or two later that companies are laying off workers in record numbers.  terjemahan - or two later that companies are laying off workers in record numbers.  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

or two later that companies are lay

or two later that companies are laying off workers in record numbers. You’re now presented
with two contradictory portraits of labor market conditions, both covering the
same time period. Which should you believe?
The confusion doesn’t stop there. Another complication, one especially maddening to
investors and economists, is that people can behave counterintuitively. Just look at two
ostensibly related reports: consumer confidence and consumer spending. The first measures
the general mood of potential shoppers: If they are upbeat about the economy, it
stands to reason they will spend more. If there is widespread gloom and uncertainty about
the future, logic would lead you to believe people will curb their spending and save
money instead. However, that’s not the way it plays out in the real world. There appears
to be little relationship between these two measures. During the mild 2001 recession,
consumer confidence kept plummeting throughout the year, reaching levels not seen in
decades. Yet these same consumers not only refused to cut back on spending that year,
they bought homes and cars at a record pace. Obviously, one cannot determine the outlook
for consumer spending just by monitoring the psychological state of American
households. The inclination to spend is influenced by many factors, including personal
income growth, job security, interest rates, and the buildup in wealth from the value of
one’s home and the ownership of stocks and bonds.
There is also the quandary that comes with abundance. Everyone—from the professional
money manager down to the mom dabbling part time in the markets—can be
overwhelmed by the statistical minutia out there. How do you discern which indicators
are worth watching and which ones to view with skepticism or even ignore? How does an
investor employ economic indicators to help choose which stocks and bonds to buy and
sell, and when? Which measures should a business forecaster follow to spot coming economic
trends? What key indicators should corporate chiefs rely on to help them decide
whether to hire new workers or invest in new equipment?
You can find the answers to these questions in subsequent chapters, but clearly
some economic indicators are far more telling than others. Generally, the most influential
statistics—those most likely to shake up the stock, bond, and currency markets—possess
some of the following attributes:
• Accuracy: Certain economic measures are known to be more reliable than others in
assessing the economy’s health. What determines their accuracy is linked to how
the data is compiled. Most economic indicators are based on results of public surveys.
Getting a large and representative sample is thus a prerequisite for accuracy.
For instance, to measure the change in consumer price inflation, the government’s
Bureau of Labor Statistics sends out agents and conducts telephone interviews
every month to find out how much prices have changed on 80,000 items and services
at 23,000 retail outlets around the country. To calculate shifts in consumer
confidence, the Conference Board, a business research organization, polls 5,000
households each month.
Another variable is the proportion of those queried who actually came back with
answers. How quickly did they respond? The bigger and faster the response, the
10 Chapter 1 • The Lock-Up
better the quality of the data and the smaller the subsequent revisions. If an indicator
has a history of suffering large revisions, it generally carries less weight in the
financial markets. After all, why should an investor buy stocks or a company hire
additional workers when the underlying economic statistic is suspect to begin with?
The monthly construction spending report by the Commerce Department is one that
gets substantially revised and is thus often ignored by the investment community. In
contrast, housing starts figures are rarely revised, which is why this indicator is
taken far more seriously.
• Timeliness of the indicator: Investors want the most immediate news of the economy
that they can get their hands on. The older the data, the more yawns it evokes.
The more current it is, the greater the wallop it packs on the markets. Case in point:
Investors pay close attention to the employment situation report because it comes
out barely a week after the month ends. In contrast, there’s far less interest in the
Federal Reserve’s consumer installment credit report, whose information is two
months old by the time it’s released.
• The business cycle stage: There are moments when the release of certain economic
indicators is awaited with great anticipation. Yet those same indicators barely
get noticed at other times. Why do these economic measures jump in and out of the
limelight? The answer is that much depends on where the U.S. economy stands in
the business cycle. (The business cycle is a recurring pattern in the economy consisting
first of growth, followed by weakness and recession, and finally by a
resumption of growth. We’ll take a closer look at the business cycle in the next
chapter.) During a recession, when there are lots of unemployed workers and idle
manufacturing capacity, inflation is less of a concern. Thus, measures such as the
consumer price index, which gauges inflation at the retail level, do not have the
same impact on the financial markets that they would if the economy were operating
at full speed. During recessionary periods, indicators that grab the headlines are
housing starts, auto sales, and the major stock indexes, because they often provide
the earliest clues that an economic recovery is imminent. Once business activity is
in full swing, inflation measures like the CPI take center stage again, while the
other indicators recede a bit into the background.
