The blue gold complements that superseded the black gold Russian schol terjemahan - The blue gold complements that superseded the black gold Russian schol Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The blue gold complements that supe

The blue gold complements that superseded the black gold

Russian scholars suggest us the Abiotic Oil theory which stated that oil exists because of natural processes and that it is not come from fossil. However, extensive extraction of oil will drain the oil well. And it will take 50 to 100 years for it to refill. This is the main reason why the modern civilization is now using gas in the complement of oil. Gas also have other advantage feature; in the delivery of gas, although it needs more precaution, it is faster than oil because it can be deliver with continental pipeline. The process of generating energy is more efficient on gas than on oil.

And so now I am observing the unfolding world event, particularly the friction between the West and the BRICS, focusing on the Eurasian Balkan, on gas; its extraction, distribution, etc. And Masha Allah, everything is clear like seeing the sun in a broad day light.

And of course Halford MacKinder theory of the "Heartland" was based on our Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] theory of the "Mountain of Gold of the Euphrates". That which today is implemented by the American Godfather of geopolitic, Zbignew Brzezinski.

Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “The Last Hour will not arrive until the Euphrates uncovers a mountain of gold, over which people will fight. Ninety-nine out of every hundred will die but every man amongst them would say that perhaps he would be the one who will be saved (and thus possess the gold), so whoever (Muslims) finds it should take nothing from it.” [Sahîh Muslim]

The Emergence of Our Current Dhul Qarnain

We have understood that the previous Dhul Qarnain [the Faithful Superpower] had built a barrier in the Caucasus to prevent Gog and Magog into spreading to the whole world. They had conquer all of the world to establish their unipolar world order, not yet but close, and now they are returning to the place where they had been let loose, but this time they are trying to get into the Caucasus and the area beyond that, ie, Russia, because Russia is the last obstacle for them to achieve the dream of a unipolar world order, and our current Dhul Qarnain, is standing behind the a new barrier.

Vladimir Putin - Dhul Qarnain of the End Time

The Holy Quran Chapter al-Kahf [the Cave] verse: 83-101

They will ask thee of Dhu'l-Qarneyn. Say: I shall recite unto you a remembrance of him. (83)

Lo! We made him strong in the land [military power and wealth] and gave him unto everything a road [knowledge of everything]. (84)

And he followed a road (85)

Till, when he reached the setting-place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring [The Black Sea], and found a people thereabout. We said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Either punish or show them kindness. (86)

He said: As for him who doeth wrong [Kiev Junta], we shall punish him, and then he will be brought back unto his Lord, Who will punish him with awful punishment! (87)

But as for him who believeth and doeth right [Crimea and Eastern Ukraine], good will be his reward, and We shall speak unto him a mild command. (88)

Then he followed a road (89)

Till, when he reached the rising-place of the sun [The Caspian Sea], he found it rising on a people for whom We had appointed no shelter therefrom [Third world countries with oil and gas wealth]. (90)

So (it was) [He left them alone and do not seek to take their oil and gas]. And We knew all concerning him. (91)

Then he followed a road (92)

Till, when he came between the two mountains [The Caucasus], he found upon their hither side a folk that scarce could understand a saying. (93)

They said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Lo! Gog and Magog [The West] are spoiling the land. So may we pay thee tribute on condition that thou set a barrier between us and them? (94)

He said: That wherein my Lord hath established me is better [military dominance] (than your tribute). Do but help me with strength (of men) [military industrial complex], I will set between you and them a bank. (95)

Give me pieces of iron - till, when he had levelled up (the gap) between the cliffs, he said: Blow! - till, when he had made it a fire, he said: Bring me molten copper to pour thereon. (96)

And (Gog and Magog) were not able to surmount, nor could they pierce (it). (97)

He said: This [Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol Crimea] is a mercy from my Lord; but when the promise [Emergence of the Mahdi] of my Lord cometh to pass, He will lay it low [in the sea], for the promise of my Lord is true. (98)

And on that day we shall let some of them surge against others, and the Trumpet will be blown [thermonuclear war]. Then We shall gather them together in one gathering [Constantinople and Syria]. (99)

On that day we shall present hell [thermonuclear war] to the disbelievers, plain to view, (100)

Those whose eyes were hoodwinked from My reminder [the West], and who could not bear to hear [westernized religious people around the world]. (101)

