Tanner Daniels (Michael J. Willett) and Brent Van Camp (Paul Iacono) a terjemahan - Tanner Daniels (Michael J. Willett) and Brent Van Camp (Paul Iacono) a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Tanner Daniels (Michael J. Willett)

Tanner Daniels (Michael J. Willett) and Brent Van Camp (Paul Iacono) are two closeted gay best friends who attend North Gateway High school, which is dominated by three feuding cliques led by the beautiful Fawcett Brooks (Sasha Pieterse), who rules over the richest and the most popular; the talented Caprice Winters (Xosha Roquemore) who leads the school's minorities and theater arts students; and 'Shley Osgood (Andrea Bowen), a nice but ditzy Mormon that leads the "goody two shoes" and conservative Christians. Brent hatches a plan to out himself at prom, which will make him the most popular boy at school since the latest trend in teen girl magazines is a G.B.F.--gay best friend. His other friends Sophie Aster (Molly Tarlov) and Glenn Bak (Derek Mio) are just as skeptical as Tanner, who would prefer to stay under the radar.

Meanwhile, Soledad Braunstein (Joanna "JoJo" Levesque) is told by teacher Ms. Hoegel (Natasha Lyonne) that their Gay-Straight Alliance cannot exist if there is not a gay student in the club. Fawcett helps Soledad track down any potential gay students in the school by downloading Guydar, a hook-up app for gay men. Brent previously persuaded Tanner to download the app on his phone and Soledad and her friends track Tanner down, forcing him to come out in front of the whole school. This attracts the attention of Fawcett, 'Shley, and Caprice, who all believe having a G.B.F. will secure their bid for prom queen.

Angry, Tanner confronts Brent for not also coming out and harshly outs Brent in front of his overbearing mother Mrs. van Camp (Megan Mullally) as revenge. Tanner quickly regrets it but Brent is no longer speaking to him and he reluctantly agrees to be friends with Fawcett, Caprice, and 'Shley, as the three girls protect him from homophobic bullying lead by Fawcett's ex-boyfriend Hamilton (Brock Harris). However, the girls express their disappointment that Tanner is not like the stereotypical gay men they have seen on TV and make him over to their liking. Brent is annoyed at all the attention Tanner is getting, especially since Tanner has become nominated for Prom King. Likewise, 'Shley's uber-conservative best friend McKenzie Pryce (Evanna Lynch) tries to persuade 'Shley that homosexuality is still a sin.

As Tanner spends more one on one time with the girls, he learns more about them—Fawcett is actually brilliant at science, 'Shley's boyfriend Topher (Taylor Frey) is secretly gay, and Caprice hopes to win prom queen, as she would be the first black prom queen in school's history. At a party, Caprice sets Tanner up with Christian, a gay friend of hers, while Brent watches gay-lesbian themed movies with his mother, who makes fumbling attempts to show she is welcoming of his sexuality.

Sophie and Glenn show up at the party to rescue Tanner, who lets Fawcett get him drunk. A drunk 'Shley comes on to Glenn and they are caught making out. Tanner throws up on Topher and walks home, tired of being a gay mascot. Brent is waiting for him and the two make up. They admit they missed each other and kiss. The two pass out in Tanner's bed and wake up uncertain of what happened. Tanner then forces Brent to sneak out the window, as Tanner is still not out to his parents. Monday morning, Caprice tells Tanner that Christian is still willing to be his prom date, but McKenzie refuses to allow Tanner to buy a couple's prom ticket, insisting they are only for male and female couples.

Tanner agrees to join Soledad's GSA since she is the only one willing to help him fight the school policy and yells at Fawcett, 'Shley, and Caprice for only caring about him when his gay-ness benefits them. Chagrined, Fawcett also joins the GSA, but Ms. Hoegel quickly sees that Tanner is being used by the girls as a prize. Fawcett offers to hold an alternate prom, which pleases Tanner but enrages Caprice, who is annoyed that Tanner is endorsing Fawcett. Brent, believing that he is Tanner's prom date, is disappointed to learn that Tanner is going with Christian. He teams up with Caprice who plans on being queen of the school endorsed prom and offers to let him be his king. They reluctantly team up with McKenzie to keep the school-sanctioned prom going, which creates tension between Brent and Tanner. Glenn and Sophie are disgusted by the hypocrisy of their friends and refuse to go to either prom. Tanner yells at Fawcett for only being his friend to be prom queen but she admits that she is holding the alternate prom since the whole school thinks she is too mean to be the real prom queen. Tanner feels sorry for her and agrees to endorse her campaign if she allows everyone to go to the alternate prom.

