mendengar kisah sedih, kepala gajah meminta maaf dan setuju untuk mengambil rute yang lain dan jadi hidup tikus diselamatkanSatu hari gajah pemburu datang ke hutan dan terjebak sekelompok Gajah di jaring besar maka gajah raja ingat raja tikus ia memanggil salah satu Gajah di nya kawanan yang tidak terjebak untuk pergi mencari bantuan dari Raja tikus Gajah pergi kepada raja tikus dan bercerita tentang gajah terjebak. Raja tikus segera mengambil seluruh kelompok tikus dan mereka dipotong terbuka jaring yang sudah terjebak kawanan gajah kawanan gajah adalah benar-benar membebaskan. Mereka denced dengan sukacita dan berterima kasih tikus
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