Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
„Immortal meridians that fable Fourth Mountain De Cang, starts out, is 120 arteries!”„In addition our Division, he can 118 arteries, then future of this person, limitless, as for surmounting De Cang, this matter is too difficult, he must arrive at peak, even if we help one another one time, is unable to surmount.”„Must think his chance, looks good fortune that he accumulates ... If his chance is enough, is by no means impossible!”Immortal Ancient Daoist Rite Temple because of Meng Hao decision at the same time, outside Planet East Victory, under Door of Immortality, the ray in Meng Hao both eyes, is more intense, he has filled the both eyes of blood thread, at this moment reveals decisively.„Demon Sealing four big ban, may condense Immortal meridians, then in my magical powers technique law, One Thought Transforms the Stars, does not know whether to succeed.” Meng Hao left eye stars sparkle, how whatever but he condenses, is unable to succeed.Meng Hao is not willingly, magical powers that oneself learn, all revolves, may the regrettable discovery, not have one, can condense the supreme bridge.As if missed, even if One Thought Transforms the Stars, was so.„Magical powers ...” Meng Hao gains ground slowly.„Supreme bridge! By the projection of supreme bridge, condenses supreme Immortal meridians!” Meng Hao has not hesitated, immediately the revolution supreme bridge, just launched, a blowout blood, in a short time continuously uses, making his within the body backlash multiply.The time passes, resembles the detection Meng Hao here unable to start out new Immortal meridians again, the immortal light was dim, Door of Immortality starts fuzzily, was faint must vanish in the starry sky.Immortal Qi did not disperse again, quick, the immortal light completely vanishes, the starry sky changed jet black, that Door of Immortality, in this is fuzzy, closing slowly.„Chance is insufficient.” In Immortal Ancient Daoist Rite Temple, that four old men sighed one lightly, their Immortal Ancient Dao Meridian, will not give the human easily, only if this person can Immortal meridians, arrive at 117, this was a [say / way] gauge, the stipulation of Immortal Ancient Daoist Rite Temple.At this moment, Ninth Mountain and Sea people, there are much long relaxes secretly, Meng Hao here monstruous talent, making them feel the terror, now saw that must finish, the mind of these people, slowly restore.„116, was enough!”„Such Immortal meridians, said scary, foot.”„Was a pity that I also really want to take a look, whether he can start out ... Em? He ... Is he doing?” When the people discussed that suddenly in many regions, had to call out in alarm spreads.Appearance that as calls out in alarm. Immediately the people see completely. Meng Hao there. In the Door of Immortality Masan must close dissipation instant, has lifted both hands unexpectedly.Hampir ketika contoh bahwa Meng Hao mengangkat kedua tangan, di sekitar pintu keabadian bahwa naga abadi 116, raung sepenuhnya, getar langit pindah, memungkinkan langit berbintang menggigil, naga abadi ini 116, mengaum langsung menjulang Meng Hao untuk pergi.Guruh. Naga-naga Abadi bergerak bertubuh Meng Hao instan, lenyap segera, tapi aura Meng Hao, di letusan yang saat ini berlanjut, nya dalam tubuh 116 abadi Meridian, benar-benar bereaksi."Jembatan tertinggi, dimulai!" Meng Hao kedua mata merah, telah dieja dengan sepenuhnya, menghadapi upwarded suara gemuruh, di gemuruh ini. Guruh tubuh Nya, Buk berdebar-debar di bawah. Perawakan tak henti-hentinya memiliki kulit untuk meledak, di ditutupi dengan darah, jembatan yang tertinggi, dalam karyanya dalam tubuh, mengubah keras.Hampir di jembatan tertinggi dalam contoh yang Meng Hao dalam tubuh menyajikan, bahwa pintu kabur keabadian, adalah tiba-tiba jelas sesudahnya tiba-tiba, Qi abadi cahaya tak berujung, abadi Tumbang langsung melambung Meng Hao sekali lagi.Qi abadi yang tak terbatas, gemuruh banjir ke Meng Hao dalam tubuh, pergi ke jembatan yang tertinggi, mengembun arteri kenaikan abadi, ini, membuat orang terkejut, laki-laki tua abadi Ritus kuil kuno Dao empat, dengan perhatian yang menegangkan.Bang mengerikan, Meng Hao seluruh tubuh ditutupi dengan darah, sakit yang parah seperti laut kasar, mirip Meng Hao menenggelamkan, ia clenches gigi apapun, menggigil, Meridian abadi yang tertinggi di dalam tubuh, kondensasi cepat.
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