Meanwhile, Brent heads the publicity for the school-sanctioned prom which uses explicitly anti-gay posters. Topher comes onto him, but Brent rejects him. The principal cancels the school prom for their homophobic posters and supports the alternate prom. 'Shley dumps Topher for being a part of the hate-propaganda. McKenzie suggests to protest at the prom and they plan to douse Tanner and Fawcett with glitter at the prom to humiliate them. At home, Tanner comes out to his father and step-mother, who are accepting and reveal they already know. Everyone prepares for prom and Glenn ropes Sophie to cover it for the school paper as he will be 'Shley's date. At prom, Christian makes a sexual pass at Tanner, but Tanner is not ready. Christian leaves and finds Topher on Guydar and the two leave to hook up.

Tanner bumps into Sophie and laments that he spent so much time being a GBF that he hadn't learned how to explore his own sexuality. Tanner and Fawcett win prom king and queen and Tanner makes a speech, saying that he is tired of being seen as an object or a symbol and apologizes to his true friends for dumping them. He asks Brent for forgiveness and overwhelmed with emotion, Caprice accidentally lets the bucket of glitter fall. Brent pushes Tanner and Fawcett out of the way and comes out of the closet in an explosion of glitter like he always wanted. Caprice tells the protesters outside to give up and join prom with them and they all leave McKenzie to have fun at prom. Tanner dances with Brent and they make up, although they decide to stay friends instead of being romantically involved and risk a friendship that is already beautiful in its own.

