The air­borne, blue radish and child Queen Shu in­ter­cept there hor­i terjemahan - The air­borne, blue radish and child Queen Shu in­ter­cept there hor­i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The air­borne, blue radish and chil

The air­borne, blue radish and child Queen Shu in­ter­cept there hor­i­zon­tally, a blue radish sword falls, im­me­di­ately Luo Lin was di­vided HP to fall sud­denly by the sword air/Qi, re­main­ing many HP, the ball ball was not al­ready silly is the face was greener, the mail-ar­mor and hel­met above back by the sword air/Qi of blue radish had been chopped into pieces, the pain re­sults in the tears cross­flow: „This NPC young girl does not know that shows ten­der af­fec­tion?”
Luo Lin is mis­er­ably howl­ing, is not al­ready able to grasp the steady ball ball not to be silly, fi­nally the ball ball not silly to less than 20% HP stances di­rectly fall to the earth, at the same time shouted loudly: „Is the broth­ers catches me!”
Said good­bye is also the tears low­ers is roar­ing over­run­ning, opened the both arms the catch­ing a ball ball not to be silly, in­clud­ing Ben Shubu, „” a ball ball not silly fell to the ground by the face, falls has hung, said good­bye is also the tears tiger body shakes, a face lamented: „Brother, com­pu­ta­tion fault”
Luo Lin ac­tu­ally fell in an­other crowd, the cor­rupt wolves of thou­sand peo­ple of tombs rode with the [Hero’s Mound] hot crys­tal ride to stran­gle to death in the same place, after sev­eral sec­onds, sud­denly ting passed over gen­tly and swiftly
Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Con­grat­u­lates the player 【Q Sword】 Struck to kill the dif­fer­ent demon monar­chy 【Awe Luo Lin】, Ob­tains the re­ward: Level + 2, charm value + 100, pres­tige value large scale pro­mo­tion and mer­i­to­ri­ous val­ues + 300!
No one has thought that fi­nally un­ex­pect­edly was Q Sword has mas­sa­cred Luo Lin, the chaotic war was re­ally too in­tense, [Zhan Long] was be­yond con­trol, even Luo Lin side not far away the Prague, trial, [Leg­end] and other trade unions had no al­ter­na­tive.
This cam­paign had ended, mas­sacring fi­nally awe brave war­rior who the player goes all out, more­over Luo Lin dies, the awe em­pire has sur­vived in name only, here no longer is a dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, but was a wild city.
In­quired in every way that Q Sword mas­sacres Luo Lin, blew out a mas­ter neck­lace of in­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, in mas­ter MM to guild, in ad­di­tion the ghost nian step shield, to the [Hero’s Mound] first knight tanghla, the re­ally strange nian tom­a­hawk, was sighed ROLL to walk by the sword again, this war final biggest ben­e­fit should be [Hero’s Mound].
In the city a mis­ery, every­where is the corpse, even the sol­diers of many flame dragon reg­i­ment are sob­bing, but the player re­turned to the city to re­ceive to re­ward, in an in­stant this awe city al­most turned into a dead city, only then a small num­ber of player and palace guard, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den and flame Long Jun's NPC army.
Flame Long Jun this time comes out al­to­gether the 15 W per­son, al­to­gether 15 Yorozuo is long, ac­tu­ally died in bat­tle 14 peo­ple, only re­main­ing 1 peo­ple, and leg of this per­son was se­ri­ously in­jured, but this fel­low is a real man, is tow­ing the in­jured leg lamely walks to go for­ward, wields the long blade, „” Luo Lin's head chop­ping, then kneed down, the sob of hav­ing tears stream­ing down the face said: „Under main hall, you saw, Luo Lin had been mas­sa­cred by us, we have taken re­venge for you, hopes that your soul in heaven can be rested!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The air­borne, blue radish and child Queen Shu in­ter­cept there hor­i­zon­tally, a blue radish sword falls, im­me­di­ately Luo Lin was di­vided HP to fall sud­denly by the sword air/Qi, re­main­ing many HP, the ball ball was not al­ready silly is the face was greener, the mail-ar­mor and hel­met above back by the sword air/Qi of blue radish had been chopped into pieces, the pain re­sults in the tears cross­flow: „This NPC young girl does not know that shows ten­der af­fec­tion?”Luo Lin is mis­er­ably howl­ing, is not al­ready able to grasp the steady ball ball not to be silly, fi­nally the ball ball not silly to less than 20% HP stances di­rectly fall to the earth, at the same time shouted loudly: „Is the broth­ers catches me!”Said good­bye is also the tears low­ers is roar­ing over­run­ning, opened the both arms the catch­ing a ball ball not to be silly, in­clud­ing Ben Shubu, „” a ball ball not silly fell to the ground by the face, falls has hung, said good­bye is also the tears tiger body shakes, a face lamented: „Brother, com­pu­ta­tion fault”Luo Lin ac­tu­ally fell in an­other crowd, the cor­rupt wolves of thou­sand peo­ple of tombs rode with the [Hero’s Mound] hot crys­tal ride to stran­gle to death in the same place, after sev­eral sec­onds, sud­denly ting passed over gen­tly and swiftly„Bites!”Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Con­grat­u­lates the player 【Q Sword】 Struck to kill the dif­fer­ent demon monar­chy 【Awe Luo Lin】, Ob­tains the re­ward: Level + 2, charm value + 100, pres­tige value large scale pro­mo­tion and mer­i­to­ri­ous val­ues + 300!No one has thought that fi­nally un­ex­pect­edly was Q Sword has mas­sa­cred Luo Lin, the chaotic war was re­ally too in­tense, [Zhan Long] was be­yond con­trol, even Luo Lin side not far away the Prague, trial, [Leg­end] and other trade unions had no al­ter­na­tive.This cam­paign had ended, mas­sacring fi­nally awe brave war­rior who the player goes all out, more­over Luo Lin dies, the awe em­pire has sur­vived in name only, here no longer is a dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, but was a wild city.In­quired in every way that Q Sword mas­sacres Luo Lin, blew out a mas­ter neck­lace of in­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, in mas­ter MM to guild, in ad­di­tion the ghost nian step shield, to the [Hero’s Mound] first knight tanghla, the re­ally strange nian tom­a­hawk, was sighed ROLL to walk by the sword again, this war final biggest ben­e­fit should be [Hero’s Mound].In the city a mis­ery, every­where is the corpse, even the sol­diers of many flame dragon reg­i­ment are sob­bing, but the player re­turned to the city to re­ceive to re­ward, in an in­stant this awe city al­most turned into a dead city, only then a small num­ber of player and palace guard, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den and flame Long Jun's NPC army.Flame Long Jun this time comes out al­to­gether the 15 W per­son, al­to­gether 15 Yorozuo is long, ac­tu­ally died in bat­tle 14 peo­ple, only re­main­ing 1 peo­ple, and leg of this per­son was se­ri­ously in­jured, but this fel­low is a real man, is tow­ing the in­jured leg lamely walks to go for­ward, wields the long blade, „” Luo Lin's head chop­ping, then kneed down, the sob of hav­ing tears stream­ing down the face said: „Under main hall, you saw, Luo Lin had been mas­sa­cred by us, we have taken re­venge for you, hopes that your soul in heaven can be rested!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The udara, lobak biru dan anak Queen Shu intercept ada horizontal, pedang lobak biru jatuh, segera Luo Lin dibagi HP jatuh tiba-tiba oleh pedang udara / Qi, yang tersisa banyak HP, bola bola itu belum konyol adalah wajah itu hijau, surat-armor dan helm di atas kembali oleh udara pedang / Qi lobak biru telah dipotong-potong, hasil nyeri di mata crossflow: "gadis muda NPC ini tidak tahu bahwa menunjukkan kasih sayang yang lembut?"
Luo Lin adalah sedih melolong, tidak sudah mampu memahami bola bola stabil tidak bodoh, akhirnya bola bola tidak konyol untuk kurang dari 20% HP sikap langsung jatuh ke bumi, pada saat yang sama berteriak keras: "Apakah saudara-saudara menangkap saya ! "
Kata selamat tinggal juga air mata menurunkan menderu menduduki, membuka lengan kedua menangkap bola bola tidak bodoh, termasuk Ben Shubu," "bola bola tidak konyol jatuh ke tanah dengan wajah, jatuh telah digantung, kata selamat tinggal juga air mata harimau tubuh getar, wajah mengeluh: "Saudara, kesalahan perhitungan"
Luo Lin benar-benar jatuh di kerumunan lain, serigala korup ribu orang dari makam naik dengan [Hero Mound] kristal panas naik mencekik sampai mati di tempat yang sama, setelah beberapa detik, tiba-tiba ting melewati lembut dan cepat
Sistem pengumuman: mengucapkan selamat pemain 【Q Sword】 Struck untuk membunuh berbeda setan monarki 【Awe Luo Lin】, Memperoleh pahala: level + 2 , nilai pesona + 100, promosi nilai prestise skala besar dan nilai-nilai berjasa + 300!
Tidak ada yang menyangka bahwa akhirnya tiba-tiba itu Q Pedang telah membantai Luo Lin, perang kacau benar-benar terlalu intens, [Zhan panjang] adalah di luar kendali, bahkan Luo Lin sisi tidak jauh dari Praha, percobaan, [Legenda] dan serikat buruh lainnya telah ada alternatif.
kampanye ini telah berakhir, membantai prajurit akhirnya kagum pemberani yang pemain pergi semua keluar, apalagi Luo Lin meninggal, kerajaan kekaguman telah bertahan di nama hanya, di sini tidak lagi merupakan wilayah iblis yang berbeda, tetapi adalah kota liar.
Selidik dalam setiap cara yang Q Sword membantai Luo Lin, meniup kalung master instrumen magis rendah, di master MM untuk serikat, selain langkah hantu nian perisai, dengan [Hero Mound] knight pertama tanghla, yang tomahawk nian benar-benar aneh, itu mendesah ROLL berjalan dengan pedang lagi, perang akhir manfaat terbesar ini harus [Hero Mound].
Di kota sengsara, di mana-mana mayat , bahkan para prajurit dari banyak api naga resimen yang menangis, tapi pemain kembali ke kota untuk menerima untuk hadiah, dalam sekejap kota kekaguman ini hampir berubah menjadi kota mati, hanya kemudian sejumlah kecil pemain dan penjaga istana, dingin digarap den tanah Dragon dan tentara NPC api panjang Jun.
api panjang Juni kali ini keluar sama sekali 15 W orang, sama sekali 15 Yorozuo panjang, benar-benar meninggal dalam pertempuran 14 orang, hanya tersisa 1 orang, dan kaki dari orang ini terluka parah, tapi orang ini adalah pria sejati, adalah penarik kaki terluka dengan lemah berjalan untuk maju, memegang pisau panjang, "" Luo Lin kepala memotong, kemudian lutut ke bawah, sob memiliki air mata mengalir di wajah mengatakan: "Di bawah ruang utama , Anda melihat, Luo Lin telah dibantai oleh kami, kami telah mengambil balas dendam untuk Anda, berharap bahwa jiwa di sorga dapat beristirahat! "
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