Burrhus Frederic ( B. F. ) Skinner (March 20,1904 – August 18, 1990) w terjemahan - Burrhus Frederic ( B. F. ) Skinner (March 20,1904 – August 18, 1990) w Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Burrhus Frederic ( B. F. ) Skinner

Burrhus Frederic ( B. F. ) Skinner (March 20,
1904 – August 18, 1990) was an American
psychologist , behaviorist, author, inventor, and
social philosopher . [1][2][3][4] He was the
Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology at
Harvard University from 1958 until his
retirement in 1974. [5]
Skinner invented the operant conditioning
chamber, also known as the Skinner Box.[6]
He was a firm believer of the idea that human
free will was actually an illusion and any
human action was the result of the
consequences of that same action. If the
consequences were bad, there was a high
chance that the action would not be repeated;
however if the consequences were good, the
actions that led to it would be reinforced. [7]
He called this the principle of reinforcement.
He innovated his own philosophy of science
called radical behaviorism ,[9] and founded his
own school of experimental research
psychology—the experimental analysis of
behavior , coining the term operant
conditioning . His analysis of human behavior
culminated in his work Verbal Behavior, as
well as his philosophical manifesto Walden
Two , both of which [ citation needed ] have
recently seen enormous increase in interest
experimentally and in applied settings.[10]
Contemporary academia considers Skinner a
pioneer of modern behaviorism along with
John B. Watson and Ivan Pavlov .
Skinner discovered and advanced the rate of
response as a dependent variable in
psychological research. He invented the
cumulative recorder to measure rate of
responding as part of his highly influential
work on schedules of reinforcement . [11][12] In
a June 2002 survey, Skinner was listed as the
most influential psychologist of the 20th
century. [13] He was a prolific author who
published 21 books and 180 articles. [14][15]
The Skinners' grave at Mount Auburn
Skinner was born in Susquehanna,
Pennsylvania to William and Grace Skinner.
His father was a lawyer. He became an
atheist after a Christian teacher tried to
assuage his fear of the hell that his
grandmother described.[16] His brother
Edward, two and a half years younger, died at
age sixteen of a cerebral hemorrhage . He
attended Hamilton College in New York with
the intention of becoming a writer. He found
himself at a disadvantage at Hamilton College
with many due to his intellectual attitude. [17]
While attending, he joined Lambda Chi Alpha
Fraternity. He wrote for the school paper, but
as an atheist, he was critical of the religious
school he attended. He also attended Harvard
University after receiving his B.A. in English
literature in 1926 where he would later
research, teach, and eventually become a
prestigious board member. While at Harvard,
he invented his prototype for the Skinner Box.
Also, a fellow student Fred Keller, convinced
Skinner he could make an experimental
science from the study of behavior. This led
Skinner to join Keller and they created
different tools for small experiments. [17] After
graduation, he unsuccessfully tried to write a
great novel while he lived with his parents,
which he later called the Dark Years. [17] He
soon became disillusioned with his literary
skills despite encouragement from widely
renowned literary genius Robert Frost and
concluded that he had little world experience
and no strong personal perspective from
which to write. His encounter with John B.
Watson's Behaviorism led him into graduate
study in psychology and to the development
of his own operant behaviorism. [18]
Skinner received a Ph.D. from Harvard in
1931, and remained there as a researcher
until 1936. He then taught at the University of
Minnesota at Minneapolis and later at Indiana
University , where he was chair of the
psychology department from 1946–1947,
before returning to Harvard as a tenured
professor in 1948. He remained at Harvard for
the rest of his life. In 1973 Skinner was one of
the signers of the Humanist Manifesto II .[19]
In 1936, Skinner married Yvonne Blue. The
couple had two daughters, Julie (m. Vargas)
and Deborah (m. Buzan ). [20][21] He died of
leukemia on August 18, 1990, [22] and is
buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery ,
Cambridge, Massachusetts .[23] Skinner
continued to write and work until just before
his death. A few days before Skinner died, he
was given a lifetime achievement award by
the American Psychological Association and
delivered a 15-minute address concerning his
work. [24]
A controversial figure, Skinner has been
depicted in many different ways. Much of
Skinner’s criticism derived from his penchant
for attempting to apply science proven in