I suggest that our current time Dhul Qarnain is Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation. He had prevented Russia from being corrupted by the modern western civilization, taking Russia into her religious root. He had brought Russia’s economy to rise, preparing and modernizing its military, rooted out Zionist fifth column in Russia, and with BRICS, creating a multipolar world order based on common ground. Currently, the Russian Navy is ordering 12 Borei Class, Strategic Nuclear Submarines [each carries 24 nuclear ICBM], and scores of other submarine and war vessels. The Russian shipyard cannot meet his order that the Russian Navy need to purchase 2 Mistral Class amphibious aircraft carriers from France. Those ships is currently being scuttled by France on US order.Of course to understand this suggestion we must observe the unfolding events in the geopolitical chessboard of Russia and the West. A closer and relentless observation.

The Hellfire at the End of Dhul Qarnain Passage in the Quran

We understand that the confrontation between Russia and the West will lead to thermonuclear war or al-Malhama by the Divine prophecy in the Quran, of Chapter al-Ruum [the Byzantines], and also we would like to suggest the confirmation of Sheikh Imran’s dream about the timing of al-Malhama and of course Allah Most High knows better of it exact time.

Just recently, we are witnessing the emergence of Sodom and Gomorrah, ie; legalization of LGBT marriage by the US Conggres, and that Sodom and Gomorrah all around the world, celeberating the event with a field day, parading in the streets, all over the world. This is the sign from Allah Most High that the time of al-Malhama is very very close, because the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah is like the nature of thermonuclear weapon [Inter Continental Ballistic Missile], ie, hell fire falling down from the skies.

The Coming of al-Malhama and Imam al-Mahdi

We also would like to suggest you the implication of the early passage of Suratul Ruum, in which it suggest us that the strategic environment of today is similar to the environment of yesterday, ie, the Byzantine Persian War, which preponderance of the emergence of both Prophet Muhammad [saw] and Islam. We would like to connect the emergence of Caesar Heraclius and Prophet Muhammad [saw] with the emergence of Vladimir Putin and Imam al-Mahdi. Of course we would like not to further into recognizing Imam al-Mahdi and his the specific time of emergence, rather suggesting that the latter case will be similar to the previous case.

The start of Heraclius’s counter offensive against Persia and the start of the Prophet Muhammad’s [saw] exodus to Medina happened in the same year. Also, the time of Heraclius conquered Persia [Ctesiphon] and the time Prophet Muhammad conquered Mecca happened in the same year. Thirdly, Heraclius birth and the Prophet [saw] birth happen to be preponderance; Heraclius is 5 years older than our Prophet [saw].

The Strategic Environment of the War between Russia and the West

We also would like to suggest the similar conclusion about how the war between Russia and the West will be wage. It is similar to the war between Byzantium and Persia. It’s strategic environment, movement of war and timeline. Russia will conquer Constantinople and the Muslim of Turkey will help them from within. NATO will try to take back Constantinople from the sea and from the west; Muslims and Christians Orthodox will side by side defend the city. A period of time will lapse, while in Arabia al-Mahdi will emerge. In such time the Russian Navy fleet will advance into the Holy Land, while al-Mahdi would already take Mecca. Insha Allah.

