Meng Hao stands in carrying on the back of old lizard, looks at this m terjemahan - Meng Hao stands in carrying on the back of old lizard, looks at this m Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Meng Hao stands in carrying on the

Meng Hao stands in carrying on the back of old lizard, looks at this mist, in the eye is revealing gradually wipes Killing Intent, this Killing Intent as if can change to the essence, making that mist tumble, two aura, loudly disperse from that mist.
These two aura are nine source peak, is not the honorable person, but keeps here mark to disperse, when deterrent four directions, there are has dignified Divine Sense old, reverberates in this all directions.
„This place by my Immortal God Continent fierce and brave soldiers, in the boundless starry sky all had, immediately departs!”
This sound in instance of spreading, a cloudy and cold sound, reverberates, among the malignant influences are extremely heavy, had the aura of death to proliferate in this words.
„The earth of demon, stepping into, the extermination nine generations, does not remain!”
If there is changed other people, at this moment must calm startled, if not for even Meng Hao Transcendence, is the boundless faction arrived here, will flinch in this moment, because simultaneously faces Immortal God Continent as well as demon, this to any influence, is the disaster, even if the boundless faction, does not hope so.
But at present, all are different, the reverberation that these two Dao Divinity read, has not made any cultivator experience the slight fluctuation, their malignant influences were as before dreadful.
Under the vision condensation of this all people, the Meng Hao right hand lifts slowly, toward boundless mist one figure.
He does not have to open mouth, is only one figure, even has not used the technique law, but that dense fog, actually in an instant, loudly shivers, but the mark of that two nine source peak, in this flickers, extinguishes loudly broken!
Meanwhile, in this army spreads innumerable shakes the heavens to move whooshing of place to roar, that is the dreadfulness of Killing Intent, that is crazy roaring, suddenly, massive cultivator, enter in the mist directly.
Headmaster et al. first depart, several nine source peak, in this moment, launch the magical powers directly, the bang to the boundless mist, causes this mist immediately the collapse of wide scope, directly by ripping open forcefully.
Under the immeasurable disaster in mist, in the anxiety of Dao Fang, he saw thundering of outside world mist immediately, saw these mist are tumbling in an unprecedented way crazily, but at this immeasurable disaster, the mark exists from Immortal God Continent as well as demon that in this moment, ka under the sound, direct extinguishes broken.
Without any stop, is similar to not worthy of mentioning, was crushed directly, becomes the flying ash, this is also not anything, even two black silk threads, follow these two cancelled marks suddenly, entered in the nihility, as if tracked down the source, must extinguish the master who killed this mark.
This, lets the Dao Fang facial color thorough big change, when holding breath tone, fierce standing up, immediately the mist outside immeasurable disaster, is similar to by one huge by big hand directly ripping open forcefully, when rumbling the sound fierce reverberation, lets the starry sky shivers, these mist outside the immeasurable disaster, instant are ripped open!
The mist thunders, tumbles unceasingly, rewound toward the two sides, has revealed among the 33 days under immeasurable disaster, caused Dao Fang here, in this shivered, saw once more that let his frightened cultivator army.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Meng Hao berdiri di menggendong tua kadal, terlihat pada kabut ini, di mata mengungkapkan secara bertahap wipes pembunuhan maksud, maksud pembunuhan ini seolah-olah dapat mengubah esensi, membuat kabut yang jatuh, dua aura, keras membubarkan dari kabut itu.Aura ini dua adalah sembilan sumber puncak, bukanlah orang terhormat, tetapi terus di sini Markus untuk membubarkan, ketika jera empat arah, ada telah bermartabat ilahi rasa lama, bergema di segala arah ini."Tempat ini menurut saya benua Allah abadi yang sengit dan berani prajurit, di langit berbintang tak terbatas semua punya, segera berangkat!"Ini terdengar dalam contoh menyebarkan, bunyi hujan dan dingin, bergema, antara pengaruh ganas sangat berat, memiliki aura kematian untuk berkembang biak dalam kata-kata ini."Bumi dari setan, melangkah ke, perusakan sembilan generasi, tidak tetap!"Jika tidak diubah orang lain, pada saat ini harus tenang terkejut, jika tidak untuk bahkan Meng Hao transendensi, faksi tak terbatas yang tiba di sini, akan menyentak pada saat ini, karena secara bersamaan wajah Abadi Tuhan benua serta setan, ini pengaruh, adalah bencana, bahkan jika faksi yang tak terbatas, tidak berharap begitu.Tetapi saat ini, Semua berbeda, gema yang membaca Dao keilahian ini dua, belum dibuat setiap beralih mengalami fluktuasi sedikit, pengaruh mereka ganas adalah seperti sebelumnya mengerikan.Di bawah kondensasi visi ini semua orang, tangan kanan Meng Hao mengangkat perlahan-lahan, menuju kabut tak terbatas satu gambar.He does not have to open mouth, is only one figure, even has not used the technique law, but that dense fog, actually in an instant, loudly shivers, but the mark of that two nine source peak, in this flickers, extinguishes loudly broken!Meanwhile, in this army spreads innumerable shakes the heavens to move whooshing of place to roar, that is the dreadfulness of Killing Intent, that is crazy roaring, suddenly, massive cultivator, enter in the mist directly.Headmaster et al. first depart, several nine source peak, in this moment, launch the magical powers directly, the bang to the boundless mist, causes this mist immediately the collapse of wide scope, directly by ripping open forcefully.Under the immeasurable disaster in mist, in the anxiety of Dao Fang, he saw thundering of outside world mist immediately, saw these mist are tumbling in an unprecedented way crazily, but at this immeasurable disaster, the mark exists from Immortal God Continent as well as demon that in this moment, ka under the sound, direct extinguishes broken.Without any stop, is similar to not worthy of mentioning, was crushed directly, becomes the flying ash, this is also not anything, even two black silk threads, follow these two cancelled marks suddenly, entered in the nihility, as if tracked down the source, must extinguish the master who killed this mark.Ini, memungkinkan Dao Fang wajah menyeluruh besar perubahan warna, ketika memegang nada napas, sengit berdiri, segera kabut di luar beragam bencana, serupa oleh salah satu besar dengan tangan besar langsung merobek terbuka tegas, ketika gemuruh suara dengung sengit, memungkinkan merinding langit berbintang, yang merobek ini kabut di luar bencana tak terukur, instan!Kabut guruh, pembengkokkan tanpa henti, memutar ulang terhadap kedua belah pihak, telah mengungkapkan antara 33 hari di bawah beragam bencana, menyebabkan Dao Fang di sini, di ini menggigil, melihat sekali lagi yang membiarkan pasukannya beralih ketakutan.
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