laboratory environments at a universal level.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Burrhus Frederic (B. F.) Skinner (20 Maret,1904-Agustus 18, 1990) adalah seorang Amerikapsikolog, perilaku hewan, penulis, penemu, danfilsuf sosial. [1][2][3][4] iaEdgar Pierce profesor psikologi diHarvard University dari tahun 1958 hingga nyapensiun pada tahun 1974. [5]Skinner diciptakan pengkondisian operantRuang, juga dikenal sebagai kotak Skinner.[6]Ia adalah sangat percaya ide bahwa manusiakehendak bebas adalah benar-benar sebuah ilusi dan setiaptindakan manusia adalah hasilkonsekuensi dari tindakan yang sama. Jikakonsekuensi yang buruk, ada yang tinggikesempatan bahwa tindakan tidak akan berulang;Namun jika konsekuensi yang baik,tindakan yang menyebabkan hal itu akan diperkuat. [7]Dia memanggil ini prinsip Penguatan.[8]Ia inovasi sendiri filsafat ilmudisebut Behaviorisme radikal, [9] dan mendirikan nyasekolah sendiri penelitian eksperimentalPsikologi-analisis eksperimentalperilaku, coining istilah operantRuangan (AC). Analisis perilaku manusiamemuncak dalam karyanya perilaku Verbal, sebagaiserta nya filosofis manifesto WaldenDua, keduanya yang [rujukan?] telahBaru saja melihat peningkatan besar dalam menarikeksperimental dan dalam pengaturan diterapkan.[10]Kontemporer akademisi menganggap Skinnerpelopor modern Behaviorisme bersama denganJohn B. Watson dan Ivan Pavlov.Skinner ditemukan dan maju tingkatrespon sebagai variabel dependen dalampenelitian psikologis. Ia menemukankumulatif perekam untuk mengukur tingkatmenanggapi sebagai bagian dari nya sangat berpengaruhbekerja pada jadwal penguatan. [11][12]sebuah survei Juni 2002, Skinner tercatat sebagaipaling berpengaruh psikolog 20abad. [13] Dia adalah produktif penulis yangmenerbitkan buku-buku 21 dan 180 artikel. [14][15]BiografiMakam Skinners' di Gunung AuburnPemakamanSkinner dilahirkan di Susquehanna,Pennsylvania William dan Grace Skinner.Ayahnya adalah seorang pengacara. Ia menjadiateis setelah guru Kristen berusahameredakan rasa takut akan neraka bahwanenek dijelaskan.[16] saudaranyaEdward, dua setengah tahun lebih muda, meninggal diusia enam belas perdarahan otak. Diadihadiri Hamilton College di New York dengantujuan menjadi seorang penulis. Ia menemukandirinya pada kerugian di Hamilton Collegedengan banyak karena sikap intelektual. [17]Saat menghadiri, ia bergabung dengan Lambda Chi AlphaPersaudaraan. Dia menulis untuk koran sekolah, namunsebagai seorang ateis, dia adalah kritis terhadap agamaia menghadiri sekolah. Beliau juga menghadiri HarvardUniversitas setelah menerima gelar BA dalam bahasa InggrisSastra di mana ia akan kemudian 1926penelitian, mengajar, dan akhirnya menjadianggota Dewan yang bergengsi. Sementara di Harvard,Dia menciptakan prototipe nya untuk kotak Skinner.Juga, sesama mahasiswa Fred Keller, yakinSkinner dia bisa membuat eksperimentalilmu yang mempelajari perilaku. Hal ini menyebabkanSkinner bergabung dengan Keller dan mereka menciptakanalat yang berbeda untuk percobaan kecil. [17] setelahlulus, dia gagal mencoba menulisnovel hebat ketika ia tinggal bersama orang tuanya,yang ia kemudian disebut gelap tahun. [17] iasegera menjadi kecewa dengan nya sastraketerampilan meskipun dorongan dari luasjenius sastra terkenal Robert Frost danmenyimpulkan bahwa ia memiliki sedikit pengalaman duniadan tidak ada perspektif pribadi yang kuat dariyang menulis. Pertemuannya dengan John B.Watson Behaviorisme membawanya ke lulusanstudi dalam bidang psikologi dan perkembangandari Behaviorisme sendiri operant. [18]Skinner menerima Ph.D. dari Harvard diada 1931, dan tetap sebagai penelitisampai tahun 1936. Ia kemudian mengajar di UniversitasMinnesota di Minneapolis dan kemudian di IndianaUniversitas, di mana dia adalah KetuaDepartemen psikologi dari 1946-1947,sebelum kembali ke Harvard sebagai pengajar tetapProfesor pada tahun 1948. Ia tetap di Harvard untuksisa hidupnya. Pada tahun 1973 Skinner adalah salah satupenandatangan humanis Manifesto II.[19]Pada tahun 1936, Skinner menikah Yvonne Blue. ThePasangan memiliki dua putri, Julie (m. Vargas)dan Deborah (m. Buzan). [20][21] Ia meninggalleukemia pada 18 Agustus 1990, [22] dandimakamkan di pemakaman Gunung Auburn,Cambridge, Massachusetts.[23] Skinnermeneruskan untuk menulis dan bekerja sampai sebelumkematiannya. Beberapa hari sebelum Skinner meninggal, iadiberikan penghargaan lifetime achievement olehAmerican Psychological Association danDikirim 15 menit alamat mengenai nyabekerja. [24]Seorang tokoh kontroversial, Skinner telahdigambarkan dalam berbagai cara. BanyakSkinner's kritik berasal dari kegemaranuntuk mencoba untuk menerapkan ilmu yang terbukti dalamlingkungan laboratorium di tingkat universal.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Burrhus Frederic ( B. F. ) Skinner (March 20,
1904 – August 18, 1990) was an American
psychologist , behaviorist, author, inventor, and
social philosopher . [1][2][3][4] He was the
Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology at
Harvard University from 1958 until his
retirement in 1974. [5]
Skinner invented the operant conditioning
chamber, also known as the Skinner Box.[6]
He was a firm believer of the idea that human
free will was actually an illusion and any
human action was the result of the
consequences of that same action. If the
consequences were bad, there was a high
chance that the action would not be repeated;
however if the consequences were good, the
actions that led to it would be reinforced. [7]
He called this the principle of reinforcement.
