Fiona had watched them train while she and Alyssa cut flowers in the g terjemahan - Fiona had watched them train while she and Alyssa cut flowers in the g Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Fiona had watched them train while

Fiona had watched them train while she and Alyssa cut flowers in the garden. How ferociously they wielded their swords, neither giving ground to the other. She’d seen men train before, of course, but this was like a dance, for Myles and Robert moved in unison, so alike and yet so different. And when Myles pulled off his shirt, she stood gaping until Alyssa’s giggle cut through her thoughts.
“Best close your mouth, Fiona, or a bee will fly in.”
“That isn’t very nice,” she said, feeling heat that had nothing to do with the sun overhead.
Alyssa was nonplussed. “’Tis true though. You look at him as though he’s a plate of marzipan.”
Marzipan, indeed. Since reading the love-drenched letters from her mother, Fiona’s attitude had changed. She’d fought to resist Myles’s tenderness and his advances, but now, knowing her mother had wanted them together, there was less reason to deny him. And with the feud between their clans based on a faulty accusation, perhaps there was no reason to resist him at all. Perhaps her brothers had known something she didn’t. The very fact they’d given her over to the Campbells was evidence they sought this truce. It seemed she’d gone about this all wrong, for now she understood. She was always meant to be his wife, from the day she was born. The thought swirled in the base of her stomach, leaving her light-headed. Or perhaps it was just the sun after all.
“Let’s go inside. I suddenly find myself quite thirsty,” Fiona said.
She and Alyssa crossed the bailey, coming closer to the men, and Fiona could not resist giving her husband a tiny wave. But flowers fell from her basket, and so she bent to scoop them up.
She did not see the blow but heard the grunt and thud as Myles hit the dirt. Unbidden, she rushed to his side, hauling Alyssa in her wake.
“What happened?” she asked Robert as she knelt down by Myles’s inert form. He was on his side, but she rolled him easily onto his back and cradled his head in her lap. His eyes were pinched shut.
Robert shrugged and leaned upon the hilt of his sword. “I bested him.”
“You’ve knocked him unconscious.”
He prodded Myles with the tip of his boot. “He did that to himself when he tripped over his own shirt. ’Twas his rock-hard melon hitting the ground that did him in. And might I add how clumsy he’s become? First the chair, now this. Maybe it’s marriage that has tipped him off-kilter.”
“I saw you ram him in the belly,” Alyssa scolded.
Robert shrugged again and looked up at the clouds.
The other men had gathered round, some murmuring, others posturing to get a look at their chief’s son taken down by a mere training sword. Fiona looked down at her husband, noticing his shirtless, sweat-soaked torso once more. She’d blush later, when she thought of that again. For now, she thought only of bringing him back to his senses. She brushed the damp hair back from his forehead and patted him gently on the cheek.
“Myles, can you hear me?”
His mouth twitched, and she felt a tremor in his shoulders.
“Myles?” she asked again.
The tremor grew stronger, and the twitching of his lips increased. What was the matter with him? Then he opened his bruised eye to peer up at her. His smile broke free, along with his laughter, and he opened the other eye.
“Oh! You’re not unconscious.” Irritation soon gave way to relief. It washed over her like spring rain, and her own smile could not be contained. “You’re not hurt at all.” She patted his cheek again, perhaps a bit harder than necessary.
“Ach, woman. I will be if you don’t stop hitting me.” He raised his arms up to grasp her wrists and pull her closer. And she let him.
“I thought you were truly wounded.” She could not hide the concern in her voice, and his eyes caught hers, the pull stronger than his hands.
“I am wounded each time we part. But kiss me, and I’ll be well again.” He teased, yet she could see the longing in his expression. He’d forgiven her for her part of their discord last night. She could see it in his face. I’ll make no apologies for wanting you. Her heart fluttered as she remembered his words, and other bits quivered as well. A kiss. Such a tiny thing, such a minor request, and yet the two of them knew how much it meant. Fiona leaned in closer. She could kiss him now, and every day after, if she wanted to. He was her husband after all.