The emergence of Holy Russia and its apointment to history is predicted in the Quran. The Holy Quran Chapter al-Ruum [The Byzantines] verse : 1-7Alif. Lam. Mim. (1) The Byzantines have been defeated [by the Persians] (2) In the nearer land [Jerusalem] , and they, after their defeat will be victorious [Niniveh, Ctesiphon] (3) In a few (years) - Allah's is the command in the former case [Byzantines at that time when the Quran was revealed] and in the latter [Russian Federation in the Last Age] - and in that day believers [Muslims] will rejoice (4) In Allah's help to victory. He helpeth to victory whom He will. He is the Mighty, the Merciful. (5) It is a promise of Allah. Allah faileth not His promise, but most of mankind know not. (6) They know only some appearance of the life of the world, and are heedless of the Hereafter. (7)And so the believers, and those who are honest and not arrogant, understand what happen in the world today. We would like to suggest everyone to think and think things out. The world is sleep walking for the greatest event in the entyre human history, where 99 out 100 will vanish. We must act accordingly and prepare everything in order to survive this Apocalypse because the war against ev
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The blue gold complements that superseded the black gold Russian scholars suggest us the Abiotic Oil theory which stated that oil exists because of natural processes and that it is not come from fossil. However, extensive extraction of oil will drain the oil well. And it will take 50 to 100 years for it to refill. This is the main reason why the modern civilization is now using gas in the complement of oil. Gas also have other advantage feature; in the delivery of gas, although it needs more precaution, it is faster than oil because it can be deliver with continental pipeline. The process of generating energy is more efficient on gas than on oil. And so now I am observing the unfolding world event, particularly the friction between the West and the BRICS, focusing on the Eurasian Balkan, on gas; its extraction, distribution, etc. And Masha Allah, everything is clear like seeing the sun in a broad day light.And of course Halford MacKinder theory of the "Heartland" was based on our Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] theory of the "Mountain of Gold of the Euphrates". That which today is implemented by the American Godfather of geopolitic, Zbignew Brzezinski. Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “The Last Hour will not arrive until the Euphrates uncovers a mountain of gold, over which people will fight. Ninety-nine out of every hundred will die but every man amongst them would say that perhaps he would be the one who will be saved (and thus possess the gold), so whoever (Muslims) finds it should take nothing from it.” [Sahîh Muslim] Munculnya Dzul Qarnain kami saat ini Kita mengerti bahwa Dhul Qarnain sebelumnya [negara adikuasa setia] telah membangun sebuah penghalang di Caucasus untuk mencegah Gog dan Magog ke menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Mereka telah menaklukkan seluruh dunia untuk membangun tatanan ekakutub dunia mereka, tidak belum tetapi menutup, dan sekarang mereka kembali ke tempat di mana mereka telah telah membiarkan longgar, tapi kali ini mereka berusaha untuk mendapatkan ke Kaukasus dan daerah di luar itu, yaitu, Rusia, karena Rusia adalah penghalang terakhir bagi mereka untuk mencapai mimpi Orde Dunia ekakutub , dan Dhul Qarnain kami saat ini, berdiri di belakang penghalang yang baru. Vladimir Putin - Dzul Qarnain waktu akhir Ayat Suci Al-Qur'an Bab al-Ashabul Kahfi [gua]: 83-101 Mereka akan bertanya kepadamu dari Dhu'l-Qarneyn. Katakanlah: Aku akan membacakan kepadamu mengingat dia. (83) Lo! Kami membuatnya kuat di tanah [kekuatan militer dan kekayaan] dan memberinya kepada segala jalan [pengetahuan atas segala sesuatu]. (84) Dan ia mengikuti jalan (85) Sampai, ketika ia mencapai tempat pengaturan matahari, ia menemukan pengaturan di mata air berlumpur [The Black Sea] dan menemukan orang-orang kira-kira. Kami katakan: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Menghukum atau menunjukkan kepada mereka kebaikan. (86) Dia berkata: untuk dia yang berbuat salah [Kiev Junta], kita harus menghukum dia, dan