Customer RelationshipsCustomer relationships are established and maint terjemahan - Customer RelationshipsCustomer relationships are established and maint Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Customer RelationshipsCustomer rela

Customer Relationships
Customer relationships are established and maintained with each Customer Segment.
The Customer Relationships Building Block describes the types of relationships a company establishes with specifi c Customer Segments A company should clarify the type of relationship it wants to establish with each Customer Segment. Relationships can range from personal to automated. Customer relationships may be driven by the following motivations:
• Customer acquisition
• Customer retention
• Boosting sales (upselling)
Customer Relationships In the early days, for example, mobile network operator Customer
Relationships were driven by aggressive acquisition strategies involving free mobile phones. When the market became saturated, operators switched to focusing on customer retention and increasing average revenue per customer. The Customer Relationships called for by a company’s business model deeply infl uence the overall customer experience.

What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How costly are they? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?
We can distinguish between several categories of Customer Relationships, which may co-exist in a company’s relationship with a particular Customer Segment:
Personal assistance
This relationship is based on human interaction. The customer can communicate with a real customer representative to get help during the sales process or after the purchase is complete. This may happen onsite at the point of sale, through call centers, by e-mail, or through other means. Dedicated personal assistance This relationship involves dedicating a customer representative specifically to an individual client. It
represents the deepest and most intimate type of relationship and normally develops over a long period of time. In private banking services, for example, dedicated
bankers serve high net worth individuals. Similar relationships can be found in other businesses in the form of key account managers who maintain personal relationships with important customers.
In this type of relationship, a company maintains no direct relationship with customers. It provides all the necessary means for customers to help themselves.
Automated services This type of relationship mixes a more sophisticated form of customer self-service with automated processes. For example, personal online profiles give customers access to customized services. Automated services can recognize individual customers and their characteristics, and oΩer information related to orders
or transactions. At their best, automated services can simulate a personal relationship (e.g. oΩering book or movie recommendations).
Increasingly, companies are utilizing user communities to become more involved with customers/prospects and to facilitate connections between community members. Many companies maintain online communities that allow users to exchange knowledge and
solve each other’s problems. Communities can also help companies better understand their customers. Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline launched a private online community when it introduced alli , a new prescription-free weight-loss product, GlaxoSmithKline wanted to increase its understanding of the challenges faced by overweight adults, and thereby learn to better manage customer expectations.
More companies are going beyond the traditional customer-vendor relationship to co-create value with customers. invites customers to write reviews and thus create value for other book lovers. Some companies engage customers to assist with the
design of new and innovative products. Others, such as, solicit customers to create content for public consumption
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Customer RelationshipsCustomer relationships are established and maintained with each Customer Segment.The Customer Relationships Building Block describes the types of relationships a company establishes with specifi c Customer Segments A company should clarify the type of relationship it wants to establish with each Customer Segment. Relationships can range from personal to automated. Customer relationships may be driven by the following motivations:• Customer acquisition• Customer retention• Boosting sales (upselling)Customer Relationships In the early days, for example, mobile network operator CustomerRelationships were driven by aggressive acquisition strategies involving free mobile phones. When the market became saturated, operators switched to focusing on customer retention and increasing average revenue per customer. The Customer Relationships called for by a company’s business model deeply infl uence the overall customer experience.What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How costly are they? