03) Gang Tags [GW03]This is the only sidequest in Crime Life: Gang War terjemahan - 03) Gang Tags [GW03]This is the only sidequest in Crime Life: Gang War Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

03) Gang Tags [GW03]This is the onl

03) Gang Tags [GW03]

This is the only sidequest in Crime Life: Gang Wars. You have to find 140 Gang
Tags to unlock some extras in the main menu. I generally do not care for the
extras and only defaced the Gang Tags for what I assume is 100% completion of
this game.

1 Gang Tag defaced = Interview with Bizarre
5 Gang Tags defaced = Swift Interview
10 Gang Tags defaced = Proof Interview
15 Gang Tags defaced = Ken Artis Interview
20 Gang Tags defaced = Kuniva Interview
30 Gang Tags defaced = Teaser Trailer
70 Gang Tags defaced = Proof Photo 1
= Proof Photo 2
80 Gang Tags defaced = Ken Artis Photo 1
= Ken Artis Photo 2
90 Gang Tags defaced = Kuniva Photo 1
= Kuniva Photo 2
100 Gang Tags defaced = NY Voice Actor Group Photo 1
= NY Voice Actor Group Photo 2
110 Gang Tags defaced = Concept Artwork 11
= Garfield Maitland Photo 1

03A) Hood [GW03A]

This is the starting area. Until you gain access to the scrapyard in
[GW02.08], you will not be able to complete these Gang Tags. However, due to
the requirement in that mission to spray a Tag on a wall in the scrapyard,
there is no reason that you can not search for the rest of the Gang Tags during

Note: These Gang Tags will disappear in the last mission.

Reward - Concept Artwork 1
- Concept Artwork 2

O--------------O O-----------O
| Outlawz Crib | | [GW03A.0] |
O--------------O O-----------O

[Outlawz Crib 1]
Start inside Smally's shop and focus the camers so you can see both exits from
the shop. Take the left exit and cross the street. To the left should be
some large, open doors which you should go through. The Gang Tag is on the
back wall on the right.

O---------O O-----------O
| Lazlo's | | [GW03A.1] |
O---------O O-----------O

[Lazlo's 1]
Start inside Smally's shop and focus the camers so you can see both exits from
the shop. Take the right exit and walk to the right. Follow the building
around the corner, breaking down the unstable fence to walk through the alley.
Head to the building in front of you and follow it to the left until you see
the Gang Tag.

[Lazlo's 2]
From [Lazlo's 1], follow the building to the right, going around the corner.
When you can see it, break the unstable fence piece in front of you and head
across the street. If you can not see the Gang Tag, you may want to walk to
the left if you are in front of a building or to the right if you are in front
of a fence.

O---------------O O-----------O
| The Ranch Bar | | [GW03A.2] |
O---------------O O-----------O

[The Ranch Bar 1]
From [Lazlo's 1], break down the unstable part of the fence to your left and go
in to that alley. Head down the right of this new alley, keeping an eye on the
wall on the left for the Gang Tag.

[The Ranch Bar 2]
From [The Ranch Bar 1], head down the right and break the first unstable fence
panel on your left. Head through this new gap and cross the street to the
other side. Head down the alley and the Gang Tag is on the left building.

Note: This is the back The Ranch Bar building, if you know where that exact
building is.

Note: I would also complete [The Bridge 1] and [The Bridge 2] Gang Tags before
finishing this section, due to both Gang Tags being along the way to the
final Gang Tag of this section.

[The Ranch Bar 3]
Head to the other side of the building where the [The Ranch Bar 2] tag was and
enter the building. The Gang Tag is behind the counter on the left side of the
shop. You can easily walk behind the counter to get to the Gang Tag.

O--------O O-----------O
| Fat Ds | | [GW03A.3] |
O--------O O-----------O

[Fat Ds 1]
From the enterance of Fat Ds, follow the building around to the right.
When you have gone around one corner and are at a second corner of this
building, look around for a flaming trash can (you may only see some orange
light). The Gang Tag is on a wall near the flaming trash can.

[Fat Ds 2]
From [Fat Ds 1], follow the building around to the right and you should spot
this Gang Tag after going around two corners.

[Fat Ds 3]
From [Lazlo's 1], break down the unstable part of the fence to your left and go
in to that alley. Head down the left and you should see the Gang Tag on the
right of an unstable fence panel at the end of this alley.

[Fat Ds 4]
From [Fat Ds 3], break down the wooden fence and head across the street.
Walk straight forward, looking at the right wall until you see the Gang Tag.

[Fat Ds 5]
From the enterance of Fat Ds, cross the street and walk to the right. When the
fence on your left ends, follow it around the corner and you should get to a
wall. Follow this wall and you should find the Gang Tag.

O------O O-----------O
| Slum | | [GW03A.4] |
O------O O-----------O

[Slum 1]
From [Fat Ds 5], head to the opposite wall in this area. When you get to the
wall, look to the left and you should see the Gang Tag.

O------------O O-----------O
| Apartments | | [GW03A.5] |
O------------O O-----------O

[Apartments 1]
Walk to the area where you find Em Benz in the second mission and look to the
left. You should see three flaming trash cans. The Gang Tag is near the left
flaming tash can.