kemudian ia akan dibawa kembali kepada Tuhannya, yang akan menghukum dia dengan hukuman yang mengerikan! (87) Tetapi dia yang percaya dan berbuat tepat [Crimea dan Timur Ukraina], baik akan menjadi upahnya, dan kita akan berbicara kepadanya perintah ringan. (88) Then he followed a road (89) Till, when he reached the rising-place of the sun [The Caspian Sea], he found it rising on a people for whom We had appointed no shelter therefrom [Third world countries with oil and gas wealth]. (90) So (it was) [He left them alone and do not seek to take their oil and gas]. And We knew all concerning him. (91) Then he followed a road (92) Till, when he came between the two mountains [The Caucasus], he found upon their hither side a folk that scarce could understand a saying. (93) They said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Lo! Gog and Magog [The West] are spoiling the land. So may we pay thee tribute on condition that thou set a barrier between us and them? (94) He said: That wherein my Lord hath established me is better [military dominance] (than your tribute). Do but help me with strength (of men) [military industrial complex], I will set between you and them a bank. (95) Give me pieces of iron - till, when he had levelled up (the gap) between the cliffs, he said: Blow! - till, when he had made it a fire, he said: Bring me molten copper to pour thereon. (96) And (Gog and Magog) were not able to surmount, nor could they pierce (it). (97) He said: This [Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol Crimea] is a mercy from my Lord; but when the promise [Emergence of the Mahdi] of my Lord cometh to pass, He will lay it low [in the sea], for the promise of my Lord is true. (98) And on that day we shall let some of them surge against others, and the Trumpet will be blown [thermonuclear war]. Then We shall gather them together in one gathering [Constantinople and Syria]. (99) On that day we shall present hell [thermonuclear war] to the disbelievers, plain to view, (100) Those whose eyes were hoodwinked from My reminder [the West], and who could not bear to hear [westernized religious people around the world]. (101) I suggest that our current time Dhul Qarnain is Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation. He had prevented Russia from being corrupted by the modern western civilization, taking Russia into her religious root. He had brought Russia’s economy to rise, preparing and modernizing its military, rooted out Zionist fifth column in Russia, and with BRICS, creating a multipolar world order based on common ground. Currently, the Russian Navy is ordering 12 Borei Class, Strategic Nuclear Submarines [each carries 24 nuclear ICBM], and scores of other submarine and war vessels. The Russian shipyard cannot meet his order that the Russian Navy need to purchase 2 Mistral Class amphibious aircraft carriers from France. Those ships is currently being scuttled by France on US order.Of course to understand this suggestion we must observe the unfolding events in the geopolitical chessboard of Russia and the West. A closer and relentless observation. Hellfire pada akhir Dzul Qarnain ayat dalam Al-Qur'an Kami memahami bahwa konfrontasi antara Rusia dan Barat akan menyebabkan termonuklir perang atau al-Malhama dengan nubuatan ilahi dalam Quran, Bab al-Ruum [Bizantium], dan juga kami ingin menyarankan konfirmasi Sheikh Imran mimpi tentang pewaktuan al-Malhama dan tentu saja Allah yang Mahatinggi tahu lebih baik dari tepat waktu. Baru-baru ini, kita menyaksikan munculnya Sodom dan Gomora, yaitu; legalisasi LGBT perkawinan oleh Conggres kami, dan itu Sodom dan Gomora di seluruh dunia, celeberating acara dengan lapangan hari, perarakan di jalanan, seluruh dunia. Ini adalah tanda dari Allah Mahatinggi itu saat al-Malhama sangat sangat dekat, karena hukuman Sodom dan Gomorah adalah seperti sifat senjata termonuklir [Inter Continental rudal balistik], yaitu, api neraka yang jatuh dari langit. Kedatangan al-Malhama dan Imam al-Mahdi We also would like to suggest you the implication of the early passage of Suratul Ruum, in which it suggest us that the strategic environment of today is similar to the environment of yesterday, ie, the Byzantine Persian War, which preponderance of the emergence of both Prophet Muhammad [saw] and