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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1051: Sepuluh pertama! Saat ini, dalam Meng Hao di kesembilan laut Tuhan dunia abadi di gua, Meng Hao di golden gate kesembilan peleburan pengadilan, di gua abadi nya, di mana dua batu chambers, menyebar suara gemuruh, cepat, Kamar-kamar batu ini dua meledak pada runtuhnya.Ketika batu berpisah, dua mata pintar, tiba-tiba berjalan keluar, mereka memandang satu saling mengungkapkan permusuhan, mungkin tidak memiliki setiap tindakan lain, tetapi secara bersamaan berangkat Pavilion lantai, menyerupai untuk melarikan diri dari sini.Contoh bahwa tetapi habis dalam mereka, burung beo yang mengajarkan beralih rakasa ini menyanyi, segera melihat pintar ini dua mata, setelah melihat, burung beo memiliki gawked, kemudian segera adalah tidak puas."Agak akrab terlihat, tidak bisa memikirkan, tapi rambut sesama ini dua begitu pula bagaimana langka.""Anda bodoh, yang tidak rambut, itu adalah tentakel!" jeli daging mengkoreksi dalam satu sisi segera, dunia mengetahui segala sesuatu, dan lebih tinggi daripada kelas pertama perasaan pada mental easely."Tidak peduli rambut atau tentakel, itu terlalu sedikit, datang, Anda juga datang dan Tuhan kelima bernyanyi bersama." Burung beo menjadi marah karena malu, daun sayap? Tidak memiliki? Salah? Langsung menjulang ini dua mata cerdas untuk pergi.Dua mata pintar ini membubarkan cahaya redup, tidak ragu-ragu, kebakaran menjadi burung beo, dalam hantu intraokular, dua penjahat, saat ini membuka mulut besar mengesankan, mirip burung beo merebut gudang.They bump into the same place suddenly, what is strange, parrot sends lossless, but that two ghost intraocular villains, actually send out the sad and shrill scream, resembled the feeling from the parrot any when the fearful aura, sped away retreats, the clever eye dissipated unexpectedly directly, among villain, when this retreats, reduction rapidly, unexpectedly in the midair, turned into the black soybeans unexpectedly.The parrot is complacent, when wants to open mouth, that two black soybeans suddenly. Spread the sound unexpectedly.„Dagger!” The sound is sad and shrill. If the life and death is crazy. Naked eye obvious, they changed to two black daggers unexpectedly, directly soars the parrot instant.The parrot stares.Dagger that „black soybeans turn into? Bean dagger? Feels the good familiar appearance.”The dagger that at this moment, in the ninth golden gate stele, the black soybeans turn into , the crazy thorn to that scarlet robe body cultivator, thunders. Pricks directly, Meng Hao sees immediately, that scarlet robe body cultivator, body unexpectedly naked eye obvious instantaneous disappearance, unexpectedly ... Was swallowed by this dagger absorption.When Meng Hao both eyes dodge , to continue to shell, quick, after more than 200 body cultivator bang kill, the nihility once more twists, this time. Presented 512 body cultivator.The new round bang kills, launches once more. This population are more, Meng Hao was hard maintains batters, started retreats, but his look was calm, even if were retreats, from time to time looked to the black soybeans villain, this villain fiercely competed and successfully competed, along with swallowing these body cultivator, on it, dispersed the feeling of vitality unexpectedly.This, making Meng Hao even more think that this villain is surprised.But outside, at this moment, more than 10,000 disciples of Ninth Mountain sea, completely dumbfounded, they look at Meng Hao on place, from 101 increases, 90 70-80 five, 78, 63 and 54 ...Until this moment, the Meng Hao name, appeared in 46 th impressively!The golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), letting all people to see clearly, but time ... Enters this stele smelting trial from Meng Hao, until the present, is a double-hour!This, shook all people, even because of the persistent sparkle of here golden light, causes the Ninth Sea God World disciples in other regions, was attracted to approach, sees this , after inquiring all around same side, is surprised.Compares in shocks of these cultivator, Monster Cultivator, the look blacks, the murderous intention fills the air.But Fan Dong Er, is facial color is quite at this moment uglier, both hands gripping stubbornly.„By the strength of his mortal body, enters first 30 not to have the issue, but ... So will be why quick!!” Fan Dong Er clenches teeth, her position was already surmounted, this is within her anticipation, but defers to her judgment, Meng Hao should be requires day to be right, but now ... Unexpectedly is only a double-hour.Even at this moment, many Ancient Realm powerhouse in Ninth Mountain within the four seas, realized that of ninth golden gate stele, spiritual sense approached in abundance.In the stele, Meng Hao looks at all around several hundred scarlet robe body cultivator, sighed, even if there is black soybeans to divert, but he was very as before difficult simultaneously to face these many vitality boundless body cultivator.
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