He can affirm that the beforehand that condition, that step, surely is terjemahan - He can affirm that the beforehand that condition, that step, surely is Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

He can affirm that the beforehand t

He can affirm that the beforehand that condition, that step, surely is strange magic arts, this magic arts, is far from common, but the fact makes Meng Hao have to acknowledge, this step ... As if look at it was too high.
Did not say disappointedly, that is impossible, the Meng Hao innermost feelings sighed, turn the head to look when to the stars that Song Clan was, suddenly, the Meng Hao body shook fiercely, his revealed unable to believe that with amazement.
His body shivers, this lifetime shock, in this moment, seems inferior to the present shock ...
His life, there are many time is unable to believe that but this time, besides is unable to believe that ... Inconceivable!
His mind thunder 1 million thundering explode, making his whole person stay there, looks at the Song Clan stars on at this moment, there is a light of sparkle Teleportation, from that Teleportation, went out of a form.
The handsome appearance, is having the aura of student, has the blue light to contain faintly, Meng Hao saw this person after going out, there is a Song Clan clansman to send out bag of holding, saw the person of this student, a billowing sound that spreads.
„Song Luodan, comes out to see me!” These, Meng Hao such as looks at the picture to be the same, he saw himself!!
He saw himself to go out, sees to hold Song god, saw the appearance of skinny old man, saw the form of that Men in Black, saw itself after passing Men in Black's test, pursued him to go out, walks into the starry sky, until ... Meng Hao sees at present, Men in Black with another, takes a step, unexpectedly ... With standing they here, form overlapped.
The Meng Hao body shakes once more, his innermost feelings have raised the dreadful rough seas.
„That step, is not slow, but is too quick ... Quick ... Can surmount the strength of space and time ... I unexpectedly, arrived ... Before burning a joss stick!” Meng Hao muttered, the strangeness of this magic arts, making him arrive at the present, thought the mind buzz the cry.
After long time, when Meng Hao turns around to look to the Men in Black, he notes the vision of Men in Black, throughout is invariable, falls in the piece of sceneries of distant place.
Meng Hao depresses the shock of innermost feelings, looks that he saw in that sceneries, the bamboo grove, in that bamboo grove, the appearance is very the dreadful old man, is sitting cross-legged to sit there.
The front of old man, there is a youth, the youth, is Wang Mu. -
The brothers and sisters, the root of the ear erupted once more, the monthly ticket strove for powerful!!( To be continued.)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ia dapat menegaskan bahwa sebelumnya bahwa kondisi, yang melangkah, pasti aneh seni sulap, seni ini sihir, jauh dari umum, tapi fakta membuat Meng Hao harus mengakui, langkah ini... Seolah-olah melihatnya terlalu tinggi.Tidak mengatakan disappointedly, itu tidak mungkin, perasaan terdalam Meng Hao mendesah, mengubah kepala terlihat ketika ke bintang-bintang itu Song klan, tiba-tiba, Meng Hao tubuh mengguncang sengit, nya dinyatakan tidak dapat percaya bahwa dengan takjub.Tubuhnya bergemetar, shock seumur hidup ini, pada saat ini, tampaknya lebih rendah daripada shock hadir...Hidupnya, ada banyak waktu tidak bisa percaya bahwa tapi kali ini, selain tidak dapat percaya bahwa... Tak terbayangkan!Nya pikiran thunder 1 juta gemuruh meledak, membuat nya-seluruh orang yang tinggal di sana, memandang bintang Song klan saat ini, ada cahaya kilauan teleportasi, dari teleportasi itu, keluar dari bentuk.Penampilan yang tampan, memiliki aura mahasiswa, memiliki cahaya biru berisi samar-samar, Meng Hao melihat orang ini setelah keluar, ada Song klan clansman untuk mengirimkan tas memegang, melihat orang ini siswa, suara kepuh yang menyebar."Lagu Luodan, keluar untuk melihat saya!" Ini, Meng Hao seperti terlihat pada gambar harus sama, ia melihat dirinya!!Ia melihat dirinya untuk pergi keluar, melihat untuk menahan lagu Allah, melihat munculnya laki-laki tua yang kurus, melihat bentuk bahwa laki-laki hitam, melihat dirinya setelah melewati pria dalam tes Black, mengejar dia untuk pergi, berjalan ke langit berbintang, sampai... Meng Hao melihat saat ini, laki-laki hitam dengan yang lain, mengambil langkah, tiba-tiba... Dengan berdiri mereka di sini, bentuk tumpang tindih.Tubuh Meng Hao bergetar sekali lagi, perasaan terdalam telah mengangkat laut kasar mengerikan."Langkah itu, tidak lambat, tapi itu terlalu cepat... Cepat... Dapat mengatasi kekuatan ruang dan waktu... Saya tiba-tiba, tiba... Sebelum pembakaran tongkat joss!" Meng Hao bergumam, keanehan ini seni sulap, membuat dia tiba saat ini, berpikir pikiran buzz teriakan.Setelah lama, ketika Meng Hao berbalik untuk melihat laki-laki hitam, dia catatan visi dari laki-laki hitam, seluruh invariabel, jatuh potongan pemandangan tempat yang jauh.Meng Hao menekan shock perasaan terdalam, tampak bahwa dia melihat dalam yang menakjubkan, grove bambu, di bahwa bambu grove, penampilan sangat orang tua yang mengerikan, duduk bersila untuk duduk di sana.Depan tua manusia, ada seorang pemuda, pemuda, Wang Mu. -Saudara dan saudari, akar dari telinga meletus lagi, tiket bulanan berjuang untuk kuat!! (Untuk dilanjutkan.)...
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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