The simplest definition is:Corruption is the misuse of public power (b terjemahan - The simplest definition is:Corruption is the misuse of public power (b Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The simplest definition is:Corrupti

The simplest definition is:
Corruption is the misuse of public power (by elected politician or appointed civil servant) for private gain.
In order to ensure that not ony public corruption but also private corruption between individuals and businesses could be covered by the same simple definition:
Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power (by heritage, education, marriage, election, appointment or whatever else) for private gain.
This broader definition covers not only the politician and the public servant, but also the CEO and CFO of a company, the notary public, the teamleader at a workplace, the administrator or admissions-officer to a private school or hospital, the coach of a soccerteam, etcetera.

A much more difficult, scientific definition for the concept ‘corruption’ was developed by profesor (emeritus) dr. Petrus van Duyne:
Corruption is an improbity or decay in the decision-making process in which a decision-maker consents to deviate or demands deviation from the criterion which should rule his or her decision-making, in exchange for a reward or for the promise or expectation of a reward, while these motives influencing his or her decision-making cannot be part of the justification of the decision.

Major corruption comes close whenever major events involving large sums of money, multiple ‘players’, or huge quantities of products (think of food and pharmaceuticals) often in disaster situations, are at stake. Preferably, corruption flourishes in situations involving high technology (no one understands the real quality and value of products), or in situtions that are chaotic. Think of civil war: who is responsible and who is the rebel? Natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, droughts. The global community reacts quickly but local government might be disorganised and disoriented. Who maintains law and order? Or maybe the purchase of a technologically far advanced aircraft, while only a few can understand the technologies implied in development and production of such a plane. Mostly , the sums of money involved are huge, a relatively small amount of corrupt payment is difficult to attract attention. Or the number of actions is very large, for instance in betting stations for results of Olympic Games or international soccer-tournaments which can easily be manipulated. Geo-politics might play a role like e.g. the East-West conflict did in the second half of the 20th century, in which the major country-alliances sought support from non-aligned countries.
Fighting corruption takes place in many ‘theaters’:
political reforms, including the financing of political parties and elections;
economic reforms, regulating markets and the financial sector;
financial controls: budget, bookkeeping, reporting;
Public supervision: media, parliament, local administrators and councils, registration;
free access to information and data;
maintaining law and order;
improving and strengthening of the judicial system;
institutional reforms: Tax systems, customs, public administration in general;
whistleblowers and civil society organisations (NGO’s).
We know that corruption will not disappear from society. Our efforts are meant to restrict corruption and to protect as much as possible the poor and weak in our societies. In the end all corruption costs are paid by the consumer and the tax-payer. They need protection.
The small corruption (peanuts, facilitation payments – allowed by the OECD!) do not cost much but are awksome to the public. It is less damaging in total amounts but it makes it difficult to understand why we fight the grand corruption if we fail to fight the small ‘bakshis’. Major corruption thrives on a broad base of small corruption-payments or bribes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The simplest definition is:Corruption is the misuse of public power (by elected politician or appointed civil servant) for private gain.In order to ensure that not ony public corruption but also private corruption between individuals and businesses could be covered by the same simple definition:Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power (by heritage, education, marriage, election, appointment or whatever else) for private gain.This broader definition covers not only the politician and the public servant, but also the CEO and CFO of a company, the notary public, the teamleader at a workplace, the administrator or admissions-officer to a private school or hospital, the coach of a soccerteam, etcetera. A much more difficult, scientific definition for the concept ‘corruption’ was developed by profesor (emeritus) dr. Petrus van Duyne:Corruption is an improbity or decay in the decision-making process in which a decision-maker consents to deviate or demands deviation from the criterion which should rule his or her decision-making, in exchange for a reward or for the promise or expectation of a reward, while these motives influencing his or her decision-making cannot be part of the justification of the decision. Major corruption comes close whenever major events involving large sums of money, multiple ‘players’, or huge quantities of products (think of food and pharmaceuticals) often in disaster situations, are at stake. Preferably, corruption flourishes in situations involving high technology (no one understands the real quality and value of products), or in situtions that are chaotic. Think of civil war: who is responsible and who is the rebel? Natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, droughts. The global community reacts quickly but local government might be disorganised and