Here is your desk, Hinata.

Here is your desk, Hinata." She fol

Here is your desk, Hinata." She followed behind her cousin as he walked her through the top floor of Doujutsu, Neji's office was on a higher floor than her own apartment. "As I've already showed you the bathroom and kitchen we have up her, they are only really used by the four of us up here, and occasionally the security guards."

He directed her to the large desk. "That's an ergonomic chair and keyboard, you'll be looking at the computer monitor a lot, so remember to take a short break away from it every hour or so. The monitor's stand is height and distance adjustable, so keep it at eye level at a comfortable distance Other than that, that is the tour of the 35th floor. If you have any further questions, just see me or see Karin. She is Sasuke's PA and Secretary, she's been here almost since opening day." Neji finished with a small, courteous smile, pointing behind him to a red haired woman around her own age sitting at a desk similar to hers on the opposite side of the large office space.

"Umm… Neji…" She began timidly, maybe she just shouldn't ask, Neji had already gifted her so much she didn't want to sound greedy. "I was just wondering, about a possible finish time. I was wondering if I could… if it would be possible if I-"

"Here is your contract, Hinata." Neji interjected, handing her an envelope. "You start at nine, and you finish at three, unless of course I urgently need you to stay later. But I'll give you plenty of notice beforehand should that be the case, and know that Tenten is always willing to help you out. If I need you to stay, she has agreed to pick them up." He gave her another smile, causing her to smile back gratefully. "I'll be in my office Hinata, I won't require you to stay past three today. I have a meeting at that time, but it's nothing I can't handle myself."

She nodded appreciatively, Hanabi was still to pick her children up at school today, but she could head home and prepare a dinner for all four of them.

She sat down at her desk, taking out of her bag a picture of herself and her two children and placing it on the wooden furniture. "Hey." She heard a woman call out, looking up she saw the red haired woman who previously sat outside a desk in front of the only other door that lead to an office. "Name's Karin. Karin Uzumaki, as Neji-san said, I'm Sasuke-san's secretary." She spoke cheerfully.

"H-Hello, my name is Hinata Hyuuga." She replied with a smile, she continued when she saw Karin's brow raise at her last name. "Neji-nii-san- I mean, Neji-san is my cousin."

"Oh, you must be the one Naruto was talking about!" Karin spoke happily. "I didn't know you were to be working here!"

"N-Naruto-san?" She looked at the red haired woman in confusion, thinking of the kind, blond man she had met only a few days ago. Apparently he had spoken about her, and judging by Karin's reaction, it was at least in a good light. But a part of her couldn't help but wonder how this Karin knew Naruto.

"Yeah I got a girlfriend."

Her eyes widened, her mind recalling the words he spoke at her apartment. She looked up at Karin, if this was the woman he mentioned, she could see why he would fall for her. She had a slim build, like Sakura, whom strangers would believe she was a model and not a doctor. She also had deep red eyes framed wonderfully by glasses and vibrant, beautiful long red hair she had tied back into a ponytail.

"Yeah, the big doofus is my cousin!" She beamed for a second, and Hinata could almost see a resemblance between them in the way they both smiled. "I always thought cousins were meant to not look alike, but damn, you and Neji could totally pass off as siblings!"

Hinata found it odd that she sighed in relief at the knowledge of how Karin and Naruto were related, as if the knowledge gave birth to a window of opportunity, not that it did though. As Naruto did say he had a girlfriend, and she barely knew him! "W-Well, Neji's father and my father were identical twins. S-So genetically speaking, you could say we are kind of like siblings."

"No kidding." Karin chuckled, before her eyes darted towards the picture she had place on her desk. "Ah, already personalising your workspace? I like it, show's you want to be here for the long run! I love it here myself!" She grinned, before taking the picture and spinning the picture so she could take a look. "Who are these kids?"

"T-They are my children…" Hinata gulped, she would remember past stares she would receive when she told people she had children, stares of disapproval, and stares of discontent.

"Really?" Karin asked, "No offence, but I didn't think you looked a day over twenty-five. How old are they?"

"I-I am twenty-five. And they just turned seven a few months ago. The boy is named Bolt, the girl Himawari." Hinata replied quietly.