Islam. We would like to connect the emergence of Caesar Heraclius and Prophet Muhammad [saw] with the emergence of Vladimir Putin and Imam al-Mahdi. Of course we would like not to further into recognizing Imam al-Mahdi and his the specific time of emergence, rather suggesting that the latter case will be similar to the previous case. The start of Heraclius’s counter offensive against Persia and the start of the Prophet Muhammad’s [saw] exodus to Medina happened in the same year. Also, the time of Heraclius conquered Persia [Ctesiphon] and the time Prophet Muhammad conquered Mecca happened in the same year. Thirdly, Heraclius birth and the Prophet [saw] birth happen to be preponderance; Heraclius is 5 years older than our Prophet [saw]. The Strategic Environment of the War between Russia and the West We also would like to suggest the similar conclusion about how the war between Russia and the West will be wage. It is similar to the war between Byzantium and Persia. It’s strategic environment, movement of war and timeline. Russia will conquer Constantinople and the Muslim of Turkey will help them from within. NATO will try to take back Constantinople from the sea and from the west; Muslims and Christians Orthodox will side by side defend the city. A period of time will lapse, while in Arabia al-Mahdi will emerge. In such time the Russian Navy fleet will advance into the Holy Land, while al-Mahdi would already take Mecca. Insha Allah. The emergence of Holy Russia and its apointment to history is predicted in the Quran. The Holy Quran Chapter al-Ruum [The Byzantines] verse : 1-7Alif. Lam. Mim. (1) The Byzantines have been defeated [by the Persians] (2) In the nearer land [Jerusalem] , and they, after their defeat will be victorious [Niniveh, Ctesiphon] (3) In a few (years) - Allah's is the command in the former case [Byzantines at that time when the Quran was revealed] and in the latter [Russian Federation in the Last Age] - and in that day believers [Muslims] will rejoice (4) In Allah's help to victory. He helpeth to victory whom He will. He is the Mighty, the Merciful. (5) It is a promise of Allah. Allah faileth not His promise, but most of mankind know not. (6) They know only some appearance of the life of the world, and are heedless of the Hereafter. (7)And so the believers, and those who are honest and not arrogant, understand what happen in the world today. We would like to suggest everyone to think and think things out. The world is sleep walking for the greatest event in the entyre human history, where 99 out 100 will vanish. We must act accordingly and prepare everything in order to survive this Apocalypse because the war against ev
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Biru emas melengkapi yang menggantikan emas hitam Rusia ulama menyarankan kita teori Minyak abiotik yang menyatakan bahwa minyak ada karena proses alam dan bahwa itu bukan berasal dari fosil. Namun, ekstraksi luas minyak akan menguras sumur minyak. Dan itu akan mengambil 50 sampai 100 tahun untuk itu untuk mengisi ulang. Ini adalah alasan utama mengapa peradaban modern sekarang menggunakan gas di komplemen minyak. Gas juga memiliki fitur keuntungan lainnya; dalam pengiriman gas, meskipun membutuhkan lebih banyak tindakan pencegahan, itu lebih cepat dari minyak karena dapat memberikan dengan pipa benua. Proses menghasilkan energi lebih efisien pada gas daripada minyak. Dan sekarang saya mengamati acara dunia berlangsung, khususnya gesekan antara Barat dan BRICS, berfokus pada Eurasia Balkan, gas; ekstraksi, distribusi, dll Dan Masha Allah, semuanya jelas seperti melihat matahari di siang hari yang luas. Dan tentu saja Halford MacKinder teori "Heartland" didasarkan pada kami Nabi Muhammad [saw] teori "Gunung Emas Efrat". . Itu yang saat ini dilaksanakan oleh Amerika Godfather of Geopolitic, Zbignew Brzezinski Rasulullah (saw) mengatakan: "Kiamat tidak akan tiba sampai Efrat menyingkap gunung emas, di mana orang akan melawan. Sembilan puluh sembilan dari setiap seratus akan mati tapi setiap orang di antara mereka akan mengatakan bahwa mungkin ia akan menjadi orang yang akan diselamatkan (dan dengan demikian memiliki emas), sehingga siapa pun (umat Islam) menemukan itu harus mengambil apa-apa dari itu. "[ Sahih Muslim] Munculnya kami sekarang Dzul