#1324: The agreement of tiger firm star! ( First ) In Seventh Mountain terjemahan - #1324: The agreement of tiger firm star! ( First ) In Seventh Mountain Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1324: The agreement of tiger firm

#1324: The agreement of tiger firm star! ( First )

In Seventh Mountain and Sea, along with spreading of Meng Hao words, these if originally did not have vitality cultivator, presented the bright glow gradually, even there is a breathing even more rapidly.
They are looking at Meng Hao, before Meng Hao extinguished killed the alien race that strikes, at this moment reappeared gradually in their mind, in addition the Meng Hao words, let the names of this place all cultivator mind reacted, in mind even more intense.
„Dao Senior!!”
Meng Hao displays, divulges with its words, told all people, his present strength, but this strength, in the Mountains and Seas Plane war, will play the important role.
These cultivator do not understand too, is not willing to consider that 33 days of terrifying strength, they in the despair, any root straw, can make them hold stubbornly.
If at this moment, their lit the hope, to them, such as Meng Hao such cultivator, already was the Mountains and Seas Plane person of peak, such person has not lost the hope, lost the confidence, he said that to these Seventh Mountain and Sea cultivator, they believes!
„Fights this character, is our Mountains and Seas Plane says, then this time makes war ... It is not 33 days fights us, but is we ... Fights these 33 days!”
„Holds these 33 days, lets our Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator, can gain ground, sees the genuine starry sky!” When Meng Hao sound reverberation, these Seventh Mountain and Sea cultivator, vision even more is bright.
But this, but also is far from enough, Meng Hao is looking at them, his heart, raised suddenly a crazy thought that he understands that he sees, is far from an exceptional case, thinks that in present Mountains and Seas Plane, in any mountain and sea, has such train of thought to reappear in numerous mountain and sea cultivator heart.
Perhaps degree of performance varies, some people can suppress to change to the murderous intention, some shiver loses Fighting Intent frightened, if so. Then war ... Perhaps did not have the hope.
Meng Hao from clearly becomes aware since this war difficult that moment, he also understood a truth, the war ... Needs the hero, same does not need the hero!
Reason that needs the hero. That is because of needing a spirit!
And does not need, that is because ... A person, is unable to win a war, even if were better than once Jiufeng Paragon, same was ... The country broken in the mountains and rivers.
War. What need is the unity, but a nationality, needs also unites!
Only then unites, only then mountain and sea cultivation own rising, only then the dreadfulness of that mental, ... Let Mountains and Seas Plane, erupts indomitably, pledges to fight to the death to run out of 33 days of imposing manners and strengths!
„I need to handle a matter ...” Meng Hao muttered in a soft voice, he every so often, has not regarded himself the Mountains and Seas Plane master truly. He always thought that he is the host of future Mountains and Seas Plane.
„Perhaps, I made a mistake ... If no future, does not have Lord of the Mountain and Sea ...” The light in Meng Hao, in this flickers, the fine glow dodges, he gains ground, looks in the starry sky the mainland of first day, in his mind that crazy thought that at this moment even more intense. Meng Hao innermost feelings breathes deeply, whatever this thought ferments when the mind, turns around, already with Yuwen Jian. Moves toward Tiger Cage Planet.
His behind, these Seventh Mountain and Sea cultivator, were obviously more than before a spirit, they stare at the Meng Hao back, in their hearts, wisp of flame appears at this moment. Is lighting slowly.
Conceivable, if this flame can spread, when entire Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator, the fire of innermost feelings is burning, will cause entire Mountains and Seas Plane, in the raging flame, either burns oneself, either combustion enemy!
