Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Special biosecurity measuresIn order to reduce the risk of spore cross-contamination,the controls and the treated animals were keptin separate rooms under the same temperature andhumidity conditions within the building. The experimentaldiets were manufactured in the farm’s privatefeed processing factory. To prevent cross contaminationwith Bacillus cereus var. Toyoi spores, the dietswere manufactured in treatment sequence from controlgroup to TOYO group. Between the four differentpreparations, at least two mixtures of regular feedfor weaners (free of any antimicrobial, probiotic oracidifier) were made in the feed mill. At all times, pigswere maintained in their respective treatment groups.Control pigs were allocated a separate set of cleaning(clothing, boots and shovels) and feeding (scoops,barrows) equipment. Risk was further reduced by employinga different member of staff to manage thecontrol animals.
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