Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
65101:02:59, 007--> 01:03:00, 838Dia adalah kebesaran itu sendiri65201:03:06, 281--> 01:03:07, 441Yah! l harus pergi65301:03:07, 783--> 01:03:10, 638Silakan berkomunikasi apa punJika Anda memerlukan65401:03:12, 187--> 01:03:14, 143Apabila Caesar akan datang untuk saya?65501:03:15, 490--> 01:03:17, 754Ia mengatur Resepsi Selamat datanguntuk Anda besok di rumah...65601:03:17, 993--> 01:03:19, 483sebelum parade kemenangan65701:03:21, 296--> 01:03:22, 854Sampai saat itu, keagungan65801:04:06, 208--> 01:04:07, 698Bagaimana Anda berani mengirimkan saya Surat-surat tidak!65901:04:07, 909--> 01:04:10, 139Bagaimana berani Anda mengirimkan saya Horsemaster!66001:04:19, 187--> 01:04:20, 085Apa itu?66101:04:22, 190--> 01:04:25, 353Ada seseorang l ingin memperkenalkanuntuk Anda66201:04:38, 607--> 01:04:40, 472Datang ke sini, datang ke sini, cintaku66301:04:43, 545--> 01:04:44, 500Yang itu?66401:04:45, 614--> 01:04:48, 378Namanya adalah Ptolemy Caesar,66501:04:49, 017--> 01:04:52, 350Tapi l telah dibawa ke memanggilnya raja66601:04:53, 155--> 01:04:54, 645Ia adalah milikku?66701:05:02, 998--> 01:05:05, 159Anda punya anak... dan Anda tidak katakan padaku?66801:05:19, 214--> 01:05:21, 079l tidak pernah berpikir l akan memiliki seorang putra66901:05:23, 585--> 01:05:27, 476Dia... l bisa melihat diriku67001:05:29, 491--> 01:05:31, 049Akan Anda memberitahu bahwa ke Roma?67101:05:31, 693--> 01:05:34, 548l tidak dapat mengklaim anak ini sebagai saya sendiri!67201:05:36, 131--> 01:05:38, 258But he is yours67301:05:39,201 --> 01:05:43,306This will do me great harm in RomeHe must remain a secret between us67401:05:43,935 --> 01:05:45,340Promise me...67501:05:47,754 --> 01:05:50,947Cleopatra, you must promise me...67601:05:50,947 --> 01:05:52,484for now67701:05:55,904 --> 01:05:57,967The Queen of Egypt!67801:06:11,465 --> 01:06:14,722Welcome to Rome, Your Highness,and to my home67901:06:15,171 --> 01:06:17,342We have all been most anxiousto see you68001:06:18,720 --> 01:06:20,847My wife, Calpurnia68101:06:22,546 --> 01:06:24,680l'm honored to meet the wifeof the great Caesar68201:06:24,709 --> 01:06:26,425The honor belongs to me, Your Majesty68301:06:27,893 --> 01:06:33,101Since my husband thinks of youso fondly, how can l not feel the same?68401:06:35,965 --> 01:06:39,584My nephew, Gaius OctaviusAnd his sister, Octavia68501:06:40,180 --> 01:06:43,206You should get to know OctaviusHe is the future of Rome68601:06:44,325 --> 01:06:45,578ls that true, Octavius?68701:06:45,613 --> 01:06:47,854lt's Caesar's legacy that will bethe future of Rome68801:06:48,724 --> 01:06:49,930Or its ruin68901:06:51,761 --> 01:06:56,509My harshest critic and dearest friend,Marcus Brutus69001:06:57,025 --> 01:07:00,830You express yourself withremarkable freedom, Marcus Brutus69101:07:01,973 --> 01:07:04,561ln Egypt, you would be strangledon the spot69201:07:04,830 --> 01:07:05,854lt's just Brutus' way69301:07:05,889 --> 01:07:06,310lt's the Roman way69401:07:07,054 --> 01:07:09,680There are no kings here, Your Majesty69501:07:09,715 --> 01:07:11,336You see, all men in Rome are equal69601:07:12,326 --> 01:07:14,799Those of us who love the Republicwould like