Robert cleared his throat. “You think she’d kiss you like that, brother? With you stinking and dirty from the yard?”
The men laughed. The spell was broken.
Myles’s chuckle was good-natured, but his eyes remained on her.
She bit her lip and leaned down farther still, until her lips were near his ear. “Take a bath, and I shall kiss you later.”
Then she stood up fast, nearly dumping his head in the dirt, but he sat up on his own strength. Fiona smiled and nodded at Robert and the others. “Carry on, men. Please don’t let me keep you.”
Without another glance at Myles, she turned and flounced away, hearing Robert say as she left, "Tame as a kitten, indeed.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Fiona had watched them train while she and Alyssa cut flowers in the garden. How ferociously they wielded their swords, neither giving ground to the other. She’d seen men train before, of course, but this was like a dance, for Myles and Robert moved in unison, so alike and yet so different. And when Myles pulled off his shirt, she stood gaping until Alyssa’s giggle cut through her thoughts.“Best close your mouth, Fiona, or a bee will fly in.”“That isn’t very nice,” she said, feeling heat that had nothing to do with the sun overhead.Alyssa was nonplussed. “’Tis true though. You look at him as though he’s a plate of marzipan.”Marzipan, indeed. Since reading the love-drenched letters from her mother, Fiona’s attitude had changed. She’d fought to resist Myles’s tenderness and his advances, but now, knowing her mother had wanted them together, there was less reason to deny him. And with the feud between their clans based on a faulty accusation, perhaps there was no reason to resist him at all. Perhaps her brothers had known something she didn’t. The very fact they’d given her over to the Campbells was evidence they sought this truce. It seemed she’d gone about this all wrong, for now she understood. She was always meant to be his wife, from the day she was born. The thought swirled in the base of her stomach, leaving her light-headed. Or perhaps it was just the sun after all.“Let’s go inside. I suddenly find myself quite thirsty,” Fiona said.She and Alyssa crossed the bailey, coming closer to the men, and Fiona could not resist giving her husband a tiny wave. But flowers fell from her basket, and so she bent to scoop them up.She did not see the blow but heard the grunt and thud as Myles hit the dirt. Unbidden, she rushed to his side, hauling Alyssa in her wake.“What happened?” she asked Robert as she knelt down by Myles’s inert form. He was on his side, but she rolled him easily onto his back and cradled his head in her lap. His eyes were pinched shut.Robert shrugged and leaned upon the hilt of his sword. “I bested him.”“You’ve knocked him unconscious.”He prodded Myles with the tip of his boot. “He did that to himself when he tripped over his own shirt. ’Twas his rock-hard melon hitting the ground that did him in. And might I add how clumsy he’s become? First the chair, now this. Maybe it’s marriage that has tipped him off-kilter.”“I saw you ram him in the belly,” Alyssa scolded.Robert shrugged again and looked up at the clouds.The other men had gathered round, some murmuring, others posturing to get a look at their chief’s son taken down by a mere training sword. Fiona looked down at her husband, noticing his shirtless, sweat-soaked torso once more. She’d blush later, when she thought of that again. For now, she thought only of bringing him back to his senses. She brushed the damp hair back from his forehead and patted him gently on the cheek.“Myles, can you hear me?”His mouth twitched, and she felt a tremor in his shoulders.“Myles?” she asked again.The tremor grew stronger, and the twitching of his lips increased. What was the matter with him? Then he opened his bruised eye to peer up at her. His smile broke free, along with his laughter, and he opened the other eye.