He innovated his own philosophy of science
called radical behaviorism ,[9] and founded his
own school of experimental research
psychology—the experimental analysis of
behavior , coining the term operant
conditioning . His analysis of human behavior
culminated in his work Verbal Behavior, as
well as his philosophical manifesto Walden
Two , both of which [ citation needed ] have
recently seen enormous increase in interest
experimentally and in applied settings.[10]
Contemporary academia considers Skinner a
pioneer of modern behaviorism along with
John B. Watson and Ivan Pavlov .
Skinner discovered and advanced the rate of
response as a dependent variable in
psychological research. He invented the
cumulative recorder to measure rate of
responding as part of his highly influential
work on schedules of reinforcement . [11][12] In
a June 2002 survey, Skinner was listed as the
most influential psychologist of the 20th
century. [13] He was a prolific author who
published 21 books and 180 articles. [14][15]
The Skinners' grave at Mount Auburn
Skinner was born in Susquehanna,
Pennsylvania to William and Grace Skinner.
His father was a lawyer. He became an
atheist after a Christian teacher tried to
assuage his fear of the hell that his
grandmother described.[16] His brother
Edward, two and a half years younger, died at
age sixteen of a cerebral hemorrhage . He
attended Hamilton College in New York with
the intention of becoming a writer. He found
himself at a disadvantage at Hamilton College
with many due to his intellectual attitude. [17]
While attending, he joined Lambda Chi Alpha
Fraternity. He wrote for the school paper, but
as an atheist, he was critical of the religious
school he attended. He also attended Harvard
University after receiving his B.A. in English
literature in 1926 where he would later
research, teach, and eventually become a
prestigious board member. While at Harvard,
he invented his prototype for the Skinner Box.
Also, a fellow student Fred Keller, convinced
Skinner he could make an experimental
science from the study of behavior. This led
Skinner to join Keller and they created
different tools for small experiments. [17] After
graduation, he unsuccessfully tried to write a
great novel while he lived with his parents,
which he later called the Dark Years. [17] He
soon became disillusioned with his literary
skills despite encouragement from widely
renowned literary genius Robert Frost and
concluded that he had little world experience
and no strong personal perspective from
which to write. His encounter with John B.
Watson's Behaviorism led him into graduate
study in psychology and to the development
of his own operant behaviorism. [18]
Skinner received a Ph.D. from Harvard in
1931, and remained there as a researcher
until 1936. He then taught at the University of
Minnesota at Minneapolis and later at Indiana
University , where he was chair of the
psychology department from 1946–1947,
before returning to Harvard as a tenured
professor in 1948. He remained at Harvard for
the rest of his life. In 1973 Skinner was one of
the signers of the Humanist Manifesto II .[19]
In 1936, Skinner married Yvonne Blue. The
couple had two daughters, Julie (m. Vargas)
and Deborah (m. Buzan ). [20][21] He died of
leukemia on August 18, 1990, [22] and is
buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery ,
Cambridge, Massachusetts .[23] Skinner
continued to write and work until just before
his death. A few days before Skinner died, he
was given a lifetime achievement award by
the American Psychological Association and
delivered a 15-minute address concerning his
work. [24]
A controversial figure, Skinner has been
depicted in many different ways. Much of
Skinner’s criticism derived from his penchant
for attempting to apply science proven in
laboratory environments at a universal level.
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