If Claire has the BIOHAZARD CARD when she enters this room, then acut- terjemahan - If Claire has the BIOHAZARD CARD when she enters this room, then acut- Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

If Claire has the BIOHAZARD CARD wh

If Claire has the BIOHAZARD CARD when she enters this room, then a
cut-scene will play and a giant monster will appear. If she hasn't yet
gotten the BIOHAZARD CARD (possible if you're coming in here before
exploring the Palace), then there will be no cut-scene.

The Gulp Worm will appear and attack Claire by burrowing underground
and emerging to uproot her. Dodge it (not very difficult; just don't
stay in one spot for more than a few seconds) and go through the small
single door on the left.

NOTE: You can kill the Gulp Worm now by shooting it to death with all
the ammo you have, but it's really just a waste of time ammo and you'll
even get to engage in a proper battle with the Gulp Worm later.
Moreover, even if you defeated it as Claire, it won't make an announce
of difference during the proper battle later in the game, so it's best
to just avoid it. But if you do decide to kill it now, the Gulp Worm
won't bother Claire again as she wanders through the Military Training

Facility Entrance Hall

Go to the first shutter on the right and use the BIOHAZARD CARD to
raise the shutter. Next, climb the stairs. Run past the door with no
doorknob. This door serves no purpose for Claire, so go through the
open door at the end of the hallway instead.


For now, just go to the table on the left side of the room to find
the BOW GUN, which will be an extremely important gun throughout the
rest of the game. You'll then witness a gruesome cutscene. After the
cutscene, look through the window and take note of the skeleton
painting in the adjacent room; the painting has a number on it that
you can't quite see from where you're standing. Leave the room for
now; our objective is to find out what that number is.

Facility Entrance Hall

When you enter the room, there will be a cutscene that has Claire jump
down the stairs back onto the first floor before the shutter closes due
to what happened in the previous cutscene. When the cutscene ends, you
will be back on the first floor and the shutter will have lowered itself.
For now, go to the next shutter on the far end of the hall and use
the BIOHAZARD CARD to raise it, revealing a new hallway.

Next, instead of going down the newly revealed-hallway, go into the door
to the left.

NOTE: You can just proceed down the hallway and further into the game,
but you will be unable to return to the Facility Entrance Hall until
later in this segment, and you will miss out on the crucial BOW GUN
POWER that is virtually necessary for one of the game's boss fights. So
I advise players not to skip the next three rooms of this walkthrough.

Locker Room

Kill whatever zombies you see in this room, as it is very narrow. There
should also be GREEN HERBS and some HANDGUN BULLETS in the lockers, so
look through each one carefully. Go to the other end of the room through
the door at the end.

There are a small number of zombies in here, although the size of the
room allows them to be dodged, so you can save ammo that way. There is
a key in the pool that you need to grab. Find the valve in the room and
turn it so the water coming out of the lion carving's head stops,
allowing you to grab the KEY WITH TAG. If you want to, examine the KEY
WITH TAG so that it gets renamed to the STORAGE KEY. Exit the room once
you're done.

Locker Room

Go back to the Facility Entrance Hall.

Facility Entrance Hall

Now, go through the door with on the right side of the hallway in
between the two shutter hallways.