“Oh! You’re not unconscious.” Irritation soon gave way to relief. It washed over her like spring rain, and her own smile could not be contained. “You’re not hurt at all.” She patted his cheek again, perhaps a bit harder than necessary.“Ach, woman. I will be if you don’t stop hitting me.” He raised his arms up to grasp her wrists and pull her closer. And she let him.“I thought you were truly wounded.” She could not hide the concern in her voice, and his eyes caught hers, the pull stronger than his hands.“I am wounded each time we part. But kiss me, and I’ll be well again.” He teased, yet she could see the longing in his expression. He’d forgiven her for her part of their discord last night. She could see it in his face. I’ll make no apologies for wanting you. Her heart fluttered as she remembered his words, and other bits quivered as well. A kiss. Such a tiny thing, such a minor request, and yet the two of them knew how much it meant. Fiona leaned in closer. She could kiss him now, and every day after, if she wanted to. He was her husband after all.Robert cleared his throat. “You think she’d kiss you like that, brother? With you stinking and dirty from the yard?”The men laughed. The spell was broken.Myles’s chuckle was good-natured, but his eyes remained on her.She bit her lip and leaned down farther still, until her lips were near his ear. “Take a bath, and I shall kiss you later.”Then she stood up fast, nearly dumping his head in the dirt, but he sat up on his own strength. Fiona smiled and nodded at Robert and the others. “Carry on, men. Please don’t let me keep you.”Without another glance at Myles, she turned and flounced away, hearing Robert say as she left, "Tame as a kitten, indeed.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Fiona telah mengamati mereka kereta sementara ia dan Alyssa memotong bunga di kebun. Bagaimana galak mereka memegang pedang mereka, tidak memberikan tanah untuk yang lain. Dia pernah melihat pria melatih sebelumnya, tentu saja, tapi ini seperti tarian, untuk Myles dan Robert pindah berbarengan, jadi sama dan belum begitu berbeda. Dan ketika Myles melepas kemejanya, dia berdiri menganga sampai tawa Alyssa memotong melalui pikirannya.
"Terbaik menutup mulut Anda, Fiona, atau lebah akan terbang."
"Itu bukan sangat bagus," katanya, merasa panas yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan matahari di atas kepala.
Alyssa adalah tercengang. "'Tis benar meskipun. Anda melihat dia seolah-olah dia sepiring marzipan.
"Marzipan, memang. Sejak membaca surat cinta-basah dari ibunya, sikap Fiona telah berubah. Dia berjuang untuk melawan kelembutan Myles dan kemajuan, tapi sekarang, mengetahui ibunya ingin mereka bersama-sama, ada sedikit alasan untuk menolak. Dan dengan perseteruan antara kaum-kaum mereka berdasarkan pada tuduhan yang salah, mungkin tidak ada alasan untuk menolak sama sekali. Mungkin saudara-saudaranya sudah tahu sesuatu yang dia tidak. Kenyataan yang mereka memberinya lebih ke Campbells bukti mereka berusaha gencatan senjata ini. Tampaknya dia pergi tentang ini semua salah, untuk saat ini dia mengerti. Dia selalu dimaksudkan untuk menjadi istrinya, dari hari ia dilahirkan. Pikiran itu berputar-putar di dasar perutnya, meninggalkan dia pusing. Atau mungkin itu hanya matahari setelah semua.
"Ayo masuk. Aku tiba-tiba menemukan diri saya cukup haus, "kata Fiona.
Dia dan Alyssa melintasi bailey, datang lebih dekat dengan laki-laki, dan Fiona tidak bisa menahan memberi suaminya gelombang kecil. Tapi bunga jatuh dari keranjangnya, dan jadi dia membungkuk untuk meraup mereka.
Dia tidak melihat pukulan tapi mendengar mendengus dan bunyi seperti Myles memukul kotoran. Tanpa diminta, dia bergegas ke sisinya, mengangkut Alyssa di belakang nya.
"Apa yang terjadi?" Tanyanya Robert sambil berlutut dengan bentuk lembam Myles. Dia berada di sisinya, tapi ia mendorongnya dengan mudah telentang dan memeluk kepalanya di pangkuannya. Matanya menutup kekurangan.
Robert mengangkat bahu dan bersandar pada gagang pedangnya. "Aku dikalahkan dia."
"Kau mengetuk dia sadar."
