Indie Intros: Ron Howard’s ‘Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore and Death…’by frie terjemahan - Indie Intros: Ron Howard’s ‘Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore and Death…’by frie Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Indie Intros: Ron Howard’s ‘Cards,

Indie Intros: Ron Howard’s ‘Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore and Death…’
by friendlyneighborhoodfilm
Some people are just born to be filmmakers, I guess.

It's common for a child to want to pick up a camera. I remember my father filming every Christmas at the house. He would simply set our VHS camcorder onto a tripod and let the thing roll, totally static, no need to get tricky. I always wanted to get my hands on that camera, but my father wouldn't let me even touch the remote to our TV let alone a camcorder. Still I often wonder if I had the foresight to do anything worthwhile with it. I mean, I was only a kid. Still, had I been able to get my hands on that camera, the world might have had a video record of The Great War of 1986: Greyskull vs. Cobra.

One thing I can guarantee is my film probably wouldn't have been as good as "Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore and Death..." by a young Ron Howard.

By the time Howard had begun shooting this film he was already well established as child TV star. Shot in 1969, The Andy Griffith Show had already wrapped and he was taking roles on Gunsmoke.

I'm not going to pretend like "Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore and Death..." is some sort of amateur masterpiece by a fifteen-year-old phenom. It looks pretty much like what I kid that age would shoot if you gave him an 8mm camera. Still, it's clear that he possesses some early film skills that aren't common at that age that I would like to acknowledge.

The film centers around three kids dressed in western attire reenacting the famous saloon poker game. In one particularly high stakes hand, one kid lays down his cards and attempts to celebrate an early victory before another player stops him and lays down a stronger hand. Being ever suspicious (or just a sore loser), the first player calls the other a cheat and shoots him in the chest. The third player, played by a young Clint Howard who looks pretty much the same as he does now, decides he having none of it and proceeds to shoot the first player. It all seems like Clint has come out the victor till a kid in a black hat shoots him from behind because he hates gambling or is just an asshole. What we're left with is a gory scene of bodies and blood-soaked poker chips.

Some of the interesting things to not e about this film is how Howard uses some fundamental film techniques to tell his story. The opening shot is your standard establishing shot, a close up of the poker chips as we tilt up to a shot of the first player. It's elementary, but advanced for a fifteen year old and a better opening than some indie films I've seen from much older. The rest of the shot is done in one take as it pans to the second player, then back down to the chips, then to a bottle that we see the third player take a drink from and finally back to first player who shoves some chips into the stack. What results is a kind of tracking shot that introduces the characters by their interactions with the props.

The first cut we see is the smiling face of the first player as he is certain he has the best hand.

The special effects are clearly lo fi, but effective. To be honest, when the players are shot, I still can't tell if the actors are in control of the blood or someone is shooting them with a water gun filled with red liquid from off-screen. I want to say the latter, since Clint Howard is shot in the back and doesn't seem to be at an angle to spray himself.

The film ends with a shot of a lone poker chip lying in a pool of blood, which, even in its simplicity, is pretty cool final shot that symbolizes what the whole film is about.

I got to give it up to Ron Howard for releasing this film. It was apparently a bonus feature on the special edition DVD release of The Missing. It's rare to see a filmmaker of Howard's status to release their very early work, which is a shame because I believe aspiring filmmakers can learn a lot from them, even if they're horrible
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Indie Intros: Ron Howard’s ‘Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore and Death…’by friendlyneighborhoodfilmSome people are just born to be filmmakers, I guess.It's common for a child to want to pick up a camera. I remember my father filming every Christmas at the house. He would simply set our VHS camcorder onto a tripod and let the thing roll, totally static, no need to get tricky. I always wanted to get my hands on that camera, but my father wouldn't let me even touch the remote to our TV let alone a camcorder. Still I often wonder if I had the foresight to do anything worthwhile with it. I mean, I was only a kid. Still, had I been able to get my hands on that camera, the world might have had a video record of The Great War of 1986: Greyskull vs. Cobra.One thing I can guarantee is my film probably wouldn't have been as good as "Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore and Death..." by a young Ron Howard.By the time Howard had begun shooting this film he was already well established as child TV star. Shot in 1969, The Andy Griffith Show had already wrapped and he was taking roles on Gunsmoke.I'm not going to pretend like "Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore and Death..." is some sort of amateur masterpiece by a fifteen-year-old phenom. It looks pretty much like what I kid that age would shoot if you gave him an 8mm camera. Still, it's clear that he possesses some early film skills that aren't common at that age that I would like to acknowledge.
The film centers around three kids dressed in western attire reenacting the famous saloon poker game. In one particularly high stakes hand, one kid lays down his cards and attempts to celebrate an early victory before another player stops him and lays down a stronger hand. Being ever suspicious (or just a sore loser), the first player calls the other a cheat and shoots him in the chest. The third player, played by a young Clint Howard who looks pretty much the same as he does now, decides he having none of it and proceeds to shoot the first player. It all seems like Clint has come out the victor till a kid in a black hat shoots him from behind because he hates gambling or is just an asshole. What we're left with is a gory scene of bodies and blood-soaked poker chips.

Some of the interesting things to not e about this film is how Howard uses some fundamental film techniques to tell his story. The opening shot is your standard establishing shot, a close up of the poker chips as we tilt up to a shot of the first player. It's elementary, but advanced for a fifteen year old and a better opening than some indie films I've seen from much older. The rest of the shot is done in one take as it pans to the second player, then back down to the chips, then to a bottle that we see the third player take a drink from and finally back to first player who shoves some chips into the stack. What results is a kind of tracking shot that introduces the characters by their interactions with the props.