Main Office

There are a few zombies in here, as well as HANDGUN BULLETS on the
cabinet shelf. You can also fiddle with the computers to print out a
map of the Military Training Facility. Near the open door leading to
the back room is a drawer that must be opened with a LOCKPICK;
remember this for later on in the game in case you want to have what's
contained in there (unnecessa
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
If Claire has the BIOHAZARD CARD when she enters this room, then acut-scene will play and a giant monster will appear. If she hasn't yetgotten the BIOHAZARD CARD (possible if you're coming in here beforeexploring the Palace), then there will be no cut-scene.The Gulp Worm will appear and attack Claire by burrowing undergroundand emerging to uproot her. Dodge it (not very difficult; just don'tstay in one spot for more than a few seconds) and go through the smallsingle door on the left.NOTE: You can kill the Gulp Worm now by shooting it to death with allthe ammo you have, but it's really just a waste of time ammo and you'lleven get to engage in a proper battle with the Gulp Worm later.Moreover, even if you defeated it as Claire, it won't make an announceof difference during the proper battle later in the game, so it's bestto just avoid it. But if you do decide to kill it now, the Gulp Wormwon't bother Claire again as she wanders through the Military TrainingFacility.Facility Entrance Hall----------------------Go to the first shutter on the right and use the BIOHAZARD CARD toraise the shutter. Next, climb the stairs. Run past the door with nodoorknob. This door serves no purpose for Claire, so go through theopen door at the end of the hallway instead.Laboratory----------For now, just go to the table on the left side of the room to findthe BOW GUN, which will be an extremely important gun throughout therest of the game. You'll then witness a gruesome cutscene. After thecutscene, look through the window and take note of the skeleton
painting in the adjacent room; the painting has a number on it that
you can't quite see from where you're standing. Leave the room for
now; our objective is to find out what that number is.

Facility Entrance Hall

When you enter the room, there will be a cutscene that has Claire jump
down the stairs back onto the first floor before the shutter closes due
to what happened in the previous cutscene. When the cutscene ends, you
will be back on the first floor and the shutter will have lowered itself.
For now, go to the next shutter on the far end of the hall and use
the BIOHAZARD CARD to raise it, revealing a new hallway.

Next, instead of going down the newly revealed-hallway, go into the door
to the left.

NOTE: You can just proceed down the hallway and further into the game,
but you will be unable to return to the Facility Entrance Hall until
later in this segment, and you will miss out on the crucial BOW GUN
POWER that is virtually necessary for one of the game's boss fights. So
I advise players not to skip the next three rooms of this walkthrough.

Locker Room

Kill whatever zombies you see in this room, as it is very narrow. There
should also be GREEN HERBS and some HANDGUN BULLETS in the lockers, so
look through each one carefully. Go to the other end of the room through
the door at the end.

There are a small number of zombies in here, although the size of the
room allows them to be dodged, so you can save ammo that way. There is
a key in the pool that you need to grab. Find the valve in the room and
turn it so the water coming out of the lion carving's head stops,
allowing you to grab the KEY WITH TAG. If you want to, examine the KEY
WITH TAG so that it gets renamed to the STORAGE KEY. Exit the room once
you're done.

Locker Room

Go back to the Facility Entrance Hall.

Facility Entrance Hall

Now, go through the door with on the right side of the hallway in
between the two shutter hallways.