[Apartments 2]
From [Apartments 1], go to the other side of this area, then head to the right
until you get to another wall. The Gang Tag is on this wall.

O----------O O-----------O
| The Park | | [GW03A.6] |
O----------O O-----------O

[The Park 1]
From [Apartments 2], follow the fence to the right, going around the corner.
A long way down this fence is a Gang Tag.

[The Park 2]
From [The Park 1], cross the street and follow the building to the left, going
around the corner. You should continue to follow this building until you see
the Gang Tag.

[The Park 3]
From [The Park 2], follow the fence to the left of the Tag until the fence
brings you into the park. When in the park, head to the left and look for the
Gang Tag on the left building. The Gang Tag is near the end of the building.

[The Park 4]
From [The Park 4], head to the opposite side of this building to a wall.
Follow this wall to the left, going around two corners, to find this Gang Tag.

[The Park 5]
From [The Park 2], follow the fence on the Tag's left until it stops.
You should see a building in front of you, which you should follow around to
the left. After going around four corners, you should see the Gang Tag.

O------------O O-----------O
| The Bridge | | [GW03A.7] |
O------------O O-----------O

[The Bridge 1]
From [The Ranch Bar 2], follow the building to the left and the Gang Tag is
around the corner.

[The Bridge 2]
To the left of [The Bridge 1].

[The Brdige 3]
From the Bridge that you use to get to Gangland, follow the road straight until
you can see a clearing in the buildings to your right. Go in the clearing and
you should be able to see the Gang Tag.

[The Bridge 4]
From the Bridge that you use to get to Gangland, follow the road straight and
move on to the left path. Keep walking down the left path and you should see
the Gang Tag in front of you.

[The Bridge 5]
From [The Bridge 4], cross the street and enter the open building. Follow the
left wall around this area until you find the Gang Tag.

O-----------O O-----------O
| Scrapyard | | [GW03A.8] |
O-----------O O-----------O

[Scrapyard 1]
At the right corner of the right caravan, next to the right wall connected to
the caravans. First accessable during [GW02.08].

03B) Gangland [GW03B]

In Gangland, there is a Gang Tag that does not belong to any turf. This has
been placed in Other Areas. The best time to attempt to clear out these Gang
Tags is when you own the majority of the turfs in Gangland belongs to the
Outlawz, after [GW02.18B]. It may also be possible to complete these Gang
Tags during the last mission, due to me finding [Bridge 4] during that mission.