• Predictive ability: A few indicators have a reputation of successfully spotting turning
points in the economy well in advance. We mentioned how housing and auto
sales as well as the stock indexes have such characteristics. However, other lessknown
measures are harbingers of a change in business activity. One such indicator
is the advance orders for durable goods. Generally, economic gauges known for
being ahead of the curve carry more weight with investors.
• Degree of interest: Depending on whether you’re an investor, an economist, a
manufacturer, or a banker, some indicators might be of greater interest to you than
others. Business leaders, for instance, might focus on new home sales and existing
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
or two later that companies are laying off workers in record numbers. You’re now presentedwith two contradictory portraits of labor market conditions, both covering thesame time period. Which should you believe?The confusion doesn’t stop there. Another complication, one especially maddening toinvestors and economists, is that people can behave counterintuitively. Just look at twoostensibly related reports: consumer confidence and consumer spending. The first measuresthe general mood of potential shoppers: If they are upbeat about the economy, itstands to reason they will spend more. If there is widespread gloom and uncertainty aboutthe future, logic would lead you to believe people will curb their spending and savemoney instead. However, that’s not the way it plays out in the real world. There appearsto be little relationship between these two measures. During the mild 2001 recession,consumer confidence kept plummeting throughout the year, reaching levels not seen indecades. Yet these same consumers not only refused to cut back on spending that year,they bought homes and cars at a record pace. Obviously, one cannot determine the outlookfor consumer spending just by monitoring the psychological state of Americanhouseholds. The inclination to spend is influenced by many factors, including personalincome growth, job security, interest rates, and the buildup in wealth from the value ofone’s home and the ownership of stocks and bonds.There is also the quandary that comes with abundance. Everyone—from the professionalmoney manager down to the mom dabbling part time in the markets—can beoverwhelmed by the statistical minutia out there. How do you discern which indicatorsare worth watching and which ones to view with skepticism or even ignore? How does aninvestor employ economic indicators to help choose which stocks and bonds to buy andsell, and when? Which measures should a business forecaster follow to spot coming economictrends? What key indicators should corporate chiefs rely on to help them decidewhether to hire new workers or invest in new equipment?You can find the answers to these questions in subsequent chapters, but clearlysome economic indicators are far more telling than others. Generally, the most influentialstatistics—those most likely to shake up the stock, bond, and currency markets—possesssome of the following attributes:• Accuracy: Certain economic measures are known to be more reliable than others inassessing the economy’s health. What determines their accuracy is linked to howthe data is compiled. Most economic indicators are based on results of public surveys.Getting a large and representative sample is thus a prerequisite for accuracy.For instance, to measure the change in consumer price inflation, the government’sBureau of Labor Statistics sends out agents and conducts telephone interviewsevery month to find out how much prices have changed on 80,000 items and servicesat 23,000 retail outlets around the country. To calculate shifts in consumerconfidence, the Conference Board, a business research organization, polls 5,000households each month.Another variable is the proportion of those queried who actually came back withanswers. How quickly did they respond? The bigger and faster the response, the10 Chapter 1 • The Lock-Upbetter the quality of the data and the smaller the subsequent revisions. If an indicatorhas a history of suffering large revisions, it generally carries less weight in thefinancial markets. After all, why should an investor buy stocks or a company hireadditional workers when the underlying economic statistic is suspect to begin with?The monthly construction spending report by the Commerce Department is one thatgets substantially revised and is thus often ignored by the investment community. Incontrast, housing starts figures are rarely revised, which is why this indicator istaken far more seriously.• Timeliness of the indicator: Investors want the most immediate news of the economythat they can get their hands on. The older the data, the more yawns it evokes.The more current it is, the greater the wallop it packs on the markets. Case in point:Investors pay close attention to the employment situation report because it comesout barely a week after the month ends. In contrast, there’s far less interest in theFederal Reserve’s consumer installment credit report, whose information is twomonths old by the time it’s released.• The business cycle stage: There are moments when the release of certain economicindicators is awaited with great anticipation. Yet those same indicators barelyget noticed at other times. Why do these economic measures jump in and out of thelimelight? The answer is that much depends on where the U.S. economy stands inthe business cycle. (The business cycle is a recurring pattern in the economy consistingfirst of growth, followed by weakness and recession, and finally by aresumption of growth. We’ll take a closer look at the business cycle in the nextchapter.) During a recession, when there are lots of unemployed workers and idlemanufacturing capacity, inflation is less of a concern. Thus, measures such as theconsumer price index, which gauges inflation at the retail level, do not have thesame impact on the financial markets that they would if the economy were operatingat full speed. During recessionary periods, indicators that grab the headlines arehousing starts, auto sales, and the major stock indexes, because they often providethe earliest clues that an economic recovery is imminent. Once business activity isin full swing, inflation measures like the CPI take center stage again, while theother indicators recede a bit into the background.• Predictive ability: A few indicators have a reputation of successfully spotting turningpoints in the economy well in advance. We mentioned how housing and auto
sales as well as the stock indexes have such characteristics. However, other lessknown
measures are harbingers of a change in business activity. One such indicator
is the advance orders for durable goods. Generally, economic gauges known for
being ahead of the curve carry more weight with investors.