disoriented. Who maintains law and order? Or maybe the purchase of a technologically far advanced aircraft, while only a few can understand the technologies implied in development and production of such a plane. Mostly , the sums of money involved are huge, a relatively small amount of corrupt payment is difficult to attract attention. Or the number of actions is very large, for instance in betting stations for results of Olympic Games or international soccer-tournaments which can easily be manipulated. Geo-politics might play a role like e.g. the East-West conflict did in the second half of the 20th century, in which the major country-alliances sought support from non-aligned countries.Fighting corruption takes place in many ‘theaters’:political reforms, including the financing of political parties and elections;economic reforms, regulating markets and the financial sector;financial controls: budget, bookkeeping, reporting;Public supervision: media, parliament, local administrators and councils, registration;free access to information and data;maintaining law and order;improving and strengthening of the judicial system;institutional reforms: Tax systems, customs, public administration in general;whistleblowers and civil society organisations (NGO’s).We know that corruption will not disappear from society. Our efforts are meant to restrict corruption and to protect as much as possible the poor and weak in our societies. In the end all corruption costs are paid by the consumer and the tax-payer. They need protection.The small corruption (peanuts, facilitation payments – allowed by the OECD!) do not cost much but are awksome to the public. It is less damaging in total amounts but it makes it difficult to understand why we fight the grand corruption if we fail to fight the small ‘bakshis’. Major corruption thrives on a broad base of small corruption-payments or bribes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Definisi paling sederhana adalah:
Korupsi adalah penyalahgunaan kekuasaan publik (oleh politisi yang terpilih atau pegawai negeri sipil yang ditunjuk) untuk keuntungan pribadi.
Dalam rangka untuk memastikan bahwa korupsi publik tidak ony tetapi juga korupsi pribadi antara individu dan bisnis bisa dicakup oleh definisi sederhana yang sama
:. Korupsi adalah penyalahgunaan kekuasaan yang dipercayakan (oleh warisan, pendidikan, pernikahan, pemilihan, pengangkatan atau apapun yang lain) untuk keuntungan pribadi
definisi yang lebih luas ini mencakup tidak hanya politisi dan pegawai negeri, tetapi juga CEO dan CFO dari perusahaan, notaris, yang teamleader di tempat kerja, administrator atau penerimaan-petugas ke sekolah swasta atau rumah sakit, pelatih soccerteam sebuah, dan sebagainya. Sebuah jauh lebih sulit, definisi ilmiah untuk konsep 'korupsi' dikembangkan oleh Profesor (emeritus ) dr. Petrus van Duyne: Korupsi adalah ketidakjujuran atau pembusukan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan di mana persetujuan pembuat keputusan menyimpang atau menuntut penyimpangan dari kriteria yang harus memerintah atau pengambilan keputusan nya, dalam pertukaran untuk hadiah atau untuk janji atau mengharapkan imbalan, sementara motif ini mempengaruhi nya pengambilan keputusan tidak bisa menjadi bagian dari pembenaran keputusan. korupsi Mayor datang dekat jika terjadi peristiwa besar yang melibatkan uang dalam jumlah besar, beberapa 'pemain', atau jumlah besar produk ( memikirkan makanan dan obat-obatan) sering dalam situasi bencana, yang dipertaruhkan. Sebaiknya, korupsi berkembang dalam situasi yang melibatkan teknologi tinggi (tidak ada yang mengerti kualitas nyata dan nilai produk), atau di situtions yang kacau. Pikirkan perang sipil: siapa yang bertanggung jawab dan siapa yang pemberontak? Bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, banjir, kekeringan. Komunitas global bereaksi cepat tetapi pemerintah daerah mungkin tidak teratur dan bingung. Yang memelihara hukum dan ketertiban? Atau mungkin pembelian pesawat berteknologi jauh maju, sementara hanya sedikit yang bisa memahami teknologi tersirat dalam pengembangan dan produksi pesawat tersebut. Sebagian besar, jumlah uang yang terlibat sangat besar, jumlah yang relatif kecil dari pembayaran korup sulit untuk menarik perhatian. Atau jumlah tindakan sangat besar, misalnya di stasiun taruhan untuk hasil Olimpiade atau sepakbola-turnamen internasional yang dapat dengan mudah dimanipulasi. Geo-politik mungkin memainkan peran seperti misalnya konflik Timur-Barat lakukan di babak kedua abad ke-20, di mana negara-aliansi utama mencari dukungan dari negara-negara non-blok. Memerangi korupsi terjadi di banyak 'bioskop': politik reformasi, termasuk pembiayaan partai politik dan pemilihan umum; reformasi ekonomi, pasar mengatur dan sektor keuangan; kontrol keuangan: anggaran, pembukuan, pelaporan; pengawasan Umum: media, parlemen, administrator lokal dan dewan, pendaftaran; akses gratis ke informasi dan data ; mempertahankan hukum dan ketertiban; meningkatkan dan memperkuat sistem peradilan; reformasi kelembagaan: sistem Pajak, bea cukai, administrasi publik pada umumnya;. whistleblower dan organisasi masyarakat sipil (LSM) Kita tahu bahwa korupsi tidak akan hilang dari masyarakat. Upaya kami dimaksudkan untuk membatasi korupsi dan melindungi sebanyak mungkin orang miskin dan lemah dalam masyarakat kita. Pada akhirnya semua biaya korupsi dibayar oleh konsumen dan pembayar pajak. Mereka membutuhkan perlindungan. Korupsi kecil (kacang, pembayaran fasilitasi -! Diizinkan oleh OECD) tidak membutuhkan biaya banyak tapi awksome kepada publik. Hal ini kurang merusak total jumlah tapi itu membuat sulit untuk memahami mengapa kita melawan korupsi besar jika kita gagal untuk melawan kecil 'bakshis'. Korupsi besar berkembang pada dasar yang luas korupsi-pembayaran kecil atau suap.

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