Dia menyodok Myles dengan ujung sepatunya. "Dia melakukan itu untuk dirinya sendiri ketika ia tersandung bajunya sendiri. 'Sungguh melon batu-keras memukul tanah yang melakukan dia di. Dan mungkin aku menambahkan bagaimana canggung dia menjadi? Pertama kursi, sekarang ini. Mungkin pernikahan yang telah memberikan tip off-keteraturan.
"" Saya melihat Anda ram dia di perut, "Alyssa dimarahi.
Robert mengangkat bahu lagi dan menatap awan.
Orang-orang lain telah berkumpul di sekeliling, beberapa bergumam, orang lain memosisikan untuk mendapatkan a melihat anak kepala mereka diturunkan oleh pedang pelatihan belaka. Fiona menatap suaminya, melihat bertelanjang dada, keringat-direndam tubuhnya sekali lagi. Dia malu kemudian, ketika ia memikirkan itu lagi. Untuk saat ini, dia hanya memikirkan membawa dia kembali ke akal sehatnya. Dia menyisir rambut basah kembali dari dahinya dan menepuk-nepuk lembut di pipi.
"Myles, kau bisa mendengarku?"
Mulutnya bergerak-gerak, dan ia merasakan getaran di bahunya.
"Myles?" Tanyanya lagi.
Tremor tumbuh kuat, dan berkedut dari bibirnya meningkat. Ada apa dengan dia? Kemudian ia membuka mata memar untuk mengintip ke arahnya. Senyumnya pecah gratis, bersama dengan tawanya, dan ia membuka mata lainnya.
"Oh! Anda tidak sadar. "Iritasi segera memberi jalan untuk bantuan. Ini menghinggapinya hujan musim semi seperti, dan senyumnya sendiri tidak bisa terkandung. "Kau tidak terluka sama sekali." Dia menepuk pipinya lagi, mungkin sedikit lebih sulit daripada yang diperlukan.
"Ach, wanita. Saya akan jika Anda tidak berhenti memukul saya. "Dia mengangkat tangannya ke atas untuk memahami pergelangan tangan dan menariknya lebih dekat. Dan dia membiarkannya.
"Saya pikir Anda benar-benar terluka." Dia tidak bisa menyembunyikan kekhawatiran dalam suaranya, dan matanya menangkap miliknya, tarik kuat dari tangannya.
"Saya terluka setiap kali kita berpisah. Tapi menciumku, dan aku akan baik lagi. "Dia menggoda, namun dia bisa melihat kerinduan di ekspresinya. Dia memaafkannya untuk perannya perselisihan mereka tadi malam. Dia bisa melihatnya di wajahnya. Aku akan membuat tidak ada permintaan maaf karena ingin Anda. Hatinya bergetar saat ia teringat kata-katanya, dan potongan lain bergetar juga. Ciuman. Hal kecil seperti itu, seperti permintaan kecil, namun mereka berdua tahu berapa banyak artinya. Fiona membungkuk lebih dekat. Dia bisa menciumnya sekarang, dan setiap hari setelah itu, jika ia ingin. Dia adalah suaminya setelah semua.
Robert berdehem. "Kau pikir dia akan mencium Anda seperti itu, saudara? Dengan Anda bau dan kotor dari halaman?
"Orang-orang tertawa. Mantra rusak.
Tawa Myles adalah baik hati, tapi matanya tetap pada dirinya.
Dia menggigit bibir dan membungkuk lebih jauh lagi, sampai bibirnya berada di dekat telinganya. "Mandi, dan aku akan menciummu nanti."
Kemudian dia berdiri dengan cepat, hampir membuang kepalanya di tanah, tapi dia duduk di atas kekuatan sendiri. Fiona tersenyum dan mengangguk pada Robert dan lain-lain. "Lanjutkan, laki-laki. Jangan biarkan aku membuat Anda.
"Tanpa melirik lagi di Myles, ia berbalik dan menyentak pergi, mendengar Robert mengatakan saat ia pergi," Jinak sebagai anak kucing, memang.
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