• Degree of interest: Depending on whether you’re an investor, an economist, a
manufacturer, or a banker, some indicators might be of greater interest to you than
others. Business leaders, for instance, might focus on new home sales and existing
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
atau dua kemudian bahwa perusahaan merumahkan pekerja dalam jumlah rekor. Anda sekarang disajikan
dengan dua potret bertentangan dari kondisi pasar tenaga kerja, baik yang mencakup
periode waktu yang sama. Yang harus Anda percaya?
Kebingungan tidak berhenti di situ. Komplikasi lain, satu terutama menjengkelkan untuk
investor dan ekonom, adalah bahwa orang dapat berperilaku counterintuitively. Lihat saja dua
laporan seolah-olah terkait: kepercayaan konsumen dan pengeluaran konsumen. Langkah-langkah pertama
suasana umum pembeli potensial: Jika mereka optimis tentang ekonomi, itu
dipastikan mereka akan menghabiskan lebih banyak. Jika ada kegelapan luas dan ketidakpastian tentang
masa depan, logika akan membuat Anda percaya orang akan mengekang pengeluaran mereka dan menyimpan
uang sebagai gantinya. Namun, itu bukan cara bermain keluar di dunia nyata. Tampaknya
ada sedikit hubungan antara kedua ukuran ini. Selama ringan resesi 2001,
kepercayaan konsumen terus jatuh sepanjang tahun, mencapai tingkat yang tidak terlihat di
beberapa dekade. Namun konsumen yang sama tidak hanya menolak untuk memotong kembali pada pengeluaran tahun itu,
mereka membeli rumah dan mobil pada kecepatan rekor. Jelas, kita tidak bisa menentukan prospek
untuk belanja konsumen hanya dengan memantau keadaan psikologis Amerika
rumah tangga. Kecenderungan untuk menghabiskan dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, termasuk pribadi
pertumbuhan pendapatan, keamanan kerja, suku bunga, dan penumpukan kekayaan dari nilai
rumah seseorang dan kepemilikan saham dan obligasi.
Ada juga kebingungan yang datang dengan kelimpahan. Semua orang-dari profesional
manajer uang ke ibu berkecimpung paruh waktu di pasar-bisa
kewalahan oleh minutia statistik di luar sana. Bagaimana Anda membedakan mana indikator
yang layak menonton dan mana yang untuk melihat dengan skeptisisme atau bahkan mengabaikan? Bagaimana sebuah
investor mempekerjakan indikator ekonomi untuk membantu memilih saham dan obligasi untuk membeli dan
menjual, dan kapan? Langkah-langkah yang harus peramal bisnis mengikuti spot datang ekonomi
tren? Apa indikator kunci harus kepala perusahaan mengandalkan untuk membantu mereka memutuskan
apakah akan mempekerjakan pekerja baru atau berinvestasi dalam peralatan baru?
Anda dapat menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini dalam bab-bab berikutnya, tapi jelas
beberapa indikator ekonomi yang jauh lebih jitu daripada yang lain. Umumnya, yang paling berpengaruh
statistik-mereka yang paling mungkin untuk menggoyang saham, obligasi, dan mata uang pasar-memiliki
beberapa atribut berikut:
• Akurasi: langkah-langkah ekonomi tertentu dikenal lebih handal daripada yang lain di
menilai kesehatan perekonomian. Apa yang menentukan akurasi mereka terkait dengan bagaimana
data dikumpulkan. Kebanyakan indikator ekonomi didasarkan pada hasil survei publik.
Mendapatkan sampel besar dan representatif demikian prasyarat untuk akurasi.
