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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1485: Harbor evil intentions!( Third) „Ninth.” Meng Hao gains ground, looks at that three Dao Lord, slowly to open mouth.These four Dao Lord one [smiles | hears], each one no longer said a word, knew Meng Hao is not in Sect, they did not have the interest, in this boundless Lu Shan, although had dirty matters in some Sect, even in fought also sometimes occurred, may more often, the benefit and hatred has not been in the certain extent, nobody is willing in this trial, to make lets own damage the matter.Four people pay no attention to Meng Hao, Meng Hao has not looked to them , to continue stand forth, after arriving in these four people of same groundings, Meng Hao footsteps, stares at present beyond one.These four people sit cross-legged to sit here, have the reason obviously, but the reason is Meng Hao, Meng Hao is well aware.„Doesn't dare to go out this step Dao Lord?” Meng Hao looking pensive, he remembers that the beforehand these people once said the third disaster, so the judgment, Meng Hao also probably knew itself to go out every time for three years, the boundary of meets, was the disaster that these people said.„The first disaster is ten times, second plunders 20 times, the third disaster is 50 times, then at present this fourth disaster, is it possible that is hundred times of inadequate.” When Meng Hao hesitates, in not far away four people, to open mouth inquired Meng Hao that Dao Lord before, at this moment opens eyes."Bencana yang keempat ini, adalah seratus kali tekanan, sedikit teman terbaik lebih berhati-hati, meskipun sebelum Apakah tidak tahu Anda, bagaimana berjalan, tetapi tempat ini empat sumber budidaya, belum menginjak menjadi pelarian yang sempit."Meng Hao mendengar [kata-kata/bahwa] ternyata sekitar, mengingatkan Tuhan Dao sendiri untuk melakukan menyembah ketika menuju yang membuka mulut, berubah sepanjang, nya bernapas dalam-dalam, setelah diam-diam penghakiman, matanya dua menghindar, di menjadi terkejut dari bahwa empat Dao Tuhan, mereka melihat Meng Hao di sini, pergi satu langkah ke arah depan!"Ia adalah pacaran mati!" Empat orang menatap, dalam pikiran muncul kata-kata ini pada saat yang sama, mereka melihat Meng Hao setelah jejak jatuh, bang tubuh.Mata telanjang jelas, kedua kakinya runtuh langsung, half-length nya memadamkan rusak, kedua lengan menjadi kabut darah, bertubuh ini tiba-tiba, oleh itu seratus kali tekanan, instan dibatalkan secara langsung!Dalam kabut darah itu, hanya tersisa kepala, saat ini demikian juga dalam mengganggu, adalah hanya selain kepala, dalam kabut darah, memiliki 108 jiwa lampu mengesankan, di ini saat tiga pembakaran, lainnya, meskipun memadamkan, tetapi sebenarnya keseluruhan mengirimkan cahaya aneh.Tapi ketika Meng Hao di sini, hanya tersisa kepala, mengirim deru rendah diam, vena biru meledak, lampu jiwa semua nya dalam tubuh, lengkap bereaksi, ketiga lampu jiwa pengapian, berkelap-kelip keluar satu!After extinguishes, the blood fog of Meng Hao dispersing, is similar to the time reverses, condensed instant, has formed the Meng Hao stature, this stature was as before broken, when may make Meng Hao slow the one breath, the blood blowout, the body fell down directly.When that hundred times of pressure, his body shivers, sitting cross-legged of struggling, has closed the eye, after the revolution within the body soul lamp goes out the eruption of vitality and Cultivation, insists and resists fully.„Is impossible!” Outside that four Dao Lord, stood up completely the body, in the look has revealed to shock with is unable to believe that four people of breath shortness, the eyeball is about to stare.„His he shouldered unexpectedly!”„This is the fourth disaster that only four sources can step into, even if we, does not dare to go out this step!”„My clear remembers for 30 years ago, seventh flame fire Dao Lord, he when going out, instantaneous destroy both body and soul” four people of mind humming sound, dull looks at Meng Hao here, complete holding breath tone.„, Just now in the human body of seeing, are 108 soul lamps, the illusion?” After long time, one of them muttered suddenly whispers.His words, other three people of once more holding breath tones, their former attention in Meng Hao goes out in this successfully, has neglected the Meng Hao soul lamp, at this moment remembers, looks at each other in blank diamay, saw each other in the look with amazement."Dalam aliran, ketika meninggalkan seperti bakat monstruous?""Saya perhatikan nya jiwa lampu, sisa dua yang masih hanya pencahayaan, jika dua yang akhir juga memadamkan, apa gelar anak ini akan?" Setelah lama, empat orang bernapas dalam-dalam, shock item.
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