Main Office

There are a few zombies in here, as well as HANDGUN BULLETS on the
cabinet shelf. You can also fiddle with the computers to print out a
map of the Military Training Facility. Near the open door leading to
the back room is a drawer that must be opened with a LOCKPICK;
remember this for later on in the game in case you want to have what's
contained in there (unnecessa
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jika Claire memiliki CARD Biohazard ketika dia memasuki ruangan ini, maka
cut-adegan akan bermain dan rakasa raksasa akan muncul. Jika dia belum
mendapat CARD Biohazard (mungkin jika Anda datang di sini sebelum
menjelajahi Istana), maka tidak akan ada cut-adegan. The Gulp Worm akan muncul dan menyerang Claire dengan menggali bawah tanah dan muncul untuk mencabut nya . Mengelak (tidak terlalu sulit, hanya tidak tinggal di satu tempat selama lebih dari beberapa detik) dan pergi melalui kecil pintu tunggal di sebelah kiri. CATATAN: Anda dapat membunuh cacing Gulp sekarang dengan menembak sampai mati dengan semua yang amunisi yang Anda miliki, tapi itu benar-benar hanya membuang-buang waktu amunisi dan Anda akan bahkan bisa terlibat dalam pertempuran yang tepat dengan Worm Gulp nanti. Selain itu, bahkan jika Anda kalah sebagai Claire, itu tidak akan membuat mengumumkan perbedaan selama pertempuran yang tepat kemudian dalam permainan, jadi yang terbaik untuk hanya menghindarinya. Tapi jika Anda memutuskan untuk membunuh sekarang, Worm Gulp tidak akan mengganggu Claire lagi saat ia mengembara melalui Pelatihan Militer Fasilitas. Fasilitas Balai Entrance ------------------- --- Pergi ke rana pertama di sebelah kanan dan menggunakan CARD Biohazard untuk meningkatkan shutter. Berikutnya, menaiki tangga. Berjalan melewati pintu tanpa gagang pintu. Pintu ini tidak melayani tujuan untuk Claire, jadi pergi melalui pintu yang terbuka di ujung lorong gantinya. Laboratorium ---------- Untuk saat ini, hanya pergi ke meja di sisi kiri ruangan untuk menemukan GUN BOW, yang akan menjadi senjata yang sangat penting sepanjang sisa pertandingan. Anda kemudian akan menyaksikan sebuah cutscene mengerikan. Setelah cutscene, melihat melalui jendela dan mencatat kerangka lukisan di kamar yang berdekatan; lukisan memiliki sejumlah di atasnya yang Anda tidak bisa melihat dari mana Anda berdiri. Meninggalkan ruangan untuk sekarang; Tujuan kami adalah untuk mencari tahu apa nomor yang. Fasilitas Aula ---------------------- Ketika Anda memasuki ruangan, akan ada cutscene yang memiliki Claire melompat menuruni tangga kembali ke lantai pertama sebelum rana menutup karena apa yang terjadi di cutscene sebelumnya. Ketika cutscene berakhir, Anda akan kembali di lantai pertama dan shutter akan menurunkan sendiri. Untuk saat ini, pergi ke rana berikutnya di ujung lorong dan menggunakan CARD Biohazard untuk meningkatkan itu, mengungkapkan lorong baru. Berikutnya, bukannya pergi menuruni baru terungkap-lorong, masuk ke pintu ke kiri. CATATAN: Anda hanya dapat melanjutkan menyusuri lorong dan lebih jauh ke dalam permainan, tetapi Anda tidak akan dapat kembali ke Fasilitas Aula sampai nanti di segmen ini, dan Anda akan kehilangan pada penting BOW GUN DAYA yang hampir diperlukan untuk salah satu permainan bos perkelahian. Jadi saya menyarankan pemain untuk tidak melewatkan tiga kamar berikutnya walkthrough ini. Locker Room ----------- Bunuh zombie apa pun yang Anda lihat di ruangan ini, karena sangat sempit. Ada juga harus Herbs GREEN dan beberapa peluru pistol di loker, sehingga melihat melalui masing-masing dengan hati-hati. Pergi ke ujung ruangan melalui pintu di akhir. Sauna ----- Ada sejumlah kecil zombie di sini, meskipun ukuran ruangan memungkinkan mereka untuk menghindar, sehingga Anda dapat menyimpan amunisi yang cara . Ada kunci di kolam renang yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengambil. Cari katup di dalam ruangan dan mengubahnya sehingga air yang keluar dari kepala singa ukiran itu berhenti, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengambil KUNCI DENGAN TAG. Jika Anda ingin, memeriksa KUNCI DENGAN TAG sehingga akan diubah namanya menjadi KUNCI STORAGE. Keluar ruangan setelah Anda selesai. Locker Room ----------- Kembali ke Fasilitas Aula. Fasilitas Aula ----------------- ----- Sekarang, pergi melalui pintu dengan di sisi kanan lorong di antara dua lorong shutter. Main Office ----------- Ada beberapa zombie di sini, serta peluru pistol di rak lemari. Anda juga dapat bermain-main dengan komputer untuk mencetak peta Fasilitas Pelatihan Militer. Dekat pintu terbuka menuju ruang belakang adalah laci yang harus dibuka dengan kunci-T, ingat ini untuk nanti di dalam permainan jika Anda ingin memiliki apa yang terkandung di dalam sana (unnecessa

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