48 2·Ethical Aspects of Reference Service Disparate Levels of Service  terjemahan - 48 2·Ethical Aspects of Reference Service Disparate Levels of Service  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

48 2·Ethical Aspects of Reference S

48 2·Ethical Aspects of Reference Service
Disparate Levels of Service T he reference librarian in most public libraries today encounters a wide variety of library users. Despite the differences in clientele, librarians are expected to provide equal library service. This was not always so. In 1911, for example, the highly respected librarian John Cotton Dana suggested that the amount of time devoted to a reference question depended on three things—(1) the significance of the query: whether the answers provided would add to the body of knowledge, be instructive to groups or individuals, or be merely of recreational interest or frivolous; (2) the claim or status of the inquirer: an individual such as a library trustee or government official would likely receive greater time; and (3) the probability of success or ease in finding the answer. 29 A lthough modern professional codes remind us to treat all individuals equally, today’s reality suggests that Dana’s criteria still prevail. For example, it is becoming more common today, given the difficult financial circumstances of many libraries, that special information services or special reference collections for special groups can be offered only if additional financial support is provided by them. Hence, libraries may provide special services to business and industry but not fine arts. Although it is clear that providing services to an important part of the library community is ethically appropriate, this raises another important ethical dilemma: devoting one’s resources and energies to one group often means providing service of less quality to other groups. Because both fiscal and human resources are limited, if the technology “haves” are the groups emphasized by information services, then the technology “have-nots” might be deprived of resources and energy. Sometimes concern has been expressed regarding the equality of service provided to certain groups, most notably children. Do children receive treatment equal to that given to adults? Do some reference policies discriminate against service for children? For example, in a public library, are homework questions treated the same way as if an adult had asked a similar question? In an academic library, are students’ information queries treated the same way as are faculty members’? Are exceptions regarding library rules in the reference department more likely to be made for a faculty member, administrator, or board member than for a student? The Internet has also raised the specter of differential treatment in regard to service. As noted earlier, Internet terminals may be restricted or filtered for young people. In the academic setting, different types of Internet services are available for some groups and not others. For example, students might be allowed access to both search and e-mail functions, but the general public might be able to use only the search functions. The fundamental tenets of the profession suggest that providing unequal service is an unethical act, yet an ethical tension remains, reflecting the ethical obligation to
Should she mention the student specifically? Should she mention the term paper database without mentioning the student? If Dr. Jones mentioned that she had heard of term paper databases and asked Mary if she knew if they were being used by her students, what should Mary say?

