There were several job openings in the area, but only a few Scout felt terjemahan - There were several job openings in the area, but only a few Scout felt Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

There were several job openings in

There were several job openings in the area, but only a few Scout felt capable enough to apply to. She and Parker sat on the carpet in the living room, various pages of classifieds strewn around them.
“You should think about getting a license. There are lots of openings for drivers.”
“I don’t have a car,” she said.
“They give you a car or a truck.”
“I don’t know. That all takes time. I need to make money now. I don’t want to stay here longer than I have to.”
Parker’s eyes met hers. “Did he give you a time frame of when you had to . . .”
She frowned. He said he’d be back in a month. She didn’t want to still be there by then, especially if he didn’t come back for her. Her heart would never survive more broken promises. “No. I’d just rather cut all ties.”
His gaze lowered. Turning away from her so she could no longer read his expression, he said, “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. You know, you could be my roommate. I have a place. It isn’t much, but . . .”
“Thanks Parker, but I think I want to do this on my own. I know what it feels like to have the rug pulled out from under me. I don’t want to be in that position ever again. You know what I mean?”
“I would never abandon you like he did.”
She didn’t believe that, but didn’t see the point in telling him. “I just need to do this for myself.”
He nodded tightly. “How about waiting tables?”
“I’d have to write.”
He sighed. “You’re going to have to write with almost any job, Scout. We can work on it.”
“I can deal with a job that requires minimal reading, but writing’s different. I’m slow and incredibly self-conscious. I can’t spell.”
“Who cares? Not everyone’s a good speller.”
“I’d just rather not have a job that requires it.”
He looked back at the want ads. “Here’s an opening for models. You could be a model.”
She hit him in the arm. “Shut up.”
“I’m serious. You could!”
“I don’t think so.”
He shrugged and grumbled something. “How about a clerk at a grocery store? Clemons is hiring.”
She thought for a minute. She’d have to scan things, but as far as reading, there wouldn’t be much required of her that she could think of. “How much is the pay?”
His lips pursed. “About an eighth of what you’d make modeling.”
“Forget the modeling!” She snatched the paper from him and searched. “Where is it?”
“Here.” He pointed, scooting closer.
“Eight dollars an hour, that’s not too bad. I made more at Patras though. Maybe I should see about getting my old job back.”
A sour taste filled her mouth the minute the words left her. No, she couldn’t work in Lucian’s hotel ever again. What if she saw him? What if she saw him with someone else? Nausea swirled uncomfortably in her stomach.
“I don’t think you should work at the hotel again.”
“Yeah, I know. It was just a thought. This looks good.”
Parker took the paper and tore out the advertisement. He jotted down a list of things she’d have to write on a résumé, like a fake social security number, her address, a sentence or two about why she would be a good candidate for the job. It would be much easier to fill out an application if she had the answers spelled out for her.
“Do you have a phone?”
“Yes.” She went to the counter and found the phone Lucian gave her. “I don’t know how much longer it will work.” It was sad seeing her empty mailbox. “Here, the number’s on the back.”
Once they had everything organized, Scout cleaned herself up. She didn’t know if she would be interviewing on the spot, so she chose soft brown pants, a cream sweater, and camel-colored boots. They were clothes of courage Lucian had bought her. She needed courage.
She didn’t feel like putting on makeup, but she had to do something about the bags under her eyes, so she dabbed on some concealer she found in her purse and smeared a bit of gloss over her lips. That would have to do.

The stockroom of Clemons Market was cluttered and smelled slightly of cardboard and some sort of citrus oil. Mr. Travis Gerhard, a man who looked to be in his early twenties, was the assistant manager. After she filled out her application, he directed her to the stockroom he referred to as his office.
There was a chunky brown desk in the center and schedules surrounded by other notes tacked all over the yolk-colored walls. The drop ceiling had watermarks, and the gray metal filing cabinet wedged in the corner was dented and scraped along the side.
He leaned back in a wrinkled leather chair, his loafer-clad foot crossed over his knee. He wore a pale pink, short-sleeved button-down dress shirt with a gray tie that might have been a clip-on. He didn’t look old, but he carried himself as though he were in his forties.
His top lip was covered with a brown mustache, and his eyes were magnified behind thick, wire-framed glasses. His hair was parted severely on the left of his crown.
As he read over her application, the quiet stockroom filled with the incessant flick, flick, flick of his pen as he twitched it between his fingers, tapping the edge of the paper.
Her memory retreated to a familiar place where a similar pen flicked. She was suddenly in Lucian’s office, beneath his desk. Her mind jerked out of that vivid memory and back into the present.
“It says here you’re twenty-three?”
“Yes, sir.”
He nodded, but didn’t look at her. “What did you do when you worked at Patras? That’s quite a different atmosphere than what you can expect at Clemons.”
You aren’t kidding. “I was in housekeeping.”
