Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Learning English through music andsongs can be very enjoyable. You canmix pleasure with learning when youlisten to a song and exploit the song asa means to your English progress. Someunderlying reason can be drawn tosupport the idea why we use songs inlanguage learning.Firstly, “the song stuck in my head”Phenomenon (the echoing in our mindsof the last song we heard afterleaving a restaurant, shopping malls,etc) can be both enjoyable andsometimes unnerving. This phenomenonalso seems to reinforce the idea thatsongs work on our short-and-longterm memory.Secondly, songs in general also usesimple conversational language, with alot of repetition, which is just whatmany learners look for sample text.The fact that they are effectivemakes them many times moremotivating than other text. Althoughusually simple, some songs can be quitecomplex syntactically, lexically andpoetically, and can be analyzed in thesame way as any other literary sample.Furthermore, song can beappropriated by listener for their ownpurpose. Most pop songs and probablymany other types don’t have precisepeople, place or time reference.In addition, songs are relaxing. Theyprovide variety and fun, andencourage harmony within oneself andwithin one group. Little wonder theyare important tools in sustainingculture, religion, patriotism and yeas,even revolution.Last but not least, there are manylearning activities we can do withsongs such as studying grammar,practicing selective listeningcomprehension, translating songs,learning vocabulary, spelling andculture.From the elaboration above, it can beconcluded that learning through musicand songs, learning English can beenjoyable and fun.
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