Qarnain Kami memahami bahwa Dzul Qarnain sebelumnya [yang Adidaya Setia] telah membangun penghalang di Kaukasus untuk mencegah Gog dan Magog ke menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Mereka memiliki menaklukkan seluruh dunia untuk membangun tatanan dunia unipolar mereka, belum tapi dekat, dan sekarang mereka kembali ke tempat di mana mereka telah dilepaskan, tapi kali ini mereka mencoba untuk masuk ke Kaukasus dan daerah di luar itu , yaitu, Rusia, karena Rusia adalah hambatan terakhir bagi mereka untuk mencapai impian tatanan dunia unipolar, dan kami saat ini Dzul Qarnain, berdiri di belakang penghalang baru. Vladimir Putin - Dzul Qarnain Akhir Waktu The Holy Quran Bab al-Kahfi [Gua] ayat: 83-101 Mereka akan bertanya kepadamu dari Dhu'l-Qarneyn. Katakanlah: Aku akan membacakan kepadamu sebuah mengingat dia. (83) Lo! Kami membuatnya kuat di tanah [kekuatan militer dan kekayaan] dan memberinya kepada semua jalan [pengetahuan dari segala sesuatu]. (84) Dan ia mengikuti jalan (85) Hingga apabila dia telah sampai pengaturan-tempat matahari, ia menemukan pengaturan di sebuah mata air berlumpur [Laut Hitam], dan menemukan orang-orang sekitar itu. Kami mengatakan: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Hukumlah atau mereka kebaikan. (86) Ia mengatakan: Adapun orang yang berbuat salah [Kiev Junta], kita akan menghukum dia, dan kemudian ia akan dibawa kembali kepada Tuhannya, Siapa yang akan menghukumnya dengan hukuman yang mengerikan! (87) Adapun orang-orang yang beriman dan berbuat yang benar [Crimea dan Timur Ukraina], baik akan upahnya, dan Kami akan berbicara kepadanya perintah ringan. (88) Lalu ia mengikuti jalan (89) Hingga apabila dia telah sampai terbit-tempat matahari [The Laut Kaspia], ia menemukan itu meningkat pada orang untuk siapa Kami telah ditunjuk tidak berlindung darinya [negara-negara dunia ketiga dengan minyak dan kekayaan gas]. (90) Jadi (itu) [Dia meninggalkan mereka sendirian dan tidak berusaha untuk mengambil minyak dan gas mereka]. Dan Kami tahu semua tentang dia. (91) Lalu ia mengikuti jalan (92) Hingga, ketika ia datang antara dua gunung [Kaukasus], ia menemukan pada sisi kemari mereka sebuah rakyat yang langka bisa memahami pepatah. (93) Mereka berkata: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Lo! Gog dan Magog [The West] memanjakan tanah. Jadi mungkin kita membayar upeti kepadamu atas dasar bahwa kamu menetapkan penghalang antara kita dan mereka? (94) Dia berkata: Itu dimana Tuhanku telah menetapkan saya lebih baik [dominasi militer] (dari upeti Anda). Apakah tetapi membantu saya dengan kekuatan (laki-laki) [kompleks industri militer], saya akan mengatur antara Anda dan mereka bank. (95) Berikan aku potongan-potongan besi - sampai, ketika ia diratakan (kesenjangan) antara tebing, ia berkata: Pukulan! - Sampai, ketika ia membuat api, ia berkata: Bawalah saya tembaga cair untuk menuangkan atasnya. (96) Dan (Gog dan Magog) tidak mampu mengatasi, dan tidak pula mereka menembus (itu). (97) Dia berkata: ini [Armada Laut Hitam Rusia di Sevastopol Krimea] adalah rahmat dari Tuhanku; tapi ketika janji [Munculnya Mahdi] Tuhanku datanglah untuk lulus, ia akan berbaring rendah [di laut], untuk janji Tuhanku itu adalah benar. (98) Dan pada hari itu kita akan membiarkan beberapa dari mereka melonjak terhadap orang lain, dan Trumpet akan ditiup [perang termonuklir]. Kemudian Kami akan mengumpulkan mereka bersama-sama dalam satu pertemuan [Konstantinopel dan Suriah]. (99) Pada hari itu kita akan menyajikan neraka [perang termonuklir] untuk orang-orang kafir, biasa untuk melihat, (100) Mereka yang matanya ditipu dari pengingat saya [Barat], dan yang tidak tahan mendengar [umat beragama kebarat-baratan di sekitar Dunia]. (101) saya sarankan bahwa waktu kita saat Dzul Qarnain adalah Vladimir Putin, Presiden Federasi Rusia. Dia telah mencegah Rusia dari yang rusak oleh peradaban Barat modern, mengambil Rusia ke akar agamanya. Dia telah membawa perekonomian Rusia meningkat, mempersiapkan dan modernisasi militernya, berakar keluar kolom kelima Zionis di Rusia, dan dengan BRICS, menciptakan tatanan dunia multipolar berdasarkan kesamaan. Saat ini, Angkatan Laut Rusia memesan 12 Borei Class, Strategis Nuklir Submarines [masing-masing membawa 24 ICBM nuklir], dan sejumlah kapal selam dan perang kapal