Misalnya, untuk mengukur perubahan inflasi harga konsumen, pemerintah
Biro Statistik Tenaga Kerja mengirimkan agen dan melakukan wawancara melalui telepon
setiap bulan untuk mengetahui berapa banyak harga telah berubah pada 80.000 item dan jasa
di 23.000 outlet ritel di seluruh negeri. Untuk menghitung pergeseran konsumen
kepercayaan, Conference Board, sebuah organisasi riset bisnis, jajak pendapat 5.000
rumah tangga setiap bulan.
Variabel lain adalah proporsi mereka bertanya yang benar-benar datang kembali dengan
jawaban. Seberapa cepat mereka merespon? Semakin besar dan lebih cepat respon, yang
10 Bab 1 • The Lock-Up
baik kualitas data dan kecil revisi berikutnya. Jika indikator
memiliki sejarah menderita revisi besar, umumnya membawa berat kurang di
pasar keuangan. Setelah semua, mengapa harus seorang saham buy investor atau perusahaan mempekerjakan
pekerja tambahan ketika statistik ekonomi yang mendasarinya adalah tersangka untuk memulai dengan?
bulanan pengeluaran konstruksi laporan oleh Departemen Perdagangan adalah salah satu yang
akan secara substansial direvisi dan dengan demikian sering diabaikan oleh komunitas investasi . Dalam
Sebaliknya, angka perumahan jarang direvisi, yang mengapa indikator ini
diambil jauh lebih serius.
• Ketepatan waktu dari indikator: Investor ingin berita yang paling cepat dari ekonomi
yang mereka bisa mendapatkan tangan mereka pada. Semakin tua data, semakin menguap itu membangkitkan.
Semakin saat itu, semakin besar pukulan itu kemasan di pasar. Contoh kasus:
Investor memperhatikan laporan situasi lapangan kerja karena berasal
dari hampir seminggu setelah berakhir bulan. Sebaliknya, ada bunga jauh lebih sedikit dalam
laporan konsumen angsuran kredit Federal Reserve, yang informasinya dua
berusia bulan pada saat itu dirilis.
• Tahap siklus bisnis: Ada saat-saat ketika rilis ekonomi tertentu
indikator ditunggu dengan penuh harap. Namun indikator-indikator yang sama hampir tidak
bisa melihat di lain waktu. Mengapa langkah-langkah ekonomi melompat masuk dan keluar dari
pusat perhatian? Jawabannya adalah bahwa banyak tergantung pada di mana ekonomi AS berdiri di
siklus bisnis. (Siklus bisnis adalah pola berulang dalam ekonomi yang terdiri
pertama pertumbuhan, diikuti oleh kelemahan dan resesi, dan akhirnya oleh
kembalinya pertumbuhan. Kita akan melihat lebih dekat pada siklus bisnis dalam berikutnya
bab.) Selama resesi , ketika ada banyak pekerja menganggur dan menganggur
kapasitas produksi, inflasi kurang perhatian. Dengan demikian, langkah-langkah seperti
indeks harga konsumen, yang mengukur inflasi di tingkat ritel, tidak memiliki
dampak yang sama pada pasar keuangan bahwa mereka akan jika perekonomian beroperasi
pada kecepatan penuh. Selama periode resesi, indikator yang ambil berita utama yang
dimulai perumahan, penjualan mobil, dan indeks saham utama, karena mereka sering memberikan
petunjuk awal bahwa pemulihan ekonomi sudah dekat. Setelah kegiatan usaha adalah
dalam ayunan penuh, langkah-langkah inflasi seperti CPI mengambil tengah panggung lagi, sedangkan
indikator lainnya surut sedikit ke belakang.
• kemampuan prediktif: Beberapa indikator memiliki reputasi berhasil bercak balik
poin dalam perekonomian baik di muka . Kami disebutkan bagaimana perumahan dan auto
penjualan serta indeks saham memiliki karakteristik tersebut. Namun, lessknown lainnya
tindakan yang pertanda perubahan kegiatan usaha. Salah satu indikator tersebut
adalah perintah muka untuk barang tahan lama. Umumnya, alat pengukur ekonomi dikenal
sebagai depan kurva membawa lebih berat dengan investor.
• Tingkat bunga: Tergantung pada apakah Anda seorang investor, ekonom, sebuah
produsen, atau bankir, beberapa indikator mungkin menarik yang lebih besar untuk Anda dari
orang lain. Para pemimpin bisnis, misalnya, mungkin fokus pada penjualan rumah baru dan yang sudah ada
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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