"They're cute." Karin responded with a sweet smile. "Himawari looks a lot like you. But Bolt…" She paused for a moment, Hinata could see her eyes focus on the side of the picture where Bolt was. "He doesn't really look like you, but for some strange reason. He looks really familiar…"

"Oh no, he hasn't pulled a prank on you in the past, has he?" The blue haired woman asked worriedly, she always had a fear when people said they recognised Bolt, as it was usually followed by them confessing a prank he had pulled on them. Even random strangers to her would recognise him for his pranks!

"No! If he did, he would know about it!" Karin chuckled lightly. "I grew up with Naruto, there isn't a prank your kid could pull that I haven't seen before, or I wouldn't be able to counter!"

Hinata giggled back towards the red haired woman. "Anyways, if you need anything I'll be right over there. But I should warn you now, in the event myself or Neji aren't around, it is not, I repeat NOT a good idea to disturb Sasuke-san with your query. Sasuke-san hates to be disturbed."

"Man I hate wearing these things!" The blond man grumbled loudly as he pulled on the orange tie around his neck, it stuck out from his black suit with a white shirt underneath. "And why are you here, Shikamaru?" He turned to see his black haired friend, similarly dressed in a black suit and tie leaning against the wall to his room.

"To make sure you put that on." He replied in a dragged out voice. "I know you can walk into our meetings wearing shorts and sandals, but this is an important meeting with a potential business partner. You have to look the part."

"I get it, man, jeez." Naruto whined loudly, adjusting the tie a few more times until it felt at least partially comfortable. "Do you really think we can get this deal, Shikamaru?"

"Yeah, they need us as much as we need them." Shikamaru nodded quickly. "I want this to be an amicable partnership obviously that benefits both parties mutually to the greatest extent. But we live in troublesome times, so I've done some digging. If push comes to shove I can have them eating out the palm of our hands if I need to."
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Here is your desk, Hinata." She followed behind her cousin as he walked her through the top floor of Doujutsu, Neji's office was on a higher floor than her own apartment. "As I've already showed you the bathroom and kitchen we have up her, they are only really used by the four of us up here, and occasionally the security guards."He directed her to the large desk. "That's an ergonomic chair and keyboard, you'll be looking at the computer monitor a lot, so remember to take a short break away from it every hour or so. The monitor's stand is height and distance adjustable, so keep it at eye level at a comfortable distance Other than that, that is the tour of the 35th floor. If you have any further questions, just see me or see Karin. She is Sasuke's PA and Secretary, she's been here almost since opening day." Neji finished with a small, courteous smile, pointing behind him to a red haired woman around her own age sitting at a desk similar to hers on the opposite side of the large office space."Umm… Neji…" She began timidly, maybe she just shouldn't ask, Neji had already gifted her so much she didn't want to sound greedy. "I was just wondering, about a possible finish time. I was wondering if I could… if it would be possible if I-""Here is your contract, Hinata." Neji interjected, handing her an envelope. "You start at nine, and you finish at three, unless of course I urgently need you to stay later. But I'll give you plenty of notice beforehand should that be the case, and know that Tenten is always willing to help you out. If I need you to stay, she has agreed to pick them up." He gave her another smile, causing her to smile back gratefully. "I'll be in my office Hinata, I won't require you to stay past three today. I have a meeting at that time, but it's nothing I can't handle myself."She nodded appreciatively, Hanabi was still to pick her children up at school today, but she could head home and prepare a dinner for all four of them.She sat down at her desk, taking out of her bag a picture of herself and her two children and placing it on the wooden furniture. "Hey." She heard a woman call out, looking up she saw the red haired woman who previously sat outside a desk in front of the only other door that lead to an office. "Name's Karin. Karin Uzumaki, as Neji-san said, I'm Sasuke-san's secretary." She spoke cheerfully."H-Hello, my name is Hinata Hyuuga." She replied with a smile, she continued when she saw Karin's brow raise at her last name. "Neji-nii-san- I mean, Neji-san is my cousin.""Oh, you must be the one Naruto was talking about!" Karin spoke happily. "I didn't know you were to be working here!"
"N-Naruto-san?" She looked at the red haired woman in confusion, thinking of the kind, blond man she had met only a few days ago. Apparently he had spoken about her, and judging by Karin's reaction, it was at least in a good light. But a part of her couldn't help but wonder how this Karin knew Naruto.

"Yeah I got a girlfriend."