The first cut we see is the smiling face of the first player as he is certain he has the best hand.

The special effects are clearly lo fi, but effective. To be honest, when the players are shot, I still can't tell if the actors are in control of the blood or someone is shooting them with a water gun filled with red liquid from off-screen. I want to say the latter, since Clint Howard is shot in the back and doesn't seem to be at an angle to spray himself.

The film ends with a shot of a lone poker chip lying in a pool of blood, which, even in its simplicity, is pretty cool final shot that symbolizes what the whole film is about.

I got to give it up to Ron Howard for releasing this film. It was apparently a bonus feature on the special edition DVD release of The Missing. It's rare to see a filmmaker of Howard's status to release their very early work, which is a shame because I believe aspiring filmmakers can learn a lot from them, even if they're horrible
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Indie intro: Ron Howard 'Kartu, Cads, Senjata, Gore dan Kematian ...'
oleh friendlyneighborhoodfilm
Beberapa orang hanya dilahirkan untuk menjadi pembuat film, saya kira. Ini umum bagi seorang anak untuk ingin mengambil kamera. Saya ingat ayah saya syuting setiap Natal di rumah. Dia hanya akan mengatur camcorder VHS kami ke tripod dan membiarkan hal roll, benar-benar statis, tidak perlu rumit. Saya selalu ingin mendapatkan tangan saya pada kamera itu, tapi ayah saya tidak akan membiarkan saya bahkan menyentuh remote untuk TV kami apalagi camcorder. Masih saya sering bertanya-tanya apakah saya memiliki keinginan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berharga dengan itu. Maksudku, aku hanya seorang anak. Namun, saya telah mampu untuk mendapatkan tangan saya pada kamera itu, dunia mungkin telah memiliki rekam video dari The Great War 1986:. Greyskull vs Cobra Satu hal yang saya dapat menjamin adalah film saya mungkin tidak akan pernah sebagus sebagai "Kartu, Cads, Senjata, Gore dan Death ..." oleh muda Ron Howard. Pada saat Howard mulai syuting film ini ia sudah mapan sebagai bintang TV anak. Ditembak di tahun 1969, The Andy Griffith Show sudah dibungkus dan ia mengambil peran pada Gunsmoke. Saya tidak akan berpura-pura seperti "Kartu, Cads, Senjata, Gore dan Death ..." adalah semacam karya amatir oleh lima belas fenomena ruang individu-tua. Ini terlihat cukup banyak seperti apa yang saya anak usia akan menembak jika Anda memberinya kamera 8mm. Namun, itu jelas bahwa ia memiliki beberapa keterampilan Film awal yang tidak umum pada usia yang saya ingin mengakui. Film ini berpusat di sekitar tiga anak mengenakan pakaian barat menghidupkan kembali permainan saloon poker terkenal. Dalam satu sangat tinggi taruhannya tangan, satu anak meletakkan kartunya dan upaya untuk merayakan kemenangan awal sebelum pemain lain berhenti dia dan meletakkan tangan kuat. Menjadi pernah curiga (atau hanya pecundang sakit), pemain pertama menyebut lainnya cheat dan menembaknya di dada. Pemain ketiga, dimainkan oleh muda Clint Howard yang terlihat hampir sama seperti yang dilakukannya sekarang, memutuskan dia tidak mau tahu dan hasil untuk menembak pemain pertama. Semuanya tampak seperti Clint telah keluar pemenang sampai anak-anak dalam topi hitam menembaknya dari belakang karena ia membenci judi atau hanya bajingan. Apa yang kami pergi dengan adegan berdarah dari tubuh dan darah-basah chip poker. Beberapa hal yang menarik untuk tidak e tentang film ini adalah bagaimana Howard menggunakan beberapa teknik film yang mendasar untuk menceritakan kisahnya. Tembakan pembukaan standar membangun tembakan Anda, dekat dari chip poker seperti yang kita memiringkan hingga tembakan dari pemain pertama. Ini dasar, tapi maju untuk berusia lima belas tahun dan pembukaan lebih baik daripada beberapa film indie yang pernah kulihat dari jauh lebih tua. Sisa tembakan dilakukan dalam satu waktu seperti panci untuk pemain kedua, kemudian kembali ke chip, kemudian botol yang kita lihat pemain ketiga mengambil minuman dari dan akhirnya kembali ke pemain pertama yang Sorong beberapa chip ke dalam tumpukan. Hasilnya adalah jenis pelacakan tembakan yang memperkenalkan karakter dengan interaksi mereka dengan alat peraga. Pertama potong yang kita lihat adalah wajah tersenyum pemain pertama karena ia yakin ia memiliki tangan terbaik. Efek khusus yang jelas lo fi, tapi efektif. Jujur, ketika pemain ditembak, saya masih tidak bisa mengatakan jika aktor berada dalam kendali darah atau seseorang menembak mereka dengan senapan air yang penuh dengan cairan merah dari off-screen. Saya ingin mengatakan yang terakhir, karena Clint Howard ditembak di belakang dan tampaknya tidak berada di sudut untuk menyemprot dirinya. Film berakhir dengan tembakan dari chip poker tunggal berbaring dalam genangan darah, yang, bahkan dalam kesederhanaannya, ditembak akhir keren yang melambangkan apa yang seluruh film adalah tentang. Aku harus menyerah kepada Ron Howard untuk merilis film ini. Itu tampaknya fitur bonus pada edisi khusus DVD rilis Hilang. Sangat jarang untuk melihat seorang pembuat film status Howard untuk merilis karya awal mereka, yang merupakan rasa malu karena saya percaya calon pembuat film bisa belajar banyak dari mereka, bahkan jika mereka mengerikan

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