to keep it that way69701:07:35,062 --> 01:07:38,711Your country has proven to be richin plunder for my husband69801:07:40,346 --> 01:07:41,941That's not plunder69901:07:43,215 --> 01:07:45,573Those are gifts that l gave freelyto Caesar70001:07:46,499 --> 01:07:47,927Are you sure?70101:07:49,402 --> 01:07:52,266They're being displayed as spoils of war70201:08:20,103 --> 01:08:22,017The Queen of Egypt!70301:08:44,135 --> 01:08:45,700What are they saying?70401:08:47,393 --> 01:08:51,349l believe they're sayingCaesar's Whore, Your Majesty70501:09:24,180 --> 01:09:25,693You know Brutus, now listen to me,70601:09:26,793 --> 01:09:28,933the problem is that our calendaris based on the moon,70701:09:28,968 --> 01:09:30,398which l find makes the year imprecise70801:09:30,433 --> 01:09:33,572Surely, you're not suggesting that youwant to change the calendar, Caesar?70901:09:33,607 --> 01:09:34,559l want to improve it71001:09:34,868 --> 01:09:39,760By reordering the very days of our livesSurely that's the province of a god71101:09:39,795 --> 01:09:40,829The Queen of Egypt!71201:09:54,809 --> 01:09:56,692Greetings, Queen Cleopatra!71301:09:56,727 --> 01:09:57,748We welcome your return71401:09:58,091 --> 01:09:59,752You must forgive our Roman ways71501:10:01,902 --> 01:10:03,673lf the Queen thinks so littleof our Roman ways,71601:10:03,708 --> 01:10:04,955perhaps she should go back to Egypt71701:10:09,175 --> 01:10:10,699You have enjoyed the spoils of war...71801:10:10,734 --> 01:10:14,341now let me show youEgypt's greatest treasure71901:10:33,025 --> 01:10:36,060This is your son...Ptolemy Caesar72001:10:40,140 --> 01:10:41,951l lay him at your feet72101:10:59,625 --> 01:11:00,925Why don't you pick him up?72201:11:03,499 --> 01:11:05,035That is not Caesar's son!72301:11:05,070 --> 01:11:06,747You have no proof of the matter!72401:11:06,782 --> 01:11:11,283Caesar, don't touch him!lf you touch him, you claim him72501:11:58,374 --> 01:12:12,615This is my sonHis name is Ptolemy Caesar72601:12:22,522 --> 01:12:24,981lt seems you have a rival, Octavius72701:12:27,360 --> 01:12:30,319l underestimated you, CleopatraDo you know what you've just done?72801:12:30,354 --> 01:12:32,797You've forced my hand,in my own capitol72901:12:32,832 --> 01:12:35,215And what am l? A whore?Happy to bear you a bastard son?73001:12:35,957 --> 01:12:38,197l'm a queen! And Caesarian is your heir!73101:12:38,232 --> 01:12:40,913He is my son, Octavius is my heir73201:12:40,974 --> 01:12:42,574Octavius is not your flesh and blood!73301:12:42,574 --> 01:12:43,694He is Roman!73401:12:43,729 --> 01:12:45,974l should go back to Egypt,73501:12:46,009 --> 01:12:48,940where my son will grow upto have real power and fulfill his destiny73601:12:48,975 --> 01:12:49,928lf he is allowed to73701:12:52,722 --> 01:12:54,195Our son will only fulfill his destiny73801:12:54,230 --> 01:12:57,542if Egypt remains free and independentfrom Rome73901:12:57,869 --> 01:13:00,929And that is in my power74001:13:01,091 --> 01:13:02,825Egypt is only free because l wish it so74101:13:03,975 --> 01:13:06,569And you remain Queen solelyat my pleasure74201:13:14,410 --> 01:13:16,238Because l fell in love with you74301:13:22,098 --> 01:13:24,039How