Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Annex 1In-depth interview with guidance counsellors in selected high schools in ManicalandSchool:Type of school:No of classes in the school: Name of guidance counsellor: Gender of guidance counsellor: Qualifications & Training: Experience:I am going to ask you some questions in connection with the guidance and counselling programme of thisschool. Please, respond as candidly as you can. Obviously, there are no ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ answers. We are trying to understand the role that you play as guidance counsellor in this school. We believe that guidance counsellors are a critical part of the management of the high schools in which they operate and that much of the welfare of students depends on the operations of the guidance counsellors. We would like to be informed about what you do on a day to day basis, how you have crafted your programme, how prepared you are to do the work that you are and how you tell that you are succeeding in your work. We shall also be delighted if you have written documents that give weight to what you will say. Please, do not produce any of the documents if the school has decided that the documents should not be made available to outsiders like us.The information that you give will be used for this study only. It will however help in the publication of an article in a refereed journal which may be read by many other people but your identity will be protected.Do you have any questions? Are you willing to participate?1. Tell me something about your interest in guidance and counselling? Why did you accept the responsibility?2. Tell me about any structures that you have put in place to run the guidance and counselling programme of this school.3. What is your training and experience in providing guidance and counselling?4. Do you have a curriculum that you follow in your implementation of the guidance and counselling programme?5. What are the components of that curriculum?6. Please, tell me what specific objectives you pursue in your guidance and counselling programme.7. What are the main concerns of students that are covered in the curriculum that you follow at your school?8. Please, say something about the extent to which you think the objectives are being met in the areas below. State what students under your programme are able to do because of participating in the guidance and counselling programme of the school.a. Personal social guidance:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b. Career planning and exploration:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c. Educational guidance: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Do you evaluate your programme from time to time? What have been the results of the evaluations, if any?10. Tell me if you have individual counselling sessions and how often you have had them in thelast six months.11. Do you keep any records of those sessions? What is the content of the records that you keep?12. What resources have been put aside specifically for the guidance and counselling programme.13. How do you involve other teachers in guidance-related activities?14. Do you hold in-service courses for teachers?15. What are the topics that you have covered during your in-service courses?16. What records do you keep for your guidance and counselling programme?17. To what extent do you feel supported by the management of your school? Please, specify how the management has shown its support for the G & C programme.18. What support do you get from your community and from Commerce and Industry? Are thereany initiatives that you set afoot so that your programme is well-known in the school, in the community and in Commerce and Industry?19. What needs to be done to improve your guidance and counselling
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