Treat/prevent dehydrationNote: Low blood volume can coexist with oedem terjemahan - Treat/prevent dehydrationNote: Low blood volume can coexist with oedem Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Treat/prevent dehydrationNote: Low

Treat/prevent dehydration
Note: Low blood volume can coexist with oedema. Do not use the IV
route for rehydration except in cases of shock and then do so with care,
infusing slowly to avoid flooding the circulation and overloading the heart
(see Section B: Emergency treatment).
The standard oral rehydration salts solution (90 mmol sodium/l) contains
too much sodium and too little potassium for severely malnourished children.
Instead give special Rehydration Solution for Malnutrition (ReSoMal). (For
recipe see Appendix 3).
It is difficult to estimate dehydration status in a severely malnourished child
using clinical signs alone. So assume all children with watery diarrhoea
may have dehydration and give:
• ReSoMal 5 ml/kg every 30 min. for two hours, orally or by nasogastric
tube, then
• 5-10 ml/kg/h for next 4-10 hours: the exact amount to be given should
be determined by how much the child wants, and stool loss and
vomiting. Replace the ReSoMal doses at 4, 6, 8 and 10 hours with
F-75 if rehydration is continuing at these times, then
• continue feeding starter F-75 (see step 7)
During treatment, rapid respiration and pulse rates should slow down and
the child should begin to pass urine.
Monitor progress of rehydration:
Observe half-hourly for two hours, then hourly for the next 6-12 hours,
• pulse rate
• respiratory rate
• urine frequency
• stool/vomit frequency
Return of tears, moist mouth, eyes and fontanelle appearing less sunken,
and improved skin turgor, are also signs that rehydration is proceeding.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Mengobati/mencegah dehidrasi
Catatan: volume darah rendah dapat hidup berdampingan dengan edema. Jangan gunakan IV
rute untuk rehidrasi kecuali dalam kasus syok dan kemudian melakukannya dengan hati-hati,
menanamkan perlahan-lahan untuk menghindari banjir sirkulasi dan overloading jantung
(see Section B: Emergency treatment).
berisi larutan garam rehidrasi oral standar (90 mmol natrium/l)
terlalu banyak natrium dan kalium yang terlalu sedikit untuk gizi anak.
Sebaliknya memberikan solusi rehidrasi khusus untuk kekurangan gizi (ReSoMal). (Untuk
resep lihat Apendiks 3).
sulit untuk memperkirakan dehidrasi status gizi anak
menggunakan tanda klinis sendirian. Jadi menganggap semua anak dengan diare berair
mungkin memiliki dehidrasi dan memberikan:
• ReSoMal 5 ml/kg tiap 30 mnt. selama dua jam, secara lisan atau oleh nasogastric
tabung, kemudian
• 5-10 ml/kg/h untuk jam 4-10 berikutnya: jumlah persis yang diberikan harus
ditentukan oleh berapa banyak anak ingin, dan bangku kerugian dan
muntah. Mengganti dosis ReSoMal pada 4, 6, 8 dan 10 jam dengan
F-75 jika rehidrasi terus ini kali, kemudian
• melanjutkan makan starter F-75 (Lihat Langkah 7)
selama pengobatan, Harga respirasi dan denyut nadi cepat harus memperlambat dan
anak harus mulai untuk melewati urin.
memantau kemajuan rehidrasi:
mengamati tiap setengah jam untuk dua jam, maka per jam selama 6-12 jam,
denyut nadi •
• laju pernafasan
• urin frekuensi
• bangku muntah frekuensi
kembalinya air mata, lembab mulut, mata, dan fontanelle muncul kurang cekung,
dan turgor kulit yang lebih, juga tanda-tanda bahwa rehidrasi melanjutkan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Treat/prevent dehydration
Note: Low blood volume can coexist with oedema. Do not use the IV
route for rehydration except in cases of shock and then do so with care,
infusing slowly to avoid flooding the circulation and overloading the heart
(see Section B: Emergency treatment).
The standard oral rehydration salts solution (90 mmol sodium/l) contains
too much sodium and too little potassium for severely malnourished children.
Instead give special Rehydration Solution for Malnutrition (ReSoMal). (For
recipe see Appendix 3).
It is difficult to estimate dehydration status in a severely malnourished child
using clinical signs alone. So assume all children with watery diarrhoea
may have dehydration and give:
• ReSoMal 5 ml/kg every 30 min. for two hours, orally or by nasogastric
tube, then
• 5-10 ml/kg/h for next 4-10 hours: the exact amount to be given should
be determined by how much the child wants, and stool loss and
vomiting. Replace the ReSoMal doses at 4, 6, 8 and 10 hours with
F-75 if rehydration is continuing at these times, then
• continue feeding starter F-75 (see step 7)
During treatment, rapid respiration and pulse rates should slow down and
the child should begin to pass urine.
Monitor progress of rehydration:
Observe half-hourly for two hours, then hourly for the next 6-12 hours,
• pulse rate
• respiratory rate
• urine frequency
• stool/vomit frequency
Return of tears, moist mouth, eyes and fontanelle appearing less sunken,
and improved skin turgor, are also signs that rehydration is proceeding.
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