Her eyes widened, her mind recalling the words he spoke at her apartment. She looked up at Karin, if this was the woman he mentioned, she could see why he would fall for her. She had a slim build, like Sakura, whom strangers would believe she was a model and not a doctor. She also had deep red eyes framed wonderfully by glasses and vibrant, beautiful long red hair she had tied back into a ponytail.

"Yeah, the big doofus is my cousin!" She beamed for a second, and Hinata could almost see a resemblance between them in the way they both smiled. "I always thought cousins were meant to not look alike, but damn, you and Neji could totally pass off as siblings!"

Hinata found it odd that she sighed in relief at the knowledge of how Karin and Naruto were related, as if the knowledge gave birth to a window of opportunity, not that it did though. As Naruto did say he had a girlfriend, and she barely knew him! "W-Well, Neji's father and my father were identical twins. S-So genetically speaking, you could say we are kind of like siblings."

"No kidding." Karin chuckled, before her eyes darted towards the picture she had place on her desk. "Ah, already personalising your workspace? I like it, show's you want to be here for the long run! I love it here myself!" She grinned, before taking the picture and spinning the picture so she could take a look. "Who are these kids?"

"T-They are my children…" Hinata gulped, she would remember past stares she would receive when she told people she had children, stares of disapproval, and stares of discontent.

"Really?" Karin asked, "No offence, but I didn't think you looked a day over twenty-five. How old are they?"

"I-I am twenty-five. And they just turned seven a few months ago. The boy is named Bolt, the girl Himawari." Hinata replied quietly.

"They're cute." Karin responded with a sweet smile. "Himawari looks a lot like you. But Bolt…" She paused for a moment, Hinata could see her eyes focus on the side of the picture where Bolt was. "He doesn't really look like you, but for some strange reason. He looks really familiar…"

"Oh no, he hasn't pulled a prank on you in the past, has he?" The blue haired woman asked worriedly, she always had a fear when people said they recognised Bolt, as it was usually followed by them confessing a prank he had pulled on them. Even random strangers to her would recognise him for his pranks!

"No! If he did, he would know about it!" Karin chuckled lightly. "I grew up with Naruto, there isn't a prank your kid could pull that I haven't seen before, or I wouldn't be able to counter!"

Hinata giggled back towards the red haired woman. "Anyways, if you need anything I'll be right over there. But I should warn you now, in the event myself or Neji aren't around, it is not, I repeat NOT a good idea to disturb Sasuke-san with your query. Sasuke-san hates to be disturbed."

"Man I hate wearing these things!" The blond man grumbled loudly as he pulled on the orange tie around his neck, it stuck out from his black suit with a white shirt underneath. "And why are you here, Shikamaru?" He turned to see his black haired friend, similarly dressed in a black suit and tie leaning against the wall to his room.

"To make sure you put that on." He replied in a dragged out voice. "I know you can walk into our meetings wearing shorts and sandals, but this is an important meeting with a potential business partner. You have to look the part."

"I get it, man, jeez." Naruto whined loudly, adjusting the tie a few more times until it felt at least partially comfortable. "Do you really think we can get this deal, Shikamaru?"

