Meng Hao breathes deeply, in the item reveals decisively, the body in  terjemahan - Meng Hao breathes deeply, in the item reveals decisively, the body in  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Meng Hao breathes deeply, in the it

Meng Hao breathes deeply, in the item reveals decisively, the body in a flash, instant, steps into the Divine Flame world, after his form disappears, that ancient giant creature, innermost feelings, as before is with amazement intense, he is unable to expect that Meng Hao here, has given him unexpectedly so big shock.
„When his first time comes, but passes through this second reluctantly.”
„However after the second arrival, his intrepid, has achieved from the Divine Flame world, has taken Divine Flame ...”
„Has not thought that now his third arrival, unexpectedly became Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, even his aura, making me feel that shivers with the terrifying, if as if he wants to extinguish kills me ... Only needs a thought.” When this giant creature breathes deeply, looks to the channel of Divine Flame world, reveals to dread.
In the Divine Flame world, the Meng Hao form appears instantaneously, in instant, he who he appears sees, is this day within endless tower, infinite Divine Flame that around these tower, fills.
As for all around of this Divine Flame world, burns down eight sides besides the sea of fire, Meng Hao also saw the endless skeleton, these skeletons, completely in the flame, two that before Meng Hao approached, is very hurried, and Cultivation is insufficient, does not look clearly, but now, by Meng Hao Cultivation, he not only saw under these tower the endless skeleton, he also sees that 90 ten thousand tower, impressively is the bones of the dead manufacture.
„This time, my Cultivation before is different, I want to take a look, this Divine Flame world, whether still existed, thing that I could not see before!” In Meng Hao the cold glow dodges, when spiritual sense disperses loudly, has covered all scopes of this third Divine Flame world, 99 ten thousand tower come clearly into view, similarly, he saw these tower encirclements centers once more, that giant city.
This city black, by the white green grass winding, in the midair was floated Fire Seed, resembles the eternal combustion, sends out in this world, most radiant flame.
Almost in the spiritual sense spread of Meng Hao past instant, suddenly, he heard familiar roaring once more.
„Said that Fang Bi dies!!”
„Kills my side, if I the reincarnation, must kill a side!!”
„Paradise being doomed plunders, immortal earth is doomed dark blue, the immortal is doomed to fall, I refuse to accept!!”
„I have discovered the truth, even if you suppress me to be remote, I also same refuse to accept!”
„Damn monkey, I, if gets out of trouble, must pull out your skin!!”
„I, if the reincarnation, the necessity kills this side, if I the reincarnation is defeated, vanishes however in all living things, innumerable reincarnation are hard to regain consciousness, leaves behind together the law aim in this place!”
„In law aim, contains me to say the hot source! This is the trace that my hot flame has, only after looking at the innumerable years, the trace exists as before!”
Even if Meng Hao present Cultivation, after hearing these words, as before shaken mind thunders, but this sound, spreads from that hot group, even this hot group when making sound, among has is setting upright together the pupil unexpectedly, among partly visible.
In the past when Meng Hao spiritual sense in spreading to here, direct scattered in disorder, even is unable to withstand, as if must be burnt down the ash, but now , he although mind reacted, may actually forcefully sweep away, has swept from this Fire Seed loudly, covered is farther.
Quick, the Meng Hao facial color change, he thinks before one twice, spiritual sense knew the size of this world, but now, along with dispersing of his spiritual sense, he discovered impressively, this world ... Unexpectedly imagines, but also wants in a big way are too many!
tower, is not 900,000!
Or 90 ten thousand tower, are only part of this Divine Flame world, but here, altogether has six regions!