Tiger Cage Planet, a chap ... The entire earth has filled alarmed cracks, these cracks are dense and numerous, covers this stars, resembles momentarily can collapse.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1324: The agreement of tiger firm star! ( First ) In Seventh Mountain and Sea, along with spreading of Meng Hao words, these if originally did not have vitality cultivator, presented the bright glow gradually, even there is a breathing even more rapidly.They are looking at Meng Hao, before Meng Hao extinguished killed the alien race that strikes, at this moment reappeared gradually in their mind, in addition the Meng Hao words, let the names of this place all cultivator mind reacted, in mind even more intense.„Dao Senior!!”Meng Hao displays, divulges with its words, told all people, his present strength, but this strength, in the Mountains and Seas Plane war, will play the important role.These cultivator do not understand too, is not willing to consider that 33 days of terrifying strength, they in the despair, any root straw, can make them hold stubbornly.If at this moment, their lit the hope, to them, such as Meng Hao such cultivator, already was the Mountains and Seas Plane person of peak, such person has not lost the hope, lost the confidence, he said that to these Seventh Mountain and Sea cultivator, they believes!„Fights this character, is our Mountains and Seas Plane says, then this time makes war ... It is not 33 days fights us, but is we ... Fights these 33 days!”„Holds these 33 days, lets our Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator, can gain ground, sees the genuine starry sky!” When Meng Hao sound reverberation, these Seventh Mountain and Sea cultivator, vision even more is bright.But this, but also is far from enough, Meng Hao is looking at them, his heart, raised suddenly a crazy thought that he understands that he sees, is far from an exceptional case, thinks that in present Mountains and Seas Plane, in any mountain and sea, has such train of thought to reappear in numerous mountain and sea cultivator heart.Perhaps degree of performance varies, some people can suppress to change to the murderous intention, some shiver loses Fighting Intent frightened, if so. Then war ... Perhaps did not have the hope.Meng Hao from clearly becomes aware since this war difficult that moment, he also understood a truth, the war ... Needs the hero, same does not need the hero!Reason that needs the hero. That is because of needing a spirit!And does not need, that is because ... A person, is unable to win a war, even if were better than once Jiufeng Paragon, same was ... The country broken in the mountains and rivers.War. What need is the unity, but a nationality, needs also unites!Only then unites, only then mountain and sea cultivation own rising, only then the dreadfulness of that mental, ... Let Mountains and Seas Plane, erupts indomitably, pledges to fight to the death to run out of 33 days of imposing manners and strengths!„I need to handle a matter ...” Meng Hao muttered in a soft voice, he every so often, has not regarded himself the Mountains and Seas Plane master truly. He always thought that he is the host of future Mountains and Seas Plane."Mungkin, saya membuat kesalahan... Jika tidak ada masa depan, tidak memiliki Tuhan gunung dan laut..." Cahaya dalam Meng Hao, di Ghost ini, cahaya halus dodges, dia memperoleh tanah, terlihat di langit berbintang daratan hari pertama, dalam pikirannya gila itu berpikir bahwa saat ini bahkan lebih intens. Perasaan terdalam meng Hao bernafas secara mendalam, apa pun yang ini pemikiran ferments ketika berubah pikiran, sekitar, sudah dengan Yuwen Jian. Bergerak menuju Planet kandang harimau.Nya di belakang, ketujuh gunung ini dan beralih laut, yang jelas lebih dari sebelum Roh, mereka menatap kembali Meng Hao, dalam hati mereka, gumpalan api muncul pada saat ini. Pencahayaan perlahan-lahan.Dapat dibayangkan, jika api ini dapat menyebar, ketika seluruh pegunungan dan laut pesawat elastis dengan beralih, api perasaan terdalam terbakar, akan menyebabkan seluruh pegunungan dan pesawat laut, di mengamuk api, baik luka bakar diri sendiri, baik pembakaran musuh!Harimau kandang Planet, seorang pria... Seluruh bumi telah mengisi celah-celah yang khawatir, keretakan ini padat dan mencakup banyak, ini bintang, menyerupai sejenak bisa runtuh.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
# 1324: Kesepakatan bintang tegas harimau! (Pertama)

Dalam Ketujuh gunung dan laut, bersama dengan menyebarkan kata-kata Meng Hao, ini jika awalnya tidak memiliki vitalitas kultivator, disajikan cahaya terang secara bertahap, bahkan ada bernapas lebih cepat.
Mereka melihat Meng Hao, sebelum Meng Hao dipadamkan membunuh ras alien yang menyerang, saat ini muncul kembali secara bertahap dalam pikiran mereka, selain kata-kata Meng Hao, biarkan nama-nama tempat ini semua pikiran pembudidaya bereaksi, dalam pikiran bahkan lebih intens.
"Dao Senior !!"
Meng Hao display, divulges dengan kata-kata yang, mengatakan semua orang, kekuatannya ini, namun kekuatan ini, dalam perang Gunung dan Laut Pesawat, akan memainkan peran penting.
kultivator ini tidak mengerti juga, tidak bersedia untuk mempertimbangkan bahwa 33 hari menakutkan kekuatan, mereka dalam keputusasaan, setiap jerami root, bisa membuat mereka terus keras kepala.