“And why did you leave your last job?”
Fuck. “I, um, I could still go back there. I left on okay terms. I just . . . it wasn’t for me.”
He looked at her then, his plain eyes swimming behind the augmented lenses of his glasses. “Being a floor clerk is no easy job, Evelyn. I wouldn’t want you to assume this job will be any easier.”
She held back an eye roll. “I’m sure it isn’t. I’m a hard worker, Mr. Gerhard. I just didn’t fit in so well with the people at Patras. I wanted a change of setting. That’s all.”
He smiled softly as if he had a secret. His smile didn’t show teeth. It was really just a curve of his hairy lip. She smiled back nervously.
“Call me Travis.” Leaning forward he placed the application on the desk. When he spoke, the scent of spearmint laced coffee wafted at her, but she remained still, plastering a serene expression on her face.
“Evelyn, I think you might be a good addition to our team here.”
Relief rose within her like a swarm of butterflies, but she held her breath as she noticed the manager’s reluctant expression. She waited, foot tapping incessantly, as he went on.
“You’ll be under a trial period for the first ninety days, in which you’ll report to me and I’ll be keeping a close eye on your performance. Clemons is a family name, and our customers depend on the community feel they get here that they don’t necessarily find at the more corporate grocers. It’s important that you always smile and make the customer feel as though they’re important. That’s the Clemons way.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Dress code is gray slacks and Clemons pink-issue dress shirt with a Clemons apron. Your appearance matters. If you’re ever working around the deli or fish department, you’re expected to wear a hairnet and gloves. You’ll likely be at the register for now, although you will have to stock from time to time.”
He stood and went to the dented filing cabinet. The drawer made an obnoxious scrape as it slid opened and rattled closed. When he returned to the desk, he was holding another form.
“You’ll need to fill out the proper tax forms and return with them before you start. Payday is the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Lateness is docked, and days off must be cleared ten days in advance.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
There were several job openings in the area, but only a few Scout felt capable enough to apply to. She and Parker sat on the carpet in the living room, various pages of classifieds strewn around them.“You should think about getting a license. There are lots of openings for drivers.”“I don’t have a car,” she said.“They give you a car or a truck.”“I don’t know. That all takes time. I need to make money now. I don’t want to stay here longer than I have to.”Parker’s eyes met hers. “Did he give you a time frame of when you had to . . .”She frowned. He said he’d be back in a month. She didn’t want to still be there by then, especially if he didn’t come back for her. Her heart would never survive more broken promises. “No. I’d just rather cut all ties.”His gaze lowered. Turning away from her so she could no longer read his expression, he said, “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. You know, you could be my roommate. I have a place. It isn’t much, but . . .”“Thanks Parker, but I think I want to do this on my own. I know what it feels like to have the rug pulled out from under me. I don’t want to be in that position ever again. You know what I mean?”“I would never abandon you like he did.”She didn’t believe that, but didn’t see the point in telling him. “I just need to do this for myself.”He nodded tightly. “How about waiting tables?”“I’d have to write.”He sighed. “You’re going to have to write with almost any job, Scout. We can work on it.”“I can deal with a job that requires minimal reading, but writing’s different. I’m slow and incredibly self-conscious. I can’t spell.”“Who cares? Not everyone’s a good speller.”“I’d just rather not have a job that requires it.”He looked back at the want ads. “Here’s an opening for models. You could be a model.”She hit him in the arm. “Shut up.”“I’m serious. You could!”“I don’t think so.”He shrugged and grumbled something. “How about a clerk at a grocery store? Clemons is hiring.”She thought for a minute. She’d have to scan things, but as far as reading, there wouldn’t be much required of her that she could think of. “How much is the pay?”His lips pursed. “About an eighth of what you’d make modeling.”“Forget the modeling!” She snatched the paper from him and searched. “Where is it?”“Here.” He pointed, scooting closer.“Eight dollars an hour, that’s not too bad. I made more at Patras though. Maybe I should see about getting my old job back.”A sour taste filled her mouth the minute the words left her. No, she couldn’t work in Lucian’s hotel ever again. What if she saw him? What if she saw him with someone else? Nausea swirled uncomfortably in her stomach.