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?We can distinguish between several categories of Customer Relationships, which may co-exist in a company’s relationship with a particular Customer Segment:Personal assistanceThis relationship is based on human interaction. The customer can communicate with a real customer representative to get help during the sales process or after the purchase is complete. This may happen onsite at the point of sale, through call centers, by e-mail, or through other means. Dedicated personal assistance This relationship involves dedicating a customer representative specifically to an individual client. Itrepresents the deepest and most intimate type of relationship and normally develops over a long period of time. In private banking services, for example, dedicatedbankers serve high net worth individuals. Similar relationships can be found in other businesses in the form of key account managers who maintain personal relationships with important customers.Self-serviceIn this type of relationship, a company maintains no direct relationship with customers. It provides all the necessary means for customers to help themselves.Automated services This type of relationship mixes a more sophisticated form of customer self-service with automated processes. For example, personal online profiles give customers access to customized services. Automated services can recognize individual customers and their characteristics, and oΩer information related to ordersor transactions. At their best, automated services can simulate a personal relationship (e.g. oΩering book or movie recommendations).CommunitiesIncreasingly, companies are utilizing user communities to become more involved with customers/prospects and to facilitate connections between community members. Many companies maintain online communities that allow users to exchange knowledge andsolve each other’s problems. Communities can also help companies better understand their customers. Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline launched a private online community when it introduced alli , a new prescription-free weight-loss product, GlaxoSmithKline wanted to increase its understanding of the challenges faced by overweight adults, and thereby learn to better manage customer expectations.Co-creationMore companies are going beyond the traditional customer-vendor relationship to co-create value with customers. invites customers to write reviews and thus create value for other book lovers. Some companies engage customers to assist with thedesign of new and innovative products. Others, such as, solicit customers to create content for public consumption
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pelanggan Hubungan
hubungan pelanggan yang didirikan dan dikelola dengan masing-masing Segmen pelanggan.
The Hubungan Pelanggan Building Block menjelaskan jenis hubungan perusahaan menetapkan dengan spesifik Segmen c pelanggan Sebuah perusahaan harus menjelaskan jenis hubungan yang ingin membangun dengan masing-masing Segmen pelanggan. Hubungan dapat berkisar dari pribadi untuk otomatis. Hubungan pelanggan dapat didorong oleh motivasi berikut:
• akuisisi pelanggan
• retensi pelanggan
• Meningkatkan penjualan (upselling)
Hubungan Pelanggan Pada hari-hari awal, misalnya, jaringan operator seluler pelanggan
Hubungan didorong oleh strategi akuisisi yang agresif yang melibatkan ponsel gratis. Ketika pasar menjadi jenuh, operator beralih ke berfokus pada retensi pelanggan dan meningkatkan pendapatan rata-rata per pelanggan. The Hubungan Pelanggan disebut oleh model bisnis perusahaan sangat infl pengaruh pengalaman pelanggan secara keseluruhan. Apa jenis hubungan yang masing-masing Segmen Pelanggan kami mengharapkan kita untuk membangun dan memelihara dengan mereka? Mana yang telah kami? Bagaimana mahal adalah mereka? ? Bagaimana mereka terintegrasi dengan seluruh model bisnis kami Kami dapat membedakan antara beberapa kategori Hubungan Pelanggan, yang mungkin hidup berdampingan dalam suatu hubungan perusahaan dengan Segmen Pelanggan tertentu: Bantuan Pribadi Hubungan ini didasarkan pada interaksi manusia. Pelanggan dapat berkomunikasi dengan perwakilan pelanggan nyata untuk mendapatkan bantuan selama proses penjualan atau setelah pembelian selesai. Hal ini bisa terjadi di tempat di titik penjualan, melalui call center, melalui e-mail, atau melalui cara lain. Bantuan pribadi yang berdedikasi Hubungan ini melibatkan mendedikasikan perwakilan pelanggan khusus untuk klien individu. Ini merupakan jenis terdalam dan paling intim dari hubungan dan biasanya berkembang selama jangka waktu yang panjang. Dalam layanan private banking, misalnya, didedikasikan bankir melayani high net worth individu. Hubungan serupa dapat ditemukan di bisnis lain dalam bentuk manajer account kunci yang menjaga hubungan pribadi dengan pelanggan penting. Self-service Dalam jenis hubungan, perusahaan mempertahankan hubungan langsung dengan pelanggan. Ini menyediakan semua sarana yang diperlukan bagi pelanggan untuk membantu diri mereka sendiri. Layanan Automated Jenis hubungan mencampur bentuk yang lebih canggih dari self-service pelanggan dengan proses otomatis. Misalnya, profil online pribadi memberikan pelanggan akses ke layanan yang disesuaikan. Layanan otomatis dapat mengenali nasabah individu dan karakteristik mereka, dan informasi yang terkait dengan oΩer pesanan atau transaksi. Terbaik mereka, layanan otomatis dapat mensimulasikan hubungan pribadi (misalnya oΩering buku atau film rekomendasi). Masyarakat Semakin, perusahaan yang memanfaatkan masyarakat pengguna menjadi lebih terlibat dengan pelanggan / prospek dan memfasilitasi hubungan antara anggota masyarakat. Banyak perusahaan mempertahankan komunitas online yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk bertukar pengetahuan dan memecahkan masalah masing-masing. Masyarakat juga dapat membantu perusahaan lebih memahami pelanggan mereka. Raksasa farmasi GlaxoSmithKline meluncurkan komunitas online pribadi ketika memperkenalkan alli, produk penurunan berat badan resep-bebas baru, GlaxoSmithKline ingin meningkatkan pemahamannya tentang tantangan yang dihadapi oleh orang dewasa kelebihan berat badan, dan dengan demikian belajar untuk lebih baik mengelola harapan pelanggan. Co-creation Lebih perusahaan akan melampaui hubungan pelanggan-vendor tradisional untuk bersama-menciptakan nilai dengan pelanggan. mengundang pelanggan untuk menulis ulasan dan dengan demikian menciptakan nilai bagi pecinta buku lainnya. Beberapa perusahaan terlibat pelanggan untuk membantu dengan desain produk baru dan inovatif. Lainnya, seperti, meminta pelanggan untuk menciptakan konten untuk konsumsi publik

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