Region that Meng Hao is, is the center, around this, five pieces, the region splitting with center, carefully looked, if these six regions condenses in together, that impressively ... Is a human form!!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Meng Hao bernapas dalam-dalam, dalam mengungkapkan item, tubuh dalam flash, instan, langkah-langkah ke dunia api ilahi, setelah bentuk menghilang, bahwa makhluk raksasa yang kuno, perasaan terdalam, seperti sebelumnya adalah dengan takjub intens, dia tidak diharapkan bahwa Meng Hao di sini, telah memberinya tiba-tiba begitu besar shock."Kapan pertama kalinya datang, tetapi melewati kedua ini enggan.""Namun setelah kedatangan kedua, nya pemberani, telah mencapai dari dunia api ilahi, telah diambil api ilahi...""Tidak telah berpikir bahwa sekarang kedatangannya ketiga, tiba-tiba menjadi surga Crown Dao abadi, bahkan aura nya, membuat saya merasa bahwa bergemetar dengan mengerikan, jika sebagai jika ia ingin memadamkan membunuh saya... Hanya membutuhkan pikiran." Ketika makhluk raksasa ini bernafas secara mendalam, tampak pada saluran api ilahi dunia, mengungkapkan untuk takut.Di dunia api ilahi, bentuk Meng Hao muncul seketika, dalam sekejap, ia yang ia muncul lihat hari ini dalam menara tak berujung, tak terbatas api ilahi yang di sekitar tower ini, mengisi.Seperti untuk seluruh dunia api ilahi ini, luka bakar turun 8 sisi selain lautan api, Meng Hao juga melihat kerangka tak berujung, kerangka ini, benar-benar dalam api, dua yang sebelum Meng Hao didekati, tergesa-gesa, dan budidaya tidak mencukupi, tidak terlihat dengan jelas, tapi sekarang, oleh Meng Hao budidaya, ia tidak hanya melihat di bawah menara ini kerangka tak berujung , ia juga melihat bahwa 90 sepuluh ribu tower, mengesankan tulang pembuatan mati."Saat ini, saya budidaya sebelum berbeda, saya ingin melihat, dunia api ilahi ini, Apakah masih ada, hal yang saya tidak bisa melihat sebelum!" Meng Hao cahaya dingin dodges, ketika pengertian rohani menyebar, telah meliput semua cakupan api ilahi dunia ini ketiga, 99 sepuluh ribu menara datang dengan jelas ke tampilan, demikian pula, ia melihat encirclements menara ini sekali lagi, pusat kota raksasa itu.Kota ini hitam, dengan rumput hijau putih berkelok-kelok, di udara mengambang benih api, menyerupai pembakaran kekal, mengirimkan di api ini dunia, paling berseri-seri.Hampir dalam penyebaran pengertian rohani Meng Hao masa lalu instan, tiba-tiba, ia mendengar gemuruh akrab sekali lagi."Mengatakan bahwa Fang Bi mati!!""Membunuh sisi saya, jika saya reinkarnasi, harus membunuh sisi!!""Surga yang ditakdirkan plunders, bumi abadi adalah ditakdirkan gelap biru, abadi ditakdirkan untuk jatuh, saya menolak untuk menerima!!""Saya telah menemukan kebenaran, bahkan jika Anda menekan saya untuk menjadi jauh, saya juga sama menolak untuk menerima!""Sialan monyet, aku, jika mendapatkan keluar dari masalah, harus menarik keluar kulit Anda!!""Saya, jika reinkarnasi, perlunya membunuh sisi ini, jika saya reinkarnasi dikalahkan, lenyap namun dalam semua makhluk hidup, tak terhitung reinkarnasi sulit untuk mendapatkan kembali kesadaran, meninggalkan bersama tujuan hukum di tempat ini!""Dalam tujuan hukum, aku mengatakan sumber panas berisi! Ini adalah jejak yang saya api yang panas, hanya setelah melihat bertahun-tahun tak terhitung, jejak ada seperti sebelumnya! "Even if Meng Hao present Cultivation, after hearing these words, as before shaken mind thunders, but this sound, spreads from that hot group, even this hot group when making sound, among has is setting upright together the pupil unexpectedly, among partly visible.In the past when Meng Hao spiritual sense in spreading to here, direct scattered in disorder, even is unable to withstand, as if must be burnt down the ash, but now , he although mind reacted, may actually forcefully sweep away, has swept from this Fire Seed loudly, covered is farther.Quick, the Meng Hao facial color change, he thinks before one twice, spiritual sense knew the size of this world, but now, along with dispersing of his spiritual sense, he discovered impressively, this world ... Unexpectedly imagines, but also wants in a big way are too many!tower, is not 900,000!Or 90 ten thousand tower, are only part of this Divine Flame world, but here, altogether has six regions!Region that Meng Hao is, is the center, around this, five pieces, the region splitting with center, carefully looked, if these six regions condenses in together, that impressively ... Is a human form!!
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