"Yeah, they need us as much as we need them." Shikamaru nodded quickly. "I want this to be an amicable partnership obviously that benefits both parties mutually to the greatest extent. But we live in troublesome times, so I've done some digging. If push comes to shove I can have them eating out the palm of our hands if I need to."
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Berikut adalah meja Anda, Hinata. "Dia mengikuti di belakang sepupunya sambil berjalan dia melalui lantai atas Doujutsu, kantor Neji berada di lantai yang lebih tinggi daripada apartemen sendiri." Seperti yang saya sudah menunjukkan Anda kamar mandi dan dapur yang kita miliki up nya, mereka hanya benar-benar digunakan oleh kami berempat di sini, dan kadang-kadang para penjaga keamanan. " Ia mengarahkan dia ke meja besar. "Itu kursi ergonomis dan keyboard, Anda akan melihat komputer memantau banyak , jadi ingatlah untuk mengambil istirahat singkat dari setiap jam atau lebih. Stand monitor adalah tinggi dan jarak disesuaikan, sehingga tetap pada tingkat mata pada jarak yang nyaman Selain itu, itu adalah tur lantai ke-35. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut, hanya melihat saya atau melihat Karin. Dia adalah Sasuke PA dan Sekretaris, dia sudah di sini hampir sejak hari pembukaan. "Neji selesai dengan kecil, senyum sopan, menunjuk belakangnya dengan seorang wanita berambut merah di sekitar usia sendiri duduk di meja yang sama dengan miliknya di sisi berlawanan dari ruang kantor yang besar. "Umm ... Neji ..." Dia mulai takut-takut, mungkin dia hanya tidak harus bertanya, Neji sudah berbakat begitu banyak dia tidak ingin terdengar serakah. "Aku hanya ingin tahu, tentang kemungkinan waktu selesai. Aku bertanya-tanya apakah saya bisa ... jika itu akan mungkin jika aku- " "Inilah kontrak Anda, Hinata." Neji menyela, sambil menyerahkan amplop. "Anda mulai sembilan, dan Anda selesai di tiga, kecuali tentu saja saya segera Anda perlu tetap nanti. Tapi aku akan memberi lebih banyak pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu harus yang terjadi, dan tahu bahwa Tenten selalu bersedia untuk membantu Anda keluar. Jika aku ingin kau tinggal, ia telah setuju untuk menjemput mereka. "Dia memberi senyum lain, menyebabkan dia tersenyum kembali syukur." Aku akan berada di kantor saya Hinata, aku tidak akan meminta Anda untuk tetap melewati tiga hari . Aku punya pertemuan pada waktu itu, tapi tidak apa-apa aku tidak bisa menangani sendiri. " Dia mengangguk penuh penghargaan, Hanabi masih memilih anak-anaknya di sekolah hari ini, tapi dia bisa pulang dan menyiapkan makan malam untuk semua empat dari mereka. Dia duduk di mejanya, mengambil tasnya foto dirinya dan kedua anaknya dan menempatkannya pada furnitur kayu. "Hey." Dia mendengar seorang wanita memanggil, melihat ke atas ia melihat wanita berambut merah yang sebelumnya duduk luar meja di depan satu-satunya pintu lain yang mengarah ke kantor. "Nama itu Karin. Karin Uzumaki, seperti Neji-san mengatakan, aku sekretaris Sasuke-san. "Dia berbicara dengan riang. "H-Halo, nama saya adalah Hinata Hyuuga." Dia menjawab sambil tersenyum, ia melanjutkan ketika melihat Karin alis kenaikan padanya Nama terakhir. "Neji-nii-San- Maksudku, Neji-san adalah sepupu saya." "Oh, Anda harus menjadi orang yang Naruto bicarakan!" Karin berbicara dengan gembira. "Aku tidak tahu kau akan bekerja di sini! " "N-Naruto-san?" Dia melihat wanita berambut merah dalam kebingungan, berpikir semacam itu, pria berambut pirang dia bertemu hanya beberapa hari yang lalu. Rupanya ia telah berbicara tentang dirinya, dan menilai oleh reaksi Karin, itu setidaknya dalam cahaya yang baik. Tapi sebagian dirinya tidak bisa membantu tetapi bertanya-tanya bagaimana Karin ini tahu Naruto. "Ya aku punya pacar." Matanya melebar, pikirannya mengingat kata-kata yang berbicara di apartemennya. Dia menatap Karin, jika ini adalah wanita yang disebutkan, ia bisa melihat mengapa ia akan jatuh untuknya. Dia telah membangun ramping, seperti Sakura, yang orang asing akan percaya dia adalah model dan bukan dokter. Dia juga memiliki merah tua mata berbingkai mengagumkan oleh gelas