Heat release of PLA:FR blends was measured by cone calo-rimetry at a h terjemahan - Heat release of PLA:FR blends was measured by cone calo-rimetry at a h Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Heat release of PLA:FR blends was m

Heat release of PLA:FR blends was measured by cone calo-rimetry at a heat ux of 35 kW m_2 (Table 2, and ESI†). The addition of the polyphosphonate does not signi cantly reduce the peak heat release rate (PHRR) but induces a slight reduction in total heat release (THR); the 95PLA : 5FR, 90PLA : 10FR, and 85PLA : 15FR blends all exhibit 11 to 21% depression in total heat release, relative to neat PLA. Also the time to ignition (TTI) slightly decreased from 75 s for PLA to about 66 s for the blends. Hence, cone calorimetry results imply that the PLA:FR blends' ame retardancy is minimal in a forced combustion re scenario, where an external heat ux is present.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Heat release of PLA:FR blends was measured by cone calo-rimetry at a heat ux of 35 kW m_2 (Table 2, and ESI†). The addition of the polyphosphonate does not signi cantly reduce the peak heat release rate (PHRR) but induces a slight reduction in total heat release (THR); the 95PLA : 5FR, 90PLA : 10FR, and 85PLA : 15FR blends all exhibit 11 to 21% depression in total heat release, relative to neat PLA. Also the time to ignition (TTI) slightly decreased from 75 s for PLA to about 66 s for the blends. Hence, cone calorimetry results imply that the PLA:FR blends' ame retardancy is minimal in a forced combustion re scenario, where an external heat ux is present.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Panas rilis PLA: campuran FR diukur dengan cone calo-rimetry pada ux panas 35 kW m_2 (Tabel 2, dan ESI †). Penambahan polyphosphonate yang tidak signifikan cantly mengurangi laju pelepasan panas puncak (PHRR) tetapi menginduksi sedikit penurunan total pelepasan panas (THR); yang 95PLA: 5FR, 90PLA: 10FR, dan 85PLA: 15fr memadukan semua pameran 11-21% depresi total pelepasan panas, relatif terhadap rapi PLA. Juga waktu untuk pengapian (TTI) sedikit menurun dari 75 s untuk PLA sekitar 66 s untuk campuran. Oleh karena itu, hasil kerucut kalorimetri menyiratkan bahwa PLA: campuran FR 'ame retardancy minimal dalam memaksa skenario pembakaran ulang, di mana ux panas eksternal hadir.

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