Jika pada saat ini, mereka menyalakan harapan, untuk mereka, seperti Meng Hao kultivator tersebut, sudah merupakan Gunung dan Laut Pesawat orang dari puncak, orang tersebut belum kehilangan harapan, kehilangan kepercayaan diri, dia mengatakan bahwa untuk ini Seventh Mountain dan Sea kultivator, mereka percaya!
"Perkelahian karakter ini, adalah Gunung dan Laut Pesawat kata, maka kali ini membuat perang ... Hal ini tidak 33 hari perkelahian kami, tapi kami ... perkelahian 33 hari ini! "
" Gelar 33 hari ini, memungkinkan Mountains dan Seas Pesawat kultivator, bisa mendapatkan tanah, melihat langit berbintang asli! "Ketika Meng Hao terdengar gema, ini Seventh Mountain dan kultivator laut, visi yang lebih cerah.
tapi ini, tetapi juga jauh dari cukup, Meng Hao adalah melihat mereka, hatinya, mengangkat tiba-tiba sebuah pikiran gila bahwa ia memahami bahwa ia melihat, jauh dari kasus yang luar biasa, berpikir bahwa di masa sekarang gunung dan laut Pesawat, dalam setiap gunung dan laut, memiliki kereta seperti diduga muncul kembali di berbagai gunung dan hati pembudidaya laut.
Mungkin tingkat kinerja bervariasi, beberapa orang dapat menekan untuk mengubah niat membunuh, beberapa menggigil kehilangan Melawan Intent takut, jika demikian. Kemudian perang ... Mungkin tidak memiliki harapan.
Meng Hao dari jelas menjadi sadar sejak perang ini sulit saat itu, ia juga memahami kebenaran, perang ... Kebutuhan pahlawan, yang sama tidak perlu pahlawan!
Alasan yang perlu pahlawan. Itu karena membutuhkan semangat!
Dan tidak perlu, yang karena ... Seseorang, tidak dapat memenangkan perang, bahkan jika itu lebih baik dari sekali Jiufeng Paragon, yang sama adalah ... Negara rusak di pegunungan dan sungai.
Perang. Apa kebutuhan adalah kesatuan, tetapi kebangsaan, kebutuhan juga menyatukan!
Hanya kemudian menyatukan, hanya kemudian gunung dan laut budidaya memiliki meningkat, hanya maka dreadfulness itu mental, ... Mari Gunung dan Laut Pesawat, meletus indomitably, berjanji untuk memerangi kematian kehabisan 33 hari memaksakan sopan santun dan kekuatan!
"saya perlu menangani suatu hal ..." Meng Hao bergumam dengan suara lembut, ia sering sekali, belum menganggap dirinya master Gunung dan Laut Pesawat benar-benar . Dia selalu berpikir bahwa ia adalah tuan rumah dari Pegunungan masa depan dan Seas Plane.
"Mungkin, saya membuat kesalahan ... Jika tidak ada masa depan, tidak memiliki Lord of the Mountain and Sea ..." Cahaya di Meng Hao, dalam hal ini berkedip, dodges cahaya baik, dia mendapatkan tanah, terlihat di langit berbintang daratan hari pertama, dalam pikirannya bahwa berpikir gila yang saat ini bahkan lebih intens. Perasaan terdalam Meng Hao bernafas dalam-dalam, apa pun pikiran ini fermentasi ketika pikiran, berbalik, sudah dengan Yuwen Jian. Bergerak ke arah Tiger Cage Planet.
Balik-Nya, ini Seventh Mountain dan Sea kultivator, yang jelas lebih dari sebelumnya roh, mereka menatap Meng Hao kembali, di dalam hati mereka, seuntai api muncul saat ini. Apakah pencahayaan perlahan.
Dibayangkan, jika nyala api ini dapat menyebar, ketika seluruh Gunung dan Laut Pesawat kultivator, api perasaan terdalam yang terbakar, akan menyebabkan seluruh Gunung dan Laut Pesawat, dalam api mengamuk, baik luka bakar diri, baik musuh pembakaran!
Tiger Cage Planet, chap ... Seluruh bumi telah mengisi celah kaget, retakan ini padat dan banyak, meliputi bintang ini, menyerupai sejenak bisa runtuh.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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