Reward - Conce
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
03) Gang Tags [GW03]This is the only sidequest in Crime Life: Gang Wars. You have to find 140 GangTags to unlock some extras in the main menu. I generally do not care for theextras and only defaced the Gang Tags for what I assume is 100% completion ofthis game.1 Gang Tag defaced = Interview with Bizarre5 Gang Tags defaced = Swift Interview10 Gang Tags defaced = Proof Interview15 Gang Tags defaced = Ken Artis Interview20 Gang Tags defaced = Kuniva Interview30 Gang Tags defaced = Teaser Trailer70 Gang Tags defaced = Proof Photo 1 = Proof Photo 280 Gang Tags defaced = Ken Artis Photo 1 = Ken Artis Photo 290 Gang Tags defaced = Kuniva Photo 1 = Kuniva Photo 2100 Gang Tags defaced = NY Voice Actor Group Photo 1 = NY Voice Actor Group Photo 2110 Gang Tags defaced = Concept Artwork 11 = Garfield Maitland Photo 103A) Hood [GW03A]This is the starting area. Until you gain access to the scrapyard in[GW02.08], you will not be able to complete these Gang Tags. However, due tothe requirement in that mission to spray a Tag on a wall in the scrapyard,there is no reason that you can not search for the rest of the Gang Tags during[GW02.02].Note: These Gang Tags will disappear in the last mission.Reward - Concept Artwork 1 - Concept Artwork 2O--------------O O-----------O| Outlawz Crib | | [GW03A.0] |O--------------O O-----------O[Outlawz Crib 1]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Start inside Smally's shop and focus the camers so you can see both exits fromtoko. Ambil exit kiri dan menyeberang jalan. Di sebelah kiri harusbeberapa besar, membuka pintu yang Anda harus pergi melalui. Tag geng adalah padakembali dinding di sebelah kanan.O---------O O-----------O| Lazlo's || [GW03A.1] |O---------O O-----------O[Lazlo's 1]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Mulai di dalam Smally adalah toko dan fokus camers sehingga Anda dapat melihat baik keluar daritoko. Ambil jalan keluar yang tepat dan berjalan ke kanan. Ikuti bangunandi sekitar sudut, memecah pagar tidak stabil untuk berjalan melalui gang.Menuju bangunan di depan Anda dan ikuti ke kiri sampai Anda lihatGang Tag.[Lazlo's 2]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯[Lazlo's 1], ikuti bangunan di sebelah kanan, sudut berkeliling.Ketika Anda dapat melihatnya, istirahat potongan tidak stabil pagar di depan Anda dan kepaladi seberang jalan. Jika Anda tidak dapat melihat Gang Tag, Anda dapat berjalan kaki kekiri jika Anda berada di depan sebuah bangunan atau yang tepat jika Anda berada di depanpagar.O---------------O O-----------O| Ranch Bar || [GW03A.2] |O---------------O O-----------O[Ranch Bar 1]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯[Lazlo's 1], memecah bagian tidak stabil pagar ke kiri dan pergidalam ke lorong itu. Kepala turun di sebelah kanan lorong ini baru, mengawasidinding di sebelah kiri untuk Gang Tag.[Ranch Bar 2]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯[The Ranch Bar 1], kepala kanan dan istirahat pertama pagar tidak stabilpanel di sebelah kiri Anda. Kepala melalui celah ini baru dan menyeberang jalan untuksisi lain. Kepala turun gang dan geng Tag pada bangunan kiri.Note: This is the back The Ranch Bar building, if you know where that exact building is.Note: I would also complete [The Bridge 1] and [The Bridge 2] Gang Tags before finishing this section, due to both Gang Tags being along the way to the final Gang Tag of this section.[The Ranch Bar 3]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Head to the other side of the building where the [The Ranch Bar 2] tag was andenter the building. The Gang Tag is behind the counter on the left side of theshop. You can easily walk behind the counter to get to the Gang Tag.O--------O O-----------O| Fat Ds | | [GW03A.3] |O--------O O-----------O[Fat Ds 1]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From the enterance of Fat Ds, follow the building around to the right.When you have gone around one corner and are at a second corner of thisbuilding, look around for a flaming trash can (you may only see some orangelight). The Gang Tag is on a wall near the flaming trash can.[Fat Ds 2]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [Fat Ds 1], follow the building around to the right and you should spotthis Gang Tag after going around two corners.[Fat Ds 3]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [Lazlo's 1], break down the unstable part of the fence to your left and goin to that alley. Head down the left and you should see the Gang Tag on theright of an unstable fence panel at the end of this alley.[Fat Ds 4]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [Fat Ds 3], break down the wooden fence and head across the street.Walk straight forward, looking at the right wall until you see the Gang Tag.[Fat Ds 5]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From the enterance of Fat Ds, cross the street and walk to the right. When thefence on your left ends, follow it around the corner and you should get to awall. Follow this wall and you should find the Gang Tag.O------O O-----------O| Slum | | [GW03A.4] |O------O O-----------O[Slum 1]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [Fat Ds 5], head to the opposite wall in this area. When you get to thewall, look to the left and you should see the Gang Tag.O------------O O-----------O| Apartments | | [GW03A.5] |O------------O O-----------O[Apartments 1]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Walk to the area where you find Em Benz in the second mission and look to theleft. You should see three flaming trash cans. The Gang Tag is near the leftflaming tash can.[Apartments 2]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [Apartments 1], go to the other side of this area, then head to the rightuntil you get to another wall. The Gang Tag is on this wall.O----------O O-----------O| The Park | | [GW03A.6] |O----------O O-----------O[The Park 1]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [Apartments 2], follow the fence to the right, going around the corner.A long way down this fence is a Gang Tag.[The Park 2]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [The Park 1], cross the street and follow the building to the left, goingaround the corner. You should continue to follow this building until you seethe Gang Tag.[The Park 3]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [The Park 2], follow the fence to the left of the Tag until the fencebrings you into the park. When in the park, head to the left and look for theGang Tag on the left building. The Gang Tag is near the end of the building.[The Park 4]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [The Park 4], head to the opposite side of this building to a wall.Follow this wall to the left, going around two corners, to find this Gang Tag.[The Park 5]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [The Park 2], follow the fence on the Tag's left until it stops.You should see a building in front of you, which you should follow around tothe left. After going around four corners, you should see the Gang Tag.O------------O O-----------O| The Bridge | | [GW03A.7] |O------------O O-----------O[The Bridge 1]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [The Ranch Bar 2], follow the building to the left and the Gang Tag isaround the corner.[The Bridge 2]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯To the left of [The Bridge 1].[The Brdige 3]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From the Bridge that you use to get to Gangland, follow the road straight untilyou can see a clearing in the buildings to your right. Go in the clearing andyou should be able to see the Gang Tag.[The Bridge 4]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From the Bridge that you use to get to Gangland, follow the road straight andmove on to the left path. Keep walking down the left path and you should seethe Gang Tag in front of you.[The Bridge 5]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯From [The Bridge 4], cross the street and enter the open building. Follow theleft wall around this area until you find the Gang Tag.O-----------O O-----------O| Scrapyard | | [GW03A.8] |O-----------O O-----------O[Scrapyard 1]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯At the right corner of the right caravan, next to the right wall connected tothe caravans. First accessable during [GW02.08].-------------------------------------------------------------------------------03B) Gangland [GW03B]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Gangland, there is a Gang Tag that does not belong to any turf. This hasbeen placed in Other Areas. The best time to attempt to clear out these Gang
Tags is when you own the majority of the turfs in Gangland belongs to the
Outlawz, after [GW02.18B]. It may also be possible to complete these Gang
Tags during the last mission, due to me finding [Bridge 4] during that mission.

Reward - Conce
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