Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Legenda IssumboshiAlkisah ada pasangan tua yang tidak memiliki anak. Mereka tinggal di sebuah rumah kecil dekat hutan desa. '' Harap memberikan kita seorang anak,'' mereka meminta Jahweh setiap hari Suatu hari, dari rumah tangga mezbah Shinto, mereka mendengar teriakan lucu, '' Waa! WAA!''Mereka melihat dan melihat bayi yang menangis yang tampak seperti jari kelingking. '' anak ini harus hadiah dari Tuhan. Syukur kepada Allah!'' '' Kami eill memanggil anak ini 'issumboshi' '' mereka berkata. Mereka mengangkat issumboshi dengan terlalu peduli, tapi Issumboshi tidak pernah tumbuh lebih besar.'' Hei, issumboshi, Apakah Anda ingin untuk dimakan oleh katak?''Issumboshi adalah selalu diganggu oleh anak-anak desa dan sering pulang merasa bahagia.Nenek akan membuat beberapa beras besar bola dan mendorongnya. '' Makan banyak, dan tumbuh dengan cepat,'' kata nenek. Suatu hari, Issumboshi berkata, "aku akan pergi ke ibukota untuk belajar dan menjadi orang yang terhormat. Maka aku akan datang kembali. '' Granfather dan nenek khawatir tentang dia, tetapi issumboshi's pikiran tidak dapat diubah. Sekaligus mereka mulai mempersiapkan diri untuk perjalanan. Issumboshi menyarungkan pedang jarum dalam jerami kasus, mengenakan cangkir untuk topi sedge, dan mulai dengan sumpit staf, dalam semangat yang tinggi.'' aku akan sekarang, '' kata issumboshi.'' adalah ia aman? Dengan tubuh kecil?'' Kakek andGrandmother bertanya sebagai mereka melihatnya.Issumboshi went on the trip with a big wish in a small body............................. At last Issumboshi reached the capital city and anchored under the bridge. Then he climbed up to the railing and ciewed the town.‘’ there is a fine palace over there. I shall ask them at once.’’At long last issumboshi arrived at the palace.‘’excuse me, but i want to meet the feudal lord.’’The lord came to the door, ‘’What? Who’s there?’’‘’Here Iam, at your feet.’’‘’ Oh. How small! Why do you want to meet me?’’‘’ Please let me be your retainer.’’‘’ I wonder if your very small body can do anything.’’‘’I’ll stay in your pocket and guard you from all harm.’’ When Issumboshi said so, a bee came buzzing by. ‘’ yhaa! Issumboshi yelled, stabbing the bee. ‘’Bravo! I employ you. It would be good if you became the Princess’s man.’’‘’ oh! What a cute fellow he is!’’ said the Princess, putting issmuboshi on her palm‘’ I will defend you upon my life,’’ said Issumboshi.The Princess liked Issumboshi, and she taught him reading, writing, and various studies. Further, Issumboshi practiced fencing very hard in order to be strong. One day the Princess went out to worship at the Kiyomizu Temple. Suddenly there was a strong wond , and some demonsappeared.the leaderof thedemons tried to grab the Princess.‘’ help me! She screamed. Iddumboshi tried to help her, but the demon caught him and threw ahim into his mouth. Issumboshi, who was swallowed, jabbed and jabbed the demon’s stomach. The demon rolled over and spat out Issumboshi. Issumboshi jumped at the demon and stabbed his eyes. The remaining demons were frightened. They ran away in great haste, but one demon, who was left behind, tembled while holding the magic hammer.‘’ do you want meto stab your eyes, too?’’ Issumbsohi asked.‘’ Please, don’t. This is the magic hammer that will grant you a wish. I give it to you, so please spare me. ‘’ and saying this, he ran off in a hurry.‘’ thank you, Issumboshi. You have saved my life,’’ the Princess said.‘’ princess, please wace tis magic hammer and make a wish that I may become big,’’ said Issumbsohi. The princess waved it and asked, ‘’ may Issumbsohi become big!’’ And then, strangely, before her eyes,Issumboshi began to grow. He grew into a nice young man. They went back to the palace and the proncess asked the to let her marry Issumboshi. The Princess and Issumboshi then got married, and they invited Grandfather and Grandmother to live with ther in the palace. They lived happily ever after.
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