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
48 2· Aspek etika referensi Disparate Levels of Service T he reference librarian in most public libraries today encounters a wide variety of library users. Despite the differences in clientele, librarians are expected to provide equal library service. This was not always so. In 1911, for example, the highly respected librarian John Cotton Dana suggested that the amount of time devoted to a reference question depended on three things—(1) the significance of the query: whether the answers provided would add to the body of knowledge, be instructive to groups or individuals, or be merely of recreational interest or frivolous; (2) the claim or status of the inquirer: an individual such as a library trustee or government official would likely receive greater time; and (3) the probability of success or ease in finding the answer. 29 A lthough modern professional codes remind us to treat all individuals equally, today’s reality suggests that Dana’s criteria still prevail. For example, it is becoming more common today, given the difficult financial circumstances of many libraries, that special information services or special reference collections for special groups can be offered only if additional financial support is provided by them. Hence, libraries may provide special services to business and industry but not fine arts. Although it is clear that providing services to an important part of the library community is ethically appropriate, this raises another important ethical dilemma: devoting one’s resources and energies to one group often means providing service of less quality to other groups. Because both fiscal and human resources are limited, if the technology “haves” are the groups emphasized by information services, then the technology “have-nots” might be deprived of resources and energy. Sometimes concern has been expressed regarding the equality of service provided to certain groups, most notably children. Do children receive treatment equal to that given to adults? Do some reference policies discriminate against service for children? For example, in a public library, are homework questions treated the same way as if an adult had asked a similar question? In an academic library, are students’ information queries treated the same way as are faculty members’? Are exceptions regarding library rules in the reference department more likely to be made for a faculty member, administrator, or board member than for a student? The Internet has also raised the specter of differential treatment in regard to service. As noted earlier, Internet terminals may be restricted or filtered for young people. In the academic setting, different types of Internet services are available for some groups and not others. For example, students might be allowed access to both search and e-mail functions, but the general public might be able to use only the search functions. The fundamental tenets of the profession suggest that providing unequal service is an unethical act, yet an ethical tension remains, reflecting the ethical obligation to Harus ia menyebutkan siswa khusus? Dia harus menyebutkan makalah database tanpa menyebutkan siswa? Jika Dr. Jones menyebutkan bahwa ia telah mendengar tentang makalah database dan meminta Maria jika dia tahu jika mereka sedang digunakan oleh murid-muridnya, apa yang harus Maria katakan?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
48 2 · Aspek Etis Layanan Referensi
Disparate Tingkat referensi pustakawan Layanan T dia di sebagian besar perpustakaan umum hari ini bertemu dengan berbagai macam pengguna perpustakaan. Meskipun perbedaan dalam klien, pustakawan diharapkan untuk memberikan layanan perpustakaan yang sama. Ini tidak selalu begitu. Pada tahun 1911, misalnya, pustakawan sangat dihormati John Cotton Dana menyarankan bahwa jumlah waktu yang dihabiskan untuk pertanyaan referensi tergantung pada tiga hal-(1) pentingnya query: apakah jawaban yang diberikan akan menambah tubuh pengetahuan, instruktif untuk kelompok atau individu, atau sekadar menarik rekreasi atau sembrono; (2) klaim atau status penanya: individu seperti wali perpustakaan atau pejabat pemerintah kemungkinan akan menerima waktu yang lebih besar; dan (3) probabilitas keberhasilan atau kemudahan dalam menemukan jawabannya. 29 Kode profesional A lthough modern yang mengingatkan kita untuk memperlakukan semua orang sama, realitas hari ini menunjukkan bahwa kriteria Dana masih berlaku. Sebagai contoh, hal ini menjadi lebih umum hari ini, mengingat keadaan keuangan yang sulit dari banyak perpustakaan, bahwa layanan informasi khusus atau koleksi referensi khusus untuk kelompok-kelompok khusus dapat ditawarkan hanya jika dukungan keuangan tambahan disediakan oleh mereka. Oleh karena itu, perpustakaan dapat menyediakan layanan khusus untuk bisnis dan industri, tetapi seni tidak baik-baik saja. Meskipun jelas bahwa memberikan pelayanan kepada bagian penting dari komunitas perpustakaan etis yang tepat, hal ini menimbulkan dilema etika penting lain: mencurahkan sumber daya seseorang dan energi untuk satu kelompok sering berarti memberikan pelayanan kualitas kurang untuk kelompok lain. Karena kedua sumber daya fiskal dan manusia yang terbatas, jika teknologi "kaya" adalah kelompok ditekankan oleh layanan informasi, maka teknologi "si miskin" mungkin akan kekurangan sumber daya dan energi. Kadang-kadang keprihatinan telah diungkapkan mengenai kesetaraan pelayanan yang diberikan kepada kelompok-kelompok tertentu, terutama anak-anak. Apakah anak-anak menerima perlakuan yang sama dengan yang diberikan kepada orang dewasa? Apakah beberapa kebijakan referensi diskriminasi terhadap layanan untuk anak-anak? Misalnya, di perpustakaan umum, yang pertanyaan PR diperlakukan dengan cara yang sama seperti jika orang dewasa telah mengajukan pertanyaan serupa? Dalam perpustakaan akademik, yang siswa query informasi diperlakukan dengan cara yang sama seperti anggota fakultas '? Pengecualian mengenai aturan perpustakaan di departemen referensi lebih mungkin dibuat untuk anggota fakultas, administrator, atau anggota dewan daripada untuk siswa? Internet juga telah mengangkat momok perlakuan yang berbeda dalam hal pelayanan. Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, terminal Internet dapat dibatasi atau disaring untuk orang-orang muda. Dalam pengaturan akademik, berbagai jenis layanan internet yang tersedia untuk beberapa kelompok dan bukan orang lain. Sebagai contoh, siswa mungkin akan diizinkan akses ke fungsi pencarian dan e-mail, tetapi masyarakat umum mungkin bisa hanya menggunakan fungsi pencarian. Prinsip dasar profesi menunjukkan bahwa memberikan pelayanan yang tidak sama adalah tindakan yang tidak etis, namun ketegangan etis tetap, mencerminkan kewajiban etis untuk
Haruskah dia menyebutkan siswa secara khusus? Harus dia menyebutkan database makalah tanpa menyebutkan siswa? Jika Dr. Jones menyebutkan bahwa ia telah mendengar dari database makalah dan bertanya Mary jika dia tahu jika mereka sedang digunakan oleh murid-muridnya, apa yang harus Mary katakan?

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