lainnya. Rusia galangan kapal tidak bisa memenuhi pesanan bahwa Angkatan Laut Rusia perlu membeli 2 Mistral Kelas operator pesawat amfibi dari Perancis. Kapal-kapal saat ini sedang ditenggelamkan oleh Perancis di AS order.Of saja untuk memahami saran ini kita harus mengamati peristiwa berlangsung di papan catur geopolitik Rusia dan Barat. Sebuah lebih dekat dan tanpa henti observasi. The Hellfire di Akhir Dzul Qarnain Ayat dalam Quran Kami memahami bahwa konfrontasi antara Rusia dan Barat akan menyebabkan perang termonuklir atau al-Malhama oleh nubuatan Ilahi dalam Al-Quran, dari Bab al-Ruum [Bizantium], dan juga kami ingin menyarankan konfirmasi dari mimpi Sheikh Imran tentang waktu al-Malhama dan tentu saja Allah Swt lebih tahu itu waktu yang tepat. Baru-baru ini, kita menyaksikan munculnya Sodom dan Gomora , yaitu; legalisasi pernikahan LGBT oleh AS Conggres, dan bahwa Sodom dan Gomora seluruh dunia, celeberating acara dengan lapangan hari, parade di jalanan, di seluruh dunia. Ini adalah tanda dari Allah Maha Tinggi yang saat al-Malhama sangat sangat dekat, karena hukuman Sodom dan Gomora seperti sifat senjata termonuklir [Inter Continental Ballistic Missile], yaitu, api neraka jatuh dari langit . The Coming of al-Malhama dan Imam al-Mahdi Kami juga ingin menyarankan Anda implikasi dari bagian awal Suratul Ruum, di mana ia menyarankan kita bahwa lingkungan strategis saat ini mirip dengan lingkungan kemarin, yaitu, Perang Persia Bizantium, yang dominan dari munculnya kedua Nabi Muhammad [saw] dan Islam. Kami ingin menghubungkan munculnya Caesar Heraclius dan Nabi Muhammad [saw] dengan munculnya Vladimir Putin dan Imam al-Mahdi. Tentu saja kami ingin tidak lebih jauh ke mengenali Imam al-Mahdi dan nya waktu tertentu munculnya, bukan menunjukkan bahwa kasus yang terakhir akan sama dengan kasus sebelumnya. Awal Heraclius counter serangan terhadap Persia dan awal Nabi [saw] eksodus Muhammad ke Madinah terjadi pada tahun yang sama. Juga, saat Heraclius menaklukkan Persia [Ctesiphon] dan waktu Nabi Muhammad menaklukkan Mekah terjadi pada tahun yang sama. Ketiga, Heraclius kelahiran dan Nabi [saw] lahir kebetulan dominan; Heraclius adalah 5 tahun lebih tua dari Nabi kita [saw]. Strategis Lingkungan Perang antara Rusia dan Barat Kami juga ingin menyarankan kesimpulan yang sama tentang bagaimana perang antara Rusia dan Barat akan upah. Hal ini mirip dengan perang antara Byzantium dan Persia. Ini lingkungan strategis, gerakan perang dan waktu. Rusia akan menaklukkan Konstantinopel dan Muslim dari Turki akan membantu mereka dari dalam. NATO akan mencoba untuk mengambil kembali Konstantinopel dari laut dan dari barat; Muslim dan Kristen Ortodoks akan berdampingan mempertahankan kota. Sebuah periode waktu akan selang, sementara di Saudi al-Mahdi akan muncul. Di saat seperti armada Angkatan Laut Rusia akan maju ke Tanah Suci, sementara al-Mahdi sudah akan mengambil Mekkah. Insya Allah. Munculnya Rusia Kudus dan apointment untuk sejarah diprediksi dalam Quran. The Holy Quran Bab al-Ruum [Bizantium] Ayat: 1-7Alif. Lam. Mim. (1) Bizantium telah dikalahkan [oleh Persia] (2) Di tanah dekat [Yerusalem], dan mereka, setelah kekalahan mereka akan menang [Niniveh, Ctesiphon] (3) Dalam beberapa (tahun) - Allah adalah perintah dalam kasus mantan [Bizantium pada waktu itu ketika Quran diturunkan] dan di kedua [Federasi Rusia di terakhir Age] - dan di hari beriman [Muslim] akan bersukacita (4) Dalam bantuan Allah untuk kemenangan. Dia helpeth untuk kemenangan siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Dia adalah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Penyayang. (5) Ini adalah janji Allah. Allah menyalahi janji-Nya tidak, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui. (6) Mereka tahu hanya beberapa penampilan dari kehidupan dunia, dan lalai dari akhirat. (7) Dan orang-orang beriman, dan orang-orang yang jujur ​​dan tidak arogan, memahami apa yang terjadi di dunia saat ini. Kami ingin menyarankan semua orang untuk berpikir dan berpikir hal-hal. Dunia adalah tidur berjalan untuk acara terbesar dalam sejarah manusia entyre, di mana 99 dari 100 akan lenyap. Kita harus bertindak sesuai dan mempersiapkan segala sesuatu untuk bertahan hidup Apocalypse ini karena perang melawan ev

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