much do you love me?74401:13:25,396 --> 01:13:27,352l would lose everythingrather than lose you74501:13:47,253 --> 01:13:50,668There's danger here for you and our son74601:13:52,405 --> 01:13:54,177l'll send Marc Antony to protect you both74701:13:54,883 --> 01:13:59,906He's the one that l can trust74801:13:59,906 --> 01:14:00,489Caesar74901:14:01,187 --> 01:14:02,313Nephew75001:14:03,248 --> 01:14:05,066l'm very troubled75101:14:05,771 --> 01:14:07,490About what?75201:14:07,806 --> 01:14:08,788The Egyptian Queen75301:14:09,474 --> 01:14:11,475And that child she's tricked youinto claiming as your own75401:14:11,510 --> 01:14:12,851The child is my own, Octavius75501:14:13,779 --> 01:14:17,408Caesar, Cleopatra is using youto advance her own fortunes75601:14:17,443 --> 01:14:18,230Everyone can see this but you75701:14:18,265 --> 01:14:20,483And now this child75801:14:21,586 --> 01:14:24,009you have to do something75901:14:24,990 --> 01:14:26,077Do what, Octavius?76001:14:27,192 --> 01:14:30,132Get rid of him76101:14:30,696 --> 01:14:32,186That child is a threat to you76201:14:33,098 --> 01:14:36,050My son is no threat to me, OctaviusNeither is he to you76301:14:42,228 --> 01:14:43,652His life is in Egypt76401:14:44,309 --> 01:14:48,591But if you harm one hairon my boy's head, l'll finish you76501:15:06,198 --> 01:15:06,924l beg your pardon76601:15:08,340 --> 01:15:09,384l'll be very careful76701:15:10,152 --> 01:15:11,987You're quite the Dionysian76801:15:12,926 --> 01:15:14,114When it suits me, Your Highness76901:15:26,720 --> 01:15:27,932l've fought hundreds of men in my time,77001:15:28,370 --> 01:15:30,063but l must say,your presence disarms me77101:15:31,434 --> 01:15:32,314l envy Caesar77201:15:33,425 --> 01:15:34,585To fortunate Caesar, then77301:15:35,660 --> 01:15:39,075Beloved by the gods,to have you as a prize77401:15:42,315 --> 01:15:43,749When will he come to me?77501:15:43,784 --> 01:15:45,937Have you seen him?77601:15:49,204 --> 01:15:50,241What's the matter?77701:16:26,219 --> 01:16:27,334Caesarian77801:16:30,880 --> 01:16:31,652Come...77901:16:39,848 --> 01:16:40,920lt was Octavius78001:16:40,920 --> 01:16:42,590What?78101:16:42,693 --> 01:16:44,855Octavius is Caesar's heir!lt was he who tried to kill my son!78201:16:48,045 --> 01:16:48,722Go!78301:17:03,174 --> 01:17:04,090Who sent you?78401:17:07,880 --> 01:17:09,072Who sent you?78501:17:20,713 --> 01:17:23,088Hail Caesar! Hail Caesar!78601:17:30,104 --> 01:17:34,536Caesar's fame and his divine capacityfor achievement...78701:17:34,571 --> 01:17:38,014transcend human experience78801:17:39,697 --> 01:17:43,435They are absolute and superhuman78901:17:43,470 --> 01:17:47,425l claim this title as a right79001:17:49,430 --> 01:17:52,711As dictator for life, and demigod79101:17:53,853 --> 01:17:56,042l will crush this rebellion in Spain79201:17:56,077 --> 01:17:59,490l will secure our bordersin Syria and Africa,79301:17:59,525 --> 01:18:03,355and encircle the Mediterraneanin a ring of iron79401:18:03,390 --> 01:18:10,414Then my countrymen, we will turnthe might of Rome to the East,79501:18:10,449 --> 01:18:16,555for the conquest of our greate
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