In the epilogue, Tanner and Brent's coming out inspires other closeted gays to do the same, which puts Tanner under the radar once more, just the way he likes it. He convinces Fawcett to finally show her true colors about being good at science, 'Shley dates Glenn, and Sophie wins a contest for an essay she wrote about objectification of teenagers.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Daniels Tanner (Michael J. carsinogen) dan Brent Van Camp (Paul Iacono) adalah dua terkurung gay sahabat yang menghadiri sekolah tinggi Utara Gateway, yang didominasi oleh tiga bermusuhan geng dipimpin oleh Brooks Fawcett indah (Sasha Pieterse), yang menguasai terkaya dan paling populer; Caprice berbakat Winters (Xosha Roquemore) yang memimpin sekolah minoritas dan teater seni siswa; dan ' Shley Osgood (Andrea Bowen), seorang Mormon bagus tapi ditzy yang mengarah "Sepatu goody dua" dan konservatif Kristen. Brent menetas rencana untuk keluar sendiri di prom, yang akan membuat dia cowok paling populer di sekolah karena tren terbaru dalam majalah gadis remaja G.B.F.--gay sahabat. Teman-teman lain Sophie Aster (Molly Tarlov) dan Glenn Bak (Derek Mio) skeptis sebagai Tanner, yang lebih suka ditulis oleh pelanggan kami setelah masa inap mereka di bawah radar.Sementara itu, Braunstein Soledad (Joanna "JoJo" Levesque) diberitahu oleh guru Ms. Hoegel (Natasha Lyonne) yang aliansi Gay lurus mereka tidak ada jika ada tidak seorang mahasiswa gay di klub. Fawcett membantu Soledad melacak setiap potensi gay siswa di sekolah dengan men-download Guydar, hook-up aplikasi untuk laki-laki gay. Brent sebelumnya membujuk Tanner untuk mendownload aplikasi pada telepon dan Soledad dan teman-temannya melacak Tanner, memaksa dia untuk keluar di depan seluruh sekolah. Hal ini menarik perhatian Fawcett, ' Shley, dan Caprice, yang semuanya percaya memiliki G.B.F. akan mengamankan mereka tawaran untuk ratu prom.Marah, Tanner menghadapi Brent untuk tidak juga keluar dan kasar beluk Brent di depan ibunya sombong ibu van Camp (Megan Mullally) sebagai balas dendam. Tanner cepat menyesal tapi Brent tidak lagi berbicara kepadanya dan ia enggan setuju untuk berteman dengan Fawcett, Caprice, dan ' Shley, sebagai tiga gadis melindungi dia dari homophobic bullying dipimpin oleh Fawcett's mantan pacar Hamilton (Brock Harris). Namun, gadis-gadis yang mengungkapkan kekecewaan mereka yang Tanner tidak seperti pria gay stereotip mereka telah melihat di TV dan membuatnya lebih dari yang mereka sukai. Brent kesal pada semua perhatian Tanner semakin, terutama karena Tanner menjadi nominasi untuk Prom raja. Demikian juga, ' Shley's uber-konservatif teman terbaik McKenzie Pryce (Evanna Lynch) mencoba untuk membujuk ' Shley bahwa homoseksualitas adalah tetap dosa.Seperti Tanner menghabiskan lebih satu pada satu waktu dengan gadis-gadis, ia belajar lebih banyak tentang mereka — Fawcett benar-benar brilian di science, ' Shley's pacar Topher (Taylor Frey) diam-diam gay, dan Caprice berharap untuk menang ratu prom, seperti dia akan ratu prom hitam pertama dalam sejarah sekolah. Di sebuah pesta, Caprice mendirikan Tanner dengan Kristen, seorang gay teman miliknya, sementara Brent watches gay-lesbian film bertema dengan ibunya, yang membuat upaya meraba-raba untuk menunjukkan dia menyambut dari seksualitas.Sophie dan Glenn muncul di pesta untuk menyelamatkan Tanner, yang memungkinkan Fawcett membuatnya mabuk. Mabuk ' Shley datang ke Glenn dan tertangkap membuat keluar. Tanner melempar pada Topher dan berjalan di rumah, lelah menjadi maskot gay. Brent yang menunggu untuk dia dan membuat dua. Mereka mengakui mereka kehilangan satu sama lain dan ciuman. Dua pingsan di Tanner tidur dan bangun tidak pasti tentang apa yang terjadi. Tanner kemudian memaksa Brent untuk menyelinap ke luar jendela, sebagai Tanner masih tidak keluar pada orangtuanya. Senin pagi, Caprice mengatakan Tanner Kristen masih mau menjadi tanggal prom, namun McKenzie menolak untuk memungkinkan Tanner untuk membeli tiket prom pasangan, bersikeras mereka adalah hanya untuk pasangan laki-laki dan perempuan.Tanner agrees to join Soledad's GSA since she is the only one willing to help him fight the school policy and yells at Fawcett, 'Shley, and Caprice for only caring about him when his gay-ness benefits them. Chagrined, Fawcett also joins the GSA, but Ms. Hoegel quickly sees that Tanner is being used by the girls as a prize. Fawcett offers to hold an alternate prom, which pleases Tanner but enrages Caprice, who is annoyed that Tanner is endorsing Fawcett. Brent, believing that he is Tanner's prom date, is disappointed to learn that Tanner is going with Christian. He teams up with Caprice who plans on being queen of the school endorsed prom and offers to let him be his king. They reluctantly team up with McKenzie to keep the school-sanctioned prom going, which creates tension between Brent and Tanner. Glenn and Sophie are disgusted by the hypocrisy of their friends and refuse to go to either prom. Tanner yells at Fawcett for only being his friend to be prom queen but she admits that she is holding the alternate prom since the whole school thinks she is too mean to be the real prom queen. Tanner feels sorry for her and agrees to endorse her campaign if she allows everyone to go to the alternate prom.Sementara itu, Brent kepala publisitas untuk prom sanksi sekolah yang menggunakan secara eksplisit anti-gay poster. Topher datang kepadanya, tapi Brent menolak dia. Kepala sekolah membatalkan prom sekolah untuk poster homophobic mereka dan mendukung prom alternatif. ' Shley pembuangan Topher untuk menjadi bagian dari benci-propaganda. McKenzie menyarankan untuk melakukan protes di prom dan mereka berencana untuk memadamkan Tanner dan Fawcett dengan glitter di prom untuk mempermalukan mereka. Di rumah, Tanner keluar untuk ayah dan langkah-ibu, yang menerima dan mengungkapkan mereka sudah tahu. Semua orang mempersiapkan untuk prom dan Glenn tali Sophie menutupinya sekolah seperti dia akan ' tanggal Shley's. Pada prom, Kristen membuat lulus seksual di Tanner, tapi Tanner tidak siap. Kristen daun dan menemukan Topher pada Guydar dan dua meninggalkan untuk hook up.Tanner bumps into Sophie and laments that he spent so much time being a GBF that he hadn't learned how to explore his own sexuality. Tanner and Fawcett win prom king and queen and Tanner makes a speech, saying that he is tired of being seen as an object or a symbol and apologizes to his true friends for dumping them. He asks Brent for forgiveness and overwhelmed with emotion, Caprice accidentally lets the bucket of glitter fall. Brent pushes Tanner and Fawcett out of the way and comes out of the closet in an explosion of glitter like he always wanted. Caprice tells the protesters outside to give up and join prom with them and they all leave McKenzie to have fun at prom. Tanner dances with Brent and they make up, although they decide to stay friends instead of being romantically involved and risk a friendship that is already beautiful in its own.In the epilogue, Tanner and Brent's coming out inspires other closeted gays to do the same, which puts Tanner under the radar once more, just the way he likes it. He convinces Fawcett to finally show her true colors about being good at science, 'Shley dates Glenn, and Sophie wins a contest for an essay she wrote about objectification of teenagers.
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