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[Guide] Detailed Owners Guide to Your Grand Warden...and explanations for everyone else who wondered how on earth he works!u/DragonBard_Z50dThe Warden has two abilities, one passive (always on as long as warden is alive on offense and defense both, avaliable at level 1, and increases with each level), and one active (available at level 5, increases every 5 levels, triggerable once per attack, limited in duration.Life AuraLife Aura is the passive ability. It gives a percent boost to the existing hp of anything in the aura. At level 1 warden it's 20%. So a unit with 100 hp will have 120 hp when in the aura. But it doesn't really get 20 extra hp that it loses or gains once it's in or out of the circle...think of the unit as having two health bars...normal and boosted. So if it's at 100 hp, enters wardens circle it gets 120 hp. If it takes 20 hp damage while within wardens circle it has 100 hp of boosted health. Now it leaves the circle...and it loses the 20% buff. 100 remaining/120%=83 hp (83.3 rounded down) remaining.Another way to think of it though that's probably easier is that while it's in the warden aura is that it takes less damage. you can do math, but that level 1 warden basically makes it so the units in its circle take damage at a rate of 83.3%Every warden level increases the passive buff. Max is 50% increase from a level 20 warden.There is a maximum number of hit points a unit can gain from the buff: this is to prevent the warden from being overpowered with other heroes or with mass tank attacks. The max hp buff to each unit is also increased with each level (from 70 at level 1 to 275 at level 20).The buff will apply to air and ground troops and also to heroes, no matter his setting.Btw, same buff is used on defense and applies to heroes and defending troops. I don't really see people consider that a whole lot but that's one argument for sticking warden in the middle of your other heroes! Would be helpful if you could get his statue neat by where cc troops will be engaged in defense as well, though good luck making that happen reliably!note: due to controversy from online sources, I tested if he was able to buff the buildings. The wikia is incorrect...he does not.The area of affect is indicated by the circle visible around the warden both on offense and defense.One interesting side note: because the buff is a % buff increase to a total, and health bars are a percent of a total, a troop partially damaged will have the same % of its available total even if it moves in and out of buff unless impacted by the max hp increase limit. This means that you generally won't see a sudden jump or slip in the health bars when the buff is applied or removed even if the hp remaining is indeed being impacted.Eternal TomeActive ability: Eternal tome. This one increases every 5 warden levels and is available starting at level 5. Anything in the wsrden's area of effect circle when it's activated becomes invincible (including heroes) for a length determined by level of ability with max of 5 sec.Unlike the queens ability, which makes her untargetable, defenses will still target the units: they just don't do any damage. Anything that was in the circle at time of activation remains invincible throughout the duration of the ability whether it stays in the circle or not.Also, invincible things can be healed no matter what else is going on. The benefit of this is that while an inferno beam won't be broken or reset, your heal (or healers) will work for as long as the ability lasts if an it is targeting units.One thing that's worth noting about warden ability vs queen ability is this: anything that triggered before queen ability was hit will still damage her, as the targeting happened before the ability applied. Say a giant bomb or an eagle blast. Once it's shot or triggered, the damage will still land and apply when it does even if she cloaks in between. If you've ever cloaked after an eagle targeted, you probably
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