It is important to recognize that a firm’s financial condition depends terjemahan - It is important to recognize that a firm’s financial condition depends Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It is important to recognize that a

It is important to recognize that a firm’s financial condition depends not only on the
functions of finance, but also on many other factors that include (1) management, marketing,
management production/operations, research and development, and management information
systems decisions; (2) actions by competitors, suppliers, distributors, creditors, customers, and
shareholders; and (3) economic, social, cultural, demographic, environmental, political,
governmental, legal, and technological trends.
In a global economic recession when consumers are price sensitive, many firms are
having to lower prices to compete. As a firm lowers prices, its breakeven (BE) point in
terms of units sold increases, as illustrated in Figure 4-4. The breakeven point can be
defined as the quantity of units that a firm must sell in order for its total revenues (TR) to
equal its total costs (TC). Note that the before and after chart in Figure 4-4 reveals that the
Total Revenue (TR) line rotates to the right with a decrease in Price, thus increasing the
Quantity (Q) that must be sold just to break even. Increasing the breakeven point is thus a
huge drawback of lowering prices. Of course when rivals are lowering prices, a firm may
have to lower prices anyway to compete. However, the breakeven concept should be kept
in mind because it is so important, especially in recessionary times.
Notice in Figure 4-5 that increasing Fixed Costs (FC) also raises a firm’s breakeven
quantity. Note the before and after chart in Figure 4-5 reveals that adding fixed costs such
as more stores or more plants as part of a strategic plan raises the Total Cost (TC) line,
which makes the intersection of the Total Cost (TC) and Total Revenue (TR) lines at a
point farther down the Quantity axis. Increasing a firm’s fixed costs (FC) thus significantly
raises the quantity of goods that must be sold to break even. This is not just theory for the
sake of theory. Firms with less fixed costs, such as Apple and, have
lower breakeven points, which give them a decided advantage in harsh economic times.
Figure 4-5 reveals that adding fixed costs (FC), such as plant, equipment, stores, advertising,
and land, may be detrimental whenever there is doubt that significantly more units can
be sold to offset those expenditures.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
It is important to recognize that a firm’s financial condition depends not only on thefunctions of finance, but also on many other factors that include (1) management, marketing,management production/operations, research and development, and management informationsystems decisions; (2) actions by competitors, suppliers, distributors, creditors, customers, andshareholders; and (3) economic, social, cultural, demographic, environmental, political,governmental, legal, and technological trends.In a global economic recession when consumers are price sensitive, many firms arehaving to lower prices to compete. As a firm lowers prices, its breakeven (BE) point interms of units sold increases, as illustrated in Figure 4-4. The breakeven point can bedefined as the quantity of units that a firm must sell in order for its total revenues (TR) toequal its total costs (TC). Note that the before and after chart in Figure 4-4 reveals that theTotal Revenue (TR) line rotates to the right with a decrease in Price, thus increasing theQuantity (Q) that must be sold just to break even. Increasing the breakeven point is thus ahuge drawback of lowering prices. Of course when rivals are lowering prices, a firm mayhave to lower prices anyway to compete. However, the breakeven concept should be keptin mind because it is so important, especially in recessionary times.Notice in Figure 4-5 that increasing Fixed Costs (FC) also raises a firm’s breakevenquantity. Note the before and after chart in Figure 4-5 reveals that adding fixed costs suchas more stores or more plants as part of a strategic plan raises the Total Cost (TC) line,which makes the intersection of the Total Cost (TC) and Total Revenue (TR) lines at apoint farther down the Quantity axis. Increasing a firm’s fixed costs (FC) thus significantlyraises the quantity of goods that must be sold to break even. This is not just theory for thesake of theory. Firms with less fixed costs, such as Apple and, havelower breakeven points, which give them a decided advantage in harsh economic times.Figure 4-5 reveals that adding fixed costs (FC), such as plant, equipment, stores, advertising,and land, may be detrimental whenever there is doubt that significantly more units canbe sold to offset those expenditures.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hal ini penting untuk mengakui bahwa kondisi keuangan perusahaan tidak hanya tergantung pada
fungsi keuangan, tetapi juga pada banyak faktor lain yang mencakup (1) manajemen, pemasaran,
produksi manajemen / operasi, penelitian dan pengembangan, dan informasi manajemen
sistem keputusan; (2) tindakan oleh pesaing, pemasok, distributor, kreditur, pelanggan, dan
pemegang saham; dan (3) ekonomi, sosial, budaya, demografi, lingkungan, politik,
tren pemerintah, hukum, dan teknologi.
Dalam resesi ekonomi global ketika konsumen adalah harga sensitif, banyak perusahaan yang
harus harga bersaing menurunkan. Sebagai sebuah perusahaan menurunkan harga, titik impas nya (BE) titik di
segi unit yang terjual meningkat, seperti yang diilustrasikan pada Gambar 4-4. Titik impas dapat
didefinisikan sebagai jumlah unit bahwa perusahaan harus menjual agar total pendapatan (TR) untuk
sama dengan total biaya nya (TC). Perhatikan bahwa grafik sebelum dan sesudah pada Gambar 4-4 mengungkapkan bahwa
Total Pendapatan (TR) jalur berputar ke kanan dengan penurunan Harga, sehingga meningkatkan
Kuantitas (Q) yang harus dijual untuk mencapai titik impas. Meningkatkan titik impas dengan demikian merupakan
kelemahan besar menurunkan harga. Tentu saja ketika saingan yang menurunkan harga, perusahaan mungkin
harus menurunkan harga tetap bersaing. Namun, konsep impas harus disimpan
dalam pikiran karena sangat penting, terutama dalam masa resesi.
Perhatikan pada Gambar 4-5 yang Biaya Tetap meningkat (FC) juga menimbulkan impas suatu perusahaan
kuantitas. Perhatikan sebelum dan sesudah grafik pada Gambar 4-5 menunjukkan bahwa menambahkan biaya tetap seperti
sebagai toko lagi atau lebih tanaman sebagai bagian dari rencana strategis menimbulkan Total Biaya (TC) line,
yang membuat persimpangan Total Biaya (TC) dan Total Pendapatan (TR) garis pada
titik jauh di bawah Kuantitas sumbu. Meningkatkan biaya suatu perusahaan tetap (FC) sehingga secara signifikan
meningkatkan jumlah barang yang harus dijual untuk mencapai titik impas. Ini bukan hanya teori untuk
kepentingan teori. Perusahaan dengan biaya kurang tetap, seperti Apple dan, memiliki
impas rendah poin, yang memberikan mereka keuntungan memutuskan di masa ekonomi yang keras.
Gambar 4-5 mengungkapkan bahwa menambahkan biaya tetap (FC), seperti pabrik, peralatan, toko , iklan,
dan tanah, dapat merugikan setiap kali ada keraguan bahwa secara signifikan lebih unit dapat
dijual untuk mengimbangi mereka pengeluaran.
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