dan bersemangat, rambut merah panjang yang indah ia telah mengikat kembali ke ekor kuda. "Ya, doofus besar adalah sepupu saya!" Dia tersenyum sejenak, dan Hinata hampir bisa melihat kemiripan di antara mereka dalam cara mereka keduanya tersenyum. "Saya selalu berpikir sepupu itu dimaksudkan untuk tidak terlihat sama, tapi sialan, Anda dan Neji benar-benar bisa menyaru sebagai saudara!" Hinata merasa aneh bahwa ia menghela napas lega pada pengetahuan tentang bagaimana Karin dan Naruto yang terkait, seolah-olah pengetahuan melahirkan jendela kesempatan, bukan bahwa hal itu sekalipun. Seperti Naruto bilang dia punya pacar, dan dia nyaris tidak mengenalnya! "W-Yah, ayah Neji dan ayah saya adalah kembar identik. S-Jadi berbicara secara genetik, bisa dibilang kita jenis seperti saudara." "Tidak main-main." Karin tertawa, di depan matanya melesat ke arah gambar dia punya tempat di mejanya. "Ah, sudah personalisasi ruang kerja Anda? Saya menyukainya, acara Anda ingin berada di sini untuk jangka panjang! Saya suka di sini sendiri!" Dia tersenyum, sebelum mengambil gambar dan berputar gambar sehingga dia bisa melihat. "Siapa anak-anak ini?" "T-Mereka adalah anak-anak saya ..." Hinata menelan ludah, ia akan ingat tatapan masa lalu dia akan menerima ketika dia mengatakan kepada orang-orang yang memiliki anak-anak, tatapan ketidaksetujuan, dan tatapan ketidakpuasan. "Benarkah?" Karin bertanya, "Jangan tersinggung, tapi saya tidak berpikir Anda melihat hari selama dua puluh lima. Berapa usia mereka?" "II am dua puluh lima. Dan mereka hanya berubah tujuh beberapa bulan yang lalu. Anak itu bernama Bolt , gadis Himawari. " Hinata menjawab dengan tenang. "Mereka lucu." Karin menanggapi dengan senyum manis. "Himawari banyak terlihat seperti Anda. Tapi Bolt ..." Dia berhenti sejenak, Hinata bisa melihat matanya fokus pada sisi gambar mana Bolt adalah. "Dia tidak benar-benar terlihat seperti Anda, tapi untuk beberapa alasan aneh. Dia tampak benar-benar akrab ..." "Oh tidak, dia tidak menarik lelucon pada Anda di masa lalu, kan?" Wanita berambut biru bertanya cemas, ia selalu memiliki rasa takut ketika orang mengatakan mereka mengakui Bolt, seperti yang biasanya diikuti oleh mereka mengakui lelucon ia ditarik pada mereka. Bahkan orang asing acak padanya akan mengenalinya untuk pranks nya! "Tidak! Jika dia melakukannya, dia akan tahu tentang hal itu!" Karin tertawa ringan. "Aku dibesarkan dengan Naruto, tidak ada lelucon anak Anda bisa menarik bahwa saya belum pernah melihat sebelumnya, atau saya tidak akan mampu menandingi!" Hinata terkikik kembali ke wanita berambut merah. "Lagi pula, jika Anda butuh sesuatu dan akan segera di sana. Tapi saya harus memperingatkan Anda sekarang, dalam acara sendiri atau Neji tidak sekitar, tidak, saya ulangi tidak ide yang baik untuk mengganggu Sasuke-san dengan Anda query. Sasuke-san benci diganggu. " "Man Aku benci memakai hal-hal ini!" Pria berambut pirang menggerutu keras sambil mengenakan dasi oranye di lehernya, ia terjebak dari setelan hitam dengan kemeja putih di bawahnya. "Dan mengapa kau di sini, Shikamaru?" Dia berbalik untuk melihat teman berambut hitam, sama mengenakan setelan hitam dan dasi bersandar di dinding kamarnya. "Untuk memastikan Anda menempatkan bahwa pada." Dia menjawab dengan diseret keluar suara. "Saya tahu Anda bisa berjalan ke pertemuan kami mengenakan celana pendek dan sandal, tapi ini adalah pertemuan penting dengan mitra bisnis potensial. Anda harus melihat bagian." "Aku mengerti, manusia, ya ampun." Naruto merengek keras, menyesuaikan dasi beberapa kali sampai rasanya setidaknya sebagian nyaman. "Apakah Anda benar-benar berpikir kita bisa mendapatkan kesepakatan ini, Shikamaru?" "Ya, mereka membutuhkan kita sebanyak yang kita membutuhkannya." Shikamaru mengangguk cepat. "Saya ingin ini menjadi kemitraan damai jelas yang menguntungkan kedua belah pihak saling semaksimal. Tapi kita hidup di zaman sulit, jadi saya sudah melakukan beberapa penggalian. Jika push datang untuk mendorong saya dapat memiliki mereka makan di luar telapak kami tangan jika saya perlu. "

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