“I don’t think you should work at the hotel again.”"Ya, aku tahu. Itu hanya sebuah pikiran. Ini terlihat bagus."Parker mengambil kertas dan merobek iklan. Dia menuliskan daftar hal-hal yang dia harus menulis resume, seperti nomor jaminan sosial palsu, alamat, satu atau dua kalimat tentang mengapa ia akan menjadi calon yang baik untuk pekerjaan. Akan jauh lebih mudah untuk mengisi aplikasi jika dia punya jawaban yang dijabarkan untuknya."Apakah Anda memiliki telepon?""Ya." Dia pergi ke loket dan menemukan telepon Lucian memberinya. "Saya tidak tahu berapa lama lagi akan bekerja." Itu sedih melihat kotak pesan kosong. "Di sini, nomor dari belakang."Setelah mereka memiliki segalanya terorganisir, Pramuka membersihkan dirinya sendiri. Dia tidak tahu jika dia akan mewawancarai di tempat, jadi dia memilih celana coklat lembut, krim sweter dan unta berwarna sepatu bot. Mereka adalah pakaian keberanian Lucian telah membeli dirinya. Dia membutuhkan keberanian.Dia tidak merasa seperti meletakkan di make up, tetapi dia harus melakukan sesuatu tentang kantong di bawah mata, jadi dia dioleskan pada beberapa concealer dia ditemukan di tas wanita dan dioleskan sedikit gloss atas bibirnya. Yang harus melakukan.***Strip Clemons pasar berantakan dan berbau sedikit karton dan semacam minyak jeruk. Tn. Travis Gerhard, seorang pria yang tampak berada di awal dua puluhan, adalah asisten manajer. Setelah dia mengisi aplikasi nya, dia diarahkan dia untuk Strip yang disebut sebagai kantornya.There was a chunky brown desk in the center and schedules surrounded by other notes tacked all over the yolk-colored walls. The drop ceiling had watermarks, and the gray metal filing cabinet wedged in the corner was dented and scraped along the side.He leaned back in a wrinkled leather chair, his loafer-clad foot crossed over his knee. He wore a pale pink, short-sleeved button-down dress shirt with a gray tie that might have been a clip-on. He didn’t look old, but he carried himself as though he were in his forties.His top lip was covered with a brown mustache, and his eyes were magnified behind thick, wire-framed glasses. His hair was parted severely on the left of his crown.As he read over her application, the quiet stockroom filled with the incessant flick, flick, flick of his pen as he twitched it between his fingers, tapping the edge of the paper.Her memory retreated to a familiar place where a similar pen flicked. She was suddenly in Lucian’s office, beneath his desk. Her mind jerked out of that vivid memory and back into the present.“It says here you’re twenty-three?”“Yes, sir.”He nodded, but didn’t look at her. “What did you do when you worked at Patras? That’s quite a different atmosphere than what you can expect at Clemons.”You aren’t kidding. “I was in housekeeping.”“And why did you leave your last job?”Fuck. “I, um, I could still go back there. I left on okay terms. I just . . . it wasn’t for me.”Dia memandang kemudian, matanya polos berenang di balik lensa ditambah kacamatanya. "Menjadi pegawai lantai adalah tidak pekerjaan yang mudah, Evelyn. Saya tidak ingin Anda menganggap pekerjaan ini akan lebih mudah."Dia memegang kembali roll mata. "Saya yakin tidak. Saya seorang pekerja keras, Mr Gerhard. Aku hanya tidak cocok dengan baik dengan orang-orang di Patras. Aku ingin perubahan pengaturan. Itu adalah semua."Dia tersenyum lembut seolah-olah ia memiliki rahasia. Senyumnya tidak menunjukkan gigi. Itu benar-benar hanya sebuah kurva bibirnya berbulu. Dia tersenyum kembali gugup."Panggil Travis." Bersandar ke depan ia menempatkan aplikasi di atas meja. Ketika ia berbicara, aroma Spearmint dicampur kopi melayang padanya, tetapi dia tetap masih, plesteran ekspresi yang tenang di wajahnya."Evelyn, saya pikir Anda mungkin merupakan tambahan yang baik untuk tim kami di sini."Bantuan naik dalam dirinya seperti segerombolan kupu-kupu, tetapi dia memegang dia napas ketika ia melihat ekspresi enggan manajer. Ia menunggu, kaki penyadapan tanpa henti, seperti yang ia pergi."Anda akan di bawah masa percobaan untuk sembilan puluh hari pertama, di mana Anda akan melaporkan kepada saya dan saya akan tetap menutup mata pada kinerja Anda. Clemons adalah nama keluarga, dan pelanggan kami bergantung pada masyarakat merasa mereka mendapatkan di sini bahwa mereka tidak selalu menemukan di grosir perusahaan lebih. Penting bahwa Anda selalu tersenyum dan membuat pelanggan merasa seolah-olah mereka sedang penting. Itu adalah cara Clemons."“Yes, sir.”
“Dress code is gray slacks and Clemons pink-issue dress shirt with a Clemons apron. Your appearance matters. If you’re ever working around the deli or fish department, you’re expected to wear a hairnet and gloves. You’ll likely be at the register for now, although you will have to stock from time to time.”
He stood and went to the dented filing cabinet. The drawer made an obnoxious scrape as it slid opened and rattled closed. When he returned to the desk, he was holding another form.
“You’ll need to fill out the proper tax forms and return with them before you start. Payday is the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Lateness is docked, and days off must be cleared ten days in advance.”
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